Summary: Jesus always being present.

NEWSFLASH – Jerusalem day 3 A.D. – Panic at Passover. As reported to the Jerusalem Starry Times – The body of the prophet known as Jesus, son of Joseph, the wandering prophet who was executed by crucifixion last Friday appears to be missing from the tomb it was laid in. More amazingly then that several of his disciples are concocting an incredible story that in fact the body is not actually missing but that Jesus has risen from the dead. Roman authorities are searching out these disciples to administer blood and psychiatric testing. A source speaking on the condition of anonymity has stated that should these individuals be found to be intoxicated or high they will be locked away until their actions can be properly dealt with. The commandant of Pilot’s elite Roman Guard has stated that that charges of inciting a public riot are not out of the question.

The following is a press release just received from the Office of the Governor – the Honorable Pontius Pilate (he who turned Jesus over for crucifixion) –

Dear Citizens,

You will have no doubt heard some rumors floating around Jerusalem at this time about this man Jesus.

I want to state on the record and quite categorically that whatever might have happened – and we don’t know whether anything has happened – but if it has, which it might have, then it has, in all probability nothing to do with me.

I wasn’t even here at the time it happened, if it did happen. I’m not entirely sure where I was, but I was probably a long way from here making very tough decisions which I’m very good at, actually.

Signed – Everybody’s friend, Pontius Pilate.

(Letter taken from “The Tabloid Bible”

A source within the Governor’s mansion, again speaking on the condition of anonymity, has informed us that when Pilate was initial told of these reports he completely lost it – throwing his almost full goblet of very expensive 75 B.C. red Gathsemene Grape Delight wine against the wall while shout, NOT HIM AGAIN.

Oh yes, that first Easter Sunday did anything but calm those who were wondering what to do next with their lives. Ten of Jesus’ chosen twelve were huddled away in fear, behind locked doors, Thomas was probably off mourning in private, when the unthinkable happened. Jesus appears in the midst of them. In his calming voice he simply says, “Peace be with you.” In fact with his presence there one would think that would have given them all the peace they could have asked for. He proved it was him by showing the very visible signs of his death. I am sure this must have given them some peace, but his next words may have taken it away. “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” Can you just imagine their thoughts at that moment. You mean you want us to go out into the public? Don’t you realize that the authorities are looking for us? I’m afraid of needles, and I don’t want just anyone drawing my blood out of me, never know when I might need it. Besides, you never know who, or what, was last stuck with the silly thing.

Obviously, these gentlemen were being just as obedient to the crucified and risen Christ as they were to him before all these things happened. A week later, when Jesus reappears to them, there they are still in the same house with the doors shut, only all of them are there at this time, even Thomas. And Thomas’ presence has unfortunately given him a place of infamy in history he probably doesn’t deserve. Could you just imagine the week he had been through. If that was me, I could hear me saying the same thing – Paraphrasing: Unless I have the physical proof I won’t believe. I could imagine he probably thought that this was just some sick, ill-timed practical joke the rest of the guys were playing on him, to get him going. And don’t tell me you wouldn’t have thought the same thing.

Isn’t amazing that Jesus didn’t find the disciples, at least 10 of them in the streets singing “Joy to the Lord?” Ooops, it wasn’t written yet. Well the should have wrote it.

One of the most often missed, yet important, facts of this passage is Thomas’ reaction the following week when he proclaims who Jesus is – “my Lord and God.” In those words Thomas is actually singing Joy to the world the savior’s come. Of course Jesus accepts happily accepts Thomas’ belief in him yet states those who believe without seeing, what they think they must see, are truly faithful. Many, many things about this passage are as true today as they were when the Jerusalem Starry times reported them way back during that panic filled Passover that was the stage for the greatest show of love, humility, sacrifice and grace that ever did, or will, occur on this planet. This small portion of God’s creation we live upon.

NEWSFLASH – Sherburne/Smyrna, NY April 15, 2007 – Jesus Christ did in fact rise from the dead validating all the words of the prophets sent by God before him. This is an event that proves that Jesus is of one with the Father, and as Thomas said – “Is our Lord and God.”

NEWSFLASH – Jesus Christ is in this room right now, whether we expect to find him here, or not.

NEWSFLASH – We did sing “Joy to the World” today, and I hope we sang it with our hearts, not just our words.

NEWFLASH – There are still a lot of Pontius Pilates around today. Those who know about, maybe have even met, Jesus but mealy mouth their proclamations about him so people who haven’t won’t be offended by their words.

So what is the moral of this story to each of us in our lives and faith walk? Oh, believe me this story was recorded by the Gospel writer for each of us because it is full of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for each of us.

GOOD NEWSFLASH – JESUS IS RISEN, HE IS RISEN INDEED. He broke our bonds to sin and death.

GOOD NEWSFLASH – If you look around in the room of your life, you will always, and I do mean always find Christ there saying – “Peace be with you.” Just take time out of your fears and worries to listen.

GOOD NEWSFLASH – The risen Christ trusts each of us to go into the world, the same way he trusted the original disciples, to spread the Good News of His Gospel.

GOOD NEWSFLASH – We can all be like Thomas as still be loved by our Savior. We might face doubts, but ultimately we can realize that Jesus is our Lord and God.

GOOD NEWSFLASH – We are blessed because although we have never met Jesus in the flesh he said we are. Remember his words – “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.”

And finally:

BETTER NEWSFLASH – Jesus actions and deeds far exceed what is recorded in the Bible. This Gospel writer makes that point clearly in verse 30 – “Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book.”

BEST NEWSFLASH - Jesus is active today in each of our lives in ways that are as unique and special as we are.

Don’t stay huddled up and afraid to tell the world. Remember – As the Father Sent Jesus, so Jesus sends us. I guess that means we better get moving with the moving message of the grace of God as shown though Jesus the Christ, our Lord and God.
