Summary: First in a series on dealing with Stress in your life. All the sermons come from Psalm 23. God’s Antidote For Worry.

How to Deal With Worry

We begin a new series today I’m calling Stressbusters. We’re going to look at seven sources of stress and see how you can successfully deal with them. Our text for this series is the 23rd Psalm.

The first cause of stress we are going to look at is Worry. We all have pet worries: finances, jobs, relationships, kids, health issues, etc. But there are three problems with worry. Worry is unhelpful, it’s unreasonable and it’s unhealthy.

It’s unhelpful because it never accomplishes anything, worry does not solve the problem. Worry cannot change the past. It cannot control the future. It can only make us miserable today. It is unhelpful.

It’s unreasonable. It magnifies the problem. It makes mountains out of molehills. Worry makes your problems seem bigger then they really are. To worry about something you can’t change is useless. To worry about something you can change is stupid – just go ahead and change it. Worry is unreasonable.

Worry is unhealthy. The body is not made for worry. Worry can cause ulcers, backaches, headaches, insomnia. It’s unnatural. Plants and animals don’t worry. The only thing in creation that worries is people. The old English word for worry means “to strangle” or “to choke”. Worry is not natural and it’s unhealthy.

What Is God’s Antidote For Worry?

Believe God will TAKE CARE OF ME.

Let’s look at Psalm 23 verse one.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalms 23:1 (NKJV)

If I really believe that God is going to take care of me, I’m not going to worry. I’m going to trust in God for all my needs. David called God his shepherd. What do shepherds do?

1. A shepherd PROVIDES. Food, shelter, the basic necessities.

2. A shepherd PROTECTS. Against enemy attacks.

3. A shepherd GUIDES. Leads when you don’t know the path.

4. A shepherd GATHERS. When we head in the wrong direction.

The amazing thing is that God promised to do these four things in your life if you’ll trust Him. He says, “I’ll provide for you. I’ll protect you. I’ll guide you. I’ll gather you to my side if you’ll let me be your shepherd. Look at what it says in Isaiah 40:11.

He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs with His arm, And carry them in His bosom, And gently lead those who are with young. Isaiah 40:11 (NKJV)

Philippians 4:19 gets even more specific.

And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19 (HCSB)

Circle the word will. The verse doesn’t say might – doesn’t say I’ll think about it – it says He will. He’s either going to supply my needs or He is a liar.

God says “I will meet all your needs.” What does all include? Doctor payments? Mortgage payments? Spiritual needs? Financial needs? Relational needs? Yes – everything.

Worry is not only unhelpful, unreasonable, unhealthy – but it’s unnecessary if Jesus is your shepherd. Any time you worry you’re acting like an atheist. In essence you are saying: God is not going to take care of my needs. I don’t think He can. I don’t think He’s big enough – in fact I’m not sure He is even there. The antidote for worry though is make God your shepherd.

How Do I Make God My Shepherd?

God is not the Shepherd for everybody. He’s only the Shepherd of those who let Him be the Shepherd.

Here is what we all need to do.

Accept Jesus as my LORD.

The Lord is my shepherd; Psalms 23:1a (NKJV)

The Lord does not become your shepherd automatically. You have to ask Him to be your shepherd. You have to ask Him to be your Lord. What does it mean to be Lord? It means to be in control. Lord simply means to be in charge. Today instead of Lord we might say, the boss, the manager, the owner. Lord means under His control. The person on top calling the shots.

Jesus is Lord of your life when you put Him in control. If He’s not calling the shots in your life – He is not your Lord. If He’s not Lord in your life – He is not your shepherd. Because Lord means Shepherd.

In John chapter 10 Jesus says that three things happen when you make Jesus your Shepherd. You hear His voice – you have a relationship with Him – and you follow Him. In other words you put Him in control.

My sheep hear My voice, I know them, and they follow Me. John 10:27 (HCSB)

All worry is about is a control issue. Who is really in control? Worry is nothing more then trying to control what you can’t control - trying to control the uncontrollable. Worry is a warning light that you have not put God in control.

