
Summary: Share that many of us are going much faster and doing far more than Christ would have us do. We need to slow down!

7. Many of you, you are carrying the burdens on your own and you’re not sharing with anyone. “I can handle it. I can handle it.” No, you can’t handle it all. You weren’t designed to.

8.Do you want to fulfill the law of Christ? If so, here is what scripture says. Galatians 6:2 “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

9.We may be able to share our load and delegate some things out but we must also understand that….

II. Some things need to be stopped.

A.Could it be that you are doing way too much?

1.Think for a moment, if you will, and ask yourself, “How would you fill in this blank?” If only I had more time, I would … _____.

2.I don’t know what it would be for you. “If only I had more time, I would spend time with my children. If only I had more time, I would serve in the church. If only I had more time, I would go and help teach or coach some kids so I could pour into their life. If only I had more time …” I don’t know what it would be for you, but there may be some value that God has put in your heart that you’re not doing because you don’t have enough time.

3.And I am going to tell you right now, that is a cop out, because you do have time. You are choosing to put other things in that time. You are choosing what is lesser rather than what is better. You make the choice. You, have time for what you choose to have time for. You do.

4. The challenge is: so many of us are doing what is expected out of a very sick culture, instead of doing what is right and what is better. I mean, I could talk on this for an hour. What our culture calls normal is totally insane. Let me ask you this. What do your actions communicate that you value?

5.I believe what our culture’s actions communicate that we value today is time away from God.

6.Sleeping in on Sunday mornings is very desirable. Skipping that boring church to play golf or watch the big game is really what many want to do. Praying, reading or going to a church service is viewed by most as un-desirable, as boring and as a time waster.

7.Some things need to be stopped. Some things simply get in the way of our relationship with God. We have placed the things of the world above God.

8.Some things need to be stopped, and I don’t know what those things are for you, because they are going to be totally different for you than they will be for me. Here is what scripture says. Psalms 46:10, the Bible says to be what? The Bible says to, “Be still.” ………….

9.It’s awkward, isn’t it? Like, say something. Do something. Don’t just be still. Don’t be quiet. It’s awkward. “Be still, and know that I am God.” The reason many of us as believers, don’t experience the fresh wind of God, the presence of His Spirit in our life is because we don’t have time for Him.

10. You say He is important, but your actions communicate otherwise. Be still. The Hebrew word is the word raphah (rah-faw’), and here’s what it means. It means to slacken. It means to allow to sink. It means to let drop. The modern translation is, drop it. Drop it. Drop it, and know that I am God. Drop it. There are some things that need to be dropped, some things that need to be stopped. Stop doing some things and, and invest your life in the places that will last, the places that will matter. Drop it.

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