Summary: Just like the Pharisees, so many are concerned with outward appearances but Jesus teaches us that we need to be concerned with matters of the heart and that once the heart is under control, outward appearances as well as our actions will take care of them


A. Examples of Common Misunderstood Intentions

In a world that is so full of evil, one has to be so careful in what he says because one never knows how someone else will interpret what was said.

1. The World of EMAIL

I live in the world of email & love it. I can send a message to one or more persons without worrying or wasting valuable time trying to catch others home.

a. The Worship Service

- Prepare Service and Mail it to Group Name “Worship Team”

- cc “Audio/Video” for week

- Attach songs for band members so they can practice

b. Letter to Church or a Leadership Group

c. Occasionally there is a Problem

- Someone begins to treat me different, or they call, - Why

- They can’t see my face or hear my tone

- They misunderstand my intention in what I said

2. Another Example is Our CONSTITUTION

a. So many take the intent of a law for granted and begin to MIS-USE it


“What is the definition of sex? What is sex?”

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman"

The perfect example for our attitude of truth.


“Your attitude towards truth will determine your ability to tell the truth”.


Scott did an awesome job two weeks ago in explaining the OT Law and its Purpose to expose sin and its requirement.

The Pharisees had been so concerned with Outward Appearance, Outward Actions, and the RULES OF THE LAW that they had missed the REAL INTENT of the Law.

Jesus, using 6 EXAMPLES begins to explain that the problem of sin shows a SYMPTOM OF A BIGGER PROBLEM – A PROBLEM OF THE HEART.

Jesus takes a “You’ve Heard…” and replaces with “But I say…” in order to show that they were missing the INTENT OF THE LAW.


- How do you treat sin and the appearance of sin?

- Is it the problem of the symptom of the problem?


EXAMPLE of ADULTERY (verses 27-30)

Taken from 6th Commandment Exodus 20:14 (NIV) 14 "You shall not commit adultery, the Pharisees’ teaching was concerned with the outward act. (so do we)

1. They correctly quoted the commandment but they missed the point.

2. Adultery begins within one’s heart when one looks lustfully at another

3. The lustful desire in the heart indicates that one is not rightly related to God. And if the Relationship is NOT corrected, a BIGGER problem will occur.

Do your EYES cause you to sin? Do your HANDS… (Vs. 29-30)

- Jesus was not teaching mutilation.

- He was teaching the removal of the inward cause.


Since a lustful heart would ultimately lead to adultery, THEN one’s heart must be changed.

EXAMPLE OF DIVORCE (verses 31-32)

If you or someone in your family have been effected by divorce, raise your hand?


1. The Jewish Custom based on Law

a. READ Dt. 24:1-4

b. Pharisees were promoting the Law.

c. 34- ‘but I tell you’ – What was the INTENT?

See Matt 19.7-9

2. So What about DIVORCE

- Notice words “marital unfaithfulness” used in both passages

- Lit. = “spiritual fornication”

a. Is divorce allowable? No. Look at the setup to Matthew 19

Read Matt 19.4-6

b. Sin is Sin – Whoa – Back to the word “heart”

Jesus, is NOT REALLY talking about DIVORCE BUT RATHER THE HEART – when our relationship with God is not right then our values are not in line with HIS INTENT for a Godly life.

EXAMPLE OF “OATHS” – (vs. 33-37)

The Pharisees were notorious for making an oath. But then, after making certain oaths, they would fail to keep their word and then blame it on not making a vow to the Lord.

Deuteronomy 23:21-23 (NIV)

21 If you make a vow to the LORD your God, do not be slow to pay it, for the LORD your God will certainly demand it of you and you will be guilty of sin.

22 But if you refrain from making a vow, you will not be guilty.

23 Whatever your lips utter you must be sure to do, because you made your vow freely to the LORD your God with your own mouth.

But Jesus pointed out that your word should be your word because EVERYTHING belongs to God. Your YES should means ‘yes’ and your NO should mean “no”.

EXAMPLE OF “Retaliation” (verses 38-42)

But what about “REVENGE!” – When I’M WRONGED!

38 – “tooth for tooth…” “sue for you cloak…”

Exodus 21:24 (NIV)

24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,

Leviticus 24:20 (NIV)

20 fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. As he has injured the other, so he is to be injured.

Deuteronomy 19:21 (NIV)

21 Show no pity: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.

While the law sounds severe to us, the principle of retribution gave judges a formula for dealing with crime and helped the court administer punishment that was neither too strict nor too lenient.

40 – “go with him two miles…”

Soldiers could demand citizens to carry their loads a certain distance. The Jews hated this law because it forced them to show their subjection to Rome. Jesus came showing the heart and example of a servant…

All of these from verses 38-42 were called the lex talionis – the law of retaliation.

Romans 12:17-19 (NIV)

17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody.

18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

19 Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.

Jesus, in His entire life taught that we should live a life that places another above ourself. “son of man came did not come to be served but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many!”

Someone said, “Forgiveness doesn’t make the other person right, it makes you free.”

And it continued in the LAST EXAMPLE


Not only are we not to “retaliate” but we are to (vs. 44) “Love your enemies and pray for those that persecute us”.

Leviticus 19:18 (NIV)

18 "’Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.

The Pharisees interpreted the law to say that they should love those who love in return. But Jesus responded saying ‘well gosh, who can’t do that?’ Even the lost treat those who treat them well with respect and kindness.

Jesus explained to his disciples that they must live by a higher standard than what the world expects—a standard that is impossible to reach on mere human strength alone. Only people who have experienced God’s love (through Jesus) understand what it means to be loved undeservedly. Only with the help of God’s Spirit can his people love and pray for those who seek to do them harm (see Romans 12:14-21).

Jesus responds in verse 48 saying “Be perfect (be ‘mature’ or ‘full grown’) as your heavenly Father is perfect. The Mosaic Law pointed to Righteousness but to achieve righteousness you must pursue the Father!

This teaching was the only one that was brand new but the way of Jesus was a way of love, mercy and forgiveness and NOT “eye for an eye”! Jesus was teaching his disciples that their being called is a matter of the heart! The way to beat sin, an attitude, a relationship problem, - is to God and GOD WORKS FROM THE INSIDE to change one completely so that He can make His Home within.

God requires PERFECTION (as the Mosaic Law taught) but MAN cannot live the requirement of the Law - the only way to Perfection is JESUS.



How about you? Are you missing the intent in an area of your life – an attitude, a habit, a relationship, - even a TEMPTATION OR A SPIRITUAL LUST – something that is BREAKING the closeness of your relationship with Christ.

THAT’S NOT HIS INTENT! Let it go. Turn to God and let Him deal with your battle. Satan wants you to feel defeated – He wants you to struggle feeling you are not adequate – He wants you to miss the INTENT OF GOD’S SPIRIT – HIS POWER FROM WITHIN!


Ronald Reagan’s attitude after the 1982 attempt on his life made an impression on his daughter, Patti Davis who shared this about that time:

“The following day my father said he knew his physical healing was directly dependent on his ability to forgive John Hinckley. By showing me that forgiveness is the key to everything, including physical health and healing, he gave me an example of Christ-like thinking.”

Don’t Miss The Intent of God’s Love and His Power and Mercy! Don’t go away defeated this morning!