Summary: Join me in taking a closer look at the heavenly message declared to an unsuspecting teenage girl. It is a message about “the wonderful birth of PROMISE” that we can all learn and be encouraged by!

Heavenly Messages of Christmas #3:

“The Wonderful Birth of PROMISE”


For the past two weeks, Pastor Ellison has started us in a wonderful series of messages reflecting on the heavenly messages proclaimed in the days surrounding the very first Christmas. We have reflected together not only on the meaning and significance of these messages when they were first proclaimed, but we have also discovered that they continue to hold great meaning and significance to us today and the lives we each live! Amongst all the thousands of voices clamoring to be heard, God’s voice continues to echo and to speak directly to us in wonderful and miraculous ways!

First, Pastor Ellison guided us to reflect on the angel’s message to a hurt, doubting and struggling Joseph. It was a message of prophecy of the coming peace, power and person of ’God With Us’, Jesus Christ. Last week, we looked at an angel’s message to Zacharias - the father-to-be of John the Baptist. Reflected in this heavenly message was the importance of living a life of purity if we are to live a life of power or effectiveness in fulfilling God’s calling in our lives.

This morning, I invite you to join me in taking a closer look at the heavenly message declared to an unsuspecting teenage girl. It is a message about “the wonderful birth of PROMISE” that we can all learn and be encouraged by!

LUKE 1:26-38




God’s promises rarely come when or how we expect.

God’s promises most often come to those who least expect them.


1.) Mary was a young girl, probably around 14-yrs-old and possibly as young as 12, who lived in a

small, unremarkable village.

2.) Mary’s expectations and ambitions were likely no different than the other girls in her village: to

marry her betrothed, bear children, raise a family, and lead a good and simple life.

3.) Clearly, she had no clue whatsoever that this day would be any different from any other. That

this day she would receive an unexpected visitor from a far and very unexpected place,

delivering a completely unexpected message. And, yet, that is exactly what happened! And it

happened to her.

4.) If there is still any doubt, Mary’s own response to what would seem to a very welcome and

exciting greeting shows just how surprising it really was: (v. 29) “But she was deeply troubled

by this statement, wondering what kind of greeting this could be.”

What can WE learn from this?

We should always be ready and alert, realizing that God may speak to us at any time about any thing. In fact, the Biblical pattern seems to be that He is most likely to speak to us and give us our life’s direction when we least expect it. When He does speak, will we hear Him? How will we respond? Will we doubt or reject?

(say together) God’s promises come unexpectedly. . .


One of the temptations we face when confronted with God’s promises is the deadly and deceptive allure of DOUBT!

Think about it. We read that after receiving a welcoming encouragement regarding her favor with God and His presence with her, Mary was “deeply troubled.” Further, the angel’s response to this - “Do not be afraid, Mary” affirms that she was not only ’troubled’ but frightened. Now, look again at the opening words of the angel that elicited this response: “Rejoice, favored woman! The Lord is with you.” With this picture in mind, ask yourself, how could someone possibly find anything in these words that is frightening? Or, what kind of person would be frightened by such wonderful words?

Answer: A person who doubts it is really meant for her. A person who thinks a mistake must have been made. A person who can’t possibly imagine how Almighty God could or would feel that way about her. A person who is afraid that she’ll never be able to live up to God’s words or expectations for her. A person who feels utterly unworthy of the attention or praise being given her.

Have you ever been that person? I have. There are many times I have read God’s promises, sensed His calling upon my spirit, and yet hesitated, doubted, or, like Jonah, just wanted to run away! That’s great, God! Wow! What a promise! How exciting! But it can’t be for me. I’m not that. I can’t do that. I’m just a nobody. I’m “Average Joe.” I’m not who you apparently think I am. Thanks for the confidence you’ve shown, thanks for the opportunity, but I’m sure this is a mistake. I just can’t be or do that.

What can WE learn from this?

This can be a tough struggle that we all go through. Chances are that many of us are struggling with self-doubt and defeatism even now. Keep reading God’s Word with me. You see, the angel doesn’t stop with just telling Mary not to be afraid. No, he continues and with one powerful phrase answers all these questions of her mind, and counters all her self-doubt.

v. 30c “for you have found favor with God” God wasn’t bestowing His favor and presence upon Mary because she somehow earned or deserved it. As Dan Schaeffer explains: “The truth is that Mary fell into favor. God chose her because it pleased Him to favor her. The reason for His favor rested in His grace, not in her amazing life.”1

Friends, God’s favor, His blessings, His promises are love gifts to be gratefully and unquestionably received. When God reveals His promises to you, don’t doubt or question them. It’s not about you or me, it’s about Him! It’s not a matter of what is deserved, but rather what He desires to give and make happen! Just accept and live strong in them!

(say together) God’s promises come unexpectedly, to the unlikely. . .


