Summary: Too often today the world rejects and mocks our Lord’s gift of new life as they look upon the lives of those who profess to live it and yet see anything but life. We say we have a new, wonderful life in Christ, but is it obvious to those around us? It s


ACT I: Foundations Of A Supreme Mystery – Identification



Have you ever wondered what makes something a “masterpiece”? I mean what makes something worthy of “masterpiece theater” and not just “theater”? When is a bunch of paint splashed on canvas or a hunk of metal molded into an unrecognizable figure a “masterpiece” rather than a ’mistake’, or even ’trash’?

My dictionary states that a masterpiece is “anything done with superior skill.” Most artists (whether painters, sculptors, musicians, thespians, or writers) would say that the skill which produces a masterpiece is the ability to create something where there was ’nothing,’ to transform something ugly into something beautiful, or to take what was ’dead’ and give it vibrancy, life and purpose!

We don’t all have to be Barney Bellinger to create a ’masterpiece.’ In different ways, in different areas, we all have the opportunity and ability to to accomplish this feat – even if but for a moment. But do we? Do we try? Believe?

What has been your life’s “masterpiece”? Why? What “fruit” has it produced?

Of all that God has created, what would you consider to be His greatest ’masterpiece’? Why?


Note all of the stark contrasts in Paul’s words.


A.) DEAD IN SIN (vv. 1-3)

1.) Who?

a.) Gentiles: “you (pl)” in vv. 1-2

b.) Jews: “we” in v. 3

= Everyone, humanity!

There is unity in sin and death as well as unity in life, grace, and sanctification.

2.) What?


* Not simply a figure of speech! Paul means absolute, literal death. True & full spiritual


* Dead people can not do anything! This is true of all dead people at all times. Universal.

* Bodies & minds may be vibrantly alive, but the spirit - the most important & only eternal

aspect of humans) - is dead. Thus, those dead in sin are likewise spiritually dead & blind.

- Dead & blind to the Truth, Reality and Glory of Christ.

- As Pastor R. Kent Hughes says, “They are as deaf to the Holy Spirit as a corpse.”1

- Without Christ’s light (revelation) they are blind to the full reality of their sin and the

forces/influences of temptation and corruption that is within and all around them!

As such, all in sin are “Dead Men Walking”! This world, created as a Paradise, is now nothing more than a glorified cemetery!

All death is separation. It is to be separated from God. As such, even the capacity to know or long for God has been lost.

Separated and knowing nothing of God, people are left to attach themselves to those influences that not of God.

Application: Why are some people the way they are? Why have we struggled to know or do what is right or good? Why does the drunkard return to his vomit? Or the abused to the abuser? Why do so many so often continue to trust the people, institutions and philosophies that have proven to be untrustworthy? Why are the unsaved so immoral/foolish/sinful/ignorant? Because it is the only way they can be! We need to better understand & remember this and then show less condemnation and more love, sympathy, concern & grace! Nor do we leave them to a living death. We pray that the Spirit of God would use us who have been re-born by His grace to lead them to a new life as well!

3.) Why? How?


* Total Depravity. Because sin separates us from God and deadens our spirit, it leaves us

completely incapable of genuinely knowing Him, His Spirit, His character, or living for

Him or in His power and goodness.

* The Old “walk”: The ordering, nature and reality of our lives before redemption in Christ.

We will discuss this more in a moment and as we continue through this study.

- contrast with The New “Walk” Paul speaks of later (4:1,10,17; 5:2,8,15)

* “sons of disobedience”: “sons of” was a common expression of Paul’s world which meant,

“those characterized by. . .” Incapable of knowing Him or His Holiness, we are

characterized by disobedience. Not just because we want to be disobedient, but because –

as spiritually dead people - we are incapable of obedience.

- NOTE: this can refer to the unsaved and, at times, even to believers

(Eph. 5:6; Mt. 16:23; Lk. 22:31-32; Acts 5:3)

4.) The Big Picture

The spiritually dead are continually dominated by the world, the devil, and the flesh.

a.) The World - without and around (cp. Col. 3:7; 1 Co. 2:6-8; 2 Co. 4:4; Gal. 1:4)

- “The world (kosmos)” is used 186 times in the NT, almost always with an evil

connotation. Refers to the cultural values, influences & systems of unregenerate

believers, leaders, societies and governments; including “group think” and fads.

- “according to the course of (energountos)” implies an opposition or rivalry - in this

case the “world” in opposition/rivalry to the Holy Spirit.

b.) The Devil - below

“the prince of the power of the air” = Satan, the Devil, Lucifer & his demonic minions.

Come to SS next week and we will be summarizing all the Bible says about angels, demons and the Devil.+

c.) The Flesh - from within

- “the flesh.” F.F. Bruce notes, “its distinctive usage denotes that self-regarding element in

human nature which has been corrupted at the source, characterized by appetites and

propensities which, if unchecked, produce ‘the works of the flesh’ listed in Gal. 5:19-20.”2

- The dead are corrupted and dominated from within as well. We can’t blame all sin on the

devil or the world, we are individually responsible as well.

