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  • When Jesus Stopped: For Zacchaeus

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Sep 3, 2017
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    We need to overcome what obstacles in our lives that might hinder us from seeking and seeing Jesus.

    WHEN JESUS STOPPED: FOR ZACCHAEUS INTRO TO TOPIC: QUOTE: Leonard Ravenhill: “There was a time when people came to church to meet with God. Now they come to church to sing songs and hear stories about Him.” Do we believe that Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever? (Hebrews 13:8). “1 A more

  • How To Enjoy Life- Dealing With Conflict Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Apr 21, 2024
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    This is the 195th sermon in the series "Action". This is the 3rd sermon from Philippians.

    Series: Action [#195] HOW TO ENJOY LIFE- DEALING WITH CONFLICT Philippians 2:1-8 Introduction: One of the greatest hindrances to enjoying life is conflict in our relationships. How do you deal with conflict? Unity is key to having a fulfilling and enjoyable life. Very little is accomplished more

  • The Visitation

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Dec 12, 2014
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     | 1,280 views today

    In today’s passage you will see the impactful visitation and meeting of two prophetically conceived women. Their meeting is nothing out of the ordinary. Their conversation is no gossip but spirit-filled ...

    Opening illustration: Think about which person/people’s visit to your home or life have impacted you immensely. Whenever this family we knew in the Middle East visited us, brought joy and impacted our lives. Their daughter who was around 7-8 years old and was diagnosed with down-syndrome more

  • Renewed, Refreshed, And Revived

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Oct 7, 2018
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    This sermon looks at what it is going to take to become renewed, refreshed, and revived in our soul and spirit. We look at our need to find rest in Jesus, be renewed in our minds, and find godly fellowship

    Renewed, Refreshed, and Revived A customer wrote a letter of complaint to a company he had bought a knife from. He said that as he used his new knife it had gotten dull, and he had expected that it would last a long time. The company responded, “It will. Sharpen it and try it again.” No matter more

  • Full Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Jun 20, 2020
    based on 4 ratings
     | 968 views today

    This is the 14th sermon in the Action Series. This series began during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Series: Action [#14] FULL? Acts 6:8-15 Introduction: On this Father’s Day, what the Body of Christ needs and what the world needs is men of God who will live like Jesus and lead like Jesus. I want to ask each of you a question; but before I do, I want to say, “Don’t think dirty thoughts when I more

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