Summary: We Christians are on the same side. We serve the same God. We fight the same enemy. Yet, we can’t always get along because of what Charles Swindoll calls the "Me Mentality".


(Gleaned from writings by Charles Swindoll)

A. Philippians 2:1-11 (READ)

B. One lesson that should be SCREAMING out at us from Paul’s description of the church as being the “BODY OF CHRIST,” is that WE are to be UNITED--WE are in this TOGETHER!

1. Not too many years ago, there was a great sense of COMMUNITY in our SOCIETY.


People once were “CONNECTED” to each other. Families were EXTENDED, neighbors were PERMANENT, friendships LIFELONG. That sense of PERMANENCE had a major impact on the way people of the PAST viewed REALITY, their COMMITMENTS to people, and even themselves.

2. Today there is more of a “ALL THAT MATTERS IS ME” mind-set.


We have lost the sense of TOGETHERNESS! What’s IMPORTANT is what the INDIVIDUAL wants. “What makes ME happy, is the only thing that matters.” “It’s MY WAY or NO WAY.”


When I was in DIRECT SALES, I heard over and over that “SALES is a CUT-THROAT BUSINESS.” It didn’t matter who you had to STOMP ON to get to the TOP, all that mattered is that you GOT THERE.

Our GOVERNMENT is full of PROFESSIONAL LOBBYISTS who are hired by SPECIAL-INTEREST GROUPS who want things DONE their WAY! What they have LEARNED is if you can be VOCAL ENOUGH and COMPLAIN ENOUGH to the RIGHT PERSON(S), then you will usually get your WAY!

C. What happens in the WORLD is one thing, but when this same INDIVIDUALISTIC MENTALITY is prevalent in the “BODY OF CHRIST,” there can be nothing more devastating to the church of Jesus Christ.

1. External PRESSURE and OPPOSITION can certainly place a STRAIN on the church but she usually SURVIVES and comes out STRONGER, but when there are INTERNAL PROBLEMS the church becomes greatly WEAKENED and often is DESTROYED.

a. Jesus- “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand”- Matthew 12:25.

b. Paul- “If you keep on BITING and DEVOURING each other, watch out or you will be DESTROYED by each other”- Galatians 5:15.


When Christians set out only to PLEASE themselves and get their WAY, inner TURMOIL often ensues.

2. In our text, Paul is wanting Christians to realize that “WE are FAMILY! WE are in this TOGETHER!”


We are to take the BATTLE CRY of the THREE MUSKETEERS and make it our MOTTO: “ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL!” Sadly, some have taken this CRY for UNITY and have turned it into: “ALL FOR ME AND NONE FOR YOU!”

3. Let’s begin by taking a look at some BIBLICAL EXAMPLES of the “ME MENTALITY,” and then see what Paul says about how Christians must RELATE to one another.




1. Here were men, RELIGIOUS LEADERS, who thought that no one was better than their ELITE GROUP.

a. They sought ADMIRATION and AWE from the people- Matthew 6:1-2, 5, 16; 23:5-7(READ and COMMENT)

b. They viewed themselves as being more RIGHTEOUS than others - Luke 18:9-14(RECITE and COMMENT)


a. Paul- “Pharisaism was the strictest sect of the Jewish religion”- Acts 26:5

b. But there is a vast difference from being RELIGIOUS and CHRIST-LIKE.


Often those who consider themselves RELIGIOUS because of their STRICT COMMANDMENT KEEPING are so UNCHRIST-LIKE in their dealings with people. Since they have been able to KEEP God’s COMMANDMENTS better than others, they often see themselves as being more GODLY than others.

They are quick to JUDGE those whom they feel do not meet up to their STANDARD of RIGHTEOUSNESS. They feel that others should sing their PRAISES and they should have greater PRIVILEGES. When they speak, they want people to LISTEN and CATER to their every COMPLAINT.

c. Of course, we know the SELF-RIGHTEOUS ATTITUDE was condemned by Jesus more than any other SIN.


1. We might expect the PHARISEES of having an ELITIST ATTITUDE PROBLEM, but not the APOSTLES.

a. The mother of James and John came to Jesus seeking PROMINENT POSITIONS for her two boys- Matthew 10:20-23 (READ and COMMENT)


If you ever want something from another and you are AFRAID to ask for it yourself, always send your MOTHER. There’s something about MOTHERS calling you up on the phone or coming to VISIT you about their child, that sends CHILLS up and down a person’s SPINE.

