Summary: If the Christian life is KNOWING God, HEARING HIs voice, and OBEYING His leading, then it is essetial that believers learn how to tune their ears to His voice.

Voices – Can You Hear Me Now?

March 18, 2005

Matthew 13:1-23 Sunday AM

Video: Can You Hear Me Now –

Trans: Throughout our previous series, I continually stated that the Christian life is about knowing God, hearing His voice, and obeying His commands. Many of you have asked, “How do I hear God’s voice and know it is Him?”

Note: The notion of God speaking shouldn’t seem too mystical to us. In fact, throughout the Bible there are countless stories of God frequently speaking to His people. From Adam in Genesis to John in Revelation, God not only spoke, but spoke clearly to anyone who would listen. Thankfully, the same God who spoke in the pages of our Bible is still speaking today. He is always speaking; we’re just not always listening or have learned His voice.

Insert: It’s funny how quickly we learn someone’s voice once we’ve spoken w/ them once or twice. For many of you, b/c you hear my voice on a regular basis, if I were to call you at home, you’d instantly know my voice – even w/out caller I.D. Why? B/c familiarity breeds recognition.

Story: I saw this truth at work several years ago while skiing. As I was swishing down the mountain, I was blown away by a group of blind skiers. Skiing is difficult enough when you can see; imagine zipping down a tree-lined mountain w/out sight under the direction of someone’s voice. Ski guides use voice commands and a tapping technique to guide the blind skiers down the mountain. Despite the clamor of other skiers, a blind skier must be tuned to the guide’s voice b/c their well-being is completely dependent on their ability to hear his instruction.

Note: The same is true in our relationship w/ God. We have no idea what really lies beyond the next turn or crest in our lives, but He does. To make it through life, we must learn to listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd.

Verse: I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father. I lay down my life for the sheep… My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me. Jn. 10:14, 27

Insert: That is the key – following the direction of the One who knows and sees everything and who loves us and desires to use our lives for His glory.

Exercise – I need a volunteer (Blindfold and offer verbal direction)

Verse: Trust the Lord w/ all of you heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge, Him and He will direct your steps. Pr. 3:5-6

Note: The key to hearing God is learning how to tune our ears to His voice. Like tuning into a radio station, we have to be on the right frequency and make sure nothing is blocking the signal. That’s what James was referring to when he encouraged us to get rid of all moral filth – to clean out the junk in our spiritual ears so that we can hear God’s speak.

Trans: Over the next two weeks I want to help us learn how to tune in and hear God’s voice. If hearing God is critical to Christian living, then we must learn how to distinguish His voice among the many voices in this world. (Read Mt. 13:1-23)

Trans: You might be asking, “What does this passage have to do w/ hearing God?” Much! Eighteen times in this passage Jesus commands the people to hear, listen, or tune their ears – He who has ears to hear let him hear. Which brings up an obvious question – what does God want us to hear? HIM!

Recap: A sower goes into a field to sow seed that fell upon four types of soils:

1 Seed fell along the path was trampled and the birds came and ate it.

2 Seed fell upon the rocky ground that was scorched by the sun.

3 Seed fell among the thorns and weeds that was choked out.

4 Seed fell w/in the good soil that germinates and brings forth fruit.

Trans: This text has been used in many ways from salvation to eternal security, etc. And while those truths apply, it is important to interpret this text w/in the context of the whole. In Matthew 13, Jesus offers eight parables each w/ a specific focus concerning His will and mission. This first parable is called the Parable of the Sower and is Jesus autobiography of His mission.


Note: Who is the Sower? The sower is Jesus. He came into this world to seek and to save the lost. But notice that as the sower, Jesus indiscriminately casts the seed in all directions and it randomly fell on four types of soils.

Insert: This is one of those passages that can be difficult to understand and reconcile if you choose a particular theological bent as the foundation of your faith. Jesus clearly makes the gospel available to all men as He indiscriminately flings His seed into the world. Yet according to John, no man comes to the Father unless the Spirit draws him. This isn’t a contradiction but a point of clarification. God wishes that no man perish but that all come to repentance and yet, not everyone who hears the gospel message will receive it and be saved.

Note: This passage does give us some insight into the heart of the Sower.

1 The Sower is on a mission to redeem lives.

2 The Sower knows there are other voices competing for our ears.

3 The Sower wants no one to perish so He indiscriminately casts His

powerful seed in all directions and to all types of men.

4 The Sower knows only the seed falling upon fertile soil germinates,

but men are w/out excuse b/c the seed was arbitrarily cast.

5 The Sower is just and can’t be blamed for seeds that don’t germinate.

Verse: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him would not perish, but would have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believes in him is not condemned: but he that believes not is condemned already, b/c he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. Jn. 3:16-18 (explain)


Note: The seed is the word and voice of God (Lk. 8:11). It’s the Gospel message that Jesus came to die for our sins, and the instruction of God for our daily pursuit of His will and righteousness. The seed isn’t just what God has accomplished in the past for the purchase of our souls, but it includes what He continues to do today in and through our lives.