Who’s in control of your life? God gives you the option. He doesn’t force Himself in anyone’s life. You have two options – either you can be in control of your life or you can let God be in control of your life. God doesn’t co-pilot. If you’re in control of your life you are playing God. Every time you try to take complete control of your life – you are going to worry – because worry is a control issue.

If you’re running your own life without having God in control you aught to worry. Because there are things in your life that you will never control. But if God is running your life and He’s the Lord of your life – you should not worry. The Lord is your Shepherd. What you should do is:

Begin Praying About EVERYTHING.

What should you start praying about? Start praying about the things you have been worrying about. If we prayed about the things we worried about we would have a lot less time to worry. Worry doesn’t change things – prayer does. Worry is stewing without doing. Prayer puts you in contact with the One who can change the things you can’t. Whenever a problem arises I have two options – I can panic or I can pray.

Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Philippians 4:6 (MSG)

Cast all your care upon Him, because He cares about you. 1 Peter 5:7

Cast means to unload. Let go. The Greek word literally means to drop. Unload it. Earlier in the week when I first looked at this verse I though it said to throw my worries away. That is not what this verse says. It says I am to unload it. But notice where I unload it. “On Him”. We place all of our cares and worries on Him – because He cares about you. It doesn’t mean that are worries go away – what this means is that we give them to Jesus and He takes care of them.

Listen to this e-mail I received right before Christmas:

Good morning Pastor Tom, hope your week is going well. I was home last night while Mary was at Lidia’s Circle, listening to one of our new CDs and my mind began to think about where we are today compared to last year at Christmas. Last year, Mary had no job. This year she has a good job with the state with the same benefits. Last year, we had a house payment that was more than my take-home pay, this year we have a great home in town that we can afford. Last year, besides our Grandkids and step-son, Satan was living in our house causing stress, anger and discontentment. This year Jesus lives in our heart. Last year we had a small family, who could only do so much to help us through the trying times. This year we have a new Church family who has been there to support us and pray for us in our time of need. Last year, we did not have time to go to church. This year we do not have enough time to go to all of the services, at BFC and others that we want to. And last year we had no shepherd to watch over us. This year we have two, God above and you down here on earth. We have been blessed this year beyond belief. We now serve an awesome God. We have so much to do for the Lord in the coming year. I am sure next year will bring many new challenges, happy and sad times and much joy. At this Christmas season, I want to thank you and wish you the best Holiday time you and your family have ever had. God Bless. Richard.

When you put your faith in God – He still works miracles.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalms 23:1 (NKJV)

There is a second thing you do if you want to deal with worry.

Consider One Day AT A TIME.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Matthew 6:34 (NKJV)

God will take care of tomorrow – trust Him for today. Don’t open your umbrella until it starts raining. Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. When you worry you don’t change yesterday, you can’t control tomorrow, and you mess up today with worrying. The future can seem overwhelming. Therefore, trust God in small bites. Live for Him today. Notice how Jesus prayed:

Give us this day our daily bread. Matthew 6:11 (NKJV)

Overcoming worry is a day by day choice. There is no pill you can take to stop worrying. There is no seminar, book or tape that will make you stop worrying. God’s antidote for worry is to put Him in control of you life.

I invite you to take the first step by opening up your life to Jesus Christ if you have never done so. Ask Him to become your Lord – your boss – your manager – your shepherd. I don’t know what you’re worried about today – but I do know this – God loves you and He cares about the stress in your life. Can you say this today? The Lord is my shepherd. (Read emphasizing different words) The LORD is my shepherd. There is only one Lord, all the others are fakes. The Lord IS my Shepherd. Not might be, not could be, not may be – can you say with certainty that Jesus IS my shepherd. When you can say that and mean it, you’re going to stop worrying. Don’t carry that burden one more second. Ask Jesus to be your shepherd. If you have never accepted Jesus as your Lord – pray this prayer with me.

Jesus I don’t understand it all, but I’ve come today to put you in charge of my life. I want you to be my shepherd – my manager – my boss – my Lord. I want to know You. I want to listen to You. I want to follow you. I want you in control of my life. Come into my life and take control. Amen.

*Sermon starter idea from; Rick Warren