I’m sure that SCHOOL TEACHERS and especially PRINCIPALS, dread seeing a MOTHER coming down the HALL toward their room or office. No doubt they would rather wrestle HULK HOGAN than having to tangle with an IRATE mother.

b. Even Jesus doesn’t give this mother a direct answer, he just says: “You have to talk to God about that.” (Always go to the next person up. I send them to the DEACONS and they send them to the ELDERS. And the ELDERS send them to their WIVES.)


The text states that the “other apostles were INDIGNANT toward James and John”- v. 24. One would assume that they were UPSET with the two brothers because of their ARROGANCE and “ME MENTALITY.” I believe the true reason is because they wanted those POSITIONS of HONOR for themselves. On at least two occasions, the apostles argued among themselves “as to who was the GREATEST among them”- Luke 9:46, 22:24.

2. The apostles were just looking out for NUMBER ONE. You would think after three years with Jesus they would learn that they were a COMMUNITY, a FAMILY, who cared for each other and not just themselves.

C. This same ATTITUDE was also seen in some in the FIRST CENTURY CHURCH.

1. There were those who thought themselves better than others because of their SPIRITUAL GIFTS- I Corinthians 12:20-27

2. There were those who demonstrated PARTIALITY toward the RICH and CONTEMPT toward the POOR- James 2:1-4

3. Deotrephes sought PRE-EMINENCE in a particular congregation appointing himself as RULER- III John

4. ELDERS are warned not to “LORD themselves over the church”- I Peter 5:1-4

5. Preachers are not INSTIGATE a following and PROMOTE themselves- I Cor. 1:11-13


Not much has changed over the last 19 centuries. The “INDIVIDUALISTIC ATTITUDE” is still prevalent in the contemporary church. Put simply, the church is faced with teaching the “ME” GENERATION how to think in “WE” terms. In the BODY of Christ it shouldn’t be only “WHAT I WANT OR DON’T WANT,” but what can be done to BENEFIT everyone.

Sadly, what has happened in our churches, as in every facet of society, is whoever COMPLAINS the loudest and longest gets what they WANT regardless of the NEEDS and DESIRES of the rest of the FAMILY. Paul, in our text, is writing to COMBAT the “ME MENTALITY” and promote UNITY and CONSIDERATION for the NEEDS and DESIRES of other Christians and not self only.


A. “Be ONE”- v. 2

1. “THINK alike. LOVE alike. Be ONE in SPIRIT. Be ONE in PURPOSE.”

a. Four times in this single verse Paul stressed the importance of RELATING to each other as COMMUNITY, a FAMILY.


He is stressing, “ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL.” We are in this TOGETHER. We are FAMILY! The GOAL of each Christian is to be ONE with the REST. Each individual Christian’s THOUGHTS, EMOTIONS, SPIRIT, and PURPOSE are incorporated into the PERSONALITY of the congregation.

b. Not a SINGLE CHRISTIAN sets out to GET his or her WAY all the time, but sets out to do what is BEST for the WHOLE FAMILY of God.

2. When the SCRIPTURE speaks of “ONENESS,” it is often misunderstood as to what that entails.



When Paul says “be LIKE-MINDED” or “AGREE WITH EACH OTHER,” there are those who think he is urging Christians to all hold to IDENTICAL OPINIONS or strive for BLAND UNIFORMITY. So in order to obtain and maintain ONENESS, two Christians who have DIFFERING OPINIONS must either both CHANGE their OPINIONS and AGREE on something entirely DIFFERENT or one must CHANGE his or her OPINION to that of the other.


If that’s what Paul means, then if you and I DISAGREED on a particular ISSUE one of us will have to CHANGE his/her OPINION to agree with the other. The question is: “Which one?” We’d probably both adamantly protest, “I’m not changing what I believe and conform to his/her OPINION!”

Aren’t you glad that Paul is not TEACHING that? If he is telling the Philippian church that they must do that in order to OBTAIN and MAINTAIN ONENESS, then he would be contradicting what he told the Romans in Romans 14:1- “Now accept the one who is weak in faith, but not for the purpose of passing judgment on his opinions.”

b. Paul is not arguing for “COOKIE-CUTTER CHRISTIANS.” He’s not saying that we must have IDENTICAL OPINIONS and do EVERYTHING exactly the SAME. He is saying, however, that Christians should long to move in the same DIRECTION, work for the same GOALS, share a COMMON PURPOSE and AFFECTION.


