Summary: why Paul was not afraid to die

Why Paul was not afraid to face and eternity?

Acts 21:10-13

The Apostle Paul is on his way to Jerusalem and tarries in Caesarea for a few days with Phillip. While he is there, the events of our text take place.


The deterring sign (10-11)

Agabus comes down and binds himself with Paul’s girdle. It was an action full of significance. No one present needed to be told what the gesture meant because Agabus quickly declared it. It was a warning of the problems and difficulties that awaited Paul at Jerusalem.

The detaining people (12)

There was a united voce against Paul’s resolve to go to Jerusalem. His friends and fellow travelers from the mission field pleaded with him. They were all united in their interest of Paul’s welfare.

The determined Paul (13)

Their argument that he would be imprisoned did not impress him. He had been imprisoned before. In any case he was ready to die if need be. Paul was not afraid to face eternity.

All of us are facing and eternity, but can you face it without fear as the Apostle Paul.

Why was Paul not afraid to face and eternity?

I. Because his sins were covered

The thing that makes man afraid is sin.

See Genesis 3:7-9

Sin brings guilt. Guilt brings shame, and shame causes the sinner to want to hide from God. Guilt is a fundamental problem of man, and without a remedy he is doomed to behavior that will ultimately destroy him. Guilt dogs the footsteps of all mankind.

A teacher was distressed by the dirty appearance of a boy. Day after day she talked about cleanliness, but it did no good. One day she asked , “Son, when your house gets awfully dirty, what do you do?”

“We move,” came the reply.

That is what so many do with sin. They move from one shelter to another attempting to cover it up their sin. Many try to shelter their guilt in church membership, baptism, and their own self-righteousness, but to no avail.

Have you ever noticed that the only tree that Jesus in the NT ever placed

a curse on was the fig tree? The fig leaves of church membership, religious exercises, and attention to the ordinances of the church are all futile fig leaves used to cover sin.

Some years ago a Parliament of Religion was held in Chicago, in connection with the World’s Fair. At that Parliament the great ethnic faiths of the world were represented. One by one the leading men arose and spoke for Buddhism, Confucianism, and Hinduism. Then Dr. Joseph Cook of Boston, who had been chosen to represent Christianity, arose to speak. ’Here is Lady Macbeth’s hand,’ he said, ’stained with the foul of Duncan. See her as she ambles through the halls and corridors of her palatial home, stopping to cry, "Out [cursed] spot! Out I say! Will these hands ne’er be clean?"’

Then turning to those seated on the platform, he said, ’Can any of you who are so anxious to propagate your religious systems offer any cleansing for the sin and guilt of Lady Macbeth’s crime?’ An oppressive silence was maintained by them, all and then Mr. Cook said, “Only the of Christ ...can purge the conscience from works to serve the living God." With that, he sat down.

It only the of Jesus Christ that can sufficiently cover and cleanse us from sin. “The of Jesus Christ his son cleanseth us from all sin.”

There is a fountain filled with

Drawn from Immanuel’s veins

And sinners plunged beneath that flood

Lose all their guilty stain.

They dying thief rejoiced to see

That fountain in his day

And there may I, though vile as he,

Wash all my sins away.

“In whom we have redemption through his , the forgivenss of sins.”

For many years in the marketplace of Rotterdam, Holland, stood an old corner house known as "the house of a thousand s." In the sixteenth century King Philip II of Spain ruled over Holland. In his hatred of the Dutch, he d, ed, imprisoned, and exiled thousands. When the people rose up in defiance, he sent a Spanish army under the Duke of Alva to put down the rebellion.

The city of Rotterdam held out valiantly for some while, then finally fell before the Spanish army. The victors went from house to house, ferreting out the citizens, then slaying them wholesale in their houses. In one house a group of men, women and children huddled together, a thousand s gripping their hearts as the Spanish soldiers approached.

Suddenly a young man had an idea. Taking a young goat belonging to the premises, he killed it, then with a broom swept its under the door of the house. Then they waited breathlessly as footsteps approached. Soon the Spaniards were banging at the door Then they heard one of them say, "Look at the running under the door Come away, men, the work here is already done!"

A little later the army withdrew, allowing a band of thankful people to emerge, safe arid sound. They lived because a goat had died.

“Without shedding of is no remission”.

After Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo, he would often point to a red spot on that map that covered the area of Waterloo. Then he would say, "If it were not for that one red spot, I would be the Emperor of the entire world!" Satan must spend much time pointing to a red spot called Calvary and declare, "If it were not for that one red spot, I would be the owner of many more souls." Thank God for that red spot called Calvary!

II. Because his experience was convincing (Acts 9)

A. The miracle of his conversion

1. Deadly enmity

To Paul Christ was a blasphemer and Christianity a cult

2. Driving energy

determined to destroy Christianity - seek them out and eliminate them..... determined to wreak vengeance on believers

B. The manner of his conversion

1. The tremendous revelation – Jesus was alive!

a. The light from heaven

b. The Lord from heaven

2. The tremendous revolution

Paul is changed from persecutor to preacher in a moment. The angry bull had now become the docile lamb. See Acts 9:21. Oh, the difference Christ will make in a life. See II Corinthians 5:17

A missionary to a remote tribe brought some of his converts to give their testimonies to the supporting churches. When they arrived in the States, they were amazed at the elevators. They watched an elderly lady get in, and after a few minutes a beautiful young lady got out. One on the men turned to another and said, “We must bring our wives to ride this machine.”

Now while an elevator cannot make a change in a person, Jesus can.

a. The sovereignty of Jesus is established in his life

“Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?”

b. The sufficiency of Jesus is established in his life

Paul needed no other!

My hope is built on nothing less

Than Jesus’ and righteousness;

I dare not trust the sweetest frame,

But wholly lean on Jesus’s name.

III. Because his foundation was constant

His life was no longer built on sinking sand. His hope and life was now built on Jesus. If you are on the right foundation, there is no cause for fear.

On Christ the solid rock I stand;

All other ground is sinking sand.

If your life is built on Jesus, there is no need to fear the winds or the storms. I Peter 2:6 informs us that believeth on the chief corner stone shall not be confounded – ashamed or embarrassed.... no need to fear if trusting Jesus!

II Timothy 1:12

The believer may not know What, or know When, or know Why, but He knows WHOM!

Paul was certain of the PERSON he was trusting. Paul’s faith, grasping Jesus Christ, who abolished , changes the whole aspect of . True confidence in Jesus Christ is the armor, not only against the ills of life, but against the inevitable ill of . Jesus changes the whole aspect of the shadow feared by man.

A man has some rich treasure. He is afraid of losing it. He is doubtful of his own power of keeping it. He looks about for some reliable person and trusted hands, and he deposits it there. AND WHO IS INFALLIBLE TRUSTWORTHY BUT HE?

IV. Because the promises were clear

John 5:24

John 3:36

John 3:16

John 10:28

It is presumptuous to say that you know you are saved; it is presumptuous to doubt what God has said clear in His word. The Bible says that it is impossible for God to lie.

Feelings come and feelings go,

And feelings are deceiving.

My warrant is the Word of God -

Naught else is worth believing.

Though all my soul should feel condemned,

For want of some sweet token,

There is One greater than my heart,

Whose Word cannot be broken.

I’ll stand on His unchanging Word,

Till soul and body sever,

For though all things should pass away

His word shall stand forever.


Can you say assuredly as Paul, “I am ready to die.”It would be well if you could say this, for you have that to do.