Summary: Unbelief removed looks at three steps in which we see unbelief being removed, three steps which we can still see in the world today. Involving 1. come and see, 2. go and tell, and 3. stand in awe.

Mark 16:9 -20. Unbelief removed.

Marks gospel has come to abrupt end - very much in the style of the pen writer Mark to have stopped it as he has done with the fear and bewilderment of the women in awe of the resurrection, leaving us all to make or own decisions. But at the very start He made it clear that this was the gospel about Jesus Christ the Son of God. And the resurrection should leave us in no doubt of the fact.

And if you are still in doubt here we have an added postscript to Marks gospel (scholars believe this wasn’t written originally by Mark) summing up the 40 day period after the resurrection. But this is an excellent overview for us to see how unbelief is removed in our lives.

• True story of a man in New York City, where Horace Greeley’s Statue now stands, stood a man offering $20 gold pieces for $1 each. All day he kept up loudly announcing his wares, but of the thousands that passed him, most paid no attention and others either laughed or scowled at him. About 15 minutes before six o’clock, when he was about to quit, a woman timidly approached him and, after carefully investigating the gold piece, by biting it and testing its sound, but throwing it on the pavement, she reluctantly paid the dollar and pocketed the golden double eagle. Ten minutes later, just as the man was about to go home, the woman reappeared accompanied by two friends and between them they purchased the rest of the man’s stock, worth $160, for $8 in bills.

The next day and for several following mornings, the street was crowded for blocks with the same woman in the lead waiting for the vender of gold coins, but he never appeared again.

This story is known to be true the man was Horace Greeley who came to New York with $10 1831 and started the (New York tribune) - responsible for the incident in demonstration of his theory that most poverty is due to the fact that the general public refuses to believe even in the face of overwhelming evidence. Here we see a continually emphasis upon their refusal to believe v11 – v13 – v14

Unbelief leads people into a spiritual poverty - Despite the eye witnesses accounts –the circumstantial evidence – the growth of Christianity -the changed lives –. Friends there is something wonderful on offer today – greater than any gold pieces - eternal life. But how can it be? How can I have my unbelief removed? Jesus rebuked his disciples for their lack of faith and their stubborn refusal to believe v14

1. Unbelief is removed by seeing. v9,12,14 key verses) come - see

Here we see that firstly unbelief removed by coming and seeing Jesus - Jesus was crucified incontrovertible fact – Jesus died and was laid in a tomb another incontrovertible fact and friends here is the next incontrovertible fact that Jesus is alive and has appeared before people v9 Mary Magdalene v12 two on the road to Emmaus v14 to the disciples and notice it wasn’t until they did see Him did they believe. Because both Mary and the two returning from Emmaus even when they told the disciples v11, 13 they did not believe it.

How about Jesus appearance to us? It wasn’t until they saw with their own eyes heard with their own ears and touched with their own hands did they truly believe.

• You might be saying Aubrey - we can’t meet Jesus in the way these disciples meet Jesus - well that’s where you wrong because one day the way these disciples saw Jesus we too will see Him

• Phil. 2:10 at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God.(Not as Judge but as Saviour and Lord)

But don’t leave it to that point if as yet you don’t believe - because it will be too late to believe you can see Him and meet him today not with the human eyes but with the eyes of faith.

In John 20:29 Jesus said to Thomas, because you have seen you have believed, blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. Jesus is referring to those who would believe through the eyes of faith.

You see it with the eyes of faith today - that you see Jesus, and unbelief is removed as C.H.Spurgeon once said of faith “Faith sees the invisible, hears the inaudible, touches the intangible and does the impossible.”

This is when the Soul of a human being comes into contact with the Divine living God and receives the gift of faith. Friends have you seen Jesus in this way? If so you are blessed, unbelief has been removed – you have faith and have meet with Jesus. If as yet you do not believe - why not come to Him now and see for yourself not only by facts but by faith.

• Electric current – tester pen when connected with electricity it lights up. So to when people meet with Jesus their lives will light up you will see a difference – unbelief can be removed even by seeing and its a blessed position, seeing with the eyes of faith.

2. Unbelief is removed by sharing. ( v15 key verse) Go – tell

Here we have the 2nd removal to unbelief through hearing the good news - here we have Jesus giving his disciples the great commission– probably one of the most neglected commands,of the 21st cenury,hearing this message can mean the difference between eternal life and eternal death.

Rom 10:14 How can they call on the one they have not believed in and how can they believe in the one whom they have not heard. How beautiful are he feet of those who bring good news.

These disciples would be instrumental in proclaiming the GOSPEL right around the world – with countless people coming to faith through hearing the gospel.

• The pebble dropped in the pond – will always cause ripples and so will the Word you share, although you might not see it but your gauranteed to cause ripples. God’s Word is never neutral.

