Summary: An exaamination of the qualities of Godly Mothers. Suitable for Mothers’ Day.


The first preacher that ever came to his town was stoned and left for dead by an angry mob. You see, Zeus was worshipped in that town. There was a temple erected for Zeus just outside the city gates and no one wanted to hear about Jesus.

His dad wasn’t a Christian, as a matter-of-fact, his dad didn’t really believe in God, unless it was some god like Zeus.

He grew up, mingling with the upper-crust of society. He mingled with the disbelieving intellectuals of his day. He knew all of their philosophies, all of their teachings, and he knew how they laughed at the idea of God.

In spite of all of this, the man was eventually ordained as a minister. He was such a sincere and godly a man that he gained the respect of all the Christians in his home town. Often, it is easy to go out of town, or to visit where people don’t know you, and to put on a good front for a while; but he was so authentic, real, and honest that those who knew him best, those who lived and worked with him, respected him.

God eventually called him as an evangelist. The apostle Paul, the man who wrote nearly ½ of the New Testament, called him a brother, a companion, and a comfort. Paul used Timothy as an ambassador and gave him the most difficult jobs. When the church in Corinth began to backslide & get into trouble, Paul sent Timothy to help restore the church. When the church in Thessalonica began to face severe persecution. He sent Timothy to encourage and strengthen the Christians there.

Of all of the Christians, preachers, and missionaries in the 1st century, Paul chose Timothy to serve as his representative. He even called Timothy, “God’s fellow worker.” That’s a pretty high compliment from the man God used to so successfully spread the Gospel among the Gentiles of the 1st century.

But tell me. How could a boy, with a non-Christian dad, like Timothy had; how could a boy from the environment he grew up in; how could such a boy grow up to be used so mightily by God? What was it that prepared him to be used by God in such a great way? What was it that trained and prepared him to help so many people? What was it that guided him and so helped him to really make his life count for something?

What will protect our children today, when violence, sex, and selfishness is piped into our homes daily through radio and TV? What will direct them, encourage them, train and tutor them, when the world teaches us to get all we can and can all we get? What will protect our children when suicide has become one of the leading causes of teen death? What will protect our children and help them to become growing, contributing, members of society who make the most of their lives, when many of their friends are escaping reality through drug and alcohol use?

It is the same thing that protected and helped Timothy when he grew up in a world much like ours. It is the love and guidance of a godly mother.

If you want to protect your child, if you want to help your children to become all that God intended, then open your Bibles with me this morning and turn to 2 Timothy chapter 1 and verse 3. 2 Timothy chapter 1 and verse 3, as this morning we enter God’s classroom and study Mommy 101; being the mother God intended you to be. 2 Timothy chapter 1 and verse 3.

- Read 2 Timothy chapter 1:3-5 –

In these verses we find Paul reminiscing about days long past, and about the time he spent with Timothy. In these verses we also find the first ingredient, the first requirement of a godly mother. Look with me again please in verse 5.


> 2 Timothy 1:5 clearly recalling your sincere faith that first lived in your grandmother Lois, then in your mother Eunice, and that I am convinced is in you also.

In verse 5 Paul says I remember your sincere faith which was first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice. I want you to underline that word Sincere. If you are going to make a difference for the good in your child’s life, if you are going to help him become all that God intended, if you are going to help her make a difference with her life; then number one, you must be sincere. You must have a sincere faith.

Now the word “sincere” means real. It means, without pretending or pretense. It means, “what you see is what you get.” It means, what you claim you believe, what you show the world, is also what you show your children at home.

Paul says in Philippians 4:9 The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things; and the God of peace shall be with you.

In other words, if you are going to make a positive difference in your child’s life, you need to practice what you preach. If you’re not doing that, you might as well be a politician. Several years ago, I worked for a while as a youth pastor in Arkansas. While I was there, I did my best to try to teach the teenagers I worked with that a relationship with Jesus Christ could really make a difference in their lives. I did my best to try to show them how putting Jesus first in their lives would make their lives a whole lot better. You know the main obstacle I ran into in trying to teach the teens about real life with Christ? It was their parents.

Many of the parents said one thing and acted one way when they went to church on Sundays, but they didn’t act or behave that way at home. The faith they professed on Sunday wasn’t evident in their lives during the week. The youth just settled for doing church the same way their parents did. They were copying what they saw.

Folks, you need to be real with your children. All of that nonsense about “Do what I say and not what I do,” just isn’t going to cut it. If Jesus really is the answer, for the world today, then act like it. If Jesus needs to be a priority in your children’s lives, then He had better be a priority in your own life. You see, Christianity isn’t taught. It’s caught.

If you are going to help your child, then there must be sincerity. Not only must there be sincerity but also there must also be encouragement. Look with me please at 2 Timothy 1:2.

- Read 2 Timothy 1:2 –


Notice if you will the name of the man Paul was writing to. Notice who, in this verse, he addressed. Paul spoke to Timothy. Now the name Timothy means “One who honors God.” It’s obvious, since Timothy’s dad wasn’t a Christian or a God-fearer, that it wasn’t his idea to give his son such a name. It was his mother Eunice’s. She had high expectations for her son from the get go. She gave him a name that would encourage him and drive him forward.

