Summary: One of the biggest influences on our society is Hollywood and the messages that they bring us are not always in line with the Word of God. They have an agenda that is clear, how can we distinguish what is right in a world flooded with all sorts of messag

What Hollywood Wants You to Believe


Our culture is greatly influenced by Hollywood. This morning I want to talk about some things that Hollywood wants you to believe. When I say Hollywood, I guess I am referring to our culture as a whole because Hollywood seems almost symbolic to others of what American culture really is. It seems that so much of our society revolves around the philosophies and ideas of Hollywood. Young children and adults alike set their role models after people on that they see on Television. Kids grow up wanting to be just like these Hollywood stars and they want to imitate their lives in every way. It seems that not a day goes by that you do not hear on the news of the moral decline of some of the country’s biggest celebrities. We have learned over the past few years that these stars think that they are above the law and that they can get away with anything. They seem to constantly compromise their morals.

I firmly believe that Hollywood has been a big influence in the moral decline of our nation because society has bitten into many of the lies that these stars would like you to believe.

The bottom line is that Hollywood and our culture want you to bite into their lies and accept their philosophies. They want you to do so because their whole existence and their profits exist by the fact that people are continually buying into the cultural ideas that they want you to believe and the lifestyle which the live by example.

We as people tend to model ourselves after our role models. Today instead of parents caring for their children and teaching them right from wrong and morals Hollywood has become their teacher and primary caregiver. And no wonder Hollywood has such a great influence, American’s own more televisions than they do bathtubs.

Last week I talked about some things that the Devil wants you to believe, and I think that this message is closely linked and hard to separate. I believe that the Devil is closely linked to Hollywood and is in some ways a tool that he uses to manipulate people away from God. Obviously the things that I am going to mention today are generalities that may not describe everyone associated with Hollywood and certainly will not cover ever lie, which Hollywood wants you to believe. The reason I share these messages is so that you will be on your guard and so that you may know the truth.

Text: I John 2:15-17

I. That Faith is Not Intelligent

One of the main lies that comes out of Hollywood is the idea that it is not intelligent to have faith. Many of Hollywood’s biggest stars have ridiculed the church and mocked those who believe in God.

a. God does not exist

One lie in which our culture wants us to believe is that God does not exist at all and that no person with real intelligence can accept a belief in God. I believe the opposite though. I believe that having a belief in God is an intelligent choice. I believe that no matter what our culture tells us God does exist. Paul in Romans chapter one says, that the creation itself proves that there is a God. Belief in God is logical. Our culture wants to in any way, whether through lies, deceit, or mockery cause you to not believe in God. The facts though continue to pour in that there is something more. Some say they cannot believe in God because they cannot see him physically, but that is where faith comes into play. I cannot see air, but I know it is there because we see and feel its effects. We know God is there because we see and feel His effects.

b. God is not the Creator

Your children sit in High School biology classes hearing a teacher teach a theory called evolution as if it was totally provable. The truth is though, that no matter how many textbooks are written, evolution is a theory and nothing more. In fact, it is becoming less and less believable as time wears on. I don’t know about you, but I am not so quick to jump on the bandwagon of the idea that we evolved from some sort of ooze and from monkeys.

Hebrews 11:3

Our culture wants you to believe that God is not the creator of life and the creator of the Universe, but it is the best explanation that there could be. Our culture wants you to believe that you evolved from a pile of ooze into a human and that we do not have an intelligent creator. We know though that God spoke the Heaven’s into existence.

c. The Bible is not accurate

Often times I will flip through the channels trying to find something decent on television. Every now and then I will get to some learning channel or history channel and see a documentary on something relating to the Bible. These “scholars” speak as if they have undisputed authority and always try to refute the truth of Scripture. They dig and dig to refute Biblical history and try to cause doubt in people’s minds of the authority and accuracy of God’s Word. It is ironic when you watch those shows that you never hear both sides of the story.

d. Jesus is not the only way

Our culture and society also wants you to believe that Jesus is not the only way. Our society is making is difficult to accept such a view and is tolerant of everything except for intolerance. I believe that soon it will be against the law to proclaim Jesus as the only way. Many accept that Jesus is one way to the same God, but few accept Jesus’ words that he is the way and the truth and the life and that no one can come to the Father except through Him. Whether our culture likes it or not, all religions do not lead to the same God. People are lost apart from Jesus Christ, but our culture doesn’t want you to know that truth. They are much more content with you believing that all religions are equal.

Hollywood hates the idea of faith, but we walk by faith and not by sight. Hollywood wants you to believe that believing these things makes you less intelligent.

II. That Marriage is not Sacred

If Hollywood has had an influence anywhere it has been influencing people’s view of the sanctity of marriage and the values in the home. In the past forty years we have seen marriage become less valued

a. Homosexuality

Some suggest that TV is just giving the public what it demands. There is some truth to that, but don’t be misled, there is also a gay agenda that many in Hollywood push. Will & Grace star Eric McCormick said, "When little old women say, ’I hope he finds a nice man," the show will be successful." In other words, McCormick isn’t just acting on the show to earn a paycheck; he’s attempting to change the way Americans view homosexuality. As much as I hate to say it, that agenda is working. According to a Roiters News survey, 85% of high school seniors now believe being gay is okay. Nearly that same percentage believe that gay marriage is acceptable.

