Summary: Have you ever had people come up to you or someone you know and say, well you’re not healed because you’ve got sin your life. This is not always the case and for us to put that on sick people is wrong. Jesus can override anything…. to get you healed, sav

By: Donna Kazenske

I want you to turn with me, to 1st Thessalonians. There are just so many things that I don’t know yet. How many of you know as you ought to know? It’s a good thing that none of you raised your hands. How many of you understand that we are ever growing and we are ever understanding, in the things of God. If we ever get to the place where we think that we know it all, we’re walking in deception, because we don’t know as we ought to know, we only have bits and pieces. And that’s why we need the body of Christ. Because the piece that I don’t have, the revelation that I don’t have, you probably have it. Hallelujah.

I believe that God has given all of us, pieces of information and that we all know in part. And the Scriptures say that we prophesy in part. Meaning, we don’t prophesy everything because God doesn’t lay it all out before us all at once. But we get pieces of a picture and we prophesy that “piece” only. And this is why it says in Ephesians, chapter one, even as the apostle Paul prayed, I pray that the eyes of your understanding would be opened, because we need to have understanding. How many of you understand, that you cannot step out in faith and do what you don’t understand, because you won’t know how to do it. So this is why it’s so important.

This message on understanding is so vital to me. God has just opened up the eyes of my understanding to understand a little bit more regarding understanding. Can you say, Amen? But He wants our eyes to be opened. That we would be able to see! That we would be able to perceive; that we would be able to understand what the Lord is saying to us in this day and in this hour.

Remember when the Lord was talking with Moses? He said, no one has been able to see My face and live. He’s talking about that natural man. In the natural realm, if God were to show up, my Lord, and just be present before us, we wouldn’t be able to take that with our natural eye, but in the realm of the Spirit, in the eyes of our spirit man, we can see the Lord face to face. Oh, somebody ought to say amen right there. We can see Him face to face. I have seen Him face to face. And a lot of times, when I see Him, when I have visions of Him or have dreams of Him, when I look at His face, it is like such omnipotent light. And other times, I’ve been able to see Him smile, as He looked at me. Oh, the eyes of our heart, the eyes of our understanding need to be opened so we can begin to see, perceive and understand that which God desires to show us and reveal to us in this day and hour. I’m telling you friend, we are lacking. We are lacking in a lot of things.

I talked the other night about strongholds in the mind and how so many of us have believed a lie or we have believed a piece of deception. We thought it was truth and as a result, the enemy built up an ungodly stronghold or belief system in our minds. And as a result of that, we now live out of that ungodly belief system. And then we’re not living out of the truth, we’re living out of an ungodly belief system that we believe is the truth. We’re living in deception.

Now I believe, that in order to get to that next place, there are a lot of keys that we need to lay hold of. One of the keys that God has showed me personally is to tear down those strongholds, those ungodly belief systems in our minds. Because if we don’t believe right, if we don’t believe according to the truth of the Word, we will never walk, operate and demonstrate signs and wonders, period. It’s impossible. And I believe that’s why many in the body of Christ have not walked in signs and wonders the way that we need to be walking in signs and wonders. We’re not lined up with the truth. And you know, faith has a major role to play in our Christian lives. Can you say amen? We’re saved by faith. We’re justified by faith. We’re healed by faith. We’re delivered by faith. We’re baptized in Holy Ghost by faith. And the list can go on and on and on and on.

I was looking through my concordance the other day, for information on faith. And I was just getting so blessed reading the Scripture references. And I said, God, I don’t even know as I ought to know. In the past, I have rarely taught on the subject of faith. But now, You are doing a new thing in me and I see the need for genuine faith to increase in the lives of all born again believers.

1st Thessalonians Chapter 3, starting at verse 6: but now that Timothy has come to us from You and brought us good news of your faith and love. Now these are two key ingredients to the Christian life. If you don’t have faith and love for people, you don’t have a ministry. A lot of us have faith but we hate people. Some of us have love, but we don’t have faith. So there’s no healings, miracles, signs and wonders taking place as a result. You must have both faith and love. Let’s read on: news of your faith and love and that you always have good remembrance of us greatly desiring to see us, as we also to see you. Therefore brethren, in all our affliction and distress, we were comforted concerning you, by your... by your what? (by your faith). He liked what he saw. He liked what he heard. Then it says, for now we live if you stand fast in the Lord. For what thanks can we render, to God for you, for all the joy which we rejoice for your sake, night and day praying. And there’s a key right there. It just went over some of your heads. I’ll repeat it. It says, night and day praying, exceedingly! It doesn’t mean..... shimmy, shimmy, give me give me bless me Jesus. Shimmy, shimmy, give me give me bless me Jesus, give me. Shimmy, shimmy – hey! It doesn’t mean that. It means praying night and day. Oh, we don’t like that too much.

