Summary: The death of Jesus was more than bringing salvation to a lost world; it involved an international situation which only God was able to solve.

JOHN 19:38-42



A. Romans.

B. Retainer.

C. Receivership.


A. Risk.

B. Respected.

C. Remorseful.


A. Royalty.

B. Restful.

C. Rush.

The death of our Lord is now a fact of history. He has finished all of His suffering, His humiliation, and His rejection. When He sighed, “It is finished” He not only meant that His life on this earth was over, but all that He endured for us was now complete. Death instantly followed and swallowed up the life of the spotless Son of God. Just as Jonah was to be buried three days in the belly of the whale, so must our Lord now be buried three days in the belly of the earth. Just as Jonah’s perishing brought a calmness to the trouble waters, so with the Master’s demise would bring calmness to the almighty wrath of a just God’s anger over sin. As soon as Jonah’s body fell beneath the water the ships could sail on a smooth sea, so was the time when our Lord’s spirit descended beneath the earth and the ships of life could now sail on smooth waters to heaven’s port.

Death had finally been allowed to invade the body of our Lord. He who raised the dead, cured the blinded eyes, unstopped the deaf ears, cleansed the lepers, cast out demons now allowed death to posses His perfect body. He did not die because Satan killed Him, He died because He gave up His spirit to His heavenly Father. Yet in His death, there were issues which had to be resolved for the glorifying of the Father. This then leads me to the main points of the sermon. He did die and He did have a Royal Funeral.

I see three things associated with His death. The first one had to do with THE REALITY of His dying. The second point I note concerns THE RICH and what they did in giving the Master His Royal Funeral. Then, finally I note THE REPOSE of the Lord and what it means for us today.

* THE REALITY: The Reality of the death of Christ is attested by the Scriptures in a direct way when it says that “He was buried.” People do not bury a live person-only those who are dead. John gives the proof of the death of the Master in a direct and yet in a causal manner by THE REALITY of attesting to His death. This is crucial for those who believe in Christ. Without His death there would be no resurrection. Without His resurrection there would be no pardon for our sins. The simple fact that Jesus did die was a non-controversial fact to the writer of our text and to the Early Church. Only the skeptics and scoffers have tried to cast doubts and dispersion on the fact of His death and dying.

The reality of the death of Jesus was a given fact by the Romans who did the dastardly deed. These heartless soldiers might have been callused in many ways but they were sensitive to the scruples of the local Jewish population which demanded that these three men on these three crosses were to be dead and out of sight before the sun went down.

Normally, the Romans had no compunction about letting their miscreants hang on crosses for days, if that was what it took, for them to die. But not in Israel and they were out to placate the Jews by hurrying death along to the three helpless victims on the crosses that day long ago. Besides, if these Romans could hasten the death of these men in accordance with the wishes of the Jews, that would give them some extra time off and they could begin their night of revelry early, if they wanted to so do. To hasten the death of the victims was a cruel torture in itself.

The Romans, ever the inventers of afflicting pain, had devised a device which could break the legs of a man on the cross instantly with excruciating pain. The only solace was that the victim did not suffer more than a few seconds after his legs were broken.

The device consisted of two boards that were fastened at one end which acted like a hinge. The boards would be opened with the back piece sliding between the legs of the prisoner and the wooden cross upon which he hung. Then the top board was brought down to meet the bottom board in one swift plunge. The leg bones caught in between the vice like device were snapped like one would snap a twig. The pain was beyond bearing, but the man’s legs were now immobile and he could not raise himself on them to gasp for air and fill his lungs. His whole body would slump down and only the nails in his hands/wrists would hold him to the cross. He would suffocate instantly.

