Summary: The spiritual condition and spiritual location of the children of God in the world.

Began, birth, commence, start; these are all words that are refreshing and optimistic. Whether, they are used to refer to the beginning of a new day, the birth of a child, the commencement of a long awaited vacation, or the start of a symphony, these words are full of promise and free of problems. They stir hopes and awaken visions of the future. Genesis means beginning or origin, and it unfolds the record of the beginning of the world, human history, family, civilization, and salvation.

In the book of Genesis, we are told the story of God’s divine purpose and righteous plan for His creation, His creatures, and man. In the book of Genesis, the person and nature of God is revealed. In the book of Genesis, the position and characteristics of men are shown. Accordingly, the consequences of sin are revealed forcing the promise and assurance of salvation to come forth.

The book of Genesis begins with God. It begins with God creating the world in a majestic and awe inspiring display of power and purpose. This brought about the birth of man and woman in the Garden of Eden. God had specifically created them in His image and likeness. Nevertheless, sin enters the world and man is hurled into meeting Lucifer. Because of this, creation is soon shattered and man’s fellowship with God is torn apart.

Although Genesis is full of intriguing stories, let us examine the characters and events of the most dramatic love story ever written. Cast in the position of leading man and woman is none other than Adam and Eve. God had created them to tend the garden, care for one another, and to have dominion over everything God had created. Cast in the role, as villain of this story is none other than Lucifer. However, he disguises himself as a snake in the grass. This same Lucifer played a major role in trying to overthrow God.

There is something needing to be mentioned before we continue with this story. We need not fear Lucifer because the Scriptures inform us that he has already been defeated. Nevertheless, we must respect who he was, is, and what he stands for now. Lucifer is a spirit. He is an angel made by God. Because he turned against God, there is nothing good or nice about him. Lucifer is a jealous, crafty, and very dangerous spirit. He is also a very intelligent spirit.

Lucifer knew if he came as himself, he would be recognized and his plans spoiled. The Scriptures informs us that Lucifer can be a roaring lion or an angel of light. However, this time he came as a simply snake in the grass. Lucifer used something familiar to man to get to man. Lucifer knew that man had named the snake in Genesis 2: 19-22. He knew the snake would not scare them away, because they knew the snake. Today, he is getting to us in the same way.

He uses things, ideals, thoughts, and people we are familiar with, use to, and know to get to us. He talked Judas into selling Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. Lucifer uses the ideal of racial superiority to kill millions of innocent people. He uses the concept of the right to bear arms and the practice of more firepower, more peace to destroy our peace and make this world a dangerous place to live.

Nevertheless, Eve was familiar with the snake and she allowed herself to take the first step into sin. Sin does not just happen. A process happens. This process begins with listening. Listening in itself is not a sin, but the sin was conceived when Eve listened to words that was not of God. Up to that point, the only voice that she had heard in the garden other than Adam’s was the voice of God. She knew that voice coming from the snake was not the voice of Adam and it was not the voice of God. She knew the voice coming from the snake was not the snake’s voice, because snakes just do not talk. However, she listened anyway.

We still are falling for the same trick of Lucifer, today. We know what the Scriptures say. Nevertheless, we still listen to the untrue words of Lucifer and his many deceiving prophets. We know the Scriptures instructs us to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, nevertheless we seek first our own prosperity and riches. The Scriptures says that by His stripes we are healed, nevertheless we seek first the doctor and his bags of pills. The Scriptures tells us to discipline our children, however we listen to Dr. this and Dr. that and our children are running wild. We know the Scriptures instructs us to bring our tithes in to God’s storehouse, however, we rather take our money to Bally’s, The Creek Nation, and Million Dollar Elm casinos and return home broke, disgusted, and deceived. Lucifer is deceiving us each day because we are acting like Eve. We know what the word of God says, but we rather listen to Lucifer, instead.

The second step into sin is in the agreement. In Genesis 3:2-3, we discover that Eve knew what God had commanded and she repeated it to the snake. However, instead of resisting, she agrees with the false information of Lucifer. Today, we are still agreeing with Lucifer’s false information. When the misguided voice of society tells us that pre-martial sex is okay, we agree. Nevertheless, God calls it a sin. When the self serving voices of the media, suggest that there is nothing wrong with a little bump and grin, that it is okay to be married and still fool around, we agree. However, God still calls it adultery and it is a sin. When the lying voices of our politicians, moviestars, and music stars says it is okay to be gay, we agree. Nevertheless, God still calls it an abomination and it is a sin. When our religious leaders, family, friend, and running buddies says it is okay to hate, kill, steal, and destroy based on a lie, we agree. But God still says “Thou shall not.” and that means it is a sin.

