Summary: This is the second in a series of messages for the "Just walk across the Room" emphasis. These messages are adapted from the book by Bill Hybels.


Luke 19:1-10

> Last weekend was a very special time for Deb and I, we had our entire bunch together. Jonathon came home from working 3 months for student life plus Christy and Piper came to kind of “celebrate” that Christy finished her college course work and has now taken the “Praxis Test” for teachers. One semester of student teaching and she’ll be a graduate. Jonathon needed to leave Sunday evening to go check on some things, so he and I only had Sunday afternoon for our occasional GOLF GRUDGE MATCH. Now understand, we never bet money on the match, but the “bragging rights” are far more important than money! Well, he did it again & won the bragging rights, enough about that. But something truly interesting happened on the golf course.

> We had played about 12 or our 18 holes when we caught up to a young afro-American man playing alone and so we decided for the three of us to play together. Now remember, I’m studying, preaching, and even learning, along with you this concept of “walking across the room”. So I’m thinking how is the best way to start a conversation with “Thaddeus”? Honestly, when he introduced himself I made a comment about his Biblical name thinking that would be a great segue to a more open discussion. However, I honestly did not feel the freedom to begin this discussion and soon the reason was evident. Jonathon had begun the discussion. In fact, it seemed that every time I walked up on them, Jonathon was telling Thaddeus some else about HIS personal call, life story, struggles, and future. It was more fun to listen than to talk. Now, I would like to tell you that Thaddeus either committed or re-committed his life to Christ, but that didn’t happen. What did happen is this; when we parted, Thaddeus said to Jonathon, “thanks for telling me this stuff, at 21 you seems to have your head on straighter than I do at 28. You’ve given me a lot to think about.” Jonathon’s reply, “stay with it.”

> Dear folks, I am confident that Jonathon played the divine role he was given to play in the life of Thaddeus and only eternity will tell the results. If God is sovereign (and He is) He has already arranged and orchestrated the next person to bring Thaddeus the next leg of the journey to faith.

> Please listen there are times when we walk into a situation where we share our faith, tell the story, and people respond immediately. As a general rule when this happens, someone has planted a seed of truth before you speak and/or the Holy Spirit has been dealing with this individual for a while. Most times, we do our part.

> Friends, please know that we are in this together. I’m learning right alongside you! The reason I have felt led, drawn to, or prompted to give four weeks to an emphasis called “Walk Across the Room” is because people still need the Lord and the Lord needs people who will walk across the room. We’re highlighting and learning this so that we can all become walk-across-the-room people. That’s the reason! Because walk-across-the-room people are typically the ones who get to be used in pointing people far from God to faith. The “Walk across the room people” are people who fulfill God’s purpose, God’s mission, and God’s expectation for them. These are the ones who understand for what it is that God’s heart beats. That is, PEOPLE, lost people. He calls the true believers to help lost people get found! And for those of you who really and truly desire to become more like Christ in your lives, I have some good news for you: you become most like him when you help him help lost people get found.

> If you recall, last week we discussed the first steps. The first steps for the Savior, the Saints, and the Sinner. When talking about yours and my first steps, I gave a call for you to respond in 3 ways:

1. Be sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Through the urgings of the Holy Spirit, God desires to use each of us to “Walk across the Room” & be bearers of good news, of salvation, and of Hope.

2. Leave your “Circle of Comfort”. Each of us has those with whom we feel very comfortable. Satan uses our “fellowship” to tempt us to get into our little groups and forget about the other people and their need for fellowship, friendship, and faith. It is only when we leave this circle of comfort that we begin to be & do what Jesus has designed us to do.

3. Be willing to enter the “Zone of the Unknown”. When we voluntarily extricate ourselves from our Circles of Comfort and become open to engaging with someone who might need a touch from God we are on a trek, a journey, or a course which will lead us to become like Jesus and give an open door for others to come to faith. This is indeed what Jesus was all about. I remind you that He left His home, His Throne, and His Dominion, to come to earth for you and me. He came to this place which He had created, submitted to the human frailties which He designed, and laid aside His “circle of comfort” in Heaven for us.

> But it didn’t stop there. Now consider this; as a 12 year old Jesus found a place among the great teachers in Jerusalem. When He began His public ministry in Luke 4, He went into the temple and they gave Him the scrolls to read. In old training union terms, “they gave him a part”. Jesus began His earthly ministry in a circle of comfort.

JWAR #2 – PG 3

> However, in His divinity Jesus knew and in His humanity Jesus discovered that the real work to be done was away from this religious crowd and “out there” where lost, hurting, & helpless people were.

> This morning let move from First steps to “Faithful steps”.

> DISCLAIMER; “IT IS NOT MY INTENT TO GIVE US A NEW PROGRAM CALLED “Just Walk Across the Room.” At 53 years old, having been behind the pulpit since the age of 16, I am weary of “programs” which light fire us up for a few days or weeks. I am on a quest to teach US a process which will create within us a desire and mentality to become just like Jesus. For me, “Walk across the room” is not a four-week emphasis, but rather, it is a new mindset which will help us to engage our lost culture with the truth of the gospel. It does require us to be “faithful”, not haphazard but faithful. Taking our cue from our Lord Christ. Let’s consider story in the life of Jesus.

