
Summary: How many of you have ever felt unworthy, like you just aren’t good enough? I’m here to tell you that you are enough in Christ Jesus!

How many of you have ever felt like you just aren’t good enough? Like you are unworthy or like God can’t use you? I believe all of us have felt like that at some point or another. But today I came to tell you that you are enough. Turn with me to Genesis 1:26-28 and also I want you to bookmark Psalm 139:13-17 because we’re going to read both passages together. The Bible tells us that God created the heavens and the earth. He made the trees, the grass, all the herbs, etc. He saw that it was good. But there was something missing. Human beings. God made us in His image- in His likeness. He gave us authority in the earth - not authority to abuse- but authority to care for all the other things in the earth. Also he gave us the authority to use all of his creation in order to survive.

Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you are not loved. God loves you so much that he created you with a purpose. Before you were even properly formed in your mother’s womb, God’s love already covered you. Ecclesiastes 11:5 says, “As thou knowest not what is the way of the Spirit nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all.” Children of God, you are important. Before you were anything to anyone on earth, you were someone special to God and you still are. You are important. You are made in his image, for his purpose, and for his glory. There is no one else exactly like you. You are unique. Each time you look in the mirror, you should say, “Praise God!” So many times we see ourselves in the mirror and doubt creeps in. We say things like, “Why is my nose so big?” or “Why are my lips so thin?” But I need you to understand the mirror is a liar. You were perfectly made. Wonderfully and fearfully made in God’s image. Don’t let doubt in. God loves you. You are his creation.

But we must remain humble. We have to recognize that we are nothing without the power of the Holy Spirit. We are useless on our own. Our identity is in Christ Jesus. All glory to God! That’s why we must know our talents and gifts. We want the Father to be glorified in our lives. If we are not walking in our God-given purpose then we are not glorifying God. We have to stay in his will. We are not our own, but we are his. It’s not about us. It’s all about him. Glory to God! We find that in Psalm 115:1. So be careful to be humble in all your ways. When we start to understand our identity in Christ, we will walk with our heads held high (not in pride as the heathens do) with joy in knowing that we serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

My brothers and sisters, you are enough in Christ Jesus! You are wonderfully and fearfully made. But if you don’t know Jesus, then there’s no way to even grasp the message today. If you don’t understand the identity in Christ that I am speaking of, then I invite you to talk with God. Cry out to the Lord! The word of God says in Romans 10:9-10 that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord then He is faithful and just to save you. Talk to Him. Ask Jesus in your heart today.

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