Trans: The seed of God’s voice is a frail but powerful force that produces a fruitful harvest. It contains the ability to change lives. The seed of Jesus when planted into our souls has the power to redeem lives and rescue them from eternal separation and damnation.

Verse: He has rescued us from the dominion and power of darkness and has brought us into the kingdom of the Son whom he loves. In whom we have redemption through His blood the forgiveness of sins. Col. 1:13-14

Note: Furthermore, His word has the power to set us free to follow Him and accomplish His will. It has the ability to get right to the issues of our lives.

Verse: The word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and it discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hb. 4:12

Trans: We need to understand that God’s seed is but one voice in our lives. But there are other voices, other seeds, that can be planted in our lives and soul that will produce a crop that doesn’t honor or glorify God.

A The Voice of SATAN (Birds on the Trampled Path)

Note: Satan is the bird of the air that snatches away the seed on the trampled path. He is alive and well and enjoys nothing more than to whisper in your ear to turn your attention away from your divine purpose to anything that would occupy your life and disengage you in the pursuit of God’s mission.

Note: That is what temptation is – it is the voice of Satan to turn your attention away from God’s interest to self-interest. Satan’s desire is to STEAL the seed of God’s truth so that God’s voice is not allowed to germinate in you.

Verse: The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy… Jn. 10:10

Verse: Be alert, be on watch! Your enemy, the Devil, roams around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. 1 Pt. 5:8

B The Voice of SELF (Sun scorching the Rocky Soil)

Note: The voice of self is the sinful nature w/in you that you’re born w/. It’s the old man (flesh), Paul spoke of in Galatians. It is self-centered, self-absorbed, and self-sufficient and it seeks to STARVE out the seed of God’s voice b/c it doesn’t want to relinquish or share the throne w/ anyone.

Note: Yet the moment you gave your life to Christ, God invested His H.S. w/in you.

Verse: Don’t you know your body is the temple of the H.S., who lives in you and who was given to you by God? You don’t belong to yourselves but to God; he bought you for a price. So use your bodies for God’s glory. 1 Cr. 6:19

Verse: You also became God’s people when you heard the true message, the Good News that brought you salvation. You believed in Christ, and God put his stamp of ownership on you by giving you the H.S. he promised. The Spirit is the guarantee we shall receive what God has promised his people, and this assures us God will give complete freedom to those who are his. Eph. 1:13-14

Note: In that instance, a war began. Battle lines were drawn b/c of God’s Spirit and your flesh. The Spirit began speaking and your flesh began resisting.

Verse: For the flesh sets its desires against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh, so that you might not do the things that you please. Gal. 5:17

Note: Every one of us battles w/ the selfish person w/in. Self longs to be comforted, indulged, and honored. It thinks more highly of itself than it should – it says, Hey – I deserve it. If I don’t take care of me who will! The self voice is loud and demanding. The Spirit’s job is to whittle our desires to nothing and to turn our dependence to God alone.

C The Voice of SOCIETY (Thorns choking the Seed)

Note: Next is the voice of this world. Anywhere and everywhere you turn, the voice of this world is singing the praise of Satan while serenading the desire of self.

Note: Jesus likens the voice of this world w/ weeds and thorns that seek to STRANGLE His voice of truth. Thus, don’t be surprised when you hear that the tomb of Jesus has been found and he’s still there; or that there is some mysterious secret to success in life that has once again been recovered and if you pay $26.95, you too can know the secret. These lies are nothing but thorns and weeds intended by the Devil and the world to ensnare and entangle us.

D The Voice of the SAVIOR

Note: This is the only voice that matters and the only voice we must have our ears tuned. His voice leads to SUCCESS through submission to His precepts and principles. His voice is the only voice of truth.

Note: God’s voice never contradicts His Word or betrays His mission. His voice never puts your will above His will or your indulgence over the souls of men.

Note: I’m not saying don’t pray about the details of your life. I’m saying that everything in this world, including God, doesn’t revolve around you. When most of us pray, we’re not asking how the things that we’re seeking will impact His kingdom or be used to reach the men to raise them up to be fully developing followers of Christ – we only want to know how it’ll benefit us.

Insert: I realized this week that I often have a problem praying for my benefit instead of for God’s will. I begin praying for His will to be done, but them I start attaching my preferences and qualifications – like they’re an addendum to a bill to be passed in Congress. I’ve realized that God is going to do to them what our President does to good bills attached w/ bad laws – He’ll Veto them!

Point: Listen. God doesn’t speak to indulge us or cater to us – He speaks to mold us into His image and to employ us in accomplishing His mission.

WE NEED TO GET OVER OURSELVES ALREADY! It’s not about me or you; it is about His kingdom and righteousness.