How did you come to faith? you heard a message from someone a missionary, a preacher, a Christian on TV, a friend, a book but where ever it was you heard it or read it, at some point as a child as an adult you heard it and accepted it.

Friends the Gospel baton has now been passed onto us - the disciples are not here but we are its our race now!It is our turn to go – and tell, how are we doing?

Let us share the good news with our friends - neighbours and family - can I encourage you today to hear the command of Jesus to “Go” and tell – the need is urgent - the consequences of people not hearing this news from you could be eternally devastating .

Unbelief can be removed by people hearing the message.

• OPPORTUNITIES; others to hear: Sunday - Easter egg hunt – sizzler talks you are the missionaries in your everyday lives.

Why are so few coming to faith, why is this Church so small? Could it be we are failing in the Lords command to go and tell.

• The great Baptist preacher C.H Spurgeon once said “we are all called to be missionaries if not were imposters.”

Maybe it’s not that God’s power is not available or that God has turned his back upon us as a nation - but that we are simply neglecting our God given mandate to share our faith with others. Could it be that the great commission has become the great Omission in our lives?

Fritz Kreisler (1875-1962), the world-famous violinist, earned a fortune with his concerts and compositions, but he generously gave most of it away. So, when he discovered an exquisite violin on one of his trips, he wasn’t able to buy it. He Later, having raised enough money to meet the asking price, he returned to the seller, hoping to purchase that beautiful instrument. But to his great dismay it had been sold to a collector.

Kreisler made his way to the new owner’s home and offered to buy the violin. The collector said it had become his prized possession and he would not sell it. Keenly disappointed, Kreisler was about to leave when he had an idea. "Could I play the instrument once more before it is consigned to silence?" he asked.

Permission was granted, and the great virtuoso filled the room with such heart-moving music that the collector’s emotions were deeply stirred. "I have no right to keep that to myself," he exclaimed. "It’s yours, Mr. Kreisler. Take it into the world, and let people hear it."

Friends we have no right to keep this message to ourselves we must share it with all those who we come into contact with as and when we get the opportunity – So here we have the 2nd way unbelief is often removed by hearing - so let us go and tell.

3. Unbelief is removed by signs v16 -17, 20.

Often we can get in quite a state when driving and even get lost in such cases signs can be very helpful, many a time I’ve been lost whilst driving taken a wrong turn only to rectify myself by seeing a sign – They point you in the right direction.

Signs following: These early disciples would not only proclaim the gospel but signs would follow their ministry v16 – 18 and those who believed, this would enable others to be directed towards Jesus. It would confirm to them the truth that Jesus is the Christ and has the power to forgive sins and raise people to new life.

These early disciple would stand in Awe as God worked through them with amazing signs all of which enabled and empowered others to see and believe in Jesus. These signs are not only evident amongst these disciples but as Mark says will v17 accompany those who believe... There are times when God needs to work through us in miraculous ways – Let’s face it, everybody who believes is a miraculous case.

• Cast out demons: The devil is real and his demons are at large still today – And we have authority in Jesus name to cast out demons - I recently visited somebody who said that she was being visited by a particular relation in their home – I asked if she wanted me to pray in Jesus name to send it out she refused.

The Biggest lie that the devil has hooked the Church to bite, is the lie that the devil does not exist.

• New Tongues: Here we have Jesus pointing forward to the day of Pentecost when those gathered spoke in different languages - but it is also a picture of the gospel abounding right around the world today in different languages. Only this week I got an Email from the Moore’s in Papa New Guinea who over time have been gifted to speak the language of the Inapang people and even write it down their language for the first time – in the next few months these people will hear and read the gospel for the first time in their own language.

• The miraculous : V18 Pick up snakes -drink deadly poison - place their hands on the sick and wil get well. There are times when God intervenes to protects his people and empowers them to point to people to Jesus . He gives them special powers (Paul handled a snake ACTS 28:5) (The disciples healed the sick Matt. 10:1). Moldova Baptist ministers wife healed spoken of an amazing healing in her life. God still does the miraculous the greatest of which is salvation.

• The sign of belief and Baptism v16. Here we see the command of Jesus to Baptise all those who believe – Jesus is not saying that to be baptised is essential for salvation – as the dying theif on the cross was saved without baptism. But if you have believed and the opportunity to be baptised is there grab it, do it in obedience to His commmand if you haven’t and you will not then you are living in disobedience to God – it is a command to be baptised – this too is a sign to others which can remove unbelief as friends and family witness your testimony and act of obedience. Unbelief can be removed when individuals witness the miraculous at work around them and in their lives also.

In closing unbelief is removed when we see Jesus by faith – when the gospel is shared with people and when people witness Gods amazing signs around them and in the life of others. So if your in doubt come and see, and if you belive go and tell and then stand in Awe and watch God at work!