There are sadly, many parents today who spend their time putting their children down. Telling them that they aren’t any good, or telling them that they will never amount to anything. There are many parents today who tell their children that they are inconveniences. Folks, you need to spend some time encouraging your children. You need to spend some time lifting them up.

Studies have shown that students who are encouraged and praised perform much better on skills tests than children who are not praised.

>Ecclesiastes 4:9&10 Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their efforts. For if either falls, his companion can lift him up; but pity the one who falls without another to lift him up.

Parents, mothers, you need to be the “other” for your child. You need to be the one to pick him up and dust him off. You need to be the one to encourage her when she’s down. You need to be your child’s chief cheerleader.

If you are going to make a positive difference in your child’s life there must be sincerity, there must be encouragement, and there must be discipline.

Look with me please at Proverbs 29 and verse 15.

- Read Proverbs 29:15. 17 –


These verses say that children need discipline, they need correction. Parents, mothers, your children need to know that there are guidelines that they must live by and that there are consequences to be faced when those guidelines are ignored and when rules are broken.

Other than about a relationship with Jesus Christ, you will

never teach your children anything more important than discipline. It is the key to making everything work in the home, at the office, and in social situations.

Your children actually want parameters. That makes them feel secure. Inconsistency from a parent is very confusing, even frightening. You are the force that defines their world and the behavior that will get them through it. Have enough guts to teach your children the guidelines that you will enforce. That’s a way of giving them stability.

Many people today, even adults, believe that anyone who corrects them, anyone who punishes them or keeps them from doing what they want, is just trying to spoil their fun. They refuse to see that when police officers enforce the law, or that when God disciplines people, that it is for their own good. Many people cannot see that God disciplines because He loves. Why is that? It’s because many children have never had parents who loved them enough to discipline them.

>Proverbs 13:24 The one who will not use the rod hates his son, but the one who loves him disciplines him diligently.

Parents, discipline your children. And by the way, Moms, that means you as well. Setting guidelines and parameters for your children and then enforcing them, is not just the responsibility of Dads alone. Proverbs 6:20 says, My son, observe the commandment of your father, and do not forsake the teaching of your mother. Giving and enforcing guidelines is the responsibility of both mothers and Dads. Ladies, don’t make your husband be the heavy all the time. If you love your child, discipline him. If you don’t make him obey in the home, he will not learn to obey the law, or civil authority, or the Lord.

If you are going to help your child make a difference in the world, there must be sincerity, there must be encouragement, there must be discipline, and there must be unconditional love.

Turn with me please to Romans 8:35. Romans chapter 8 and verse 35.


- Romans 8:35–39

In these verses, Paul says that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. In other words, God’s love is unconditional. If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, if you have invited Jesus into your heart and have established that relationship with Him, you have been adopted into the family of God. You are a child of the King, and nothing can destroy that relationship. Nothing can tear you from the love of God. Tell me, where is your child going to learn unconditional love, if you don’t model it for him at home Mom, Dad? Where? They aren’t going to learn it at school. The teacher will back them as long as they do well in class. The coach will back them as long as they do well in whatever sport that coach is trying to promote. Their friends will back them as long as they go along with the crowd. Tell me, where will they ever learn unconditional love if you don’t model it for them?

You need to love your child. You need to show your child that love, regardless of how he is doing at school. You need to show your child that you love him regardless of what he did to the car the last time he borrowed it. You need to show your child that you love him, regardless of how many times you have to change his clothes during the day. You need to show your daughter you love her, regardless of what kind of guy she’s seeing.

And make your expression of love, physical. Hug and hold your children. All across America, thousands of people meet daily in therapy groups with the main purpose of contacting and touching one another. Every person is born with a basic human need to be touched by others. One of the ways we display this love with Drew is that we wrestle with him. We also give him a Drew sandwich. He loves it.

Parents show your children unconditional love and let them experience it physically.

Can you let your son see your disappointment with some of the choices he makes? Yes. God is disappointed with some of the choices you and I make. Can you discipline your child when he steps over the line? Yes. God will do the same for you and me. But, never, never, never, make your children think that you do or do not love them, because of what they have or have not done.

Parents, moms, show your children unconditional love.

Moms, in your home there needs to be sincerity, encouragement, discipline, and unconditional love, but you need to also model before your children, the proper attitude. Look with me please at

Ephesians 5:18


- Ephesians 5:18-20

>1 Corinthians 10:31 Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for God’s glory.

You ever see someone who rolls out of bed and instead of saying, “Good morning, Lord,” they say, “Good Lord, it’s morning.” You ever hear people say, “Well this is a bad day.” Like God made some kind of mistake. This is not a bad day. It’s a good day, a day the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it.

Parents, Moms, you need to have the right attitude about work, about life, about your day, and you need to model that attitude for your children. Don’t go around complaining all day about the things you don’t have, spend your time thanking God for the things you do have. Don’t go around emphasizing the negative. Bring out the positive. Don’t complain about what a terrible man or a terrible provider your husband is, point out for your children their daddy’s good points. I understand that it may take some of you a while to find those good points, but you married him. At least you can point out his good taste. Teach your children to respect and honor him.

