Summary: RU-ACC stands for rise up and choose Christ. This message deals with the wrong and the right ways to use our tongues.

RU-ACC The Tongue

GNLCC 5-2007 Proverbs 6:16-19 James 3:1-13

I want you to act a couple of scenes with me. Suppose your teacher has said something that really has hurt your feelings in front of the class. You are so angry and you want to get back at her. You remember that her son was arrested last month for drug dealing. The thought comes to your mind, “Well at least I wasn’t arrested for drugs.” It’s true but should you say it?

Your friends are talking about how they admire a co-worker of yours who you don’t particular care for. They think the person should be chosen to be the new supervisor in the office. You think you would be as good a supervisor as the person. You knew the person from ten years ago in another city. Back then the person had been charged with rape by two young ladies, but the charges were suddenly dropped. The memory of it comes back fresh to your mind. It happened, but should you say it.

You really like being with another person. You work very well together in the church. One or both of you are married to someone else. You find that although you did not intend for it to happen, you’ve become emotionally attached to the other person. You believe you’ve fallen in love with them. You know that it would be wrong to pursue a relationship with this person. You’re convinced though that you are in love, But, should you say it?

You went to a church convention out of state. You had a very nice hotel room. As you were preparing to go into your room. You saw a very popular pastor back in your neighborhood coming out of one of the guest rooms with a very attractive young lady, laughing as they went out. You knew by the sound of his voice that it was definitely Rev. Davis. When you get back home, Somebody asks, “Did you see anything unusual at the conference.” You know what you saw and what you heard it, But should you say it.

In each case, if you choose to say it, somebody’s future is going to be altered and it’s going to be a very painful experience when it comes out into the open. Each time we have communion, I remind us to examine our hearts to make sure we are right with God and right with one another. For the Bible teaches to take communion in an unworthy manner can lead to sickness and to an early death. Far too often we examine our hearts for the big sins. As long as we have not committed the big sins, then we think we are okay. But if we are going to rise up and choose Christ, we have to accept that even the acceptable sins are not acceptable.

However in Proverbs this morning, God says there are six things that I hate, seven that are absolutely detestable to him. The six were prideful eyes, a lying tongue, murderers, hearts that plan evil, feet that are quick to rush to do something wrong, a false witness who spread lies, and a person that gets a bunch mess going that tears up peoples relationships and friendships.

Of the seven things that God hates, three of them have to do with us opening our mouths. The first one is lying, the second is lying in court, and the third is getting rumors and gossip going so that people start mistrusting each other. Now in the first two cases, we have no excuse, because we know we are intentionally being dishonest.

The third one of rumors and gossip, we try to justify by saying, “well honey, I’m just telling the truth” or “we get real spiritual by saying it’s a special prayer request on the person’s behalf.” We forget that we as Christians are called to speak the truth, “but we are to speak the truth in love.” Before you say something about someone, it should go through the filter of saying, “now is this loving.” If someone was saying the exact same thing about us, would we consider it loving?

The Scriptures speaks of how the tongue is one of the smallest members of the body, but that does not keep it from being a major trouble maker. How many of you have gotten in more trouble because of your tongue, than you have your foot, leg, arm, or shoulder all put together.

The thing about the tongue is that when it gets you into trouble, all the other parts of the body suffer with it. The tongue can give you a black eye. The tongue can keep you from running in a track meet. The tongue can keep you from having a job to go to tomorrow. It can keep you from playing in the basketball game.

The tongue has destroyed many marriages and relationships and is continuing to do so. That same tongue that one day said, “I love you” has brought forth words of disrespect, pain and agony. The tongue can hit you much more powerful than a fist and its pain lasts much longer. You see when you get hit by the hand, the pain is usually gone within the hour. But when the tongue hits you, the sting can remain for a lifetime. How many of you can still remember somebody saying some words that cut you like a knife, and the wound is still buried inside of you.

Did you know the bible gives at least 7 ways for us to sin with our tongues? When you examine your hearts before communion, do you run through the list? The first on the list is lying. We all know what lying is. It’s not telling the truth or being deceitful by hiding the truth. But are we aware that in Revelations 21: 8 it tells us that all liars will take their place in the fiery lake of burning sulfur when they die. God ranks lying right up there with murdering and sexually sinning. If you look at the 10 commandments, you find it in the list.

