Summary: So many christians today try to have both God and the world---this sermon warns of the dangers of trying to have it both ways---presented in country style !!!

Sermon---Are we Christians or Chameleons ???

by Pastor Kenneth Burisek

The Ole’ Country Church

Medford, Wisconsin

Romans 12:2


Chameleon---a lizard that changes color---a tree-dwelling lizard with long thin legs---a strong curled tail---a long sticky tongue---and the ability to change color---native to---Africa and Madagascar---Family Chamaeleonidae !!!


Maybe yer thinkin’ to yerself---this sermon ain’t gonna be about me---I ain’t no tree dwellin’ lizzard with a sticky tongue---I don’t have me a curled tail or live up in a tree !!!


Sorry ta bust yer bubble folks---but that ain’t the definition we’re usin’ today---there’s an entirely different definition for the word Chameleon !!!


Chameleon---somebody who is changeable---somebody who frequently and rapidly changes their personality or appearance !!!


How many folks do you know who have a Chameleon-like ability to just blend right into their surroundings ???


How many Christian folks do you know who are God’s gift to the church on Sunday---and are the Devil’s right hand man the rest

of the week ???


Come Sunday mornin’ thar’ all gussied up in thar’ Sunday best---carryin’ thar bible in one hand and holdin’ thar halo on

with the other.


When thar’ in church thar’ just one step below the angels of heaven---spoutin’ scripture and shountin’ Hal-le-lu-eah !!!


I’m tellin’ ya---these folks are so perfect they even put the Pharisees ta shame !!!


But these same---bible spoutin’---Holier than thou Christians seem to evaporate off the face of the earth the minute they step out-a the door of the church.


These same fine folks have the ability to change themselves into the form or lifestyle of whoever they come in contact with.


How many ever saw the movie "The Thing" ???


It was a movie about this alien creature found in the Antarctic that somehow could take over the body of another living creature just by comin’ in contact with it---and they become identicle to the one it took over !!!


Thar’s christian folks today who seem to have a similar ability to become identicle with whoever is around them---they blend into their surroundings just like a Chameleon..


When thar’ in church---they’re the perfect christians---praising and worshipping God with their lips.


Those same folks---as soon as they are out in the world commence to driftin’ around---til they come in contact with another life form.


Instead of setting an example of Christianity for those around them---they become fearful of not fitting in---and suddenly those same lips that were filled with beautiful praises to the Lord in church---are now filled with the curses and lies of this world !!!


The Bible sums it up in Matthew 23:27-28---"How terrible it will be for you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees---Hypocrites!--- You are like whitewashed tombs---beautiful on the outside but filled on the inside with dead people’s bones and all sorts of impurity---You try to look like upright people outwardly---but inside your hearts are filled with hypocrisy and lawlessness.


The world today and even many so-called christians would have us believe that we can have it both ways.



We can live for God on Sunday and live like the world the rest of the week---and everything’s OK--we can live in a sinful lifestyle and still call ourselves christians !!!


The Bible paints a different picture in Galatians 6:7-9 where it says---Don’t be misled---Remember that you can’t ignore God and get away with it---you will always harvest what you sow---those who live only to satisfy their own sinful desires will harvest the consequences of decay and death---but those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit---so don’t get tired of doing what is good---don’t get discouraged and give up---for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time.


Even back in the early church---the Apostle Paul had to deal with people tryin’ ta have it both ways.


Revelation 3:15-16 says---"I know all the things you do---that you are neither hot nor cold---I wish you were one or the other!---but since you are like lukewarm water---I will vomit you out of my mouth!


According to the word of God---nothing sickens God worse than when us human folks try to have it both ways.


God says He’d rather have us totally for Him or totally against Him---but this middle of the road Christianity sickens God to the point of vomiting.


In other words---don’t claim to love God with one breath and curse Him with the next.



Don’t claim to love God and continue to indulge in sexual pleasures outside the bonds of marriage !!!


Don’t claim to love God and live a sinful and worldly lifestyle !!!


I Thessalonians 5:21-22 says..............Prove all things---hold fast that which is good----abstain from all appearance of evil.


Even if somethin’ in our life just looks bad---if there is anything in our life that harms our christian testimony in any way---get out

of it !!!---stop it !!!---leave it !!!---do it today !!!---do it now !!!---make it right with God !!!


John 14:15 tells it like it is---"If ye love me---keep my commandments."


As belevers in Christ we are not to be like the world---we are not to be like Chameleons blending into our surroundings---we are to be different---even though we still live in this world---there is to be a distinct seperation---we are to stand up and be counted for Christ in everything that we do !!!


Matthew 10:33 says---But if anyone denies me here on earth, I will deny that person before my Father in heaven.


Anytime we are with our friends or our family or our co-workers we are to reflect our love of Christ---we are to take a stand on what is right and what is truth !!!





When we hear others putting down the things of God or talking about sinful lifestyles or maybe they’re telling a dirty joke---do we take a stand for God’s truth ???---or do we remain silent because we have this intense desire to fit in and be accepted !!!