Don’t go around all the time, complaining about your job or about the chores you have to do. The Bible says whatsoever you do, do it with all your might, as unto the Lord. Let your children see that there is glory in all work. Let them see that there is honor in all work. Let them see that no matter where they are or what they are doing that they can do the best job they can and thus bring glory to God.

Don’t go around acting like life has cheated you and like the world owes you something. I have a hot tip for you. If you go around with a chip on your shoulder thinking, “woe is me” all the time, you’re going to miserable. If you teach your children to go around thinking that someone owes them something, then they are going to have miserable lives as well.

Chuck Swindoll said: “The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude to me is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company, a church, a home. The remarkable thing is we have q choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past, we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is to play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.”

Benjamin Franklin said, “The sentence which has most influenced my life is, ‘Some people grumble because God placed thorns among roses. Why not thank God because He placed roses among thorns?’ I first read it when I was a mere ladd. Since that day it has occupied a front room in my life and given it an optimistic trend.”

For crying out loud, sing. Praise the Lord. Get excited about your day and about your God. Teach your children to sing. Teach them to praise. We’ve been singing to Drew since before he was born. Now he frequently sings with us. I love to hear him sing. He may not know all the words, but he joins in where he can. Moms teach your children to have a positive attitude and that’s best done by modeling it yourself.

There must be sincerity, encouragement, discipline, unconditional love, and the right attitude, but the most important ingredient you must have, the most important item there must be is teaching, and the first item you must teach your children is about God. Look with me please at 2 Timothy chapter 3 and verse 13.

- Read 2 Timothy 3:13-15 –


1. About God – In verse 13, Paul warns Timothy that there are going to be impostors coming in the future. He then tells him the best defense against those impostors is to remember the truths he learned as a child from the Bible. And who was it that taught him? It was his mother and grandmother.

Mothers, teach your children about God. Grandparents, teach your children about God. Teach them the stories of the Bible and then share with them the lessons to be learned from each one. Tell them about David, and about how God used him to rule Israel, even though he started out as just a shepherd boy. Teach them about Abraham and about how God blessed him, when he stepped out in faith, and just followed God. Teach your children about how the Israelites disobeyed God at the Jordan River, and about how they had to stay in the wilderness for 40 years because of their disobedience.

Mothers, teach your children about prayer and make the lessons real.

In Deuteronomy 6, the Bible says that you are teach your children the things of God when you sit at your house and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you get up.

Mama’s, don’t waste the opportunities you have for once they are gone they will never come again. As you walk, point out to your daughter the way God has designed everything and made it all work together. When you get up in the morning, teach your child to ask for God’s help and guidance that day. When you tuck your child into bed at night, teach you child to pray and thank God for His blessings during that day.

Often, Drew will walk around this school with me on Sunday mornings, as we pray together for you and for the services that day. Sometimes when I’ve gotten busy and forgotten, he’s said, “Come on Daddy. Let’s go pray.”

Teach your children. Teach them about God. Teach your children to read.

2. To read – One of the most valuable things you can teach your child is to teach them the joy of reading. You do that by reading to them at first, and then as they grow and learn, they will gradually begin to read for themselves.

Reading is also one way that your child can grow as a Christian. When I pastored in Mississippi, there was a man in our church who never really learned to read when he was growing up. He never learned to read until he became a Christian and then he had his wife and children teach him to read so he could read his Bible.

The ability to read and to study God’s Word for yourself, gives you a great step up in your battle with temptations and trails. The Puritans thought reading was so important that in 1647 they passed the “Old Deluder Satan Act”, the first law in the United States requiring public education be provided for all children. The law stated that every community of 50 or more families had to establish a school with a teacher so that the children would learn to read. Their goal was to make it where their children could read and study the Bible for themselves so they wouldn’t be deluded by the Devil, thus it’s name, “The Satan Deluder Act”.

Moms, parents, teach your children about God. Teach them to read. Teach them to fend for themselves.

3. To fend for themselves - I am grateful that growing up my mother taught me to cook and to do laundry. You know, I was a bachelor for many years before I got married. I would have been in quite a fix if I had gone off to school and hadn’t known how to cook and clean for myself.

I know several women who cried the 1st month they were married, because they hadn’t learned to cook when they were growing up. I know men today, who have to eat nearly every meal at a restaurant, because no one ever taught them to cook.

Come on folks, help your children escape some of the grief you experienced. Teach them to fend for themselves.

So many things you need to teach your children. You need to teach them thrift. You need to teach them to control their tongues. You need to teach them how to get along with others. You need to teach them that there is no such thing as an unimportant job and the importance of work. Teach your children.


There is no more influential or powerful role on earth than a mother’s. As significant as political, military, educational, or religious public figures may be, none can compare to the impact made by mothers. Their words are never fully forgotten, their touch leaves an indelible impression, and the memory of their presence lasts a lifetime.

Abraham Lincoln was right: “No one is poor who had a godly mother.”

Tell me, are you such a mother?