So why do we take it so casually. Doesn’t it really hurt inside when you discover somebody you love and trust has been lying to you. Lying breeds mistrust and anger. It is the gateway to a number of sins. The Bible encourages us to speak truthfully to each other. A lie may get us by in a situation, but then it can come back to haunt us at a terrible time in our lives.

Many Christians struggle with lying when it comes to covering our tracks after having sinned. David was a man after God’s heart, but when he sinned he tried to cover it up by lying. His lying resulted in the death of three of his sons, and thousands of soldiers in battle. We are encouraged to confess our sins and deal with the consequences now, rather than have the consequences force us to be truthful later.

The second way the tongue gets us into trouble is through slandering. Slandering is saying bad things about another person. “I just can’t stand her, she thinks she’s all that and she ain’t nothing.” “He’s nothing but a thief, a liar and a good for nothing bum.” “The people in the church are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites. They didn’t do this for me or that for me when I was in need or sick.” “If you ask my opinion, I don’t know him but I wouldn’t trust him with a 10 foot pole.”

You know you have succeeded in slander, if when you finish, the person you spoke to has a lot lower opinion of whomever you were talking about than they had before you showed up. The bible tells us in Proverbs, whoever spreads slander is a fool. We slander a person or group to conceal our own hatred of that person or group. The bible tells us to have hatred in our hearts leads to murder. Slander allows us to kill off people with our words. Does that sound at all like rising up and choosing Christ.

The third way the tongue gets us into trouble is through gossiping. Gossiping is being willing to spread news that may or may not be true, but it puts a person in a very negative light. You leave things to the hearer’s imagination and do very little to correct the situation.

Proverbs tells us a gossiper will do at least four things. A gossiper will start telling you things that make you want to keep hearing more. The bible says their words are like good food, that makes you want to keep on taking it in. The only problem is, you are participating in something that is evil. If you take evil in, it will come back out.

A gossiper will betray your confidence (child now I’m not suppose to tell anybody this, so promise me you won’t tell.) You have five other people you want to be the first one to tell. The bible tells us to avoid a person that talks too much. Realize you cannot not tell your problems to just anybody and everybody or you will regret it.

A gossiper will separate close friends. “Did you hear what so and so said about you, and she calls herself your friends.” What is the purpose of telling someone something someone else said, when the sole purpose will be to hurt the one to whom you are talking.

What good does it do to tell someone, ‘so and so said you were ugly or smelling funny.” It’s not our job to bring back every piece of dirt we heard somebody else say about someone. A true friend will sometimes conceal a matter. Love covers over a multitude of sins.

A gossiper will keep a bunch of mess going, long after the thing should have ended. Gossip is like wood to a burning fire. As long as it is present, it keeps the fire of strife and turmoil going. As believers, we do not need to get ourselves involved in a bunch of he said, that she said, that they said and so on. We need to say in the very beginning to rise up and choose Christ by saying , t”hat’s alright, I don’t want to hear that.” Sure we know something else that somebody said after everything was supposedly settled, “But should we way it?”

The fourth way the tongue gets us into trouble is through mocking or making fun at other people. We laugh at their weaknesses, their misfortunes, or their condition. The bible tells us that when we mock other people because of the way they look or because they may be poor, we are showing contempt for God who created them.

We’re saying God, you did a mighty sorry job of creating this person. Proverbs promises us in 19:29 that penalties are waiting for mockers. We cannot put down others, without putting down the God who made them and loved them. God is saying, who are we to laugh in a negative way at another person.

The fifth way the tongue gets us into trouble is through harsh and reckless words. We say things that may or may not be true, but we say them to intentionally cause pain and heartache to the other person. We can be most cruel with this to those whom we are closest to because we know their faults and weaknesses.

Somebody says something to us that we do not like, and we know the perfect comeback to knock them down and put them in their place, “but should we say it.” The words which may come of your tongue in a moment of anger, may betray the way you truly feel about a person.

Why tell another person, “”ooh I hate you and I wish you were dead.” Are you going to feel that way the next time you want or need something from that person. Just because we feel something inside, does not mean we have to proclaim it to the world. In a good healthy relationship between people they know it’s not good to say everything you may be feeling. It’s not good to demand to know what a person may be thinking when they are upset.

The sixth way the tongue gets us into trouble is through filthy unclean words and profanity. Telling dirty jokes, using filthy language, and having profanity as a part of our language is not what God had in mind when he called us to be a part of His kingdom. We are commanded, let no unwholesome or unclean words come out of our mouths.

