Summary: God is wanting to do something awesome and powerful in your life, but it starts by giving him what you have in your hand.

What do you have?

What is available to you, at your disposal, in your possession?

This rod was nothing special of itself, it was just a rod (a stick).

What was significant about this stick was: It was what Moses had.

Note: God did not ask Moses what he didn’t have.

We could all make a long list if what we don’t have.

*We don’t have enough money

*We don’t have a good education

*We don’t have a high social standing

The list can go on and on

But God never directs our attention to what we don’t have, but to what we do have even though it seems small.

Remember the Little widow woman who's husband had died and left her in debt, and they were coming to take her two sons as bond slaves to work off her debt.

She called the prophet of God: And he did not run down the list of negatives in her life, he did not bring attention to everything she was lacking.

(No he said: What do you have in your house?)

What do you have you can put in your hand? (She said: I have nothing but a little pot of oil)

Then the prophet said: Use what you have in your hand

Borrow empty vessels then take that little pot of oil and pour into them until their full, then set them aside: She obeyed the prophet and went from nothing to more than enough, from debt to profit, from helpless to helpful, from stressing to blessing.

(Because she used what was in her hand)

Note: God gave us everything we need to get the job done, we just have to use it.

Scientist say that there are very few human beings who ever use over 10% of their brain: That means that 90% of brain power is wasted.

Why? Because most people never put a demand on that other 90%

We have to use what we have to the best of our ability before we'll get more.

Even though what we have seems, small, weak, insignificant,This is on purpose, because God has designed it so that what we have must be connected to him to work.

The difference is the power of God.

It is not your ability, your knowledge, your brain size, your talent, or the size of your gift or the beauty of your gift that matters

(All that matters is: How much of God is in your stick).

Your stick represents that which you have that you surrender to God.

When God gets in it, it’s enough

When God gets in it, It will surprise you (Moses fled from before his rod when it turned into a serpent).

The anointing is the supernatural power of God operating through the natural to produce results that are humanly impossible.

We need to ask God to get in our stick.

That is to say the great need of the hour is God in our song, God in our preaching, God in our marriage, God in our business. God in our gift, God in our talent.

When God gets in a thing it is not the same.

When God gets in a thing it can scare some people.

Just like Moses who had never seen his rod do anything like that before.

*God got in a rock and caused a river to flow out of it that quenched the thirst of 1to 3 million Israelites.

*Got got in a donkey and caused it to speak and rebuke a rebellious prophet.

*God got in an axe head of Iron and caused it to swim up to the top of the water so the young prophet could reach out his hand and take hold of it.

*God got in a little pot of oil and caused it to multiply till it met every need and provided an abundant overflow.

*God got in a rock and a piece of leather and brought down the philistine champion, the giant Goliath.

*God got in Aarons rod and it budded, and blossomed and produced almonds (over night)

*God got in a box, and they called it the Ark of the Covenant.

They placed this box inside the most Holy Place of the tabernacle (The Ark was made out of wood, but it was covered with Gold,) This is symbolic of the natural and the supernatural, the human and the divine nature of Jesus.

The Most Holy Place from the inside was covered in gold but from the outside the tabernacle was covered with badger skin.

No one would know by looking at the outside, that there was such a valuable treasure inside.

In similar fashion Today God has chosen to place his presence and glory in human tents;

Our bodies are the temples of God.

2 Corinthians 4:7 But we have this (treasure in earthen vessels,) that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

Moses rod symbolizes something that is weak, it has no life or energy of it’s own, It can only do what the natural human power of Moses enables it to do.

Until the power of God got in it.

In like fashion: We are weak, we have no life or strength or power of our own.

It was only as Moses released his rod to God, that Gods power came into it.

It is only as we surrender ourselves to God that his power will be manifested through us.

Too many times we are unwilling to give up what we have.

We want to hold on to what we know, what we understand, what we are comfortable with, what we have leaned upon and had control of for so long.

God is wanting to give us something new, something greater, (but you have to be willing to let go of what you have).

Trust God with your stick.