John verifies that when the Romans came to brake Jesus’ legs, they found Him to be dead already. They further sent word back to the inquisitive Roman governor, Pilate, that He was indeed dead. Not having the pleasure to brake the legs of Jesus, they decided to test His demise by lancing a spear at Him to see if He would flinch or cry out in pain. Romans also hated imposters and fakers and if He was faking His death to avoid having His legs broken, they would gladly-and with much glee-quickly bring out the vice and brake His legs. But, when that bitter, sadistic soldier, launched his missile at the side of Jesus, there was no movement to this lifeless body; there was no scream of added pain; there was no acting to avoid having His legs broken-He was dead because they saw blood and water ooze from the fleshly wound. This was a clear sign that death had indeed taken place and the blood began to separate and coagulate in the body of the Master. The gospel writers added a great deal to our faith the times they wrote the accounts of His dying-telling us in no uncertain terms-He died, He died for us. His death was a reality, in no uncertain terms. Even after His resurrection, the Jewish authorities verified the death of Jesus when they told the soldiers who were on guard that Easter morning to lie and say that, “His disciples came and stole the body.” One does not steal a person-one kidnaps a live person; one steals a body but never kidnaps a body. THE REALITY of the death of Jesus was attested by the Romans and later by the Jewish hierarchy.

However, the fact of the death of Jesus raised an issue which had to be handled discreetly. The Jewish authorities handed Him over to Rome to be killed because they could not do this terrible deed: in essence, he became the property of Rome. Rome had now become the Retainer of Jesus. What was Rome to do with a Jewish Man, that had been disowned by His own country men? Even those who could have buried Him, fled leaving Pilate with a complicated situation. Was he to take Roman money and bury a Jewish Man in a Roman cemetery or at lest pay the Jewish state to buy a grave for Jesus? The issue was not addressed in the haste to kill Christ and Pilate knew his enemies well enough to know that they would not claim Him now that He was dead when they disowned Him before he died. Rome did the deed now Rome was struck by a dilemma. It is so typical of sin, “Haste, makes waste.” It is so easy to sin quickly, but the results are hard to erase, because sin always leaves loose ends for someone else to tie together. The alcoholic likes his drink, but the family has to make ends meet. The drug addict survives on his habit, but society and loved ones pay the tab. The cheating spouse kills the love of his/her mate and leaves the rest of the family to try and make a go of it. So often children suffer and spend a life time trying to pick up the pieces of an abusive parent. Sin always makes sure someone else pays for the price of the sinner. Rome now had to pay for its sin.

Yet, with all of the haste that had just happened over the last few hours, THE REALITY of the death of Jesus was that if the Scriptures were to be fulfilled, there had to be a Receivership of Jesus by the Jewish nation. Somewhere, somehow, the body of the Master had to be brought back into the possession of the Jewish nation for Scripture to be fulfilled. The Scripture identified the means of death to be suffered by Christ and this was fulfilled by the Romans. But His burial had to be fulfilled according to the Scriptures and that was going to be fulfilled by the Jewish state. The question was, “How was this to be done?” There had to be a means whereby the Jewish nation would accept the rejected body of its Messiah. But, How? Who would step forward and claim the body? It certainly would not be Peter, or any of the other disciples who fled from Him at His trial. It could not be the women who stood afar off and watched Him die-they could not claim the body due to the fact that they were not males. A Receivership was needed to work out this delicate problem. Fortunate for all of us, God had this all under control, even before Christ Died. He always has things under control. This was the time for Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus to stand forth and assume the claim to the body of Jesus, thus bringing Him back into the Jewish nation’s possession.

** THE RICH: Enter, the Rich men for our Lord and Saviour. Before our Lord went to the cross, God had been preparing two men of means to be ready to stand in the gap and make up the hedge for His Son. Everyone else had fled and no one had the means to do for Jesus what these two men were able to do for Him. It is impossible to out smart our heavenly Father. While the Sanhedrin was busy plotting the demise of our Lord, two of their number were weighing the balances and they began to see something about Christ that struck them as being more than just a mere man. We do not know when Jesus and Joseph of Arimathea had had an encounter-if they did, but we do know about Jesus and Nicodemus, and that encounter forever changed him.

