Summary: A New Years Eve message looking at Today.

Start with e.ssentials video “Word on the Street have you made any resolutions?”

Well, we’re a week into it, how’s the New Year going for you? You doing all right with the entire resolution thing? How many people made resolutions for the New Year? It’s tough isn’t it? I mean it’s easy to find things that you need to change, especially if you are married but then to actually change those things, that’s what’s tough.

Maybe it would be a little easier if we were to give up on the hard stuff and make a resolution list that is easier to keep. It’s gotta be hard on the self esteem to make those lists every January and by February know that you haven’t kept even one of them. So here we go with Denn’s Top Ten New Years Resolutions for 2006

# 10 Gain More Weight

# 9 Exercise Less

#8 Procrastinate More

#7 Repeat More Stories

#6 Spend More Time Riding My Motorcycle

#5 Get in a Whole New Rut

#4 Eat Out More

#3 Repeat More Stories

#2 Worry More

#1 Start Padding More Sermons with Top 10 Lists

Seriously, we don’t make resolution lists like that because we want to change our life for the better in the New Year right? We want to be thinner and fitter, we want to know that we are doing better things with our lives and making a difference in the world and being a better parent or spouse. And so even if we don’t keep our resolutions, for a little while we are actually intent on becoming a better, thinner, fitter person.

I’ve actually come to the realization that I’m not overweight I’m under tall. So my top resolution is to become taller this year.

So why don’t we keep our resolutions? We start off so well, all excited about how we are going to change and the better person we are going to be. We watch what we eat, make the weight watcher meetings, weigh everything and write it down. We go to the gym three times a week splitting our work-out between cardio and weights. We don’t give into the desire for a smoke or a drink, we worry less, we hug more and the world seems to be a better place because of all our efforts.

But then something happens and we miss a day at the gym, we yell at the kids, get hunger pangs and eat a deep fried pony and then we think “I’ve blown it, I just can’t do this, why bother?” So we light a smoke, have a drink and quit.

You been there? Do you know what I’m talking about? How do we become better people and take our resolutions from pie in the sky to reality?

I think the answer comes from a couple of different places. The first is the answer to the age old question “How do you eat an elephant?” The answer being of course “one bite at a time.” And then to go to the scripture that Sajonna read for us earlier. It spoke of not bragging about the future, in fact it sums things up in James 4:14 How do you know what will happen tomorrow? For your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.

What I’m talking about is the Power Of Today. You see when we look at the entire future it becomes daunting. Can I eat this way for the rest of my life? Can I go to the gym for another thirty years? Can I go for the next 20 years without a drink or a smoke? How long can I be nice or faithful or whatever it is that I’m trying to be?

And you can’t even imagine that because you are looking at the entire elephant instead of the piece that’s on your fork right now.

Can you keep your resolution for the next 24 hours? Actually you’re probably going to sleep for 8 of those hours so can you do it for the next 16 hours. Let’s not think about tomorrow or the next day or next week or next year. When you walk out of this church today will you be able to keep your resolution until you go to bed tonight? That’s not so tough is it? That’s The Power of Today.

Now I am in no way preaching that we shouldn’t dream about what could be, the building that we are worshipping in today is evidence of the power of a dream. But don’t miss today because you are so focused on tomorrow.

There are a couple of things that need to be recognized as we move ahead into 2006. The first is we need to acknowledge that Life Is Uncertain. For all the knowledge we have, the future is still uncertain. One of my favourite philosophers said “It’s hard to make predictions, especially about the future.” Yogi Berra. And that’s evidenced by the statement attributed to Thomas Watson then Chairman of IBM who is reputed to have said in 1945 “I think there’s a world market for about five computers.” Or Ken Olsen (President of Digital Equipment Corporation) who commented at the Convention of the World Future Society in 1977 “There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home.”

Even the people who are supposed to know about the future have a tough time calling it.

This past week in Bad Reichenhall in Germany 15 people died when the skating rink they were in collapsed, in Tallmansville, West Virginia 12 miners died following an explosion in the coal mine they were working in. And I would expect that every one of those people got up in the morning figuring they had the rest of their lives before them, and they were right.

Jesus tells a story in Luke chapter 12, about a farmer who had it all, life had treated him good and he was basking in his success. Why not tell it in Jesus words he does it much better then me. Luke 12:17-20 In fact, his barns were full to overflowing. So he said, ‘I know! I’ll tear down my barns and build bigger ones. Then I’ll have room enough to store everything. And I’ll sit back and say to myself, My friend, you have enough stored away for years to come. Now take it easy! Eat, drink, and be merry!’ “But God said to him, ‘You fool! You will die this very night. Then who will get it all?’

Everyday people die and for the most part it comes unexpectedly. I remember talking to a friend who had lost a Grand Parent who was in their 90’s and the comment was made, “It was so unexpected.” I asked if they were healthy and I received a litany of medical problems the person had, but it was still a surprise. Even at an advanced age death is usually a surprise. It shouldn’t be but it is.

