Summary: Keep your eyes on the prize. The prize is Jesus the Christ. No matter how hard the road becomes, keep your eyes on Jesus the Christ.

Looking at the world of athletics, I see many young people training daily with dreams of becoming a professional athlete. Whether it’s in football, baseball, basketball, tennis, figure skating, boxing, or whatever the sport, they know that they must train diligently and must be consistent in keeping their eyes on the prize.

The trainers of these young athletes had many duties and responsibilities. The trainers spend hours upon hours drilling into the heads of these athletes’ words and phrases of encouragement that will help develop them mentally for the task at hand.

Some of the things spoken are, “You’re not weak but strong,” or “Only the strong survives the weak shall die,” “Mercy is only for the weak,” or “You’re made of steel and nothing can penetrate you. Such verbal cliché’s are used to motivate the athletes to strive for perfection and to give them the “mental edge.”

The astronauts that was lost in the space shuttle Challenger had to go through years of rigorous training. They had to make sure that their bodies were physically fit to stand the force of gravity pressing against their bodies as they were launched from the launching pad. In order for the space shuttle to break free from the earth’s pull, it must reach a speed of 12,500 miles an hour.

Looking at the mathematics side of it, it seems as if the space shuttle Challenger was traveling 5.5 times faster than a bullet shot from an RK-7 assault rifle. So I know the trainers of NASA had to diligently prepare the astronauts for the journey.

Another responsibility of the trainer is to also make sure that their athletes are eating proper foods and the proper amounts. They must consume the proper amount of carbohydrates daily to help sustain their strength during the training process.

I have to add a footnote here and smile because my wife always has me checking the calories on everything she’s buys because she says that she must lose all of this weight. I said baby if you keep going with this diet like you’re going, you’ll be so small that I will have to call 911 for missing persons. I need to be able to see you and feel you sometime.

A trainer must also make sure that their athletes are getting the proper rest. The human body needs rest. Even Jesus had to rest. If you look at Mark 6:31,32, Jesus was showing us how important rest is because He and his disciples and got on a boat to get away from the crowds. The man was tired and he needed rest. He had to “steal away for a little while.”

As a Missionary, you got to be fueled up for service. You can’t serve God if you’re dead tired. You must get rest.

If we look in Genesis 2:2-3 (NIV) it says “ By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. 3 And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.” So we see it is appropriate to get rest.

We need to rest before our bodies make us rest. If you keep on going like a machine, not getting rest or the proper nourishment, either the hospital will be working on you or your Pastor will be preaching your funeral. You got to get rest.

Now if God tells you to do a task and you are tired, He will give you the strength that you need to do the job. But make sure that it’s His will and not yours.

When I did my initial sermon in October, I was preaching with a bad cold I thought. I went to work the next day sick as a dog. I was so sick that I wasn’t able to work an entire day. I called my wife and told her I was driving myself to the emergency room at the hospital.

The doctor examined me and told me it was a good thing that I came in when I did because I had the stage two of pneumonia. I said to my wife who was standing there, I’m sure am glad I was able to preach my initial sermon yesterday. The doctor turned and looks as if though to say, “ He didn’t do that.” My wife says to him “oh yes my husband did preach on yesterday. The doctor looked as though we were not telling the truth. Like the song writer wrote, “There is no secret what God can…what He did for others He will surely do for you.

God told me that if I had have known that I had pneumonia, I would have asked the Pastor to postpone it for another Sunday: but however, He wanted to show me just a small sample of what he was capable of if you are obedient and trust Him.

Like the scripture says in Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all you heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.

Once the athletes have completed their training and are physically fit, they are now ready to compete to see who will win or who will lose the race.

As missionaries, your too must train, but your training is somewhat different from those of athletes. But before the training process can begin, you must fully know whom you are training for and what you are training for.

As the American Heritage Dictionary defines a missionary, it says, “It is a person doing religious or charitable work in a foreign country.”

So we can say that a Missionary is one who does a service or work for a specific religious duty. Let me tie this thing in with what the Bible says. I know a man that set the stage for all missionaries for all time. That man is Jesus. He came to be of service to man. The Bible says “For even the son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

You must be groomed into the mindset of service. You’re not in this thing to be seen. Some Missionaries only want to work when someone is watching. You’re working for Him and not for them! Missionary work is not easy, but it’s an honor that God has ordained for you to do. He picked up His Holy Ghost phone and called you. He could have chosen someone else. I think about the song that says Savior, please do not pass me by.

Don’t take the job lightly because the duties and responsibilities of a Missionary are many.

Missionaries are to visit the sick and shut in, help with the communion service, help people in need in the community, and to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ through witnessing, testifying, and participating in the worship service. Wherever there is a need, Missionaries have a mission.

Missionaries also must be “War Ready.” While you’re out doing the service for the Lord, you’re on the battlefield. I’m not talking about the battlefield for fighting against Sadamm Hussein or Osama Benladin, but I’m talking about this spiritual war we’re fighting that’s not carnal. You’re dealing with spirits of high places that hates God and anyone or anything associated with God.