God tells us we will give an account for every idle word that we speak. There is a way to tell people off without using profanity. Profanity is a sign of a lack of intelligence and of biblical knowledge. Lack of intelligence, because we cannot think of ways to express ourselves clearly. Using a bunch of senseless adjectives and adverbs is not helping our situation. Lack of biblical knowledge, because we fail to see this is not the way Jesus demonstrated his anger.

The seventh way in which the tongue gets us into trouble is through flattery and flirting. Telling people things they want to hear, or telling people things to build them up so that we can use it to our advantage is flattery. Telling people things, which we do not have the right to say because of our position or theirs is flirting.

If we are married, or speaking to someone who is married, we have no right to tell them we have crushes on them of think we’re in love with them or we sure wish we had met them first. Once we say things like this, we have altered the nature of the relationship. We have given the person a certain amount of power over us to be used at his or her leisure. There are some things left better unsaid, when we cannot have what your words are expressing. Many lives and homes are destroyed through what began as innocent flattery or flirting

That same tongue which has the power to ruin lives, destroy homes, tear down churches and cause us to land in hell can also be used to do some great things for the Lord. Nothing is more refreshing than a good word at the right time which offers us just the encouragement we need.

Proverbs tells us a word spoken at the right time is like apples of gold in a setting of silver. It’ absolutely beautiful. How many of you have had the joy of speaking the right word at the right time? Proverbs 25:25 also tells us, like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land. Hearing the right words, can bring a lot of joy to our souls.

A little encouragement can go a mighty long ways. The tongue is probably one of the least expensive parts of our bodies to put to use in a positive manner. Positive words build strong families and strong relationships. When was the last time we said something positive about those we live with in front of someone else while they were present.

It’s one thing for you to notice I did a good job. It’s another thing for you to tell me I did a good job. But it’s on an even higher level when you tell me I did a good job in front of my peers. We need to do a little more positive bragging on each other.

The tongue has the power to put somebody very angry at ease. When someone comes yelling and screaming at you, what happens if you yell and scream right back? What happens if you speak softly and keep speaking softly in reply? The bible tells us that a soft answer will turn away wrath.

In our homes, the tongue can be a healing agent by us submitting it to Christ. We can vow to only speak words that we would eagerly be willing to speak in the presence of Jesus. We can commit to shutting out mouths in moments of intense anger. We can pledge to say those things which will build each other up.

The tongue has the power to lead people out of despair and desperation into a living relationship with Jesus Christ. For without the tongue, the message of the gospel would not be preached. The tongue has the power to help us in our walk with Jesus Christ. Without the tongue, there would be very little bible study and teaching taking place. God has given us the tongue as an instrument for not only building our families, but for building up the body of Christ as well.

Our tongues and the way we use them are probably one of the key factors in determining our level of maturity in Christ. The habitual positive use of the tongue is a sure sign of growing in the Lord. There will always be a pull on the tongue from our old nature which we had before Christ and our new nature which desires to submit to Christ. The old nature is far stronger than we think it is. It will usually be the first to say, “Say This” but the new nature will be a little less prominent and it will say, “But should you say it all.”

By being willing to evaluate our use of our tongues, before we speak, we give Jesus Christ the opportunity to work in our hearts and our lives. There is no better use of the tongue, than saying yes to the plan and purposes of God in our lives. We all need to make to RUACC with out tongues. Today is the day to begin using it for the glory of God.

Sermon Outline –Pastor Rick 5/20/07

GNLCC Prov. 6:16-19 James 3:1-13

RU-ACC The Tongue

A. Acting Out A Few Scenes Together

1. The Teacher, The Co- Worker

2. The Member, The Pastor

3. Should I Say It.

B. Choosing To Speak Alters Future

1. Could Lead To Pain In The Open

2. Communion Call To Examine

3. Looking For The Big Sins Only

6:16-17 There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.