Before God could fulfil his promise to Abraham that all the nations of the earth would be blessed in his seed, He asked for his seed back.

Abraham trusted God with his seed Isaac and God gave him Jesus and everyone who trusts in his blood to save us.

We are today the seed of Abraham because Abraham was willing to give what he had to God.

The rod of Moses became the rod of God.

That rod became the symbol of Gods authority and Power, The instrument by which God’s word and will were enforced.

So it is today: It is through you and I who carry the Spirit and the Word in us that Gods will is enforced in the earth.

God told Moses what he was going to do, and how he would deliver Israel But he still had to stretch out the rod.

In like fashion God’s word reveals his will to us, but we still have to Speak it, (Stretch out the rod).

Jesus said we had mountain moving power, but he said in order for the mountain to move we have to speak to it.

Everytime Moses stretched out the rod it was a type of speaking the Word out of a believing heart.

Just as Moses and the rod were Gods instruments for bringing his Power against Egypt and setting the Israelites free, we today are God’s instruments to afflict satans kingdom, to bind the enemy of the souls of men and women and set them free.

One of the greatest problems we have as Believers is we have a tendency to underestimate what we have.

I have just enough meal and oil for one little cake said the widow of zarephath

I have just a little pot of oil, said the widow woman who was in debt and in danger of losing her sons to a life of slavery.

There is a lad here with two fish and five loaves of bread, but what is that among so many asked Philip a disciple of Jesus.

I just have a rock and a slingshot: said David the shepherd boy.

But in each case their little bit was enough.

When they put it in Gods hands it became more than enough.

When Samson was assaulted by the philistines there were no superior weapons of quality design to be found,

He started looking around him for something, (anything that he could use)

He found the jawbone of an ass and with it slew a thousand men.

What made this jawbone Samson’s weapon of choice? Not because of it's material (Not because of it's superior design) not because everybody else was using one.

The answer is simple: #1 It was there, #2 It was available, #3 It was within reach.

When The Angel of the Lord appeared to Moses as a fire in a bush (What made that bush Gods choice to manifest himself through?)

It wasn't any special kind of wood, it wasn't a beautiful bush that people would go miles out of their way just to look at.

The answer is: It was available.

Now look at your neighbor and tell them: Neighbor (I've got some really good news for you (any old stick, any old bush will do)

Hallelujah: God is not looking for greatness, He's not looking for beauty, He's not looking for perfection, (All God needs is for you to make what you have, make yourself available to him). Put it in his hands.

When Samson looked at that jawbone of an ass, he saw something no one else saw, ( he saw an instrument of mass destruction) and that’s what it became in his hand.

Had he despised that jawbone and thought that it was too weak, or too insignificant or too foolish, he may have died at the hands of the enemy.

I believe many of Gods people have been defeated in life because we have allowed the enemy to cause us to despise our gift, or our talent, Like the servant who went out and buried his one talent, many have buried their talents because it seemed so weak, so small, so insignificant.

But the Holy Spirit is saying to us: It’s time to take the harp off the willow tree, dig up that hidden talent and put it in the masters hands.

Look what God did with a stick

Look what God did with the jawbone of a donkey

Look what God did with a slingshot and a rock

Look what God did with two fish and five loaves of bread

Whats In Your hand?

I want everyone today to come forward: Because this is an anointing service

We are going to anoint your hands for service, for use (So that whatever it is that God has put or is going to put in your hands, will be used in the power and the anointing of the HolyGhost to build the Kingdom).

If it's a song you're going to sing it

If it's a testimony, you're going to give it

If it's a gift of hospitality you're going to use it to bless others

If it's a desire to call others and encourage them and lift them up, you're going to do it.

There are many gifts and ministries in the body (such as, teaching, administration, compassion, and self-sacrificing service.

There are (9) Specific gifts of the Spirit that are the work, the operation and the manifestation that are supernatural in origin and operate by and through the unction of the HolySpirit.

But anything that you can do, want to do, enjoy doing, have a natural inclination to do can be a gift that comes from God.

And God will anoint you to use your gifts for him, if you will put them in his hands.