> Luke 19 contains one of the stories most often told in Sunday School. Please turn in your Bible to this passage. We are going to read about a man named Zacchaeus. Please follow along as I read. (READ)

> In his book, “When God comes to church”, Dr. Steve Gaines says, “Jesus was one of the most unpredictable figures in history.” You see, Jesus was full of surprises. While being one of the most unpredictable leaders in history, he was also one of the most focused and purpose oriented people. Everything He did and said had the motive of “bringing people into the Kingdom.” To put it in HBC terms, “He was always attempting to change lives for time and eternity.”

> From this story, allow me to suggest to you 3 practical, faithful ways Jesus did this. Jesus took the faithful steps to “walk across the room”. Walk across the room people;

1) DEVELOP FRIENDSHIPS – Consider the story of Zaccheus;

> Jesus was passing through the country of Jericho. This is significant because he did not intent to live there and was only traveling.

> As Jesus was traveling crowds were gathering. Zaccaheus WANTED to see Jesus, but couldn’t because he small not tall enough to see over the crowd. We need to get our minds around this truth; someone was standing between Jesus and Zaccheus thus blocking his view of Jesus.

> Zaccheus was determined and was literally forced to climb a tree to see Jesus. Can you use your imagination to make the application of this?

> Admittedly in Sunday School, I was taught that Jesus divinely KNEW Zaccheus’ name and perhaps that is so. However, it is quite likely that Jesus, who always has his radar up for people seeking Him, saw Zacchaus’ desire and nudged Peter with the “who is that?” question.

> When the answer came back, watch this, Jesus stopped under the tree and called His name. Zaccheus was quite likely shocked that Jesus KNEW his name. Then to hear this great teacher say, “I’m going to your house today” was almost more than he could take.

> Jesus took the initiative, reached to one whom the crowd would have said “never!” Developed a new friend.

> Everyday you and I pass by scores of people who need a “friend”, a real ‘friend’. They don’t need a judge, a mother, they don’t even need a “Jr. Holy Spirit”, what they need is a friend. They need someone to care about THEM. Think back over this passed week. Who did you encounter that needed a friend? How did you respond? Like Jesus?

2) DISCOVER STORIES – Everyone has a story. There is a reason life has turned out for them like it has. The alcoholic’s dad, the prostitute’s mom, the abusive’s parents, the list goes on but everyone has some story which they will tell to an interested friend.

> Zaccheus was not only an IRS agent, but was the “top dog”. The reason he became so rich was, the outrageous fees HE charged and quite likely the over-rides on those who were in his charge. The more he could get out of the people, the more he could keep. Basically, he was a legal thief probably knew it, but loved the money.

> Isn’t it interesting that Jesus did say, “I need to fix you or straighten you out.” Truth is, scripture doesn’t tell us much about the interchange, so we don’t know for sure all that happened. He listened, learned, and loved. I’ll suggest that because of ‘who Jesus is’ Zaccheus felt comfortable telling his personal story and Jesus listened. He listened because He cared. He listened to learn what Zaccheus’ deepest felt need was, because Jesus knew the deepest need. Then Jesus loved Zaccheus, warts and all.

> Please don’t miss this; in befriending with Zaccheus, Jesus left His circle of comfort (the disciples) and entered the Zone to make a new friend, hear about this life, and love him like He was.

> Think about your life the last 24 hours. Who is it that God put in your path that needed a friend, someone to listen, or needed loving? How did you respond? What if you never have another opportunity?

3) DISCERN THE NEXT STEP – With Jesus and Zaccheus it is never told, but I’ll venture a guess that Jesus did what Jesus always does. He takes the relationship to a spiritual level. To the woman at the well, He confronted her lifestyle. To the woman caught in adultery, He refused to condemn her but rather challenged her choices. To the rich young ruler, He got to the heart of the problem.

> Obviously, He was a master at the next step. I suggest that in His humanity He was a master because He was focused and practiced. He mediated on “how to get this done.” He was concerned about people and changing their lives. It was not an occasional thought it was an ongoing part of His life and it worked. His love and concern for people was His motivation for leading people to the next step.

> Sometimes the next step is seemingly innocuous, like Jonathon’s parting words to Thaddeus. Other times it is a presentation of the gospel. Other time it is the answering of few questions to help someone on their journey to a relationship with God through Christ.

> Here’s the truth; in a few years I’ll be dead. When I’m gone, what will people remember? In 100 years, what will be important? Will it be the money I’ve made, the golf I’ve played, the position I’ve enjoyed, the people I’ve pleased, or will it be the souls that I’ve touched with the story of Jesus, and then the souls that those souls have touched?

> ONLY ONE LIFE – Lanny Wolfe.