Summary: How can you tell if a person is genuinely saved? Paul addresses this issue in his letter to the Ephesians.

Live Out Loud – Our PURITY

Ephesians 4:17-32

Recap: For several weeks we’ve been studying Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. I believe this epistle might be the most important book in the N.T. b/c it encapsulates the Christian life in a nutshell. You could say that Ephesians is the Christian’s Cliff Notes b/c in this letter Paul addresses salvation, Jesus, God, morality, church, marriage, family, work, and spiritual warfare.

Recap: Two weeks ago we talked about God’s gifts of leadership to the church and how we’re to treat our pastors. Today, we’re going to talk about how to discern a lost man from a saved man and how we’re to act as Christians.

Intro: Question: How can you tell if something is clean or unclean? Let’s say you ask your child to clean his room, how will you evaluate if he has succeeded? The bed will be made. His clothes will be neatly placed inside his dresser. His toys will be in the toy chest. His books will be neatly organized on the bookshelf, and the floor will be vacuumed. It’s not difficult to tell if your child has cleaned his room b/c you have an idea of what a clean looks like and a standard you expect him to meet.

Insert: Let me ask another question. How can you tell good from evil? Or right from wrong? Or saved and unsaved? In Ephesians 4:17-32, Paul gives us a standard to help us to determine the difference. Read Eph. 4:17-32

I The VICES of the OLD Life

Text: 17 So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. 18 They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God b/c of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. 19 Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, w/ a continual lust for more.

Trans: Paul begins by telling us that we’re no longer to live as the Gentiles. In referring to the Gentiles, he is talking about people who aren’t believers. Now he isn’t saying that Jewish people are the only saved people either. Remember, God’s chosen people have always been a spiritual people and not a nationality as some would have you believe.

Word: In calling us to live (peripateiv) Paul is concerned w/ how we conduct our lives – that the pattern of our life and behavior is distinctively godly.

Note: God wants us to live a life that’s absolutely distinct from the world. In fact, the instant we place our faith in Christ alone for salvation our spiritual citizenship is transferred from this earth to heaven. While our citizenship now resides in heaven, we still live in this world. Thus, living for Jesus can be tough b/c even though the H.S. lives in us, our flesh still longs for the pride, prestige, power, and pleasure of this world.

Insert: The Greek philosopher, Heraclitus wrote that the Romans often practiced an unusual way of preventing prisoners from escaping. When a Roman army went into battle, while they would often win and capture many of the enemy, they would also lose soldiers to the battle. So after the battle, the Romans would take the corpses of their fallen soldiers and tie them on the backs of a POW. This served two purposes: First, the prisoners would transport the bodies to a place where they could give it a proper burial; and second, they did it so that the prisoner wouldn’t be able to escape.

Note: This is the picture Paul offers in talking about our sinful nature. He says that while as Christians we have a new nature w/in us, until Christ’s return, we’re still carrying around this old sinful nature like a corpse on our back. We have to learn to deal w/ it w/out it impeding our ability to live for God.

Note: We’re all fellow pilgrims striving to live for Christ in a Christ-less world; yet greater is He w/in us than he who is in the world. Thus, we’re not to retreat into a holy huddle and live the life of a hermit, we’re to engage our culture w/out becoming our culture and indulging in the sin around us.

Verse: Don’t love the world and what it offers. Those who love the world don’t have the Father’s love in them. Not everything the world offers – physical gratification, greed, and extravagant lifestyles – comes from the Father. It comes from the world, and the world and its evil desires are passing away. But the person who does what God wants lives forever. 1 Jn. 2:15-17

A Hard HEADED – Ignorant

Text: …in the futility of their thinking. They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God b/c of ignorance…

Word: ignorance (agnoria) one who lacks knowledge and is unable to comprehend and see reality and truth. These people are so hard-headed they will not be convinced even by sound argument. They’ve chosen to put their faith in something other than God b/c they refuse to be convinced.


Word: futility (mataiotes) thinking that falls short and is incapable of producing sound results. It is vanity that is aimless or pointless.

Note: This is what I call stink’in think’in! I could go on a rant of the people I’ve spoken w/ who say they don’t believe in God. Yet when all is said and done, no matter what is said, when we die we’ll all have to face what stands on the other side of death. If there is no God then I’ve lost nothing. But if there is a God and Jesus is His only means of salvation, then the unbeliever has lost everything. To me, it is far more ignorant to live not believing than it is to live believing b/c eternity hangs in the balance.


Word: darkened (eskotomenoi) pref. pas. part. – abiding in spiritual and moral darkness – depraved and destitute separated from God. See Rm. 1:19-32

Note: It’s b/c is this darkness Jesus entered into this world as God’s light.

