Summary: It’s time for the church to come out of her slumber and position herself before the Lord for Holy Ghost instruction and kingdom purpose. It’s time for the prayerless church to arise and become a church who prays with Holy Ghost fervency and expectancy.

By: Donna Kazenske

It’s time for the church to come out of her slumber and position herself before the Lord for Holy Ghost instruction and kingdom purpose. It’s time for the prayerless church to arise and become a church who prays with Holy Ghost fervency and expectancy. It’s time for the watered down gospel message to become a burning flame of fire in the hands and hearts of five-fold ministers. It’s time for preachers of righteousness to rise up and declare the true word of the Lord regardless of what it will cost them. It’s time for parents to rise up and be godly examples of righteousness to their children and their children’s children. It’s time to put away the sin in our lives, purify our hearts and live holy, consecrated, dedicated lives unto the Lord.

We are living in an evil day, but the word of God declares that He (Jesus) has already given us everything we need in order to live godly in a perverse and wicked generation.

It’s time for the church to wake up and be the church that God has called us to be. It’s time for us to take a stand against immorality and every perverse thing going on in our society today. We cannot remain neutral or silent. We must stand up for righteousness, declare the word of the Lord and fight the good fight of faith.

We must also understand that we are not in a battle with flesh and blood. We are in a spiritual battle against principalities, powers and spiritual wickedness in high places. We are not to be at war with one another. We are to be united in the power of God’s spirit so that we can fulfill His divine purposes on the earth. God has commanded us to love one another, not criticize and devour one another. We are His body and we must learn how to function together as one body.

It’s time for the body of Christ to pray like we’ve never prayed before. Many have heard the voice of the Lord calling them to prayer and have been responding to that heavenly call.

God is giving His strategies and divine counsel to those who are spending time with Him in the secret place of intimacy and prayer. These people are now running with the vision because they have seen it with their spiritual eyes in their times of prayer and praise unto God. They are taking Jesus to the malls, to the marketplaces, to the streets, to the White House, to the homeless, to the needy, to their neighbors, to their schools, etc. They aren’t standing around playing church; they are functioning and operating in kingdom reality now. They are putting kingdom principles into action and God is moving on their behalf.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be left out of what God is doing in the earth today. I don’t want Jesus to pass me by. I want to be on the cutting edge of everything that He is doing right now. This should be the cry of every Christian’s heart. Deep should be calling unto deep. Our hearts should be beating with the same heart beat of heaven.

There’s more to life than just going through the motions of Christianity. There’s more to life than just going to church Sunday after Sunday after Sunday with no transformation in our lives. God has called us to do more than sit in a pew and listen to sermons week after week. How many sermons do we have to listen to before we put into practice what we have heard for twenty years? He wants us to apply that which we have heard and allow His word to work in us so that we can be changed into His image. When the world sees Jesus in us and His power flowing through us, they might listen to what we have to say.

It’s time for change and transformation to take place in our lives.

It’s time for the church to stop living in sin and come out of our worldly ways, attitudes and mindsets.

It’s time for parents to stop living adulterous lives and stop committing fornication in their homes with their children present. What kind of example is this for our kids? Do we want them to turn around and do the same thing that we’re doing? This is exactly what’s going to happen if we don’t repent and change our ways?

It’s time for a Holy Ghost Revolution.

Let’s look at some of the issues that we are facing today as a church and as a nation.

Pornography is just as rampant in the church as it is outside of the church. What’s wrong with this picture? Where is the fear of God in our midst?

Pornography statistics clearly demonstrate that there is a real and growing problem within the community and the church regarding issues of sexual purity, and in particular Internet pornography. For instance, according to a wide range of Internet pornography statistics, it’s estimated that roughly two-thirds of Christian men struggle with pornography and one-in-five regularly view Internet pornography. These statistics are mind boggling to me. We are talking about Christian men, men who supposedly love God and are called according to His purposes.

In the book, "Men’s Secret Wars", Patrick Means reveals a confidential survey of evangelical pastors and church lay leaders. Sixty-four percent of these Christian leaders confirm that they are struggling with sexual addiction or sexual compulsion including, but not limited to use of pornography, compulsive masturbation, or other secret sexual activity.

In March of 2002, website conducted a survey on porn use of 1,351 pastors: 54% of the pastors had viewed Internet pornography within the last year, and 30% of these had visited within the last 30 days.

In his Insight for Living website, Chuck Swindoll published an open letter addressing the need for the church to address the problem of porn in the church. You can view and read the letter here:

It’s time for the church to address the issue of pornography and help those affected by it. It’s time to slay the porn dragon!

Homosexuality is just as rampant in the church as it is outside the church. What’s wrong with this picture? We have homosexual churches in America with homosexual pastors preaching another gospel!

Our public schools are teaching our children that homosexuality is okay; it’s just another alternative lifestyle. Is this what the Bible says about it? Hello! It’s time for the church to wake up and take a stand for righteousness before we lose a whole generation of children and teenagers, our children and our teenagers.

Are we going to sit back and allow same sex marriages to become lawful in our state or are we going to rise up and do something about it?

"Dear God help us! Open up our eyes that we can see what’s going on and then help us to do something about it. God wake us up before it’s too late."

Abortion is another issue that the enemy has been using to benefit his purposes and plans to destroy and take innocent life. It’s time for the church to let her voice be heard! We must take a stand against abortion and do everything that we can in order to defeat this demonic agenda. How many little pastors, prophets, teachers, apostles and evangelists have we allowed to be murdered in this nation? Their blood is crying out today and God hears this cry. Do we hear it?

We need a Holy Ghost revolution!

We need God more today than we did yesterday. We need the Spirit of the Lord to come with Holy Ghost conviction all across America. We need the fear of the Lord to permeate the church so that we will not sin against God. If the church would walk in the fear of the Lord, there would be no sin in the church.

The church needs to repent. We need to humble ourselves, pray and seek His face before it’s too late. We need to cry out to God for mercy for our nation and for the nations of the world. We need to stand up for righteousness and live righteously so the world will see that we are different.

I really believe purity releases power and we desperately need God’s power moving and flowing in and through our lives.

Let the Holy Ghost Revolution begin.

Let’s take back what the enemy has stolen. Let’s go in and possess the land, kill the giants and receive the promises of God.


Donna Kazenske

Sure Word Ministries