Summary: How should a Christian stand when dealing with political issues.

Series: America, Bless God

Sermon Title: Do all to Stand

Sunday, October 23, 2004

Intro: “the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do”

We have now reached the point when political debates deal essentially with the most fundamental matters of right and wrong, life and death, true and false, and are therefore incapable of being solved by negotiation and compromise.

- People feel very strongly on many issues such as: Economic policy, taxation, natural resources and the criminal justice system

o Nevertheless, our political process allows for considerable give and take in dealing with these issues, and, in the end, our political structures are generally able to find some ground for compromise, even on these contentious issues.

- When it comes to abortion, homosexuality, marriage, and the deep questions of morality, compromise fails as a means of settling disputes and reaching a political resolution.

o Take abortion, for example. While the pro-abortion side reduces the issue to liberation for women and freedom from unwanted pregnancy, pro-life advocates begin with the non-negotiable premise that human life is sacred from the moment of conception until natural death. For both sides, compromise is anathema.

o The same pattern of intractable controversy and irresolvable division is encountered in debates over same-sex marriage, the normalization of homosexuality, and a host of issues from embryonic stem-cell research to euthanasia.

Compromise simply isn’t an option for real Christians.

The determination needed from Christians is a constant, it isn’t only an “election year” conviction.

Let’s look at the nature of this conflict and get a picture of what is really going on in our culture today:

Text: Ephesians 6:10-13 NKJV Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Ephesians 5:15 CEV Act like people with good sense and not like fools. 16 These are evil times, so make every minute count. 17 Don’t be stupid. Instead, find out what the Lord wants you to do.

I. This is a Spiritual battle

a. Spiritual war for the hearts of man

I spent the better part of the last two days working on installing a new steel door to the outside entrance to my basement. The original door was a security nightmare. The lock was worthless and half the door was glass. Any one with intend for harm could have been in my house in seconds. What difference did it make if we locked the front door with a door like this only a few feet away.

i. If we forget that this is a spiritual battle at it’s core, we loose the power from God we need more than anything.

1. We are not fighting against human enemies.

2. We are fighting against spiritual forces.

3. WE are fighting against the powers set against everything that even has a hint of God. For Satan can’t stand anything remotely just.

ii. The “Culture war” is a “Spiritual war” because it is a battle for the hearts and minds of people. That makes it spiritual.

b. Children are the easiest target

Abraham L. “The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.”

i. Satan knows this and is committed to take children captive.

Why? Because, as lesbian author Patricia Nell Warren wrote in 1995: “Whoever captures the kids owns the future.”

ii. Instead of promoting a radical social agenda, pray and demand that our sons and daughters will receive an education focusing on traditional subjects and Judeo- Christian values.

Following are some samples of hostility to religious expression, as provided in the Liberty Legal Institute report:

A 12-year-old elementary school student was reprimanded by a public school in St. Louis, Missouri, for quietly saying a prayer before lunch in the school cafeteria, according to a federal lawsuit.

Public high school students in Massachusetts started a Bible club and tried to hand out candy canes with a biblical passage attached. The school suspended the students for distributing the candy canes.

A public school sixth grader in Boulder, Colorado, tried to complete her book report assignment by presenting the Bible, but was forbidden from doing so by her teacher. She was also forbidden from bringing the Bible to school.

II. Do all to stand

Tim Lahaye “Today we have almost been silenced by anti-Christian forces claiming that we are trying to impose moral values on this rampant decadence. The truth is that they tried to impose their immoral values on us. They are generally doing a better job of corrupting society than we are of cleansing it. May God help us become the restraining influence we should be on a corrupt world.”

This is about influencing the world for Christ

a. Be the Salt of the earth

i. Christians are the key to the transformation of the culture. As He prepared His disciples for their worldwide ministry, Jesus told them, “You are the salt of the earth . . . the light of the world” (Matt. 5:13-16). This pronouncement includes a strong cultural mandate.

ii. Salt has two significant functions.

1. It serves to prevent decay

a. Few substances work better than salt in preventing decay. Even today, a little warm salt water can heal many skin infections faster than antibacterial salves.

b. However, salt can only perform this preservative function if it comes in contact with the decay. As long as it remains in the saltshaker, it will not disinfect or preserve anything.

2. It adds flavor

a. Without salt, many foods are almost too bland to enjoy.

b. The analogy is obvious. The Christian brings a saltiness to the world that makes life more enjoyable. The Christian life and lifestyle leads to happier, healthier, more content people. It brings the blessing of God on any people (Prov. 14:34).

iii. Of course, the most important thing we can do is evangelize. People converted by the Holy Spirit have an internal guide to direct them.

iv. But there are two problems with this remedy for the culture.

1. First, even converted people still sin

2. Second, all people are not going to accept Christ as Savior, and some of them are going to choose lifestyles and support a culture that does not honor God. That’s the way of the sinful nature.

b. Engage the culture

i. Here is an interesting story from the Bible.

The city gates were the central place of all commerce, law, news, religion and politics.

It could be said that, “Who ever controls the gate, controls the city.”

Absalom’s Revolt and David’s Flight (15:1–18)

He went boldly up to the city gate (where legal matters were settled) and acted as if he were the only one in Israel who was genuinely interested in the welfare of the people. He practically accused his father of failure to provide adequate legal aid and said that if he were king, the people would receive the justice they deserved. He courted the favor of people from the city gates. (the gates were vital in leading the people.)