And continuing on…....that we may see Your face, and listen to this, to perfect what is lacking in your faith. Now, how many of you in this room are lacking in faith this morning? Raise your hand. I’ll raise both of mine. So, it looks like I’m in the right place. God wants to change that, because He wants to bless us and use us in awesome ways.

In the book of Hebrews, every time I say that now, I think of coffee….. He brews. Okay, moving right along now…..somebody needs to set up a coffee shop and call it He Brews……anointed coffee. Hallelujah. Well, I almost lost the whole sermon right there. I’m a coffee drinker…so just a little distraction right there. In Hebrews, Chapter 11, it says that without faith it is impossible to please God. Now, we need a revelation on that right there. Scriptures we’ve quoted for years, without faith, it’s impossible to please God. Yeah, I know that. Yeah. Yeah, you know that here in your head, but what you need is the eyes of your understanding open here, in your heart, so you can really understand what this is saying. Hallelujah! Faith. There is a faith connection. That’s what I like to call it. And when our faith connects with God….boom…something is going to happen. And when that something happens, God is so pleased, that He starts tapping His foot. The earth is His footstool and He starts tapping and the earth starts shaking. Without faith it is absolutely impossible to please God.

Now, lets go over to Matthew 7:17. So, I’m in the right place and we all want our faith to be increased. Now it was interesting to me… John 6 starting at verse 28: and the disciplines said to Jesus, what shall we do that we may work the works of God. And Jesus answered and said to them, this is the work of God that you believe. Have faith in, trust in, rely in Him whom God sent. Now that’s where it starts friend. Believing in Jesus, not believing in another Jesus. Not believing in a New Age Jesus, but believing in Jesus Christ, the One true living God. This is where it all begins.

Now go over to Matthew Chapter 17, starting at verse 14, I was reading this the other day and I was like my, my, my ,my, my. It was a picture of where most of the church is today. Starting at verse14 in Matthew 17: when they had come to the multitude, a man came to Him. I want you to always understand something. The people who were healed, were the people who came to Jesus. When you study the gospels. I’m beginning to read the gospels over and over and over because I want to do it Gods way. God is making the gospels alive to me and there’s so much in that. But, I read so often about those that Jesus healed. They were the people that came to Him. The multitudes, read it all in there…..when the multitudes came to Him, He healed them of all their sicknesses and diseases. He delivered them from demons. There was not one person that He ever spoke to like this: oh you can be healed, but you can’t, it’s not the Father’s will for you to be healed, but for you…..yes step right up. Every person who came to Jesus was healed. He didn’t turn anybody away. And there were people in those multitudes who were sinners. They had major sin in their lives and Jesus healed them anyway! How’s that for blasting our theology?

Have you ever had people come up to you or someone you know and say, well you’re not healed because you’ve got sin your life. This is not always the case and for us to put that on sick people is wrong. Jesus can override anything…. to get you healed, saved and delivered. That’s God’s purpose and plan, can you say amen? So, a man came to Him, kneeling down to Him saying, Lord, have mercy on my son, for he is an epileptic and suffers severely. For he often falls into the fire and often into the water, so I brought him to your disciples but they could not cure him. Now, I don’t know about you, but that Scripture right there grieves me. This is where probably 90 percent of the body of Christ is today. People bring demon possessed people to us and we can’t get them delivered. We shout, scream, roll, stand up on them, jump up and down on them and we get a sore throat and the demons are still there. This is good preaching.

Somebody comes to us with cancer, is that a problem for God? NO. Why is it a problem for us? You see, in our minds, we’ve built up ungodly belief systems. You know what, cancer is really big…..I can pray for a headache, but cancer. Oh man, I’ve got to go to six conferences and fast for 40 days before I can do that. Part of this might be true, but it doesn’t matter to God if it’s cancer or a headache, He wants to remove it you’re your life forever! My God! That’s shouting and dancing ground now!!!!!!!

Read Isaiah Chapter 53. I’m going to dig into that chapter sometime and I’m going to study that real good. That’s going to become a part of who I am. Hallelujah! Jesus has already done some things for us. He already bore, our sicknesses and our diseases, on the cross. We don’t have to bear them.

