Summary: Prayer is the disappearance of my personal will, and the appearance of obedience to God’s will in my life.

Being Righteous: With My Prayer Life

“Prayer is the disappearance of my personal will, and the appearance of obedience to God’s will in my life.”

Sunday Morning Sermon


1st Thessalonians 5:17


Video on Prayer

Discussion: (Start with title and text)

I was a preacher in Apache, Oklahoma –about 2500 people in this small Southwestern Oklahoma town. Once a year, around this time of the year, the whole town would shut down for a weekend and have a Rattlesnake Festival. The main elder in our church – Ronnie, was PRESIDENT of this Rattlesnake Association, in fact he keeps the world’s largest western diamond back rattlesnake in his basement – he’s hardcore. We’d been there about 3 months and Ronnie suggested that we go snake hunting. I’ll try anything once, so we went to this Boy Scout camp to hunt Rattlesnakes. (Advance) We get off the 4 wheeler and Ronnie looks at me and says – Jay, we haven’t prayed – I’m like ok, we’re going to ask the God of the universe to help us find an animal with big fangs and deadly venom – that’ll be productive. I looked at him and said – Ronnie, you are going to have to pray – cause I don’t know what to pray for. I know Romans 8:26 – if you don’t know what to pray for the spirit intercedes – I got that, but I was certain that if I died because I got bit by a snake, God was pretty much going to meet me at the gates and slap me, for being so stupid.

We can get like that sometimes – I’ve been stopped by cops before, asking God to stop the police officer from giving me a ticket that I deserved. You laugh, but I know you’ve done the same thing. Morning of the big test at school, didn’t really study – asking God to bless your lack of study. Write a check that you know you don’t have the money for, asking God to not let it clear before you can get your paycheck.

Listen to me – When we do that – we are taking our will and asking God to bless what we are going to do anyway – which by the way doesn’t work. We can’t blame God when we put our will on him, and then ask him to bless it. Paul tells the church one very simple thing – it’s not the complete thought – but it’s a complete instruction.

Turn with me to (Advance) 1st Thess. 5:17 (Read) Say that with me – PRAY CONTINUALLY. (Advance)

Prayer is the disappearance of my personal will, and the obedience of God’s will in my life. Let me give you three things, about prayer –


I. The Purpose of our Prayer

If God knows everything we are going to ask before we speak a word as the Bible says – what’s the point of asking – why doesn’t God just give it to us?

a. God is not Santa Clause

We read verses like: (Advance)

John 14:14 – You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.

Ok, God, I want a cherry red corvette, 65 grand a year, and all 2.5 kids on the honor roll at school. You could just sit back and watch it happen – We misquote the mustard seed verses – thinking we can just ask, and watch. (Advance)

Matthew 17:20 – He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ’Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

i. He’s not taking a naughty and nice list

ii. He’s not focused on how many good works you’ve done this week – which is a real shame, cause Tuesday night was a disaster, and several people jumped right in.

1. But that limits prayer and salvation to our righteousness

iii. He’s not even in heaven waiting for you to ask for stuff.

Here’s what he’s looking at:

b. Your heart – It’s not about goodness

i. He wants to know

1. If he can use you –

2. If you are moldable

I could preach on prayer for a year – there are many examples of prayers – the book of Psalms – several of those are beautiful prayers, crying out to God – all the prayers have something in common. It’s not about bringing God – the creator of the universe in line with my will – It’s about bringing me – the person praying in line with God’s will. He’s looking at:

c. Your Requests –

i. Are they selfish?

ii. Are they good long term?

Is it possible – you haven’t allowed your will to disappear? Is it possible, that if you got what you asked for – it would be a nightmare, not a blessing? When was the last time – you allowed God to speak to you, and just listened quietly? When was the last time you were still – because you knew he was God? Yeah, it’s been too long for me too. When was the last time you were emptied of your desire – and asked God to fill you with his – yeah, me too. Prayer is the disappearance of my personal will and the appearance of my obedience to God’s will in my life.

Here’s number two (Advance)

II. The Focus of our Prayer

I’m convinced that when we pray – we easily make ourselves the focus of our prayers.

a. The gentiles had a problem

i. They used many words, chants and requests when focused on their pagan gods – thinking that through their many words they would be heard

The Jews copied this:

b. They had certain times of prayer 9, 12 & 3 – regardless of what they were doing at the time – they would stop and pray.

Jesus is all good with that --

i. The super duper religious people – Jesus called them hypocrites – because their focus was on themselves.

1. Would make sure they were on the street corners

2. In the middle of town square

Around 9 in the morning, 12 noon and 3 in the afternoon – so they could be seen by men. The focus of their prayers were not on God. Jesus doesn’t call the pagans hypocrites – because they weren’t. The person he called a hypocrite was the one who made the focus of prayer an inward thing to get the approval of men.

ii. They would use long words

iii. They would make sure to be seen

c. Jesus said

i. They were cutting off their reward – they topped out their blessing –

That’s the way this world works – My boss sees me doing extra work, I get a raise, I stab people in the back – point out their mistakes – I get a raise, I talk bad about people and refuse to do what would promote them, focusing my time on my personal advancement – I get a raise. Church, the kingdom of heaven does not work like that.

