Summary: The church was ushered in in a blaze of glory changing everything and everyone it cane in contact with. It is against God’s will for it to be a lifeless, ritualistic practice that it has become today.

“The Four Spirits Operating in the Church Today”


District Elder Melvin L., Maughmer, Jr.

Subtopic: Enee, Meene, Miney, Moe.

Scriptures: 2nd Timothy 3:1, 2nd Timothy 4:3&4, Romans 12:2, Amos 6:1, Revelation 3:11, Revelation 22:12.

TEXT COMBINED:- “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lust shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears: Therefore, be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God. However, woe to them that are at ease in Zion, for behold I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. Therefore, hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.”

OPENING: - We are in a spiritual battle fighting against principalities, powers, and spiritual wickedness and it is highly damaging to the church the effect that is taking place in the church because the god of this world has blinded the eyes of the church by the highly sophisticated spiritual weaponry that he uses to fight, not just against, but in the church today.

The Bible says in Acts 2:1-4 “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” Verses 41-47 talk about the 3000 souls that were added to church, how they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and in fellowship, breaking bread and prayer, how signs and wonders were done in the early church, there was unity in the early church because the Bible says they had all things common, they praised God, they had favor with people, and God added to the church daily.

UNDERSTAND:- On the Day of Pentecost the Holy Ghost demonstrably transformed the lives of those in the upper room, amazed the nations, convicted, convinced, and converted the lives of over 3000 souls ushering in a new era and entity know as the church and the church age, this was literally the dawn of a new dispensation. The church literally began in a blaze of Glory. I don’t believe God ever intended for the church to be ushered in with power and glory and authority only to decline to an empty, lifeless, ritualistic practice that co-exist with the world instead of transforming everything it comes in contact with. However, since the church is being blinded by the god of this world it is failing to complete it purpose in the world.

The Bible says in Matt. 5:13 “Ye (church) are the salt of the earth: but if the salt (church) has lost its savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing but to be trodden under foot of men”. Now we know that here Jesus was talking to the disciples, but He was also talking to the church as well. How- Because the disciples were the fore-fathers of the church and those that come into the church (Body of Christ) are the spiritual seed of the disciples; therefore, when Jesus said Ye to the disciples He was also talking to the spiritual seed that was to come from the disciples the Church. So for the church not to transform everything that it comes in contact with I believe is contrary to the Will of God based upon His Word.

God’s purpose for the church was and still is to be the Ekklesia, a people called out of the world that through the power of the Holy Ghost would ignite a revival in the world, awakening the conscience of those that are blinded by sin to the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ, leading many sons and daughters into glory, transforming everything it comes in contact with, and being the lights of the world leading lost souls out of darkness into the marvelous light of Jesus Christ. However, the church is failing in its purpose because they have become complacent settling for mediocrity by not having a spirit of excellence. Just look around Mediocrity says it’s o.k. to come to church an hour after service is started. Mediocrity says it’s o.k. if I don’t go today. Mediocrity says it’s o.k. if I don’t fulfill my position someone will do it for me. Mediocrity says Sunday school isn’t for me that’s too early in the morning – O Zion what’s the matter now. The church has literally just sat back and now Zion instead of transforming the world is now at ease in the world. All kinds of stuff goes on and the church just sits back and says well that’s alright this will pass, instead of getting some Holy Ghost attitude and saying Hell – No were not going to take it any more – O Zion what’s the matter now, we have become at ease in the world.

TEXT: - In the scriptures for this text God has given me 7 different verses. The #7 is God’s perfect number; therefore’ the combination of these verses for this word is simply a perfect combination.

Let’s look at this for a moment:

Ω This know also, that in the last days: - So many times we think and refer to these last days as the end of time. This is not the end of time, but the last days of the era that was ushered in on the Day of Pentecost – the church age. Therefore, we could say “This know also, that in the last days of the church”.

Ω Perilous times shall come: - Now preachers like to preach this with excitement and enthusiasm, I’ve done it myself, we say see we are in perilous times because homosexualism is running rampant in our society, because kids are killing parents and parents are killing kids, drugs and alcohol are killing our young people, girls are selling their bodies in search of love and we say because of this that these are perilous times. As true as that may be Paul is here talking to Timothy not so much the condition of the world but about the condition of the church. Because homosexualism, prostitution, drugs, alcohol, murder, illicit sexual activity is nothing new, this was going on almost since Adam and Eve fell. This particular verse is prophetic and is dealing with salvation and those in the church. See perilous times have been in the world since sin entered, but in these last days of the church the perilous times deals with the condition of the church and the falling away of those that are in the church. Understand that this falling away is not talking about the rapture as so many have believed, but the falling away from Holiness. When the church falls away from Holiness, it’s foundation and uniqueness, then these are perilous times.