It was Pablo Picasso who said “Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.”

If you are going to do it, then start it today because you might not have a tomorrow, and if you do you don’t know what it might hold. Did you have any plans that were put on hold when we were interrupted by Hurricane Juan, or White Juan? Have you had things you were going to do next month, except next month came and you were unemployed or sick or too busy.

Remember you will never finish anything tomorrow that you didn’t start today. So what is it that you want to change in your life? How do you want your life to be different in 2006? The time to start is today January 8 2006. When you leave here today you are ready to start whatever it is that will change your life. Don’t wait until tomorrow.

It doesn’t matter if it’s weight you have to lose, exercise you need to start, a habit you want to quit or a habit you want to begin remember the Power of Today.

The second thought to remember is that God is in Control. You see tomorrow doesn’t belong to us, it belongs to God. Once when I was a young preacher of 26 or so I was in a discussion with the vice-chairman of the church board in Truro where I was pastoring at the time. I forget what we were talking about, but knowing me I was probably casting the vision for the new church we were going to build. And Roy stopped me and told me a story. It seems that a man was taking his cow to market when he happened along an acquaintance on the road. His friend asked, “Where are you going?’’ to which came the reply “I’m taking my cow to market to sell.” “You mean you’re taking your cow to market to sell, God willing.”

“No said the first man, I’m taking my cow to market to sell.”

And he stalked off down the road with his bovine. Before he got to town however the man was accosted by thieves, he was beaten and his cow was stolen. And he was limping along, tattered and torn, making his way back to his farm he came upon his friend who once again asked “Where are you going?” To which the man replied, “Home, God willing.”

Let’s go back to the scripture that Sajonna read earlier James 4:15 What you ought to say is, “If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that” If you are a Christian, a Christ follower then you have to understand that you are not supposed to be in control, God is supposed to be in control. So as you work on that list of things you want to change make sure you put God in it.

In most cases it’s not a problem, God probably would like to see less of you in a physically way and more of you spiritually. Kind of interesting in the bible fasting, that is giving up food for a period of time, is often connected to praying. So you take that time and energy that you would spend eating and instead you spend it praying.

God would like you to gain control over habits and addictions after all if something is more important to you then God is then it is an idol.

On the other hand God may not necessarily be in agreement with you spending less time with your family and more time chasing the almighty dollar. After all the biggest idol in most peoples lives is contained in their wallets.

So for today what is it that God would have you do. Most of us know the Lord’s prayer, most of us can say it by heart but do we actually hear what we are saying? Especially the part about “Your will be done.” Whose will be done? God’s will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

So for today what is it that God would have you do and who is it that God would have you be? And once you have figured that out then you need to be able to say with the Angel Gabriel in Luke 1:37 “For nothing is impossible with God.” Do you believe that this morning? Read it with me, what is impossible for God? What is impossible for God?

Can you agree with Paul in Philippians 4:13 For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need. Read it with me. What can you do with the help of Christ this morning?

Listen to the word of God today Psalm 95:6-7 Come, let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the Lord our maker, for he is our God. We are the people he watches over, the sheep under his care. Oh, that you would listen to his voice today!

So can you believe that God is in Control, just for today.

The third thing to remember is The Choice is Still Yours The greatest gift God has given you is your free will, your opportunity to choose between right and wrong. He didn’t create you a robot to be programmed to do only the good things, when it comes right down to where the rubber meets the road it’s your choice. You will choose to lift that fork to your mouth, light that cigarette or take that drink. It will be your choice as to whether or not you go to the gym or stay home, what websites you visit and what movies you watch.

You will decide to spend more quality time with God and with your family. You will make up your mind to read your bible and pray more, that’s your choice. When Joshua led the people of Israel into the Promised Land he challenged them by offering them a choice; would they follow the idols and false gods of those around them or would they follow the true God and then he said in Joshua 24:15 Choose today whom you will serve.

The challenge is still there on January 8 2006. Choose today whom you will serve, choose today what you will serve.

Today you are at the perfect age to make your resolutions a reality. Because today you are older and wiser then you were yesterday and you are younger then you will be tomorrow.

What are your resolutions for 2006, how do you want to become a better person for tomorrow, start that today. Realize that tomorrow is uncertain, that God is in control and he wants you to win but that you have the choice. Nobody else can or will decide for you, they might want to and you might want them to but it is up to you, today. Don’t wait.

Can you make the right choices, just for today?

Maybe you are sitting there thinking “But God is not in control of my life Denn, I don’t know Jesus personally so how can he help me?” Listen to the word of God 2 Corinthians 6:2 For God says, “At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation, I helped you.” Indeed, God is ready to help you right now. Today is the day of salvation.”

Today is your day. Today you can ask God to forgive your sins and live in your life and he will do it today. And it is that simple to start a relationship with Jesus Christ. You acknowledge that fact that you need his forgiveness and you ask for it.

Are you ready to do that, today?

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