The final step into sin is in the action. According to Genesis 3:6, Eve listened, agreed and then acted upon the evil advice of Lucifer. She turned and walked up to the tree. She looked at how desirable and delicious it appeared and made the biggest mistake of her life. She willing disobeyed God and took a bite. Then she brought someone in on her sin. She turned and gave some to her husband who was with her and he did eat. The moment they acted upon the evil advice of Lucifer all the powers of the Prince of Hell was let loose on God’s once perfect creation. After Adam and Eve sinned, they got evicted out of their garden home. After they sinned, they lose their fellowship with God. After they committed only their first sin, thing would no longer be the same.

In the cool of the evening, God comes out for His walk in the garden. He looked around and things did not seem the same. The flowers were not as brilliant and man had not come out to meet Him. Maybe, he was busy doing something somewhere in the garden. So, God turns the corner by the huge mountain and peers out across the grassy plains. However, man, His most prized creation was nowhere to be found. Listen as the voice of God vibrates among the trees and echoes across the mountain range. God calls out to His beloved, “ Adam, Adam, where forth art thou, Adam.” That was the saddest day in human history. It was sad because, Adam and Eve was evicted from paradise. It was sad because that day man broke the heart of God. Adam responded, “ I am hiding, I am hiding because I was scared you would see my nakedness. I am hiding because I was scared you would see my sin.”

As the scene quickly changes from past to present, we discover we now live in a world scarred by centuries of neglect, abuse, and pain. We discover a past century that has witnessed four wars and dozens of small conflicts. We discover a past century where we have killed each other because of hatred and racial differences. We now stand at the beginning of a new century that has buried millions of its citizens because of genocide, famine, disease, and unpredictable storms. America has descended from being the home of the free and land of the brave to barring ourselves in our homes because it is too dangerous in the streets. Nevertheless, God is still calling out in this mad psychopathic jungle. God’s voice is vibrating off our towering buildings and flowing down our streets. God is calling out in our cities, towns, and communities. He is calling out to each of us. He calling mothers fathers sisters and brother. God is still calling, “ Adam, Adam, where forth art thou, Adam.” He is not calling out for our physical location. He is seeking our spiritual location. He is not calling out for our physical condition. He is calling out for our spiritual condition. Can you hear His voice calling, “Adam, Adam, where forth art thou, Adam.”

God is calling out to the church the body of Christ. However, we are hiding. We are hiding behind our traditions and rituals. We are hiding behind or diplomas and degrees. We are hiding behind the safety of our four walls because it is dangerous out in the streets. Nevertheless, God is still calling out, “ Onward Christian solider, marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus going on before.” God is calling out to the church members. However, we are hiding. We are hiding because someone will call us a religious fanatic. We are hiding because we think no one will listen to us. We are hiding because we have hired someone else to do our job. Nevertheless, God is calling, “ Go, tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere. Go tell it on the mountain that Jesus, the Christ is born.” God is calling out to the unsaved, but we are hiding. We are more concerned with tires and rims than diapers and food. We are physically present in our homes, but we are no more than a hump on the couch. We are present in our communities, but we are no more than a bump on the highway of life. Nevertheless, God still calls out, “ Come ye disconsolate, wherever you languish. Come to the mercy seat and fervently kneel. Bring your wounded hearts, tell your anguish, earth has no sorrow that heaven can not heal.” God is calling out to our country and nation, but we are hiding. We are hiding because we have listened to, agreed with, and are acting like Lucifer. We no longer protect God’s creation. We try our best to destroy them. We no longer trust in God. We got Buddha, Mohammed and the psychic hotline instead. Nevertheless, God is stilling calling out, “ Adam, Adam, where forth art thou, Adam.”

Although, Adam and Eve sinned, God still loved them. Although He corrects them, He did not abandon them. Although, justice demanded for them to die, “ For the day you eat of this tree you shall surely die.” He gave them mercy instead. We, too, will continue to receive God’s love in spite of our sins. Although, He will and does discipline us, He will never leave us nor forsake us. Although, justice calls for us to die, “The soul that sins shall surely die.” God gave us love, grace, and mercy. He wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and places Him in a manger. Although, we stand before God in nothing but our filthy unrighteousness, He sheds the blood of the only Lamb of God and washes away our sins. Still, He calls out to us, “ There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel’s veins. And sinners plunge beneath the flood lose all their guilt and stain.”

When we hear the voice of God calling us, we must realize that He requires an immediate response. As we walk in this present day civilized wilderness, God calls us to respond in spite of our turmoil, despair, or sin. He requires us to respond immediately to His call, “ I am thine oh Lord. I have heard thy call as it told thy love to me. And I long to rise in the arms of faith and be closer drawn to thee. Draw me nearer, nearer blessed Lord to the cross where thou have died. Draw me nearer, nearer blessed Lord to Thy precious bleeding side.” When we hear the call of God, the question is will we respond. Will we come from behind our denominational church walls and compel the lost to come. Will we get up off our do nothing and start to do something in the highway and byways of our society. Or will we just continue to hide afraid that God and the world will discover our sin.