Note: Yet most of us want to know God’s specific plans for our lives w/out abiding by His general plan marked out in His Word. One can only hear His voice when we’re willing to abide in Him and obey His commands. If you want to know God’s specific will, start doing His immediate will.

Story: When the Shimer’s began the process of adopting their daughter from China, they began the process b/c God told them to adopt. In the process, they began to qualify the type of child they wanted – 7 years old, able to speak a little English, healthy, etc. When it came time to receive their adopted chid, God gave them a 17 month old. I remember them asking if this was God’s will b/c it didn’t fit their criterion. Then they remembered that God called them to adopt and the child was of His choosing and not their choosing. Needless to say, Anna is here and what a blessing she is to everyone who knows her.

Trans: If when you listen you’re hearing only the answers that are concerned w/ your well-being and ambitions – let me assure, it is every voice speaking but God’s.


Trans: The soils represent the condition of our heart and our spiritual ears.


Note: On the soil but couldn’t get into the soil b/c the heart was trampled down.

Idea: A footpath is a narrow pathway separating one field from the next. It is an untilled area that has been trampled down by men walking on it. The ground is hard-packed making it impossible for the seed to germinate.

Note: This soil represents the INATTENTIVE heart – people whose hearts are hard and unresponsive to the gospel message not necessarily b/c they’re antagonistic to the truth, but b/c they’ve no interest in it b/c they don’t understand it.

Note: Just as the seed remains on the path so too does the message of hope remain on the surface – it goes in one ear and out the other, but never penetrates the surface.

Note: There is a second problem w/ this soil – beyond being hard – the birds (the evil one) come and completely devour the seed before it can germinate. The voice of God is stolen away by the wiles of the devil.

Truth: Many people will never hear and receive God’s truth b/c their hearts are hard and Satan comes and steals the truth of God before it ever makes sense.


Note: On the soil, in the soil, but cannot get down into the soil.

Idea: Not lose rocks in a field, but a field w/ underlying bedrock just deep enough the escape the blade of the plow, but close enough to the surface to affect the germination process.

Note: This soil represents the IMPULSIVE heart – people who receive God’s seed but quickly fall away when persecution or a greater commitment is required b/c it doesn’t suit them. They have a different ambition for their life other than God’s will and purpose for them. Their desires scorch the seed of God.


Note: On the soil, in the soil, but is choked out on the surface.

Idea: This isn’t a reference to seed being sown in a tilled soil that’s unwittingly full of the seedlings of thorns and thistles. As the seed grows, so too do the thistles eventually choking out and killing the good seed.

Note: This soil represents the INDULGENT heart – people who hear and concede the truth, but never receive it b/c it’s choked out by the things of the world. Their hearts are preoccupied w/ too many things to be committed to Jesus.

Reality: I know many religious people whose god is the worries and priorities of this life – their job, money, family, possessions, relationships, and hobbies are more important than following Jesus. You can’t serve two masters.


Note: On the soil, in the soil, down in the soil, up and out bearing fruit.

Idea: This is the soil away from the path, free of weeds, that is soft and fertile possessing a sufficient depth for germination.

Note: This soil represents the INVOVLED Heart – people who receive God’s truth by faith and whose lives mature into a fruit bearing faith.

Insert: What must I do to prepare my ears/heart to hear and receive God’s Word?

1 A Proper PLACE to Hear

Insert: Remember James 1 – be quick to listen. If we want to hear God we have to carefully, continually, and skillfully put ourselves in a position to hear His voice instead of the other three voices. We must seize every opportunity to be exposed to His Word and take advantage of each occasion to hear and digest it.

2 A Proper PURITY to Hear.

Note: Equally important to getting into the right physical place is getting in the right spiritual place – we have to have a passion for purity. No sin can beset us.

Note: James tells us we have to get rid of the sin that clogs our spiritual ears and the Hebrews tells us we must throw off the sin that encumbers and the weight that holds us down.

How: Come into agreement w/ God over the sin issues in your life – confess your sin and repent. True repentance turns from sin to God and never returns.

3 A Proper PROFICIENCY to Hear

Verse: Have nothing to do w/ godless myths and old wives tales, rather train yourself for a Godly life. 1 Tm. 4:7

Note: As believers, we have a responsibility to follow God. God gives us His Word and Spirit to aid and guide in the process, but we must discipline ourselves to follow Him. Spiritual maturity and godly living don’t come by osmosis, but by applying God’s Word to our lives. You have to have the right skills and tools.

Verse: Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. 2 Tm 2:15

Note: If you want to hear God speak, then the first thing to do is learn how to rightly divide His Word. God’s Word is a translation from the Greek and Hebrew languages – while we don’t have to learn the languages, we need to know how to use the resources that give us greater understanding from the original and then how to extrapolate truth and principles.

4 A Proper PEOPLE to Hear

Note: We need to surround ourselves w/ people going in God’s direction. I know many believers who struggle b/c their earthly relationships. (1 Cr. 15:33)