Summary: Even in the midst of opposition Paul rejoiced because the Gospel was being preached.

1) Last week we spoke of the Gospel being advanced when we go through difficulties in our lives. When the Gospel advances we advance. When Paul was able to process his problems through acceptance and surrender he was able to receive divine power and perspective.

2) This week we will be speaking on The Defense of the Gospel.

The best offense is a good defense. In other words, if you want to win the game don’t let the other team score.

Even in the midst of opposition Paul rejoiced because the Gospel was being preached.

3) Do you realize you are a preacher? Your life preaches a message. You are the only Bible some will read. What message are they getting?

This morning we will be talking about attitude, latitude and gratitude.

I. Attitude – Attitude check – (We use to say that to each other when we were teens and someone had a bad attitude. “I’ll check it alright then I’ll check you”.) It’s time for an attitude check.

“15 It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. 16 The latter do so in love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. 17 The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains.”

Illust – There is a story about George Whitefield and John Wesley, two of the greatest preachers in the 1700’s til now. They disagreed on doctrinal matters, very sharply. One person asked Wesley if he expected to see Whitefield in heaven. Wesley said no. The person replied, ‘You don’t think Whitfield is saved?’ Wesley replied back, “Of course he’s saved but he’ll be so close to the throne and I so far away that I will never see him. They disagreed yet maintained unity through Christ in order to advance the Gospel.

(Wiersbe - Be Joyful)

1) Paul was saying that there were some believers who were happy he was in prison. They were immature, loved strife, and were troublemakers …and they were preachers, ministers, good church people just like you and me.

We are the Body of Christ. If ever there was a loving, caring, kind, sincere, forgiving group of people it should be us, the People of God. How then can someone be preaching about Jesus Christ out of envy and rivalry? Paul said they’re trying to stir up trouble for him and wanted to tick him off. (Can you believe that?) So they preached Christ thinking Paul was going to get mad at them.

(Do you really want to get those kind of people ticked off? The next time they do something to get you angry just put on a happy face, say a kind word and walk away. “I ain’t got time to play that game!” Bless those who curse you.)

2) They preached out of envy. Envy is not being happy when one succeeds and you want what they have. You want their possessions. Command #10 – “Thou shalt not covet your neighbor’s house, wife, donkey, belongings, anything.” Be content with what you have and be happy for others. If someone gets blessed be blessed with them. “Oh they don’t deserve that!” What we’re really saying is “I deserve that!” “I wanna be the man!”

Rivalry – strife, contention, they are preaching Christ with the wrong motives. The word means one who is running for office, they want your vote and your support. “This is the day the Lord has made…(Hillary)” They want to be seen, recognized, patronized, pacified, glorified, ratified, homogenized. They want to be the one.

3) Application – Watch your attitude. What is your motive for doing the things you do in life and in church? To be seen, to be loved, to get someone’s vote, for people to say “Ooohhhh yeeeaaahhhh what an awesome person they are. What a solid Christian. He da man! She da woman! To be like that person.

Watch your attitude because even though God says He won’t share His glory with anyone we still want a bit of it, even if it is just a little bit. If you have a public gift like praying or singing or speaking or leading your flesh will want to be noticed, “Ooohh your good.” Then we start listening, “Yeah, I am aren’t I?”

Or we go the opposite extreme, “It wasn’t me it was the Lord.” Oh I think God would have done a better job than that.

4) Some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry. If we are living in the Last Days then this is not the time for churches to be fighting against each other. “Oh my church does this, my pastor does that, we have this speaker come in, ‘my pastor’s funny’, ‘oh yeah, my pastor is anointed’ ‘oh yeah no one can teach like my pastor’ ‘oh yeah you should hear my pastor sing”. Stop that malarkey (absurdity, hogwash and/or hot air).

1 Cor 1:13 “Is Christ divided? Was a preacher crucified for you? Were you baptized into the name of a pastor?” No, we are here to proclaim Christ and Christ crucified and Christ alone. I must decrease so He will increase. To God be the glory great things he have done!

People were trying to get Paul angry but Paul wasn’t biting. Why? Because he didn’t have his eyes on people, his eyes were on the Lord. ‘Where does my help come from, my help comes from the Lord.’

T.S. - Not only did Paul have the right attitude but he also had the right latitude.

II. Latitude - (What’s your position?)

“16 I am put here for the defense of the gospel. 18 But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice.”

1) ‘I am put here’

Paul knew the hand of God led him to where he was currently at so what does it matter what the people are saying or doing.