The gates were the seat of authority. The Assembly of the Elders were to seat at the gates and settle legal cases. God was to be the central influence of all that happened at the city gate.

Psalm 107: 31 KJV Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! 32Let them exalt him also in the congregation of the people, and praise him in the assembly of the elders.

c. Influence Politics

i. Some argue against bringing your faith into public office.

ii. This is just stupid! Not only do we have the right to do so, we have the responsibility to do so.

iii. Of course they will say this, that doesn’t make it true.

iv. Should Christians speak out and try to influence our nation on these issues? God’s people in the Bible often spoke about ethical issues to government rulers.

1. Daniel told the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar to practice "righteousness" and to show "mercy to the oppressed" (Dan. 4:27);

2. Obadiah (to Edom),

3. Jonah & Nahum (to Nineveh, capital city of Assyria)

4. John the Baptist confronted Herod for marrying wife of his half-brother Philip, making him guilty of adultery.

5. Paul spoke to the Roman governor Felix "about righteousness and self-control and the coming judgment" (Acts 24:25).

III. Accept Personal responsibility

a. Every vote has Power

Invariably, there are people who don’t think their one vote will make a difference. There is great power in one vote. Consider these facts from history:

In 1645, one vote gave Oliver Cromwell control of England.

In 1776, one vote gave America the English language instead of German.

In 1868, one vote saved President Andrew Johnson from impeachment.

In 1875, one vote changed France from a monarchy to a republic.

In 1876, one vote in the Electoral College gave Rutherford B. Hayes the Presidency of the United States.

In 1911, one vote per precinct passed woman suffrage in California.

In 1923, one vote gave Adolph Hitler leadership of the Nazi Party.

In 1960, Richard Nixon lost the presidential election and John F. Kennedy won it by a margin of less than one vote per precinct.

In 1968, Hubert Humphrey lost, and Richard Nixon won the presidential election by a margin of fewer than three votes per precinct

In the year 2000, four million evangelicals did not go to the polls?" he asked.

25 million Christians of various stripes -- Catholics, mainline, other perspectives -- did not register and did not vote?

b. WE are given a great “Talent”

i. None of us would neglect to thank God for this nation.

1. But not only is the USA a gift to Americans and our future generations, it has been a gift to the world.

2. Key in missions and evangelism.

3. We (Christians have been given this great “Gift” in fact maybe “Gift” is not the correct word. I think that “Talent” would be a better word.

4. What if instead of God giving a individuals his “talent” to sow and reap a harvest, God has given a group a talent. A talent that we find ourselves equally responsible to cherish, sow and reap a great harvest for the King.

c. If culture can be changed toward evil, if can changed for good.

i. The laws of a nation have a significant influence on the nation’s moral climate, for good or for evil. This is because laws can either restrain evil or encourage it.

ii. While it is certainly true that government cannot change the culture by itself, it is also true that it can encourage and assist cultural transformation by promoting good behavior and thought and by providing an atmosphere that encourages positive cultural engagement.

iii. Paul tells us that God ordained government ( Rom.13:1-2) for He knew that humanity would need to establish laws to guide life in a fallen world.

iv. Government is intended by God to promote good and punish evil ( Rom.13:3-5).

Example of bad government influence: Organizations like Planned Parenthood perform abortions world wide and up until 2000 we paid for them with tax-payer’s money.

Example of good government influence:

October 13, 2004

Faith-Based Effort Attacks Child Sex Tourism

by Steve Jordahl, correspondent

Government and a nonprofit group join forces to stop the repulsive trade.

World Vision, the State Department and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are teaming up to catch Americans who travel abroad to sexually abuse children. The Child Sex Tourism Prevention Project aims to find the abusers and prosecute them under U.S. law.

The campaign is being launched in the U.S., Cambodia, Costa Rica and Thailand; it’s the result of a faith-based grant from the State Department to World Vision.

As part of the effort, the coalition has developed an ad—featuring a child saying, "I am not a tourist attraction. It’s a crime to make me one"—which is showing up on international flights.

Joe Mettimano, child protection policy adviser for World Vision, said the ad is part of an effort using a variety of media.

"We’re doing that through billboards," he said. "We have advertisements on CNN, signs in-country, in-flight video on airlines and a number of other avenues."

The purpose of the campaign is to make Americans aware that they could face up to 30 years in prison if they travel to a foreign country and have sex with a minor.

"It’s estimated that there are currently 2 million children that are enslaved in the global commercial sex trade," Mettimano said. "Some of these kids, including both boys and girls, are as young as 5 years old."

World Vision is also gathering the names of perpetrators and passing them on to Immigration and Customs Enforcement, according to ICE spokeswoman Jamie Zuieback.

"Essentially, we are putting our law enforcement muscle behind their good efforts to help stop child sex tourism overseas," Zuieback said.

ICE has offices in 52 countries and works very closely with international law enforcement.

"The odds of getting caught are better than they’ve ever been," Zuieback said. "There is tremendous international cooperation. We have much stronger law enforcement ’teeth’ than we’ve had in the past."

The coalition will continue its efforts next week with a conference at the United Nations.

Conclusion: It’s our holy responsibility to stand, in and out of election year, we are told to be ready in and out of season.

Eph 6:13 “…withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”

Christian cultural engagement is a regular, normal part of Christian discipleship. It is part of what it means to be salt and light.

It remains for Christians of this generation and every coming generation to continue to bring the whole gospel of Jesus Christ into the culture and to set forth the truth of God so that all of God’s creation may bring glory to Him.