We become Chameleons---blending into our surroundings---yet even if we ourselves don’t participate---our very silence can send them the wrong message---that we are accepting what they are doing and what they are saying by not speaking out against it !!!


II Corithians 6:17 says---Therefore, come out from them and separate yourselves from them---says the Lord---don’t touch their filthy things---and I will welcome you.


Romans 12:2 tells it this way---Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world---but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think---then you will know what God wants you to do---and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect His will really is.


Any time we give in to the temptations of this world to fit in---we are putting our walk with the Lord at risk !!!


It’s always easier to blend in to the world---than to live by Biblical principles.


We might say to ourselves---how can we stand up for God’s truth ??? ---they won’t listen to us !!!





I Corinthians 1:18 says--"I know very well how foolish the message of the cross sounds to those who are on the road to destruction--but we who are being saved recognize this message as the very power of God."


We might say to ourselves---my friends will laugh at me if I tell them they are doing something wrong !!!


I can tell you this right now---they might laugh at you---they might even hate you---but that will never change the fact that what you are saying is the truth !!!


Matthew 13:13 says it like this---And everyone will hate you because of your allegiance to me---but those who endure to the end will be saved.


John 8:32 tells us---And ye shall know the truth---and the truth shall make you free !!!


I got news for every one here today who has decided to follow Christ---you chose the toughest road---not the easy one.


Matthew 7:13-14 says this---"You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate---the highway to hell is broad---and its gate is wide for the many who choose the easy way---but the gateway to life is small---and the road is narrow---and only a few ever find it.


The way to hell is paved with the good intentions of men---I would have !!!---I could have !!!---if only !!!---I know it’s wrong BUT....!!!




While the human race is busy making excuses---the bible tells us this in Isaiah 5:14---"Therefore hell hath enlarged herself---and opened her mouth without measure....................."


The key to staying on the narrow way that leads to Heaven may be as simple as our choice of the very friends we associate with !!!


Psalms 1:1-5 tells it like this---"Oh---the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked---or stand around with sinners---or join in with scoffers---but they delight in doing everything the Lord wants---day and night they think about his law---they are like trees planted along the riverbank---bearing fruit each season without fail---their leaves never wither---and in all they do---they prosper---but this is not true of the wicked---they are like worthless chaff---scattered by the wind---they will be condemned at the time of judgment---sinners will have no place among the godly."


When we give our lives to Christ---our thinking---even our very thought pattern is now led by the Holy Spirit !!


Worry is replaced with faith---suspicion is replaced by trust and sorrow will be replaced by joy.


Phillipians 4:6 says---“Don’t worry about anything---instead---pray about everything---tell God what you need---and thank him for all he has done..”


Our own selfish and self-centered ideas will be replaced with righteousness and truth !!!




Put the things of God as your priority in life---meditate and memorize God’s word and you will see just how it will lift your spirits and boost your faith.


God says in Matthew 6:33---"But seek ye first the kingdom of God---and his righteousness---and all these things shall be added

unto you."


Spend time in God’s word---spend time in prayer---commit your ways to the Lord and He will then direct and prosper your life.


If we don’t put the Lord first---we can be sure that the world will lead us on the path of self-destruction and doom !!!


The secular-humanist thinking of today says---“I can do all things through me!”


In other words---man can solve his own problems with no help from any kind of Supreme being !!!


The Bible on the other hand tells us in Phillipians 4:13---"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."


We need to listen to the voice of God and no longer listen to the negative influences of the world.


Let’s each ask ourselves---are we listening to the right voices and influences in our lives ???


In Proverbs 15:22 it says---“Plans fail for lack of counsel---but with many godly advisers they succeed.”


We all need to have wise counselors in our lives---those who can help us to not only find the right path in life--but to help us stay on that path as well !!!


James 1:22-23 says---"And remember---it is a message to obey---not just to listen to---If you don’t obey---you are only fooling yourself---For if you just listen and don’t obey---it is like looking at your face in a mirror but doing nothing to improve your appearance..”


Now lets all be honest here---the first time we look at ourselves in the mirror in the morning can be quite a shocking experience !!! Amen !!!


What would people think of us if we did nothing to improve how we looked---what if we left our beard all skuzzy---didn’t wash our face---or didn’t even bother to comb our hair !!!


What kind of impression would we make on others if we

did that ???


That’s kind-a what our lives look like when we have sin messin’ things up---and we don’t do anything to fix it !!!


People who know what is right and then don’t do what is right---are guilty of sin---according to God’s word !!!


In other words---it does us no good just to know God’s truth---we also must obey God’s truth in every area of our lives !!!


As believers---our joy is found in the Lord---not in the world---only when our will becomes HIS will can we find true satisfaction.


So lets each ask ourselves a question this morning ---this past week---were we Chameleons---camoflauging our Christianity---trying to fit in---or were we true followers of Christ---trying to make a difference for the Kingdom of God ???


Closing Prayer