Summary: Pentecost 1(A) - The triune God is our authority! As believers we listen to Jesus’ claim, proclaim Jesus’ message, and believe Jesus’ promise.


June 3, 2007


Matthew 28:16-20

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INTRO: Every day there are new claims for brand new and improved products. These products make claims to cure baldness, obesity, and many other problems associated with vanity. The trouble is that these products have no authority to back up their claims. This means that many spend thousands for that magic pill that really does not work. This is the same with false prophets who make many claims. But they only come as wolves in sheep’s clothing. They have no authority. On this Trinity Sunday we want to refresh our faith with the fact that Christianity is not just another claim. Christianity is backed with the authority, really the guarantee, of the triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. "’I am the Alpha and the Omega,’ says the Lord God, ’who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty’"(REVELATION 1:8). Today’s theme:


I. Listen to Jesus’ claim;

II. Proclaim Jesus’ message;

III. Believe Jesus’ promise.


A. The disciples listened to Jesus’ instructions. They came to Galilee and to the mountain, verse 16.

1. The women who saw him after his resurrection had told the disciples Jesus’ message.

2. Jesus was alone with his disciples: away from their enemies, away from the crowds, to pray.

B. Jesus also took this private time with the disciples to prepare them for his physical departure.

1. Jesus encouraged the disciples with his claim in verse 18. Jesus had been given all authority!

2. There was nothing on earth or in heaven that was greater than the power of Jesus, God’s Son.

C. Still today there are those who deny that Jesus is the Son of God. There are those who deny the clear Scriptural truth of the triune God. True, the trinity is not the easiest truth to totally comprehend—humanly speaking. But by faith through grace we believe. By God’s testimony in his word and teaching still remains true in spite of many who deny and detract. "For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him"(COLOSSIANS 1:16). This passage tells how Jesus was there at creation. Jesus was there with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Jesus = God’s Son, eternal, all-powerful.

D. The greatest authority that Jesus possessed and used was to willingly give up his earthly life. No man on earth could put Jesus to death. We know that human beings crucified Jesus. BUT it was Jesus who willingly went the way of the cross unto death itself. No only did Jesus willingly suffer and die, he also used his authority to come back to life! "The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life--only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again"(JOHN 10:17,18a). Jesus had and has all authority.

THE TRIUNE GOD IS OUR AUTHORITY (GUARANTEE). We hear Jesus’ claim of authority.


A. These disciples were greatly encouraged to be reminded how Jesus was God’s own Son.

1. The disciples needed this encouraged for the task Jesus had in store for them.

2. In verse 19a Jesus commissions these believers to make disciples of ALL nations.

a. All includes every tribe, nation, and language. b. All includes all ages.

B. Verse 19 continues. They were to baptize believers in the name of the triune God.

1. The disciples would do this preaching and baptizing with the authority from God.

2. Verse 20a reminds the disciples that all of God’s word would be taught to all nations.

a. Not just some of God’s word or parts of it. b. Not just parts that sounded good.

C. The great commission of our triune God, which was announced by Jesus to his first disciples, has not changed over all of these years. The fact is that today, every believer in Christ is a modern-day disciple of the triune God. Our encouragement is still the same as it was when Jesus met privately with the eleven. "He said to them, ’Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned’"(MARK 16:15,16). Faith saves. Faith comes by the hearing the message. The message is heard through the word of Christ.

D. Today our opportunities to go to the ends of the earth are greater than ever. We have modern commu-nication that can and does reach around the globe in an instant. We send missionaries to foreign lands in our place. Today, the world is coming to America. People immigrate here by the thousands. Ours is still the land of opportunity and freedom. Very often our ends of the earth end up in our own backyard. Then we are encouraged that all authority given to Jesus is the very same authority given to us. "Sing to the LORD, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples"(PSALM 96:2,3). Pleasant, joyful Christian lives reveal God’s glory.

THE TRIUNE GOD IS OUR AUTHORITY. We hear Jesus’ claim and proclaim his message.


A. We noted that the disciples listened to Jesus instructions and come to Galilee to the mountain.

1. This would be the fourth time (recorded in Scripture) that Jesus met with his disciples.

2. What do we read in verse 17? They worshiped him; but some doubted.

B. Some of the disciples still doubted! The devil, their sinful flesh, and the world opposed Jesus.

1. It is no wonder that Jesus took this quiet time to encourage his disciples.

2. Now verse 20b. Jesus’ body would ascend back to heaven shortly. They would not be alone.

3. Jesus would always (original = every day) be with his disciples, even to the end of the age.

C. Do you ever doubt God’s promises? Do you ever wonder where God is when you really, really need him? Does the world sometimes make you forget the importance of God and faith in your life? The disciples who walked with Jesus and talked with Jesus and ate with Jesus still needed reassurance. Today we are reminded of God’s great love for us through his Son, our Savior. "God has said, ’Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’ So we say with confidence, ’The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?’"(HEBREWS 13:5b, 6). Be confident-always-the Lord is our helper!

D. There are those who claim that God wants us to be prosperous and successful here on earth. Those claims have no authority whatsoever. The triune God is our only authority. Scripture declares that God wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. That does not happen by concentrating on the pleasures and treasures of this life. Rather, thankfully, our triune God knows exactly what we need and then, graciously provides what we need. "In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding"(EPHESIANS 1:7,8). The triune God guarantees heaven is the home of believers.

CONC.: Throughout the ages many have made all sorts of claims. Discoveries have promised the fountain of youth. Creams and oils can make one seem ageless. Once again, all these claims are only empty promises with no authority and certainly no guarantee. Believer rest assured that THE TRIUNE GOD IS OUR AUTHORITY (GUARANTEE). In these last words of Matthew we hear the claim of Jesus, we are privileged to proclaim Jesus’ message, and we believe in Jesus’ promise. This is God’s simple message of truth and eternal salvation. "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved"(ACTS 4:12). Amen. Pastor Timm O. Meyer

Sunday radio broadcast @ 9:05am on KQNK 106.7FM or 1530AM + Sunday mornings

PENTECOST 1 readings:

NUMBERS 6:22-27; ROMANS 5:1-5; JOHN 16:12-15