Similarly, God’s messages and promises to us often come from the most unlikely sources. In Mary’s case, she was being told this be a very angel of the Lord. And not just any angel, mind you, but one of God’s most powerful and esteemed angels – Gabriel. It was Gabriel who had not much earlier gone to Zecharias and struck him speechless. It was Gabriel at whose very sight, the great and monumentally brave prophet Daniel fell to the ground in terror 500 yrs earlier!

Most teenagers are terrified just to have to receive a special message from their teacher or principal. Imagine having to face one of God’s mightiest angels?

Shocking. Terrifying. Unexpected. Intimidating. Unbelievable, no doubt.

Sure, it’s easy for us to think how great that would be – at least we wouldn’t have any doubt that the message was really coming from God. But, would that really be true? Or would the shock and seeming impossibility of the source lead us to question the reality of it all the more? How would you react?

What can WE learn from this?

Certainly, we all know it is extremely unlikely that God would ever send Gabriel, or any of His angels, to directly communicate to one of us. Nevertheless, God does have a tendency to sometimes speak to us from the most unimaginable sources (just ask Balaam, who heard it from his donkey).

It is important that we remain open to however God may choose to show His promises to us, yet discerning enough to know His voice.

(say together) God’s promises come unexpectedly, to the unlikely, from a source unimaginable. . .


Clearly, carefully, and succinctly Gabriel tells Mary of God’s purpose and promise for her.

Specifically, that she will conceive, give birth to and raise the Son of God who will be the Messiah – the Anointed Savior – of the world, establishing and ruling God’s Kingdom for eternity!

To put it mildly, her life would never be the same!

As unbelievable as this would already be, just imagine if Mary knew then what all of this would really mean: the pain and anguish her son would suffer at the world’s hands, the grief of seeing her son and the Son of God entrusted to her illegally and unjustly mocked, tried, and publicly executed.

Yet, still, God proclaims that she is blessed? Does anyone really think Mary would have felt blessed if she knew what she would yet have to endure in receiving God’s promise and fulfilling His purpose?

Probably not, but God knew better. God always sees far beyond in scope, time and significance than any of us could ever imagine! He knew that the ultimate fulfillment of the promise would far outweigh the struggle, pain, injustice, mocking and doubt that she would have to endure in the process.

Today, we can look back and say without question: surely Mary was wonderfully favored by God! She experienced an intimacy with the Lord none of us can fathom. Those quiet moments while nursing, comforting, protecting, loving and being loved.

What can WE learn from this?

What parent isn’t forced to endure suffering, pain and injustice while raising their child? Yet, we gladly (well, most of the time) do so because we know the blessings far outweigh all of that.

Similarly, when we put our faith in Jesus and choose to follow Him and His promises, the Scriptures tell us we WILL suffer hostility, mocking, pain, ostracism and loss. Yet, what we have to gain IF we are faithful is inestimably greater!!!

Friends, hold on to God’s promises, never let go, never turn away, and never give up – no matter how unbelievable they may seem!

(say together) God’s promises come unexpectedly, to the unlikely, from a source unimaginable, declaring the unbelievable . . .


v. 34 Still, Mary well knew the facts of life and that what Gabriel was telling her just didn’t ’line up’ with those facts! Those silly angels, don’t they know anything about human reproduction?

vv. 35-37 Not only does Gabriel explain how God will fulfill His promise Himself, in His unique way and power and His own work, but then he encourages Mary with the example of another miraculous work of God – in this case, in the life of her cousin Elizabeth.

“Nothing is impossible with God.”

What can WE learn from this?

God will always find the way to do His will and fulfill His purposes! His ways may be unexpected and they may be unbelievable, but He WILL do it!

The question, then, should not be “How will God do it?”, but rather, “How will we respond?”

(say together) God’s promises come unexpectedly, to the unlikely, from a source unimaginable, declaring the unbelievable, requiring the miraculous, and . . .


There is much we can learn from Mary’s response, particularly in how starkly it differs from that encouraged by her nature and culture!

Notice first what she does NOT do. She does NOT argue, run away, ask more questions, seek more confirmation and proof or fight against the unexpected, the unlikely, the unimaginable, the unbelievable, or the miraculous of God’s Word and promise!

She simply believed, even when she didn’t have all the answers or have any more proof. Even when she didn’t have a clue what the implications would really be or how much it might cost her (or others) she accepted and she submitted to the Will and goodness of God!

She accepted His gift, trusted in His favor, and submitted herself fully to His authority and greatness!!! This, my friends, is what it means to have faith and this is what is necessary if we ourselves are to see the fulfillment of God’s promises and purpose in our lives!

What can WE learn from this?

We all, men and women, young and old alike, have much to learn from Mary’s example about how to respond to God’s wonderful Word and promises. It also fundamentally answers the great question: “What does God want from me?” God wants our faith in Him. He wants us to faithfully accept and submit to His promises. He desires us to favor Him by accepting His favor upon us. To express faith and love to Him at least with the same measure that He extends them to us!


(say together) God’s promises come unexpectedly, to the unlikely, from a source unimaginable, declaring the unbelievable, requiring the miraculous, and expectant of a singular response of faith!