4. 3 Of The 7 Deal With Tongue

C. The Tongue-A Little Fellow But Lot Of Trouble

1. How Many In More Trouble By It

2. Black Eye, Track Meet, Job Lost Love

3. Destroyer—Marriages -Relationships

4. Hits Harder—Lasts Longer—

D At Least 7 Ways To Sin With It

1 . Lying—Not Telling The Truth- Being

2. Hurt When Done By A Loved One

E. Slander—Saying Bad Things About Others

1 Killing With Words

F. Gossiping---Spreading –True Or Not

1. Leaves In Negative Light, Left To Imagination

2. Gossiper Will Do At Least 4 Things

G. Mocking---Making Fun Of Others

1. Laughing At Weakness…

2. Prov 17:5Mock Poor Shows Contempt

For God

3. To Put Down Others Is To Put Down God

H. Harsh & Reckless Words

1. Intent To Cause Pain & Heartache

Prov 12:18 Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

2. Cruel To Those We Are Closest To

3. Words In Anger May Betray …..

4. Healthy Relationships Don’t Say It All

5 Don’t Demand To Know Thoughts

I. Filthy, Unclean Words, Profanity

1. Is There A Good Dirty Joke

2. Eph 4:29 Let No Unwholesome Words

J. Flattering & Flirting

1. Telling What The Want To Hear Our Advantage Prov. 29-5

2. Flirting—You Don’t Have That Right

3. To Confess Is To Give Power Over Us

K. Same Tongue Has An Immense Power

1. Nothing Better Than A Good Word On Time Prov 25:11, 25:25

2. Encouragement Goes A Long Ways

3. Tongue-Cheap To Use

4. Positive Words Build Families And Churches

5. Three Levels Of Encouragement

a. Acknowledge, Tell Me, Tell Me & Others

8. The Need For More Positive Bragging

L. The Tongue As The Power To Put At Ease

2. Prov 15:1 A Gentle Answer Turns

3. Speak Only Words For Jesus Presence

5. Choosing To Shut Our Mouths In

M. Key Factor Indicating Of Our Growth

1. Best Use—Saying Yes To The Plan Of God

4. To Confess Is To Give Power Over Us

5. Many Homes, Marriages, Lives Lost

K. The Same Tongue Has An Immense Power

1. Nothing Better Than A Good Word On Time

2. Prov 25:11 Like Apples Of Gold In Silver

3. Prov 25 :25 Like Cold Water To Weary Soul

4. A Little Encouragement Goes A Long Ways

5. Tongue-Cheap To Use

6. Positive Words Build Families And Churches

7. Three Levels Of Encouragement

a. Acknowledge, Tell Me, Tell Me & Others

8. The Need For More Positive Bragging

L. The Tongue As The Power To Put At Ease

1. If He Or She Yells & Screams & You Do Too

2. Prov 15:1 A Gentle Or Soft Answer Turns

3. Tongue Healing Agent—Submitted To Christ

4. Vow To Speak Only Words For Jesus Presence

5. Choosing To Shut Our Mouths In Anger

6. Pledging To Build Up

M. Tongue Has Power To Lead Out Of Despair

1. People Coming Into Living Relationship

2. Gospel Preached, Message Taught

3. Key Factor For Determining Maturity

4. Given To Build Up Families & Body

N. Key Factor Indicating Our Growth In Christ

1. Habitual Positive Use

2. The Pull Of The Old Nature & The New

3. Say This—Don’t Say Anything At All

4. Evaluation Process Gives Christ The Chance

5. Best Use—Saying Yes To The Plan Of God

Sermon Outline –Pastor Rick 11/4/2001

GNLCC Prov. 6:16-19 James 3:1-13

A. Acting Out A Few Scenes Together

1. Angry Humiliated By Teacher In Class

2. The Drug Arrest Last Month

3. Co-Workers & Possible New Supervisor

4. 10 Years Ago, Another City, Rape Suspect

5. Really Enjoy Working Together At Church

6. Could It Be I’m Falling In Love

7. The Out Of State Convention At Hotel

8. The Seeing, The Hearing, Rev. Davis

9. Did You See Anything Interesting

B. Choosing To Speak Alters Future

1. Could Lead To Pain In The Open

2. Communion Call To Examine

3. Looking For The Big Sins Only

6:16-17 There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.