“If you are looking for praise in this life, don’t bother looking for it in the next.” Let me give you two things to focus on in prayer:

d. God –

i. Let your words be few

Solomon says: (Advance)

Ecclesiastes 5:2 (NIV) – Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.

Remember, prayer is the disappearance of your will. It’s you:

ii. Setting yourself, your will, your desire to advance – completely aside – and asking God to work in your life.

iii. Ask him – if there are things you need to change

God loves you enough to make you aware of the barriers between you and him. He’s not going to drop a basket from the sky with a list – he’s going to use Godly men and women around you – he’s going to use his word, and he’s going to use your desire to seek out and discover whatever it is, my guess is you don’t have to look very far, to see some things that have to be changed. The Bible says that you will find him when you seek him with everything you have. I think the second excellent thing to focus on:

e. Other people (advance)

Say this with me – For God so loved the WORLD

Did you catch the last word – WORLD.

i. God loves people –

How will those outside have a desire to come inside unless we tell them about what’s going on? How can we take as many people with us as we grow together in Christ, if we don’t speak up and live our lives to the glory of God?

1. We need to share the same passion – that God has for people

2. We need to show the same compassion – that God has for people

God already wants to answer our prayer for those around us – he stands waiting for us (his people) to act, asking for our will to disappear when it comes to those around us, and for his will to increase. Church, he’s waiting for us to take him at his word when it comes to growing this body of believers – his will is for them to be in here, and for us to grow together. The Bible says that God wants ALL MEN to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth – Why don’t we ask him to use us to fill that desire.

Next week is friend day – you don’t need a reason to come to church – some of you have been coming here longer than I’ve been alive – that’s great. Look at church like the world does though – 2 most attended days in the calendar year – Easter and Mother’s day – why because it’s an excuse to go – You don’t need an excuse – the resurrected Jesus, is good enough, and it should be. But those outside who have gotten out of the habit, they need a reason – you give it to them – Friend Day – Invite them, I promise they won’t be disappointed.

I sectioned off this side of the church – because I want you to think about who those chairs represent – your family, your friends, co-workers, your boss, the waitress or waiter that will serve your lunch, your parents….

If God was so concerned about the world that he sent Jesus to bring us life, save us from our sins – what in the world are we doing going day to day not concerned the same thing? I know…lunch is important…I know traffic is bad…I know there are things to do around the house…sleep to catch up on…TV to watch…phones to talk on…lotteries to win – if I haven’t covered you yet, just speak up. The world is lost, dying and going to hell, and the church is concerned about our own agendas and programs, we argue over everything from song services to the placement of clocks on the walls, all the while Satan is having a blast mocking God because he wasted the sacrifice of his son on us. I really doubt that Jesus rose up early in the morning to pray for stubbed toes and broken pinky fingers – I’m sure his concern was for the lost – Shame on us, if our concern is any different.

Our focus as a church – should be to reach outside these walls and get ourselves active in the lives of those around us for the glory of God.

f. OK Think about them….

i. Now – commit right now to do something about them

Commit yourself right now – to say – If you (speaking to God) will give me the chance, the open door to invite someone to church – I will do it. If you (speaking to God) will open the door to tell someone about you – I will do it. Don’t ask if you aren’t willing. Change the focus of your prayers– make it about them. Make it about the hurting, and those who are lonely. Make your prayer life about the weak, and the lost, those who are mourning for the loss of a loved one. God will answer your prayer, his glory will be revealed.

Here’s number three.

I heard something on the radio this week – they were talking about playing soccer – soccer shootouts are something like hockey – goalie, shooter – If you are the goalie, you increase the chances of blocking a shot if you move 6 inches while the shooter is staring at you. When they kick the ball, you dive in the opposite direction – you’ve controlled the decision of the kicker by moving, leaving a wider gap on the side you plan to defend. God wants you to succeed in your prayers – here’s number three:


III. The success of prayer

Not only is the Bible full of prayers – the Bible is full of successful prayers --

a. People moving themselves in line with God’s will

i. God actively and without hesitation moving and making himself clear to people (Advance)

James 5:16b – The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.

Wouldn’t it be neat to have someone say, “when you pray things happen?” To be put up there with Elijah – when he prayed earnestly that it would not rain, it did not rain on the land for three years – WOW – that’s awesome. When he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crop. I want a prayer life like that. So all I have to do is spend time in prayer – right? No, God is in heaven and you are not – there’s a clear reason for his location and your location. Let me give you three things to ensure successful prayer life.

b. Rely on God’s righteousness

There’s no doubt that in a church of 60 people – we struggle with many things. I have no doubt that even though we struggle with many things – we have a great God. We rely on God’s righteousness through:

i. Confession –

We don’t like confession – because it means we’ve done something wrong. Personal confession – is a good thing – God, I am not good enough, God, I need you, God help me, God I’m weak in this area – I need wisdom, I need strength.