Our purpose is to be like Jesus and bring the LOST to Him. If we truly pursued this purpose with our entire being and had a GENUINE LOVE for each other as FAMILY, do you think we would still hear of Christians ARGUING and DIVIDING over petty issues?

If Christians would spend as much time and energy SHARING Jesus with the LOST as they do FIGHTING over petty issues, the church can EVANGELIZE the world in no time. When will Christians learn that the ENEMY of the church is SATAN, not each other.

B. “Be HUMBLE”- v. 3


Again, Paul strikes at the “ME” orientation so common in American society. It is dangerous to INSIST that nothing be done “out of SELFISH AMBITION” in a society that buys millions of copies of a WEEKLY MAGAZINE called “SELF.” And it is almost blasphemous to command that we should “CONSIDER others BETTER than ourselves” in a SOCIETY that make “Looking Out For Number One” a runaway BEST SELLER.

But if the church is SERIOUS about real UNITY (again, not SAMENESS), Paul’s exhortation on HUMILITY must be taken to HEART.

1. ONENESS in the LOCAL CHURCH is impossible as long as “SELFISH AMBITION and VAIN CONCEIT” characterize her MEMBERS.

a. At the heart of both VICES is the INDIVIDUALISM that destroys UNITY because it cares more for SELF than for the BODY.


This ATTITUDE is seen in the Christian who doesn’t like a particular EFFORT, PROGRAM, or DIRECTION in the church and will GRIPE and COMPLAIN until he or she gets it STOPPED.

On the other hand, it also seen in the Christian who wants to see a particular PROGRAM implemented or involvement in a particular EFFORT in the church and will GRIPE and COMPLAIN until he or she gets it STARTED.

b. Those who have problem with “SELFISH AMBITION and VAIN CONCEIT” are concerned with only what PLEASES them regardless of what anyone else may NEED or FEEL.

2. Paul advocates a RADICAL HUMILITY--one that goes so far as to count others “BETTER” or “MORE IMPORTANT” than self.

a. This is the “BODY MENTALITY” and not the “ME-MENTALITY;” it is the CRY for UNITY: “ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL!”


This attitude is seen in the Christian who says, “I really don’t like it when the church does something DIFFERENT, but if it meets the needs of my fellow brothers and sisters I won’t SELFISHLY hold them back.”

It’s also seen in the Christian who says, “I would like to see the church LAUNCH OUT and do this differently, but if it truly HURTS my fellow brothers and sisters I guess I can forgo it.”

b. When you CONSIDER others “BETTER THAN SELF,” you will always take into consideration your fellow-Christians’ NEEDS and DESIRES.


This is a “GIVE AND TAKE” proposition. When there are DIFFERING OPINIONS regarding how something should be done in the church that does not VIOLATE SCRIPTURE, there must be COMPROMISE on both sides. There are times that both AGREE to allow the other to GET his or her way and there are times the other agrees to allow you to GET your way.

This is IDEAL. This is CHRISTIAN UNITY. But the PROBLEM that often arises in the church is, instead of both “GIVING AND TAKING,” there are those who usually have to do ALL the GIVING while others do ALL the TAKING.

Yet, when Paul says, “do nothing out of SELFISH AMBITION and VAIN CONCEIT,” that’s when we need to honestly look at ourselves to determine if we are the ones who usually GET OUR WAY and DO ALL THE TAKING. If so, then we are not “considering others MORE IMPORTANT than ourselves.”

C. “Be CONCERNED”- v. 4

1. One of the prime symptoms of the “ME MENTALITY” is tunnel vision--a narrow and exclusive focus on personal AGENDAS, HOBBIES, and INTERESTS.


“My PROGRAM must be ADVANCED.” “My PRIORITIES must take PRECEDENCE.” “My PERSPECTIVES are most VALID.” One mark of INDIVIDUALISM is the FAILURE to recognize that others may have LEGITIMATE INTERESTS. That’s why Paul said, “Look out not only for your own personal interests, but also to the interests of others.”

2. Have you ever gone to another person who may have a DIFFERENT INTEREST from your own and genuinely try to UNDERSTAND why he or she may be so PASSIONATE about that particular interest?


