Summary: I will ask 6 of life’s most important question but only answer 5.

Questions That Need To Be Answered

TEXT: Romans 11:30 and James 1:5


1. kids are full of questions (who, what, when, why …)

a. they are not afraid to ask

b. have no foolish pride that hinders them from getting the info they need.

2. Adults have may questions too

a. Often too scared to ask

b. They want the answer but don’t want to be embarrassed

3. Questions are a valuable tool

a. Christ asked many

b. “lovest thou me”

c. “where are you accusers?”

d. “how many baskets left over”

e. “whom do you say that I am?”

4. Some of life’s biggest events are surrounded by questions

a. Where go to college

b. Who friends, date

c. Will you marry me? (asked Ang and she got sick)

d. Asking Christ to save you

5. Today I want to propose 6 questions and answer 5

I. Is there a GOD?

A) The world will not disagree that there is a God

a. They will argue as to who He is

b. They believe in “a god” just

c. Just not the “One True GOD”

B) Many religions offer there version of God

a. Hindus – different gods for the season and events

b. Islam – grand prophet Mohammad spoke on behalf of ALLAH

c. Buddhist –Buddha

d. Many others – stars, animals, stars etc

C) What does the BIBLE say?

a. Uses the word “GOD” 3,891 times in the KJV

b. From Genesis to Revelation, GOD is seen in every aspect of life and scripture

D) How do I know there is a GOD?

a. The earth declares it

i. Birds, plants, animals, stars, solar system

ii. Babies formed and born

iii. Creation of flowers

b. Bible tells us

i. Over 3,000 times in Scripture

ii. HE is I AM

c. Holy Spirit

i. Conviction – how can a grown man kneel in humility with out a genuine GOD

ii. Cleansing power – from an alcoholic to a servant

iii. Control – HE can/will keep you from going back to your old life.

d. Enemy confirms HIM

i. Matthew 8:29 “what have we to do with the Jesus Son of GOD”

ii. James 2:29 “even the demons believe and they tremble”

II. Is there life after death?

A) What does the world say?

a. Logic says there is more to life than the here and now

b. Many religions believe in an after life

i. April 14th / “Larry King Live” (READ excerpt)

ii. All “religious” people believed but atheist

B) What does the Bible say about “life after death”?

a. The Word of God is clear that we will all live eternally

b. What does “eternal” mean?

i. Aionios – Greek word

ii. Means – forever, everlasting, no end

c. Average life span – 77.9 years

d. YET God’s Word says we will be around forever

e. HOW if life is less than 80 years? There must be something after this earthly life.

f. “Eternal” mentioned 45 times in the NT

g. “Forever” mentioned 51 times in the NT

C) It is odd that we spend so little time thinking about the greatest part of our existence

a. Life is so brief and we invest so much into it

b. But eternity is forever and so little is done to prepare

D) Jesus taught us that there is life after death

a. John 14 - Christ said He was going to prepare a place

i. For who – those who follow and receive HIM

ii. When – after this life earthly life ends

iii. Why – because this life on earth is brief and real life begins after death

b. Luke 23:43 “today you will be with me in paradise”

i. With who? Jesus Christ

ii. When? After you die

III. Is there a Heaven?

A) What does the world say? (Religion)

a. Indians – believe in a happy hunting ground

b. Islam – place of reward

c. Egyptian – place of bliss and prosperity

d. Mythology – renewed life

e. Christians – dwelling with GOD

B) What separates the Christians “heaven” from other beliefs?

a. Christianity is the only one that is authenticated

b. All other leaders died and remained so

c. Jesus Christ arose for the grave.

d. Don’t think for a moment that the other leaders would not have risen had they the power to do so

C) What is heaven?

a. A prepared place

b. A place of peace

c. A promised place

d. A planned place

D) Where does God live?

a. In Bible 3 heavens used?

i. 1st – clouds and sky

ii. 2nd – solar system, stars

iii. 3rd – abode of God

b. II Corinthians 5:8 “to be absent in the body is to be present with the LORD”

c. Yes there is a heaven where God dwells

IV. Is there a Hell?

A) What does the world say?

a. Wicked man says there is a right and wrong

b. Right is rewarded and wrong is punished

B) What does the Bible say?

a. Hell used 53 times in the Bible

b. 139 passages describe it

c. Millions have gone, millions will go

d. 10 people go to hell every time your blink your eye

e. Some here today may go to hell

C) What is Hell?

a. A place of Forfeit

i. Family

ii. Forgiveness

iii. Status

iv. Possessions

b. An eternal place

i. Never read where “rich man” got out of hell

ii. Hell is forever (empty all oceans with a thimble and eternity will begin)

c. A place of torment

i. Ground zero reached temps of 10,000 degrees

ii. Many jumped to their deaths to escape the fires only to end in hell

iii. THOUGHT: Rich man believed that 1 cup of water would quench his thirst.

d. Ask anyone in hell today

i. All there by own choice

ii. Rich man wanted someone to warn his family

D) If hell so bad, why do many go?

a. Refuse to respect the authority of God’s Word

b. Refuse to believe in God

c. Refuse to Repent

V. Am I a sinner?

Note: this is still a question that I can answer.

A) What is sin?

a. “to miss the mark”

b. Aim for perfection but miss the target

B) What does the world say?

a. Have you ever lied – liar

b. Lusted – adultery

c. Hated one – murderer

d. YES you are a sinner

e. I do not believe there is one person (with sense) to argue the fact that we are not perfect

f. If we have missed the perfect mark – then we are sinners by definition

C) What does the Bible say?

a. Romans 3:23 “for all have sinned” (world agrees)

b. Romans 6:23 “for the wages of sin is death”

c. David said he was born in sin

D) We are sinners

VI. Where will you spend eternity?

A) This is your question to answer?

a. I can not answer for you

b. I have attempted to answer all the others

B) Things to ponder

a. There is a perfect GOD

b. There is life after death

c. There is a heaven

d. There is a hell

e. WE are all sinners

f. Sinners can not life with a perfect GOD

g. WHAT to do?

i. Ask Jesus to cover you

ii. So when God looks at you HE sees JESUS


1. Romans 10:9

2. Matthew 10:32

3. 2 Corinthian 5:17