1. Weakness turns to strength – God’s strength

2. Low Self-Esteem turns to Power – God’s power

3. Lack of His presence in your life leads to Him filling up your life.

It is God’s desire to work his will through you so his glory is revealed in your life – but he can’t do that if you don’t meet him at the altar – and confess. Confession is to the Christian life, as the engine is to the car. There is something absolutely holy about coming forward and saying – I need more of him in my life.

ii. Thanksgiving

When was the last time you were thankful for something? When was the last time you saw the revealed power of God in your life – and were thankful. I know we have a day a year – we bring out more food than 10 families could possibly eat and throw up a thanksgiving to God hoping that’s good enough.

1. Is a lifestyle – not a time of the year

2. Helps with reflection –

Every morning I pray that God gives my family protection and guidance – and it’s good at night to go back to God, and be thankful for the protection and the guidance we’ve received. If you pray for your family – it’s good to follow it up with thanksgiving. It opens your heart to be more and more thankful for the small things.

c. Spend time in His Word

i. Prayer is you talking to God –

1. You giving back to God –

2. Thanking God

3. Acknowledging that he is in heaven and you are not

ii. Reading His word

1. Is him talking to you.

He doesn’t walk in the garden with us – like he did with Adam and eve.

He doesn’t speak from the mountain tops – like he did in the Old Testament with Moses – we won’t see burning bushes or wet blankets as a sign from God.

2. He has chosen his word as a way of communication

I read a book called “preaching from the rooftops” – the whole idea is that God’s word was first oral – spoken, and then printed – it was written down – but the purpose of the first two is so that it can be spoken again. So when we preach the word of God, we are preaching the words of God. If that is true, I know many, who need to take the work of preaching more seriously. And if it’s true that preachers need to take speaking the word of God more seriously – it’s also true that the church needs to take listening to the word of God more seriously.

The author of Hebrews says that God’s word is sharper than a double-edged sword – I think we tend to think about it as a pillow – something to lay our head on and get rest from. The only thing a sword is good for – is to cut – to move, to change – that’s why there is such a change in the life of a person devoted to Christ, because it cuts away who they were to make room for who God has prepared them to be.

3. God’s word does not change

a. It doesn’t have to

b. It is relevant for them

c. It’s also relevant for us

Dive into God’s word – Start with the book of James – ask God to show you what he wants you to know. Here’s the third way to ensure successful prayers:

d. Delight in God (Advance)

Psalm 37:4 (NIV) Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.

I used to wrongly believe that if I gave God my heart he would give me the things I truly desired – like a red corvette, a beach house and a private plane – essentials for any effective preaching ministry.

i. Here’s the way it works

1. I give God my heart – the delight of my life

2. He gives me – he places within me the specific desires that should be there.

3. Notice the reversal –

a. Instead of me giving him the list of things that I want

b. He places within me

i. The desire for the things I should want.

Remember in the garden – Jesus is praying – weeping over what is about to happen – supper had been served, disciples were snoozing, denials will be offered, the cross is close. Jesus prays – 3 times asking God to take the cup – saying NOT MY WILL BUT YOURS BE DONE.

I think it’s easy to say – Your will be done, when it’s a situation somewhere else. I think it’s almost gratifying to say, your will be done when it’s someone else’s child, or mother, who needs prayer – What happens when it’s yours? Church, it’s hard – I was praying for a young lady who had cancer, her dad asked me and another preacher from town to join his family for prayer before she went in for testing. I got pretty close to this family, and so it was with tears I said, Lord, prepare us if healing is not your will. This man stopped me – rebuked me and he finished the prayer. God is powerful enough to heal – he is mighty enough to make those who are sick well – but we must always leave ourselves open to his complete will – regardless.

e. Demanding that God do something for us

i. Doesn’t leave us open to what he can do through us.

So what can God do through your prayers? What can God do for those around you, at work and home, and in your life situations? What can God do through this church through our prayers? How do we know unless we take the time, and humbly ask God to work his mighty power around us and through us. If you don’t know what to pray for – that’s ok – the spirit will go before you, and will communicate your request.


Let us – make the commitment this morning – as a family, a body of believers to be people of prayer – allowing our will to disappear and obedience to appear in our lives.

You look at these seats – and you think of people who belong here, and back there, and over there – you pray for them, pray for God to go before you and then you bring them here. We can do nothing until we have prayed, because prayer brings me in line with his will for my life – and then I act on that will, which brings blessing.

Let’s pray.

I would be happy to send the video I downloaded and played to start this sermon free, as well as the power point for free -