Verse: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was w/ God, and the Word was God. He was w/ God in the beginning. Thru him all things were made; w/out him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness. Jn 1:1-5

Verse: This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light b/c their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done thru God. Jn. 3:19-21


Word: separated (apoallotpiomevoi) pref. pas. part. – estranged or alienated. It refers to a state of being. These people b/c of their hard-headedness are alienated from God whether they like it or not – it is their condition.

B Hard HEARTED – Calloused

Verse: …that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts.

Word: hardened (porosis) rock-hard solid. It is a medical term referring to the calcification around a broken bone that becomes harder than the bone.

Note: The idea is that hard-headed ignorance leads to calloused heart. Now when the Bible speaks of being calloused, it refers to being apathetic and insensitive towards spiritual and moral truth. There are two extremes:

1 Calloused in CONSCIENCE

Note: This occurs when a person is so numb to reality they deny the truth to get ahead or avoid being punished. These people do everything in private hoping to not get caught, yet they have no conscience about their activity.

2 Calloused in CHARACTER

Note: This occurs b/c a person’s moral meter is so dumbed down they begin to openly and blatantly indulge in all sorts of depravity w/out concern.

Insert: I recently read an article in USA Today that reported that exhibitionism is at an all time high and that it is directly attributed to the rise and acceptance of pornography in our culture.

C Hard HEDONED – Depraved

Verse: Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, w/ a continual lust for more.

Define: hedonism – the devotion and pursuit of pleasure as a way of life.

Word: sensuality (aselgia) having no moral restraint – anything goes! It is a disposition of the soul that’s incapable of bearing the pain of discipline and is given to indulging in all obscenity w/out restraint or conscience.

Note: There is an insatiable appetite and craving lust (pleonexia) for the things of this world and it is motivated by idolatry. But for these people, their lust for pleasure becomes their god and primary motive for living and they have no idea that it is leading to their own demise.

Trans: It is amazing how many people think that they can live their lives this way and then at the last second change their ways and fly away to heaven.

Story: I’m reminded of a story by Max Lucado about an eagle at Niagara Falls: It was the coldest day of the winter and the river rushing over the falls was full of blocks of ice. The eagle spotted a rodent trapped on one of the blocks, unable to escape. The eagle circled around, swooped down, and killed the rodent. Standing on the ice block in the river, the eagle began to eat its prey. The people watching from the shore tried to distract the bird to make it fly off, b/c they didn’t want to see that majestic eagle go over the falls and die. But it was if the eagle was looking ahead to see how far away the falls were and he went back to his meal. It was almost as though you could see the self-confidence in the eyes of that bird saying, “I have plenty of time. I’m in control. I can take care of myself.” The spectators said just as the block of ice was beginning to go over the falls, the eagle spread its wings to begin to fly, only to discover his claw had become encased in the ice and he was dragged to his death.

II The VIRTUES of the NEW Life

Text: 20 You, however, did not come to know (learn) Christ that way. 21 Surely you heard of him and were taught in him in accordance w/ the truth that is in Jesus. 22 You were taught, w/ regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Word: learn (emathete) aor. act. ind. – not only the process of learning but the arrival of coming to know. It refers to a single unrepeated act. The idea is that immediately upon receiving Christ as Savior, a believer’s focus, interests, and desires is transformed from the old life to the new life.

Verse: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Cr. 5:17

Insert: Here is the interesting part. Just as a Jew was responsible to learn the Torah – knowing it inside out and applying it to their life, so too is a Christian is to learn and know the N.T. and the teachings of Christ. How well do you know your faith and your Jesus?

Trans: Christians are to know God’s Word and apply it in such a way life that our lives are truth-bearing, temper-controlled, task-honoring, tongue-tied, trust-relying, and tender-hearted. Let’s look at these qualities.

A TRUTH-Bearing

Text: 25 Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body.

Word: laying aside (apotithemi) deals w/ taking off (disrobing) and casting away that which inhibits motion and action. The word was used Acts 7:58 of the Jewish leaders who took off their outer garments so that they could stone Stephen for preaching about Jesus.

Idea: The Christian is to lay aside falsehood and begin abiding solely in the truth so that he is free to be engaged in the righteous work of God. Heb. 12:1

Note: Truth has fallen upon hard times in our culture. Our politicians and judicial branch have taught us that spin is in; and as a result, so long as we incorporate a little truth w/ our lie, then we can claim that you’re telling the truth. But w/ God – He expects the whole truth and nothing but the truth…

B TEMPER-Controlled

Text: 26 "In your anger do not sin," and do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 and do not give the devil a foothold.

Word: anger (paraorgismos) deep-seated hostility based on a settled conviction.

Note: Anger is a legitimate emotion, and so long as it doesn’t get the best of us and lead to sin, we’re to use it to enable us to stand against injustice and motivate us to godliness. Paul commands us to not sin in our anger.

Note: The problem is that this seldom happens b/c most of the time; our anger gets the best of us and gives our worst to others.