These two men were men of means due to their position within the Jewish hierarchy. John says that Nicodemus was a “ruler of the Jews.” No poor man would have had this said about him. Joseph could also have this title applied to him since he was one of the ruling class of the Jewish nation. Both men were able to do for Jesus at this most critical time what no others could do-to secure the body of our Lord and to prepare it for burial. These two were rich and they were ready to step in and help. They might have been secret disciples of Christ because they feared for their lives, and their positions, but they were still disciples and when God needed them, He emboldened them with courage sufficient to do what no one else could-to obtain the body of Jesus. God has plenty of secret disciples around the world even today who are afraid for various reasons to acknowledge Him as their Saviour and Lord, but when He needs them, He will infill them with courage and purpose and Satan himself cannot thwart them form their goal to stand firm for the Lord. This was the case with these two rich men.

I notice something about these two men-I notice the Risk both of them took on that momentous day so long ago. John says that Joseph “besought” the body of Jesus. He went boldly to Pilate-the one who had just given the sentence to kill that Nazarene for what the mob accused Him: seditious acts against Rome. All of the followers had fled because they thought that they would be guilty by association with Jesus and here comes the rich Joseph of Arimathea, and asked for the body of Christ. Where is the “secrecy” now? Joseph knew what the stakes were. He knew that Pilate could have ordered his arrest and threw him into prison. Yet, this RICH man besought the body of Jesus. In so doing, he was seeking to bring Jesus’ body back into the possession of Israel so that the Scriptures could be fulfilled. When Joseph approached Pilate for the body, he did so with great courage and he immediately relieved Pilate of burying this Man that was unwanted by the Jewish leaders. The Risk was great, but the reward was greater.

I then notice that when he was able to secure Jesus’ body, he was soon joined by his fellow ruler, Nicodemus and the two set out to prepare the body for its internment. I also know that these two RICH men were not only running a great Risk with Pilate-especially Joseph, but they were running a great Risk with their own countrymen. But by now, they did not care. Their decision to become open followers of Christ was remarkable. Besides being men of importance to the Jewish nation, these two men were men of renown and were Respected men in the whole community of Israel. The Jewish leaders could never say, after that day, that rogues and miscreants stole the body and did away with Him. These two gentlemen had a reputation that was solid and they were revered in their own right and now, these two set about to prepare the body for its burial. Jesus’ disciples might have come from the trades of the day, and they might have been looked down upon by the rich and the well to do, but now, two of their own wealthy people were doing something for Jesus that needed to be done and these two were above reproach. At one time they were secret believers in Him, but now, they were ardent followers of Him. They had the means, the money and the majesty to obtain the body from the Romans and to bring it back into the Jewish realm for its proper burial. They were trusted by all, their lives were exemplary before all and they set about with love, to do what they wished they had done before, to openly acknowledge Him as their Lord.

As they set about their tasks-which were great-they no doubt had servants and slaves to help them do the tasks at hand. Notice the chain of events that followed once Joseph was given the body. Jesus had to be taken down from the cross. He then had to be wrapped in burial clothes that were layered with spices and perfumes. Then there was the place to bury Him and all had to be done within a few hours before the sun sat. Quickly these two RICH men summoned their help to come for assistance. Some servant was sent to obtain the burial clothes; another was sent to buy the spices and perfumes; others were ordered to bring a ladder so one or more could climb it to pull out the nails from the blessed hands of Jesus, and gently lower Him to the ground. Orders were given, people were coming/going and together these two men were in the midst of properly preparing the body for burial.

With all that was taking place at the foot of the cross, I cannot help but think that these two men were now very Remorseful. Tears must have filled their eyes as they realized that He died for them who were cowards at heart. He gave His all for them and they were silent while others cast aspersions on Him. They must have thought about the times when His name was spoken with hate and rage and they were silent because they feared the people. They might have been secret followers of Him, but that did not stop the remorse that must have griped their hearts that day. As they turned the body this way and that wrapping it carefully and covering it completely, they had to see the bare back that had the skin shredded by the lash and they knew it was for them. They saw the nail marks in His hand and on His feet and they knew they were made for them. They saw the torn flesh that hung around the crown of His head as the barbaric Romans placed the crown of thorns on His head and then hit it with their mauls so it would dig into the flesh, and they knew it was for them. They saw the beardless face because His beard was pulled out by the roots and they knew it was for them. They saw the swollen face that had been slapped and spit upon and they knew it was for them. They saw the swollen, parched lips that were needing moisture but refused to drink the gall and they knew it was for them. Interspersed with the spices, the perfumes and the ointment for burial, there must have been the salty tears of two RICH men who knew that He did all of this for them. No longer would they stay silent when He needed defending; no longer would they cringe if someone accused them of following Jesus; no longer would they slink away from claiming Him as their Lord-they looked at that precious body and they were forever changed. May we imitate them today.