On many occasions here I have emphasized in messages the truth that the Scriptures give regarding the issues of homosexuality. I do not say these things often because I am a gay hater, but because our culture is constantly pouring lies into our minds on these issues and we cannot buy into them. We have to remember that wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it. Many have said that homosexuality is not wrong, but that is not what the Scriptures teach.

I Corinthians 6:9-10

Hollywood makes a joke out of and glamorizes sin like homosexuality, but the truth is God hates those sins because they are people acting contrary to the way God created them. We as Christians should not find it funny that people indulge in such sins, because those are the things that separate people from God.

b. Adultery

Another sin that has become glamorized in Hollywood is the sin of adultery. It is uncommon now in Hollywood to hear of or to even see portrayed a couple that is faithful to their marriage. Extramarital affairs are portrayed as normal, funny, and a viable option. God’s people should not fall into the lies of believing that adultery is acceptable. Our culture is making sin easily accessible. They are making adultery comical and an example.

Matthew 5:27-28

Not only has adultery become commonplace, but adultery of the heart has as well. People have been taught that lust is acceptable. Things like pornography are easily accessible through the Internet and glamorized by Hollywood stars. These sins however acceptable they may be in our society are sin and sin separates from God. No matter what Hollywood may portray sin is not justified because of those things and we need to flee from such things.

Hollywood has sought to get us to believe that marriage is not precious to God. Marriage though was intended to be a lifelong relationship between and man and a woman.

I. That Authority Does Not Matter

Hollywood has also sought to get us to believe that authority does not matter. I was taught by several people that the struggle that Christians will have to deal with now is not defending against evolution, but defending people who worship themselves essentially. I believe this is accurate. Look at how people in our culture view themselves. There are some that honestly believe they are gods, and there are some who live like they are their own gods. This problem even exists within the church!

There are many that think that they do not have to submit to God and they never do. I want to remind you that the Scriptures call us to submit ourselves to God. I want to remind you that we are God’s covenant people as the church now. You see, covenant people have been given by God certain promises. We have been given the promise of Heaven. The covenant though goes two ways and we as God’s people are called to flee from sin. When we were baptized into Christ we were agreeing to uphold our end of the bargain. We were agreeing to submit our will to God’s will. When you became a Christian you were essentially saying I am not Lord of my life anymore, but Jesus is my Lord. It is Jesus who dictates to us how live our lives, and what we can and cannot do.

Hollywood though wants you to believe that submitting makes you weak. They want you to believe that you are less of a person if you agree to submit your will to another. Hollywood has taught that if you want something then you can have it. Hollywood has taught that you decide right from wrong. They have taught that if it feels good then it must be alright. Please hear this and remember this.

Galatians 2:20

Hollywood has glamorized sins like drinking, filthy language, and all other sorts of immorality, but have we forgotten those things are not proper for God’s holy people. We have crucified those desires. We have given over our wills to Christ’s. Surely we may want to sin at times, but we are not in control. Have we forgotten we are not Lord of our lives and that we cannot do the things that we want to do? We must flee from the evil desires of the flesh.

II. That the World Can Satisfy

Hollywood has also tried to teach us the lie that the world can bring satisfaction. They have glamorized the thought that more money makes more happiness. People seem to believe now as Hollywood has taught that the more things and the more money you have the better your life will be. This though is the furthest thing from the truth. "I wish all of this never would have happened." The wife of a record-setting Powerball jackpot winner says she wishes she’d "torn the ticket up." Jack Whittaker has faced a long string of legal problems since he won America’s biggest undivided lottery jackpot ever – taking home $113-million, after taxes. He’s been arrested twice for drunken driving, was charged with attacking a bar manager and is accused in two lawsuits of causing trouble at a nightclub and racetrack. The West Virginia man has also been hit by several thefts. One theft occurred at his home on the same day a friend of his granddaughter was found dead there.. His wife Jewel tells The Charleston Gazette she wishes he’d never bought the winning ticket. She says, I wish all of this never would have happened."

God wants us to have a good life and to enjoy ourselves. Jesus said, he came so that we may have life and have it to the full. A full life though does not come from things. So many people have sought to gain more things. We have heard testimony after testimony that the world does not really satisfy. Big stars have been left broken even though they have had much. It seems that while the biggest stars make the most money, they certainly are not the happiest. They live lives of depression, drugs, and their lives often spiral. There are countless stories of fame and fortune leaving people broke and hungering for more. Money and the things of the world do not satisfy the soul.

Matthew 16:25-26

People, I know that many of God’s people are trying to fill their lives with things. Many people think that if they have more their lives will be happier. Many people spend their lives enjoying the lives of the rich, but they don’t realize that money and the world cannot truly satisfy. This world will not give you anything in return. I can tell you for a fact, that only God can bring true satisfaction, happiness, hope, and contentment. Your choice is what are you going to serve, the world or the Lord? One leaves you broken, empty, and hungering for more and one brings salvation and hope. Hollywood wants you to believe that the world can satisfy.