Have you ever gone to some of the OLDER MEMBERS and ask them why TRADITION is so important to them? Have you ever asked what is of UTMOST important to them in their WORSHIP? Have you ever asked them why they so enjoy some of the OLDER SONGS that you can hardly bear singing? Ask one of the WIDOWS why she loves the sing "The Old Rugged Cross", and she may tell you, “That was the song they sang at my husband’s FUNERAL. Every time I hear those words TEARS are brought to my eyes as I think about the LOVING RELATIONSHIP I had with my HUSBAND.”

Have you ever gone to our YOUNG PEOPLE and their PARENTS and ask them why they like a more CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP service? Have you ever asked them why they like to CLAP and SING on some of the songs in CELEBRATION of their WORSHIP to God? Have you ever asked them why they so enjoy singing some of the DEVOTIONAL SONGS that you can hardly bear singing? Ask one of the TEENAGERS why he loves to sing "Amazing Love", and he may tell you, “One night at church camp as we all sat around the CAMP FIRE, my counselor began to share what Jesus did for us. And although I heard the story a thousand times, that night was different. As we sang that song, I decided right then that I wanted to turn my life over to God. Every time I hear the words of that song, TEARS are brought to my eyes as I remember the night I COMMITTED my life to Christ.”


Sadly, in many churches there is this lack of CONCERN for what the other INDIVIDUAL’S or GROUP’S INTERESTS are. If their INTERESTS conflict ours’, we either try to THWART their INTERESTS or COMPLAIN about them and make THREATS to the ELDERS. As to which one’s INTERESTS prevails is determined by which is the STRONGER, and usually at the cost of losing people!

3. The “ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL” mentality yields a different ATTITUDE.

a. Because we are FAMILY, the priorities of our brothers and sisters become PRIORITIES for us.

b. We are as concerned to see the INTERESTS of others ADVANCED as we are to see our own INTERESTS prosper.


This demands COMPROMISE? No individual Christian or group of Christians should GET THEIR WAY all the time. That simply isn’t BIBLICAL. When it comes to TRADITIONAL and CONTEMPORARY worship services, there should either be a BLEND of both or one Sunday should be TRADITIONAL and the next Sunday CONTEMPORARY, and so on.

And if something is done in the WORSHIP ASSEMBLY that you simply cannot participate in, then please feel free not to. No one should LOOK DOWN on you because you don’t like to SING during the partaking of the COMMUNION or because you have a problem PRAISING God through CLAPPING, or whatever it may be. But neither should you JUDGE those who feel the HEART-FELT NEED to express their WORSHIP to God in those ways, and then going around trying to have it STOPPED!

c. Let’s examine ourselves to see if we are truly CONCERNED for the INTERESTS of other Christians, or if we really don’t care what others want as long as we get our way.


A. In v. 5, Paul said that “we are to have the ATTITUDE of Christ.”

1. Jesus was the consummate “WE THINKER.”


He valued ONENESS. He became like us so that He could REACH US. He prayed for ONENESS: “...that they all may be ONE”- John 17:21.

He showed HUMILITY. He “made Himself nothing, taking the nature of a servant”- v. 7. He always put others’ NEEDS before His own.

He was CONCERNED. His LOVE for us was the MOTIVE for the CROSS. He considered others “BETTER than Himself.”

B. This is the ATTITUDE Christians must IMITATE.

1. It is time for us to throw off the SHACKLES of SELF-CENTEREDNESS


For too long Christians have CRIPPLED the church by an INABILITY to think beyond themselves. If the church is ever to be a BODY--a living, breathing, vital ORGANISM--members must recognize that the NEEDS of others in the FAMILY are just as important as their OWN.

So, be ONE--do everything in your power to KEEP STEP with your brothers and sisters. Be HUMBLE--put the NEEDS and DESIRES of others ahead of your own. And be CONCERNED--learn to APPRECIATE and VALUE the PRIORITIES and INTERESTS of other Christians. Be willing to COMPROMISE.

2. Above all--BE CHRIST-LIKE!


Pour yourself out. Become a SERVANT. Lay down your LIFE. When this is accomplished, there will be no more INDIVIDUALISTS in God’s ONE BODY. Then our motto will be “ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL!” Easy? No! But if the THREE MUSKETEERS could do it, a few committed Christians should be EQUAL for the TASK!