 2nd Timothy 4:3-4 says “For the time will come when they – (who are they – they are not the world- this they are The Church Folk those that are called saved and are to be Christ-like). The Bible says in Acts 2:1 says “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they (the fore-fathers and mothers of the church) were all with one accord in one place”. Rev. 14:4 “These are they which follow the Lamb (the world doesn’t follow the Lamb) whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, [being] the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.” Who are the redeemed – Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. So we see that these are they who are called.

 “They - Church Folk” will not endure sound doctrine – (whats’s sound doctrine – IT’S HOLINESS OR HELL – you don’t hear too many message like that much anymore). People (Church Folk) get upset when you preach Holiness, that’s the meaning of what Paul was telling Timothy about they will not endure sound doctrine. We know the world will not endure it, but we expect the Church to. WATCH THIS:- They don’t (TALKING ABOUT CHURCH FOLK) come out to Bible class when you tell them there’s a right Holy way to walk, a holy way to talk, a holy way to dress, and a Holy way to live. They get upset when you let them know that you can’t go to the places you use to go - it’s not Holy. You can’t do the things you use to do - it’s not Holy. You can’t have Mary as your girlfriend and Brenda as your wife - it’s not Holy. Tom can’t be your sugar daddy, Harry your main squeeze, and Bob as your cutie pie - it’s not Holy. So what they do (CHURCH FOLK NOT THE WORLD) they can’t handle sound doctrine so they leave this church to go down the street to that church because they have itching ears and they are looking for teachers that will accommodate their lust. There are churches out there that will accommodate anything you want to do because they are more concerned about money and having a large congregation then they are about your soul. If you want to be a homosexual and believe that you are on your way to heaven there are churches out there that will say homosexualism is a lifestyle and God is to just of a God to send you to hell because you fell in love with a member of the same sex. That’s a lie breathed in the pits of hell. The Bible says it’s an abomination unto the Lord and is in no way holy. People are saying it doesn’t take all that, but it takes that and a whole lot more. They are loosing their savor and are good for nothing but to be trodden under foot of men, all because they are falling victim to the Spirit Of Accommodation.

 1st SPIRIT OF ACCOMMODATION:- they say I got to go to the church that doesn’t mind if I sleep around, party all the time, raise hell, live anyway I want just as long as I show up on Sunday to sing in the choir, or pay my tithes. Preachers are preaching messages of accommodation just so their churches can be full. We have churches throwing hip-hop parties playing snoop-dogg and 50 cents talking about we are getting the young people, but they are blinded by the spirit of accommodation. They say come as you are God will accept you the way you are, and that is true but what they fail to do is tell them you can’t stay that way you must change because it’s holiness or hell. We got young brothers coming in the church with their pants hanging down to their ankles and we say that’s alright just come and that’s good to get them in the church, but once they have been in a while and sound doctrine has been placed down in them it’s time to tell them that God wants excellence both on the inside and outside so pull up those pants, ladies button up that blouse. We need to have the spirit of excellence and not the spirit of accommodation. I looked this up the word accommodation does not appear in the Bible. They will not endure sound doctrine, but hold on to the truth and be not conformed to this world.

Ω Be not conformed to this world: - This is the Spirit Of Assimilation.

 2nd Spirit of ASSIMILATION:- Assimilation: - a change in a sound or action so it becomes identical with or similar to something or someone else. So many times we will look around and see this church is growing and that church is growing or that preacher is getting called out all over to preach and I’m not getting any calls. So then what often times happens is we begin to assimilate with that person or that church. You begin to change your sound and you begin to change your actions trying to sound like them or do like they do. You think if we add this and take away that, start allowing this then we will begin to prosper like them. You are literally trying to keep up with the spiritual Jones’s because you think in your mind that there is some 1-2-3 step program to success.

Oftentimes in these last days of the church it is so hard to tell the difference from the church and the world. The church sounds like the world, looks like the world, acts like the world, they have become ineffective in the world because they are infected by the world because of the spirit of assimilation. The church has lost is savour – Oh Zion what’s the matter now. Zion is at ease in the world, it’s comfortable; therefore we don’t pray like we use to pray we have become at ease in the world, we don’t sing like we used to sing, we are trying to sound like someone else, we don’t fast like we use to fast Oh Zion what’s the matter now.