There’s things in our minds that have to be torn down. These belief systems…. We have got to believe God’s way. We’ve got to have the faith of God. Do you know that faith itself is a gift from God to us? Everything that we need to do….what He has called us to do….He’s already given it to us. He said, freely you’ve received, now freely give it. My God, now what kind of a deal is that? We can do everything that He has called us to do.

So, continuing on… I brought my son to Your disciples, but they couldn’t cure him. Then Jesus answered Him and said, oh faithless and perverse generation. Now, those are strong words. If Jesus were here today, He could say the same thing to everyone of us here in this room. Oh faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? In other words, I’ve only got three years. How long is it going to take to get this into your spirit. You keep looking at things in the realm of the natural. Oh, that person doesn’t even have a leg….man….I ain’t gonna pray for him. That’s an impossible situation. Friend, you are looking in the natural realm. God’s got all kinds of legs up there in His heavenly storehouse…they are just hanging up there in the realm of the spirit. Take one down by faith! Everything we need is there! If you need a new heart, it’s hanging there in the realm of the spirit. Reach out by faith and grab it! Boom, there it is. There is nothing to difficult for God. Absolutely nothing.

I believe God is getting us ready, for one of the biggest healing revivals of signs and wonders that this earth has ever known. And I believe, that you’re going to begin to hear teachings, similar to what you’re hearing this morning, because God is trying to get through your thick skull and into your spirit. We’ve got to get this by the Spirit. You don’t heal somebody out of your soul realm or out of your mind. You can know and have knowledge….you can go to the best cemetery school….I mean seminary….you can have all the head knowledge up here (in your head) and you lay hands on people with cancer and nothing happens.

Jesus said, we are the sons and daughters of God, if we’re led by the Spirit….everything that you need this morning to do the works of God, you already have it. The Holy Spirit lives in you. That part of you that got saved at salvation, that part of you that was quickened by the Spirit, is your spirit man. Those who are led by the Spirit are called, the sons and Daughters of God. Now, I’m going to tell you something, God is not looking for orphans to do His works. He’s looking for sons and daughters. Who is a son or daughter? Those who are led by the Spirit. They’re not led by their emotions. Well, I just don’t feel like doing this. I don’t care what you feel like. That tells me that you are living out of your soul. God is saying, I want you to be led by the Spirit. I want you to learn how to flow by the Spirit. I want you learn how to walk in the Spirit and then you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. You’ve got to learn how live in the Spirit. Living and walking is the same thing friend. You’ve got to learn how to walk out of your spirit and not out of your soul realm. I don’t give a rip about how you feel. We’ve got to live and move out of what we know, who we know and what we know by the Spirit of Almighty God. It’s all about God. Hallelujah.

Oh faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long is it going to take for you to get the eyes of your understanding opened so that you can understand and see that which I’ve been doing and trying to show you for three years? You can do it. I’m trying to train you. You better get it, because I don’t have much time left here on this earth. How long shall I bear with you? Bring him here to me. I believe there’s a frustration in the Lord’s voice right here because of what they should have already been doing. They weren’t doing it. You say well Sister Donna, how do you know they should of been doing it? Well, Matthew Chapter 17 is very clear in what it’s saying.

Okay, hold your finger there. Let’s go back to Matthew chapter 10. I’ll show you why they should have been doing it. Seven chapters back in Matthew 10 verse 1. When He called His twelve disciples to Him, He did what? He gave. That would preach right there. He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out. But yet in chapter 17 they weren’t able to cast out that epileptic spirit. What is wrong with that picture? In chapter 10, He gave them the power to do it! He gave them everything they needed to cast out that demon. Just like He did when we got born again, from the moment I was born again…I was created for signs and wonders. My God – open our eyes Jesus.

Listen to this, He gave them power, he gave it to them, he gave it to them, he handed it over to them….power over unclean spirits to cast them out. And to heal all kinds of sicknesses. It doesn’t matter what sickness it is. He gave them power to get it out of the lives of those who were sick. He gave who power? He gave them power to heal and to heal all kinds of disease and he goes on and He names them. Then down in verse 5, these twelve, Jesus sent out…….Now listen to this next word…. and He commanded them. I want you to listen, this is very serious right here. He sent the twelve out and He commanded them saying…..He didn’t suggest to them…. Do this if you feel like it…. which would be soul realm. He commanded them to do some things.