Note: Righteous indignation is anger that hates injustice, immorality, and ungodliness and seeks to turn others to repentance. Sinful anger is anger that is self-serving and self-defensive that seeks revenge.

Story: I remember a few years ago when my anger was tested. We were on vacation in GA at a “family” resort enjoying the pool when w/in 10 min. the atmosphere went from family centric to female centerfold. This so called family resort was hosting a wet t-shirt and bikini contest. Needless to say, I was not happy. I went to the manager to share my concerns when he blew me off. Not appreciating his response, instead of ringing his scrawny neck, I instead, promptly checked out and moved to another hotel.

Note: If we’re going to be good when angry, then we’re going to have to learn how to control our emotions.

Quote: The next time you feel the surge of anger, say to yourself, ‘Is this really worth what it is going to do to me and to others emotionally.’ I’m either going to make a fool of myself, hurt somebody I love, lose a friend, or wind up doing something I may regret the rest of my life. Practice realizing that it is not worth it to get so worked up about things and always remember that the greatest cure for anger is forgiveness. Norman V. Peale

C TASK-Honoring

Text: 28 He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful w/ his own hands, that he may have something to share w/ those in need.

Trans: The 8th Commandment says, “Thou shall not steal.” In most instances when we think of stealing as taking someone’s property, yet stealing takes on many different forms.

Note: We can steal money by not paying back a debt; ideas (plagiarism) by claiming them as our own; time by loafing when we should be working; and dignity by defaming or ridiculing another person. The scary thing is that people do these things all the time seemingly w/out a conscious.

Funny: I recently heard of a man who sent a check to the IRS w/ a note reading, “A while back I failed to report some income to you and I’m have trouble sleeping. Here is a check for $500. If I can’t sleep, I’ll send you the rest.

Word: steal (klepto) from kleptomaniac. It’s a person whose nature is to steal. As sinners, by nature we’re all thieves. We’re all looking for the short cuts in life to get ahead and get by.

Trans: What is interesting is that Paul tells us to lay aside our natural ethic and to pursue a divine work ethic so that our lives should glorify God. Meaning that if there is one place Christians should stand out it is in the workplace. Our integrity and work ethic should make us distinct.

Word: work (kopiato) to work w/ effort to the point of fatigue – but we’re not us to be hard-working – we are also to work w/ integrity..

Word: good (agathos) good in quality and honoring to God.

Quote: A Christian should never be involved in a job, profession, or business that requires him to compromise God’s standard, dishonor God’s name, violate God’s commands, or mislead others in pursuing and discovering God. Mac


Text: 29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

Word: unwholesome (sapros) that which is corrupt, putrid, or foul – used to describe rotting fruit and vegetables or spoiled meat.

Note: Paul says that a person who is living under the influence of God’s Spirit should never allow foul language to proceed from their mouths.

Idea: Unwholesome talk should be as repulsive to us as rotten milk or a spoiled piece of meat. Off-colored jokes, profanity, dirty stories, vulgarity, and any other form of corrupt speech should never cross our lips.

E TRUST-Relying

Text: 30 And do not grieve the H.S. of God, w/ whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.

Word: grieve – do not injure or strain the relationship you have w/ God b/c of sin.

Note: It is God’s desire that we walk in stride w/ Him under the influence of the H.S. and in concert w/ His Word. When we choose to sin, we grieve and quench our relationship w/ God severing our intimacy. No, we do not lose our salvation, but we do interrupt the source of our spiritual empowerment and injure our closeness w/ God. 1 John 1:9 says that the only way to reconnect w/ God is through confession of sin.

F TENDER-Hearted

Text: 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along w/ every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another

Funny: A few years ago at Judson Baptist College for women in Alabama, the chaplain was praying for the ladies when he prayed, “Lord, give us kind hearts; give us loving hearts; give us pure hearts; and Lord, give us sweet hearts. To which all the women said, AMEN!

Note: Truth is our world could use a little more kindness and compassion.

Word: tender-hearted – refers to one who readily gives compassion to others who deserve less. It reflects a feeling of compassion originating deep w/in one’s gut – one who is deeply empathetic.

Note: W/in the context, it refers to extending undeserved grace and forgiveness to others as Jesus has extended it to you. It is a picture of salvation where God forgives a sinner for the unpayable debt of unrighteous rebellion against Him.


Insert: I love what is happening w/ our ESS and Disaster Relief ministries. We’re going into our community and sharing God’s love through our kindness to people in need. This past week, our team was dispatched to Hendersonville to work that awful accident where the tanker truck hit the dump truck and the man was killed. Our team was on the ground sharing compassion through kindness ministering in Jesus name. We all need to be sharing God’s love each and every day through our words and actions.


Sermons: David Dykes – Series in Ephesians

Books: Max Anders – The Good Life

John MacArthur – Commentary on Ephesians