Why doesn’t the church grow like it did in the books of Acts it’s because the church is at ease and is blinded by the spirit of assimilation. A few years ago there was a saying out “I wanna be I wanna be Iwanna be like Mike” Every guy on the basketball court would stick their tongue out like Michael Jordan because they wanted to be like Mike, they saw the glitz and the glamour but the didn’t see all the work and practice that he had to go through in order to achieve what he did. The spirit of assimilation was working then and is working in the church today. We find churches saying I wanna be I wanna be like that church, We want 1500 members, we want a 300 voice choir, we want the big new church, but what we need to do is operate in the measure of grace God has given us with the SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE and watch what God will do. Stop trying to be like everyone else and be like Christ.

 2nd The Spirit of Association: - Association is the process of forming a connection with someone trying to ride their coattails to spiritual success. You say if I could just become associated with Bishop so-n-so, if prophetess sista-girl could lay her hands on me then I know everything will be alright. You see what is going on is I have taken my eyes off the giver which is God and focused on the gift and the gift will cause you to fall every time. Just like Adam when he got his eyes off of God, the giver and focused on Eve the gift he fell. Eve fell because she became blinded by the spirit of association. She saw that the serpent ate the fruit and saw it was good for food and pleasant to the eyes and a tree desired to make one wise. She saw that the serpent was in her eyes wise and said in her mind if I become associated with the serpent and have connection with him in interest, ideas, or imagination I will become wise also. She was blinded by the spirit of association and it caused her to miss out on her destiny.

 4th The Spirit of Assignment:- Assignment is position (NOT TITLE) post, or office to which one is to work in. When we operate in the spirit of assignment you understand the purpose God has for your life and you don’t worry about assimilation, I’m not trying to sound like or act like someone else because I understand my purpose and I am operating in what God has called me to do. We must understand that there is a measure of grace that God gives each and everyone of us. This measure of grace is according to the assignment God has given us to do. So as long as I am operating in the assignment His grace is sufficient. However, when I try to get out of my assignment I open myself up to the attack of the enemy and I become discouraged because things are not going smoothly for me like they are for them because I’m out of the grace of God. Therefore, envy, strife, and malice grabs hold because I’m out of grace. If I operate in my assignment I don’t worry about the spirit of accommodation, I don’t worry about the spirit of assimilation, I don’t worry about the spirit of association but I understand what God means when He said my grace is sufficient. His grace is sufficient to sustain me in my assignment.

The reason why perilous times are in the church is because people are not operating in their assignment. There is a great falling away, church folk are not enduring sound doctrine they want everything to be easy, they want the word to accommodate their life style and to be able to do what they want to do thinking that they are on their way to heaven. However, it’s not that way, the Bible says come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord and I will receive you unto myself. You can’t separate yourself and still be doing the same old stuff you us to do.

The church can’t conform to the world, it can’t become at ease thinking that this will just pass away, but it must choose if it is going to be a strong tower in this untoward world or if it’s going to be a social club that is ineffective in the world because it has been infected by the world.

The Bible says behold I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. Therefore, hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.”

Hold fast – It may seem like you are being left behind, everyone else seems to be prospering, but hold fast to that which you have don’t let jealousy steal your crown.

Hold fast– Don’t let envy steal your crown. Hold on to this until that comes along.

Hold fast – It may seem like them down the street are moving and shaking and you have come to a complete stand still. But having down all to stand – stand holding on to what God has given you.

Hold fast – until Shilo comes.

Hold fast – even-though you may not be as popular as someone else.

Hold fast – even-though you may not be as rich as someone else.

Hold fast – even-though you may not have the big church like someone else.

Hold fast – even-though friends turn their backs upon you.

Hold fast - Though the storm may rage, and the billows may blow.

Hold fast – even-though it seems like everyone else is doing well and you seem to be stuck in place.

Hold fast – don’t become at ease in Zion.

Fight a good fight, Keep the faith, hold up the blood stained banner. Don’t become a prisoner of spiritual warfare.

Don’t fall victim to the spiritual weapons of the Spirit of Accommodation, the Spirit of Assimilation, or the Spirit of Association.

For behold – Watch Out – be aware – WARNING WARNING WARNING the Lord is comes quickly and His reward is with Him.

Enee Meene Miney Moe – Choose ye this day what you are going to do.

I got to hold on. Though, I must hold on.

I must work the work of Him that sent me for night time cometh and no man shall work.

You can talk about me as much as you please, but I choose to work in my assignment.

Enee Meene Miney Moe – which one will you choose.

District Elder M.L. Maughmer, Jr.

Assistant Pastor


Southern Ohio

District Elder

The Qohelet.