4. Three Of The Seven Deal With Tongue

5. 2-No Excuse –Intentional Dishonesty

6 3rd We Justify—Telling Truth Prayer Request

7. Believers Called to Speak The Truth—But

C. The Tongue-A Little Fellow But Lot Of Trouble

1. How Many In More Trouble By It Than Others

2. Black Eye, Track Meet, No Job, Lost Love

3. Destroyer—Marriages -Relationships

4. Hits Harder—Lasts Longer—Cuts Deeper

5. At Least 7 Ways To Sin With It

D. Lying—Not Telling The Truth- Being Deceitful

1. Rev. 21:8—All Liars—Fiery Sulfur Lake

2. Ranked Within 10 Commandments

3. The Hurt When Done By A Loved One

4. Breeds Mistrust/Anger Gateway To More

5. Bible Speak The Truth To Each Other

6. Comes Back To Haunt Us

7. Major Issue For Christians & Covering Sin

8. David—The Cost Of Lying

9. Confess & Deal Rather Consequences Force

E. Slander—Saying Bad Things About Others

1. She Thinks She’s All That, The Bum

2. Church Nothing But Hypocrits

3. Know You’re Successful If Person Leaves

4. Prov. 10:18 Spreads Slander Is A Fool

5. Slander To Conceal Hatred—Hatred To Murder

6. Killing With Words

F. Gossiping---Spreading News –True Or Not

1. Leaves In Negative Light, Left To Imagination

2. Gossiper Will Do At Least 4 Things

3. Tell You Things To Make You Want More

a. Prov 18:8 Tastes Like Good Food

4. Betray Your Confidence—Don’t Tell Anybody

a. Prov 11:13 Don’t Just Tell Everybody

5. Separate Close Friends Proverbs 16:28

a. Purpose Of Telling Things That Will Only Hurt

b. Bringing Back An Ugly Or Ban Report

c. Not Our Job To Bring Back Dirt

d. True Friend And Love

5. Keep A Bunch Of Mess Going Long After

Prov 26:20 Gossip Like Wood To A Fire

a. No Need For He Said, She Said, They Said

b. I Don’t Want To Hear It

G. Mocking---Making Fun Of Others

1. Laughing At Weakness, Condition, Misfortune

2. Prov 17:5Mock Poor Shows Contempt For God

3. God You Did A Sorry Job –Prov 19:29 Penalties

4. To Put Down Others Is To Put Down God

H. Harsh & Reckless Words

1. Intent To Cause Pain & Heartache

Prov 12:18 Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

2. Cruel To Those We Are Closest To

3. We Know The Perfect Comeback For Them

4. Words In Anger May Betray Our True Feelings

5. Ooh I Wish You Were Dead—Really

6. Healthy Relationships Don’t Say It All

7. Don’t Demand To Know Thoughts

I. Filthy, Unclean Words, Profanity

1. Is There A Good Dirty Joke

2. Filthy Language/ Profanity—God’s Call

3. Eph 4:29 Let No Unwholesome Words

4. Profanity—Lack Of Intelligence/ Biblical

J. Flattering & Flirting

1. Telling What The Want To Hear Our Advantage

Prov. 29-5 Flatters Setting Up A Net Or Trap

2. Flirting Telling What We Do Not Have The

Right To Say To Some People

3. Some Things Married People Cannot Say

4. To Confess Is To Give Power Over Us

5. Many Homes, Marriages, Lives Lost

K. The Same Tongue Has An Immense Power

1. Nothing Better Than A Good Word On Time

2. Prov 25:11 Like Apples Of Gold In Silver

3. Prov 25 :25 Like Cold Water To Weary Soul

4. A Little Encouragement Goes A Long Ways

5. Tongue-Cheap To Use

6. Positive Words Build Families And Churches

7. Three Levels Of Encouragement

a. Acknowledge, Tell Me, Tell Me & Others

8. The Need For More Positive Bragging

L. The Tongue As The Power To Put At Ease

1. If He Or She Yells & Screams & You Do Too

2. Prov 15:1 A Gentle Or Soft Answer Turns

3. Tongue Healing Agent—Submitted To Christ

4. Vow To Speak Only Words For Jesus Presence

5. Choosing To Shut Our Mouths In Anger

6. Pledging To Build Up

M. Tongue Has Power To Lead Out Of Despair

1. People Coming Into Living Relationship

2. Gospel Preached, Message Taught

3. Key Factor For Determining Maturity

4. Given To Build Up Families & Body

N. Key Factor Indicating Our Growth In Christ

1. Habitual Positive Use

2. The Pull Of The Old Nature & The New

3. Say This—Don’t Say Anything At All

4. Evaluation Process Gives Christ The Chance

5. Best Use—Saying Yes To The Plan Of God