
Summary: Little faith will bring your soul to Heaven, but, great faith will bring Heaven to your soul. Worship has a way of doing this. Let’s see why!


When’s the last time, God quickened your pulse! I mean, the moment you walked through the doors of the knew YOU were IN the presence of God!

Worship is the only vehicle that brings ones soul into the Throne Room of the ALMIGHTY.

There has never been a greater King that followed David than King Hezekiah. Through his reign came the greatest period of Revival.

Hezekiah led the greatest return to God ever recorded. But it wasn’t always a successful journey!

Hezekiah invited the children of God to Worship. Let’s examine the aspects of it.

Main Division

I. The Call To Worship (1-5)

II. The Condition Of Worship (6-20)

III. The Consequecnes Of Worship (21-27)

Conclusion: Worship sends our souls to Heaven!

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