The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 10:4 that “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal (which means not of this world). It is so sad to say that many Christians fail to understand this principle. So much time and effort is wasted because we resort to using “fleshy” means to fight spiritual problems. If you are going to run your race properly, you must be fit for the battle. You must have a battle plan. Just give 5 minutes.

As a Missionary, you are going to be facing and dealing with saved and unsaved people. You’re going to be working with people that are in church and those that are not in church. Now don’t let the adversary lie to you to give you the misconception that everybody in church is in Christ. No, the devil is a liar, and the truth ain’t in him. The Bible calls him the “father of all lies.”

I strongly believe that his telling lies caused him to get kicked out of heaven. Let me explain. He had told so many lies to the other angles in heaven that he started believing them himself. He thought that if he could wage a war large enough in heaven that he could defeat God.

Now since God is the Creator of everything in heaven and earth, and is omnipotent (means all power), omnipresent (means can be everywhere at the same time), and omniscient ( having all knowledge). Now common sense would tell me there is no way I can win against this man. His lies and arrogance had clouded his vision.

Sin causes a “cloud to mentally and physically blind you.” Sin causes you to see optical and mental illusions. Illusions are things seen with the eyes or seen in the mind that really aren’t there or true. He’s a subliminal seducer. He always works in a cloud because one of his crafts is deception. When things are cloudy you really can’t see it until you’re up on it. And when you do get up on it, it’s usually too late and the Devil says, “I finally got you. It took a little time, but I got you. That’s how He works.

He didn’t want to accept the position that God had assigned him. He wanted to be God. He was attempting to operate outside of his given authority and God had to show him who was in charge.

If the truth must be told, we have some members in churches right now that are trying to work outside of their given authority. I know we don’t have any in this one. It’s those churches that way over on the other side of town. As my grandmamma Lilly use to say, “way over yonder.”

Your battle plan comes in several tactical units. I’m not going to hold you long. My momma always taught me, don’t over stay your welcome, know when to exit! I’m only going to talk about that good soldier; which is you, the Missionary.

Missionaries are soldiers for Christ. I like calling them the Crusaders for Christ. There are 4 principles that I want to share briefly.

Principle One – Endurance:

Missionaries must have an attitude of perseverance. You must accept the fact that suffering hardships and difficulties is part of warfare. You must be determined to go through no matter what. Paul said that the life of a Christian was not promised to be an easy one and we must have a plan and purpose. When times get hard and the adversary attacks, we must be steadfast, diligent, and keep our focus.

Paul says it clearly: the Christian life takes hard work, self denial, and grueling preparation. Christian life was never promised as an easy way to live. Just looking at self-denial, you got to be willing to put aside your program for God.

Some Christians will find every excuse to keep from giving God service. For an example:

I can’t go to prayer meeting because Macys got a one day sale and I got to go and get me that new red dress that’s 50% off.

I can’t make it over to the hospital to pray for Sis. Wilson because my coworker is having a retirement affair at Martin’s West, and I’m the mistress of ceremony.

Oh that’s right, Missionary Meeting is this Friday evening, but child I already paid my $35.00 to catch the bus to go to Atlantic City. I can hand out some tracts while I’m on the bus and I’ll take up a collection for the bus driver. I’ll be at the next meeting. You must keep your priorities in order. You have to deny yourself of the things that you want to do, and you must stay focused!

I like Missionaries that have their priorities in order. Number one, to please God. For an example:

Child, I heard that Sis. Wilson was in the hospital and she was wanting some grapes. Meet me over there with the others on the team because I’m stopping by Giants and get some grapes. Oh by the way, don’t forget to take her a love offering.

Hello Mary, I just wanted to call to let you know that I won’t be able to make it to Macy’s with you for the sale because I have another obligation at church that just came up.

You must keep your priorities in order and keep your focus!

Basic training can be hard on new recruits, but the goal is to make them tough and hard. 2 Timothy 2:3 (NIV) says “Endure hardship like a good soldier.

As I read that verse, I thought of Jesus Christ. There are a lot of Christians always complaining about every little thing. Child I just don’t know how I’m going to make it on my job. The Negroes and negroettes just get on my last nerve. They just don’t like me, my hair just won’t curl right, …everytime I make one step, I falling back five. I know they’re talking about me, but just wait until I get to them on the parking lot, I’m going to give them a piece of my mind.

My God, those are just little BB shots that the adversary is throwing at us compared to what Jesus Christ had to sustain. Jesus was taking missiles and atomic bombs from the adversary day in and day out. I think you got the right ticket, but you’re riding the wrong train.

Principle Two – Exuberance:

Missionaries, you must develop some exuberance, or power. You must build up muscle, develop strength, and condition the mind and body. Ephesians 6:10 says “God’s army is to be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. All of the Missionaries who plan to take on tearing down Satan’s kingdom, had better build themselves up and empower themselves spiritually beforehand.