Listen to what He said, do not go into the way of the Gentiles and do not enter a city of the Samaritans, but go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel….verse 7, but as you go. Say with me, as you go. Now, put emphasis on you. As you go. So, were all called to preach. As you go, preach saying that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Then as you go, whose suppose to heal the sick? As you go - you heal the sick. How can you heal the sick? Because the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in me and lives in you. That same power that Jesus used to heal the sick is in us. And as we lay hands on the sick, we release the power of the Holy Ghost. It’s not all about us. It’s all about Jesus. He is the One who heals through us. As you go - you heal the sick. As you go - you cleanse the lepers. As you go - hah, you raise the dead.

Every funeral that Jesus went to, He messed it up big time. He raised them from the dead. Why did He do that? Because He said, I AM the resurrection and the life. I can’t take this death stuff. Get up out of that coffin. Get up…. come on. Hallelujah. Ah, people we don’t know what we have. We’ve got to pray, God open up the eyes of my understanding so that I can see, because I’m missing it somewhere. I’m without understanding.

Over and over in the gospels Jesus was constantly trying to get the disciples to understand what they were supposed to be doing. He would give them a parable, then the disciples would say, well tell us what the parable means. Then He would tell them and they would go ????. Then He would say to them, hello, are you still without understanding? Come on guys……I have done this over and over again. Why are you still not getting it? Hello! Read it in the gospels. This is the kind of communication that was going on between Jesus and His disciples. It was really quite comical. But yet it wasn’t. You cast out demons, freely you have received…freely give it.

Now back to Matthew Chapter 17. He gave them power back in chapter 10, but in chapter 17, right after Jesus had given them power to cast out demons, they were not able to cast out this demon of epilepsy out of this individual. What’s wrong with that picture? That’s where most of the body of Christ is today. And then in verse 18, after He calls His disciples faithless and a perverse generation, verse 18, then Jesus rebuked the demon. That’s all He did. He rebuked it. He didn’t council it. He didn’t say behave yourself. He just rebuked it and it came out with no questions asked. It doesn’t say that He laid on the person, held them down, stomped on them….. It just said, He rebuked the demon and boom….it came out. That’s the way we should be doing it. He rebuked the demon and it came out of him and the child was cured from that very hour. Cured. Fixed. That child didn’t have to go to counseling for 10 more years. He was totally fixed. The demon was gone. The epilepsy was gone. Glory be to God. Hey! That’s shouting ground man. Hey! Excuse me while I dance a bit.

Now, verse 19. Then the disciples came to Jesus, and they came privately. They were embarrassed. Tail between there legs….heads down. They came to Jesus privately. Pssssst . Jesus….Pssssst. Come here. Pssssssst.. shhhhhh….they came to Him privately, and said, why could we not cast out that demon? This was the question of the hour. Here’s your answer in verse 20….so Jesus said to them, because of your unbelief. Because you are still not believing. It’s unbelief. You are still without belief. You’re still without faith to do what I’ve told you to do. Even though you’ve seen me cast out demons over and over again…. I’ve been demonstrating it for you and to you. I’ve been having you watch me. I’ve laid my hands on you. I’ve ate with you. I’ve explained it all to you. I’ve slept in the same room where you’ve slept. But you still, after all this time, are filled with doubt and unbelief. There is unbelief. Where? In your heart. And unbelief will stop the miracle working power of God.

When Jesus went to His own hometown. The Scripture says, He was not able to do many mighty miracles there. Why? Because they were full of unbelief. It even stopped Jesus. Now everyone of us in this room….we have unbelief in our lives, and I believe that God is after that. Because He’s called to us do what He did, my friend. And I don’t know about you, but I cry out to God and I say, God I don’t want to be like the disciples. I don’t want to not be able to cast out demons. God, when they bring those demon possessed people to me…… I don’t care what kind of demon they have…..I should be able to say, I rebuke you….. come out in Jesus name and it’s over. I want to be able to do it the way that Jesus did it. Because He lives in here (in my heart). And anything in me that is hindering Him from working through me has got to go. It must be removed from my life. Every spirit of unbelief….every ungodly belief system, it’s got to come down or God is not pleased with me. Because faith pleases God. So, Jesus said they could not cast out the demon because of their unbelief.