Why do we put so much stock in what people think? We often define ourselves through others words. We become people pleasers instead of God-pleasers. You’re not going to make everyone happy all the time.

I am not here to preach what you think I should preach, teach what you think or emphasize what you think I should emphasize. I am not the man of the hour with faith and power. I don’t have it all figured out, don’t do everything right but do desire that the Lord have His way and that He is glorified. Pray and fast, seek God, get right with the Lord.

When Paul says ‘I am put here’ he is recognizing the Sovereignty of God. The Sovereignty of God means He reigns supreme, is in control of all things and allows us to be in certain situations for His glory. He is God and I am not, He can do what He wants, put me where He wants, say to me what he wants, allow things in my life that I don’t like, that are uncomfortable and challenging and quite frankly annoying.

Paul said ‘God put me here’. He has placed me here or ‘I am being laid out’ vulnerable, in the corner, exposed, weak, maybe not doing so good.

Everything we face in life is Father-filtered (Pastor Kilpatrick). Does God strike us with sickness and difficulty? No. But He does allow it. He’s not having a panic attack in heaven say “O my Me” “How did that happen?” “Oops”.

2) There is a reason why the Lord put me here. “I am put here for the defense of the Gospel.” God has purpose and structure. He is not random like P Ethan’s picture of Apple Sauce on his door. You may be going through the ringer but you need to realize there is Divine purpose for it. It is no accident. God is in it, don’t miss Him in it. God in His love desires what is best for me but sometimes what’s best for us is not always pleasant.

3) The Defense of the Gospel. I don’t know if you have realized it or not but the Gospel of Jesus Christ is under attack. You can sing of Quanza, learn about Hanukkah, empathize with Muslims, but ‘please don’t mention the name of Jesus’. “We are one nation under God,” but it will be hard to find ‘In God we Trust’ on the new presidential $1.00 coin.

Christ is a stumbling block to the unbeliever, He is offensive. Why is that? Because in other religions they have tolerance for what others believe but in Christianity we say ‘Jesus is the only way to the Father, Jesus is the way, the truth, the life. You must be born-again to enter into the Kingdom of God, we respect your beliefs but will not agree with them.

And another thing, Allah is not the same as the Lord God of heaven and earth, Creator Sustainer Life Giver Father Son Holy Spirit Savior. Allah is a moon god and if you want to worship the moon go ahead and worship the moon. I would much rather worship the One who created the moon.

“Organized religion is bad, negative and harmful.” “Take prayer out of school.” “Take God out of school.” “Get rid of the 10 commandments” then we wonder why the US is in such a mess, school shootings, riots, turmoil, sin. But if something goes wrong the anti-Christs are the first to say, “Where’s your loving God?” You kicked Him out. Do you want Him or not.

4) We need to quit worrying about being offensive. The Muslims and the Mormons and the JW’s don’t care if your offended by their message but the true Church of Jesus Christ walks around on egg shells because we don’t want to appear fanatical. Islam, Mormonism, Hinuism, Buddhism, New Age are growing at rapid speed in the US while Christianity is not.

The Church needs to put her differences to the side, focus on Christ, preach Christ and him crucified to a lost and dying people. Your friends are dying without Christ. They will spend eternity in hell, the lake of fire.

The Gospel needs to be defended and proclaimed in order to be advanced.

TS – Not only did Paul have the right attitude with the proper latitude but he also had a heart of gratitude.

III. Gratitude

“Yes, and I will continue to rejoice. 19 for I know that through your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance.”

1) ‘I will continue to rejoice’ in the midst of hardship because your praying for me, God is in control, the Spirit is helping me and God is turning this ship around for His glory.

2) Let me tell you something, Negativity is a choice. If you are negative and critical and in a self-absorbed pity-party it’s because you choose to be so. “Well if you knew who raised me, and where I live and what I’ve been through then you would understand.” I understand your hardships but I am here to tell you today that there is a God in heaven who understands better than I do, He loves you, desires what is best for you, knows exactly what you are going through and wants to turn things around for you today.


1) Some may be here who have never trusted Christ to be your Saviour and Lord. You are dead in your sins, lost in life, have little purpose and meaning, no joy and you’re on a one way trip to hell. The Good News is that Jesus died for your sins and is able to save you today. Why not put your trust in Him? Today is your day, raise your hand so we can pray for you.

2) Church, is there anyone here today who needs an attitude adjustment and you need to get back on track with God? You’re going through tough times and you have a bad attitude. You have no godly perspective on your life. Today God wants to give you a turn around.