Jesus was now back into the Jewish possession, thanks to these two men and now with the body being properly prepared, the next phase was the internment.

*** THE REPOSE: Pilate had just been saved from making a decision about what to do with the body of Jesus thanks to Joseph of Arimathea, but now the question arose, as to what the Jews would do with this body. The answer was forthcoming.

John says that the place where Jesus was crucified, was in a garden. A garden!!! Think of it, a garden. Jesus was crucified and the place had a garden. This terrible place that witnessed the shedding of the blood of our Lord had a garden-not a place of refuse, not a place of ill repute, not a slum part of town, not a place where the wolves, the dogs and the vultures would visit looking for morsels of something to eat, but a garden. A garden that had flowers, that heard the sweet song of the birds as they flittered from blossom to blossom looking for the sweet nectar that lay within the folds of delicate petals. A garden, a place where one could enter and find rest from the cares of the day. A garden, a beautiful garden, a place of beauty and composer, a place where Royalty would visit and be entombed. How befitting for the King of Kings. A garden, a place that would be sought by the rich to have their final resting place prepared, a garden where the rich peoples’ family would come and would be able to enjoy the place-making the death of the departed less painful. A garden, tended by a gardener. There would be no overgrown weeds in this place. There would be no dead flowers wilting on the vines in this place. This would be kept clean and wholesome, and it would be appealing to the senses. A garden-how fitting for a King and that was the very place that they would bury Jesus.

I also note another aspect about THE REPOSE of the body besides being placed in a beautiful garden it-was close by, it was going to be Restful for the body of Jesus. This tomb in the garden that was going to contain the final rest of the Master was nearby-in the garden. Joseph, the wealthy man, had this tomb carved out of the rock that was in the garden and it was to be his own and final resting place for his repose, but he gave it to Jesus.

There are two points to ponder about this sepulcher. The first thing is that it was near and not two miles or more away from the place where Jesus was crucified. These two men would never be accused of taking the body of our Lord a long way off, out of sight, where He could have been dumped in some obscure place only to have His replacement come out of the tomb three days later. No, Jesus was placed in the tomb, near by, in the garden where all eyes could see that Jesus was indeed placed inside of Joseph’s tomb, dead, wrapped and ready for entombment Everyone who watched that day could verify that it was Jesus who was placed in that tomb by His followers.

The second thing to remember is that John says that this tomb was new. There were no bones resting in this tomb. No one could say that Jesus touched the bones and someone else came out of the tomb. This tomb was empty like our hearts were before Jesus came to dwell in them. Joseph gave his best for his Master, we should do likewise.

Before I close, there is one more point to remember about THE REPOSE of the Master; it was done with great haste and it was never finished. The Rush of trying to do their best for Jesus was not good enough. A few ladies waited until the end of the Sabbath to go and finish the task of embalming Him and found Him gone. This is important for us to remember: we often hurry and do this and that for Jesus and never seem to do a complete job. Time restraints are upon us all and we run hither and thither trying to do this and that for Jesus and it seems like we are always a nickel short and a dime late. Satan hounds we Christians and accuses us of laxity in our devotion to Him, but remember, these people who tried to take care of Jesus’ body that day so long ago, did their best and it was enough. Three days later, Jesus walked out of that tomb, leaving behind the grave clothes and the spices. They are still there today, making our resting place in Christ a sweet smelling place as our bodies wait for the trump calling us to come out of our graves to be reunited with Him.

Rome took Jesus and crucified Him. He was outside of the Jewish reach for a brief time, but two men brought Him back into the fold and He was able to fulfill the requirements of the law for His burial and resurrection so that we might be saved by Him.