For surely I say unto you that if you have faith of a mustard seed, you’ll say to this mountain move from here to there, it will move and nothing will be impossible for you to do. Did you catch that? Nothing! Nothing will be impossible for who? For you. Nothing will be impossible for Donna Kazenske. Put your name in there. Nothing will be impossible for Donna Kazenske. Some you need to take this home. This is your assignment. Take that home and repeat it 200 times or repeat it until it becomes a part of who you are. WOW! Glory be to God forevermore. Because we still believe that the impossible, is impossible. That is a belief system that has to be torn down. Scripture says that nothing shall be impossible for you and me. Absolutely nothing! That means there’s no limits on that. My my my…..verse 21: however this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting. Now, here’s two keys right here. There’s a lot of keys for moving in signs and wonders, casting out demons, etc. Some people say that prayer and fasting are like brothers and sisters, they go together.

Now some of us, I’m telling you, if we want to go where God wants us to go, there is a price to pay. And our flesh is going to kick and scream at us. Whenever we try to go on with God…... our flesh is going to hate us….when we get up at 4 or 5 in the morning to pray…our flesh is going to have a fit. It’s going to cause us to fall asleep. But, it’s a key.

Gwen testified of a man, who was praying in the Spirit for 8 hours a day and he basically did it like a job. Unknowingly it changed his life. He began to walk in the healing power of God. Do you see it? This is the testimony of what I’m preaching here this morning. Prayer and fasting are keys for us…..along with tearing down strongholds in our minds. And intimacy with the Lord is also a key. The closer you get to the God, the closer He’s going to get to you. My my my! And I tell you this…. He’s going to empower you with such power and anointing……when you make an effort to spend time with Him and cry out to Him and say, God I don’t care how long I have to stay here…..God I’m not going to leave till I sense your presence…... God, I’m not leaving this place until I know that Your anointing is upon my life in a fresh new way.

Prophetic Word: "For surely the eyes of the Lord go to and fro in all the earth and it is the desire of Your Father, says the Lord, it is the desire of His heart that He would be able to show Himself strong. Therefore have your heart set towards Him. Have your affections set towards Him. Have the revelation burning in your hearts, says the Lord. For I am looking to show Myself strong. It is the desire of My heart to let it be known in this generation that I am the same yesterday, today and forever. So, I am looking in all the earth for the opportunities to show Myself strong on the behalf of My people, says the Lord. And I am looking for a people that when I speak, they will believe what I say, says the Lord. For even notice this, that Sarah did not look at the bareness of her womb, she didn’t look at the past failures. She came to the place that she looked to Me. She looked to Jesus, the Author, the Finisher, the Perfecter of her faith. And when she looked to Me, life came within her being, says the Lord. I’m looking for a people that when I speak, they would not look at the circumstance. They would not look at the bareness of their lives. They would not look at the past failures but that they would look to Jesus, the Author, the Finisher, the Perfecter of their faith. And I am the One who called them to do it. I, by My Spirit within, would do it, says the Lord."

Let’s just cry out to God where we sit right now. God is after unbelief in us this morning. He is after ungodly belief systems….strongholds in our minds. And He wants to tear those things down and set us free from unbelief this morning. Doubt and unbelief must go from our lives.

I want you to just begin to cry out to God. He’s already put His finger on it. God we cry out to you this morning. We cry out to you Father. We ask You to deliver us Lord. We are full of doubt. And we’re full of unbelief Lord Jesus. And God it’s wrong. It’s not pleasing in Your sight. I pray that You would reveal it to us Lord Jesus. That it’s wrong, it’s not pleasing to You Lord. Deliver us from these ungodly belief systems. That You would tear them down, Lord God. Where there has been no faith, where we have lacked in faith, I pray Father, that You would cause our faith to grow. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the rhema Word of God, Lord, that You would help us to have ears to hear this morning. That You would open up the eyes of our heart, Lord. God we’re crying out for You to come and transform us. We’re crying out for You to deliver us from unbelief . Help us Lord. Please help us. Deliver us this morning, God. We repent Lord God. We repent of unbelief. We repent of doubt, oh God. Have mercy on us. Pour out Your Spirit in this place Lord Jesus. Put Your finger on it, oh God. Lord, increase our faith. Cause our faith to grow. As we pray in the Spirit, cause our faith to grow Lord. As we behold Jesus, cause our faith to grow. You are the Author and the Finisher of our faith Lord. Set us free God. Set us free...........We want to do the works that You did. We want to do what you did here on the earth. Doubt and unbelief go from us now in Jesus name. Amen.

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