- The addendum, “of the mind” is inserted to help us realize that “the flesh” refers not only

to physical urges, but to those of the mind (selfishness, pride, etc.) as well.

“Dead in Sin” “Resurrected with Christ”


------------------------------------- The World

The World

Heavenly Realm



* We cannot see/understand our status & blessings through redemption, unless we first

understand our total depravity, death & imprisonment apart from Christ’s redemption!


1. Only 1 Way: Resurrection with Christ

- Either one is alive with Christ, or one is dead.

2. Activated by God’s Rich Mercy & Love

- God’s unconditional love for the dead is expressed through His rich mercy and displayed

through His sacrifice of His Son and His subsequent resurrection, that the dead too may

be resurrected and “made alive” together with Jesus!

- So too, in love & mercy, He desires to extend His grace not only to resurrect the dead, but

also to transform them!

3. Resurrected Life Inexorably Tied with Christ

a.) New life in Christ

Only in Christ can we be made alive, according to His grace. Every aspect of this

new life is then inexorably tied with our Savior and Lord.

b.) Resurrected with Christ

- Our resurrection is also with Jesus, “together” we share in His resurrection (1:19-20)

c.) New “home,” status & citizenship

- Inexorably tied with Christ, we have consequently been given a new identity, a new

“home,” status and citizenship.

- This is not only a future hope and promise, but a present reality. The power and

authority of the spiritual realm is now at play in our resurrected lives (Col. 3:1-4).

C.) SAVED BY GRACE (vv. 7-10)

* Dead people are saved by God’s grace not only to be made alive, but also to be a testimony

and example of His grace to all of those around us - to current and succeeding generations.

* This is Paul’s succinct presentation of the whole gospel, and it abrasively flies in the face of

the notions, wisdom and urges of “the world, the devil and the flesh“!

1. Grace (through faith) Not Ourselves

* Grace is God’s undeserved & unmerited favor. It is 100% of God, 0% anything else.

* G.R.A.C.E. - God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense

* Absolutely nothing having anything to do with our salvation is of ourselves.

* Even our faith, is but a gift of the Holy Spirit - His regenerative work within us

(Acts 13:39)

2. A Gift not Earned/Deserved

* As a “gift” it is freely given.

* Not only is it not earned or deserved, but it can not in any way be earned or deserved by any

one but Jesus (Ro. 3:22-27; 4:2-3; 5:15-17; 6:23; 11:6; Gal. 2:16).

* Note also, that Paul does not specify or define these “works.” It is more than just a list,

and more than just The Law. It is any kind of human self-effort whatsoever.

3. Salvation is not Our Work, BUT We Are God’s Workmanship

* Once saved, we are not only made alive, but at least spiritually we are “re-made.” We

are a “new creation in Christ” (v. 15; Gal. 6:15; 2 Cor. 5:17)!

* “Workmanship (poiema)” literally means “that which has been made, a working.” It

refers to anything created, with an artistic connotation. We (the redeemed) are, therefore,

God’s new creation, His masterpiece, His poem, His crowning achievement!

* Note that Paul does not here refer to all humanity as God’s “masterpiece,” but specifically

and only to the redeemed in Jesus! In fact, we are twice-made.

4. Created, Chosen & Saved with a Purpose

-- to do God’s good works

* These works are NOT to secure, preserve or enhance our salvation (that is all impossible),

but rather represent the natural outworking and “fruit” of our salvation and transformation.

* These “good works” display God’s glory, they reflect His character and being.

* Martin Luther summarized this truth with the following dictum: “Justification is by faith

alone, but not by faith that is alone.”

* Works are the natural outpouring and expression of our new standing in Christ (Eph. 6:6;

Col. 1:10; 2 Thess. 2:16-17; Heb. 13:20-21; Jms. 2:14-26).

* These are works “which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them,”

empowered by His Holy Spirit.


A Los Angeles Times Syndicate once wrote: “Life is trial and error, unless you’re an incompetent crook, in which case life is error and trial.” There is an even greater twist to this truth: unless you have been re-born in Christ, your life is error and your death is a trial you are destined to lose eternally! In light of the law and Holiness of God, we are all incompetent crooks. Our lives are full of stupid and foolish errors and sin against Him. We may, in our arrogance and blindness, believe we can get away with it despite our fumbling. Folks, there is no way any of us can. Our crimes of sin are seen, they will be judged and – apart from grace through faith in Christ Jesus – we will be condemned to an eternal death sentence in a very real place called Hell. What will it be for you?

And, then, there are those of us who – through faith in His grace – have an assurance of eternal life and His resurrection power at work within us. Yet, we still – then by nature, now by choice – live as if dead. Which is really worse? President Coolidge was known to have been a very boring and bland person. After his death in January 1933, humorist Dorothy Parker asked, “How could they tell?”

Too often today the world rejects and mocks our Lord’s gift of new life as they look upon the lives of those who profess to live it and yet see anything but life. We say we have a new, wonderful life in Christ, but is it obvious to those around us? It sure can be!