Principle Three – Compliance:

Missionaries must be obedient to their commanding officer and do whatever that officer commands; so therefore, good Missionaries must be obedient. Christ is our commanding officer. He is referred to as the “Captain of our Salvation.”

In Joshua 5:13 – 15 Joshua was about to attack Jericho, an angelic being met with him. He asked this angel if he was for him or was he for his enemies? The angel said to him I’m not here for neither, but was sent as a commander of the Lord. Joshua fell to his face to the ground in reverence and asked the angel what message does the Lord have for his servant? The angel said to him “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy.” Joshua was obedient and did so. Joshua realized who the real leader of his army was and obeyed.

The commander of the flock of this house is your Pastor. You must be obedient to the commander. In Hebrews 13:17(NIV): this is what it says about your Pastor:

“ Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you.”

Since he is getting his orders directly from God, and he is the messenger from God to you; so therefore, when you are not following the instructions from your Pastor, you are directly disobeying God. The Bible says that obedience is better than sacrifice. Disobedience to God carries a heavy price.

Principle Four - Attendance:

A good Missionary must attend to the business of the war and be focused on winning the battle. Paul was telling Timothy that a good soldier wants to please his commanding officer and we as Christians should want to please our commanding officer which is Christ Jesus. We cannot involve ourselves with anything that will take our focus off the business of tearing down the kingdom of Satan.

Soldiers cannot afford to have divided loyalties or a divided focus, for then they are double-minded. A double-minded person is unstable, and an unstable person is an undependable soldier.

In James 1:7,8 (NIV) the bible says “That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.

This kind of soldier will not be vigilant, not ready for attack against the enemy-the devil, will not have his heart in the fight, and will soon be called an AWOL – Away Without Leave, deserting the good soldiers in the heat of the battle.

Missionaries, when you’re out there in the trenches doing the work that the Lord has ordained you to do, you need someone that’s going to be there to watch your back.

I know that sometimes your friends can’t be there for you, but keep on running and keep your eyes on the prize. I know the road gets rough sometimes, but keep on running and keep your eyes on the prize.

Whenever you get discouraged…………I know a man that has the encouragement that you need. He’s the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, He’s the bridge over troubled water, He’s a heart fixer, and a mind regulator, He’s a lawyer in the court room, He’s a surgeon in the operating room, He is the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords, He’s is a shelter from a mighty storm, He is the God of grace, He is the one who sustains you, He is Jehovah Jireh – the Lord will provide, He is Jehovah Nissi – the Lord is my banner, He is Jehovah Shalom – the Lord that sends peace, He is Jehovah Shammah – means the Lord is there, He is Jehovah Tsidkenu – the Lord of righteousness…. And this is my favorite…. Him who is able to keep you from falling…..

Missionaries, when you’re at a point and you don’t think you can make, don’t take my word for it, try Him for yourself. Go into your prayer closet, close the door, face the wall, and start praying. You see I looked at what God did for Hezekiah when he faced the wall and prayed. “Father, I’m down here. I’m in a rough situation and I can’t see my through. It seems a though my back is up against the wall and there’s no way out. Father, I’m trusting on you to bring me out and I’m just hold on to your unchanging hand. Father, help me Father, Please.

Once you have said your Amen, get up off of your knees and start praising God. I’m not talking about any old kind of praise, but I’m talking about the “halal and the “yadah” praises. Halal and yadah are Hebrew words for praise.

The “Halal” praise is found in the Old Testament more than 160 times and it means to make a show, boast, to rave, to celebrate, to be bright, and to glory in it. It is the source of “Hallelujah”, a Hebrew expression of praise. This where you brag about the goodness of God.

The “Yadah” praise means to give thanks to the Lord and praise. It is a verb important to the language of worship and is found 120 times in the Old Testament. This praise is a weapon used against our spiritual enemy – the devil. This is the kind of praise that is done when you are about to face the devil in spiritual combat.

You’re ready for the race now. You have finished your basic training, you now have power and strength in the Word of God. Now you understand the principles of being obedient to your Commander in Chief which is your Pastor. Being obedient to him is being obedient to God.

Now you as missionaries, are fully equipped to go into the enemy’s camp and take back whatever he stole from you. If joy is what he stole, take it back, if peace is what he stole, take it back. If it’s friendships, take it back. If it’s your husband, take it back, if He stole your wife, march on into the enemy’s camp and say devil I’m coming in to take back what you stole from me. I have the Father, The Son and the Holy Ghost. Say yes!!!!

Your attendance check says that you passed. Now you’re ready to run this race. Get on your mark, get set, ready…. Go. You’re running for the Father, you’re running for the Son, and you’re running for the Holy Ghost. Keep on running and keep your eyes on the prize.

And once the race is over, you can say: I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day – and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for His appearing.