Summary: This sermon talks of all the changes that Jesus brings to our lives. from Salvation to the change at the rapture.

We are certainly living in a changing world. There is only one human thing that is certain in this old world – the fact that things will change.

There is nothing as certain as change itself. We don’t know what changes are coming – but we are sure they will come.

1. Places Change:

The old dusty roads you once ran down are now concrete or asphalt.

The fields you use to pick cotton, peas or corn in are now sub-divisions with nice homes.

I am sure there will be people come here for homecoming that have not been here in years and probably will not recognize the place.

Many of the town in Mississippi that were dead a few years ago are now alive and well because of industries moving in and getting them to grow again.

Places change!

2. People Change:

The girl who was once the “ugly duckling” in school has become the ravishing beauty.

I knew of a boy (me) who was always cutting up. He gave his teachers at church trouble; everything was always a joke to him. All he studied was having a good time. But people do change – because that young man is now the pastor of one of the best churches in Mississippi.

Money may change a man – a man inherits a fortune and forgets all of his friends.

Illness changes a man – I have seen strong health men be changed into an invalid.

War changes a man – There are men who have been in the battles throughout time that have come back home a different man then when they left.

People Change!

3. Customs Change:

We are celebrating our centennial this month; less than 100 years ago people came too church here at Runnelstown in ox carts – Today we have nice cars and trucks with air-condition. We are able to fly around the world in airplanes and even out into space on a shuttle.

Mail was once delivered by pony express; but today we have a first rate post office department that is able to take our mail around the world – in a very sort time. We are also able to type a letter and mash one button and that letter get to its destination instantly by e-mail.

Today we have satellite television, cellular phones, high definition television, the internet, blackberries and no telling what is coming next.

Doctor’s use to, with certain diseases, bleed a patient, use leeches, or freeze them. Now we have so many different “treatments” that it is impossible to begin naming them.

Customs change everyday!

Yes - This world is full of changes. Changes are going on all around us. But today I want to talk too you about spiritual changes.


I. There Is The Change Created By The New Birth.

A. In the old days the evangelist would come into town and he would advertise that on a certain night he would give his testimony.

1. The theme would be something like “From the Gambling Hall to the Pulpit” or “From the Bars to the Bible”.

2. These were men telling the world what a great change has taken place in their lives.

3. There is no change as radical in the entire world like the change of conversion.

B. When Jesus was here He touched people and changed them.

1. The blind received sight.

2. The cripple were made whole.

3. The demon posses were set free.

4. Even the dead were raised.

C. He is making a change in people today by touching them

1. I would even say He is making even greater changes today then when He was upon the earth.

a) The physical changes made while on Earth are nothing when compared to the spiritual changes He is making toady.

2. We hear people today, giving their testimony, state that the things they once loved they now hate and vice a versa.

a) This truth is in the Bible, even if the actual words are not.

b) But it is seen in the lives of many people all around us.

(1) You may even know such a person – they use too hate the thought of church and despised the spiritual things of God, but when He touched their heart one day they made a complete change.

(2) They now look forward to attending church – as a matter of fact – they can’t get enough of the spiritual things in their lives.

(3) You may be saying “what has happened too this man?” I can tell you – he has been changed.

(4) This change happened because of the new birth.

3. In John 1:12 we read; “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God…”

a) What a change is made when we receive Him and become a member of the family.

(1) We are removed from the clay of sin and have a firm foundation on the Rock of Salvation.

(2) We are freed from slavery of sin and become a child of the King!

D. Yes there is change that is created by the new birth and after that...

II. There Is Change Created By Growth in Grace. (2 Peter 3:18)

“…but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”

A. As a pastor my greatest joy, after seeing people come to salvation, is too see people grow in Grace.

1. What a joy it is to see a young Christian as they grow to be more like the Father.

a) It is amazing watching people grow from babies in Christ to active and useful servants of Jesus.

2. My prayer is that God will give us more Christians like these

B. But some Christians never grow.

1. They are a great sorrow to their Father.

2. He would love to see them become more like Him, yet they see no need in it.

C. Growth is aided by faithfulness.

1. The Christian who attends Sunday School will grow in their faith just as the Child who attends school will grow in the knowledge of Math, Science or History.

2. I don’t understand how people who have been born again and greatly blessed by their Father can go month upon end with darkening the doors of the church.

a) If you want to bring joy to the heart of your Heavenly Father and become more useful as a Christian, then become faithful in your attendance at His house.

D. Growth in Grace is aided by reading the Bible and prayer.

1. Day after Day you must talk to the Father and let Him respond through His word.

a) Every morning you need to awake and say, “I MUST be a better Christian today; I MUST be more like Jesus”.

2. Many people do not know much about the Bible because they don’t read it.

a) I know absolutely nothing about meteorology.

(1) Because I’ve never studied it.

b) Likewise, people who have never studied the Bible know absolutely nothing about it.

3. The Bible is a deep book.

a) If you read it, you most assuredly will be changed.

E. Growth in Grace is aided by Active Service:

1. Just as physical exercise makes you strong physically, spiritual exercise will make you strong spiritually.

a) Be faithful in what you have told God and this church you would do.

(1) Be faithful in reading your Bible.

(2) Be faithful in prayer.

(3) Be faithful in serving the Lord.

F. Be changed by your Growth in the Grace of our Father.

III. The Greatest Change Will Come When Jesus Comes Back For Us.

A. One fourth of the Bible is taken up about the 2nd coming of Jesus.

1. If you know nothing about the second coming you need to revisit my last point.

2. I don’t profess to know it all.

a) But I find it is sweet to be able to go to the Bible and read about what is going to take place when Jesus comes to get me.

B. So; when will He come again?

1. I don’t know

a) What’s more is that the angels in Heaven don’t know.

2. I consulted my brother and He told me that he didn’t even know.

a) "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.” (NAS Matthew 24:36)

b) But He did say He was coming back.

3. But one thing we can be sure of;

a) Upon the calendar of eternity God has circled a certain date.

b) When that date get here, He will look at the Son and tell Him, “Go get my Children!”

c) On That date, at that second, Jesus will come get those who have accepted Him as Savior.

4. What I do know. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)

For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.

a) I know that the trumpet will sound;

b) I know that at that same time Jesus will descend from Heaven with a great shout.

c) I know that the dead, who are in Christ, will rise up out of their graves and go to be with the Lord in the air.

d) I know that those who remain, that are alive, shall be caught up (raptured, snatched up) with them in the clouds.

e) I know that it says we will be with Him forever.

C. But our text also tells us that we will be changed.

1. It will be a change that every Christian has longed for from the moment they were saved.

a) We will be changed into the glorious likeness of our Lord Jesus Christ.

(1) Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is (1 John 3:2).

2. It will be wonderful to finally be like Jesus.

a) Right now it seems we are world apart – and we are.

b) But in that day we shall be changed to be just like Him.

(1) In Him there is no sin.

(2) All is life and light.

c) I have known a great many Christians, but none were ever like Jesus.

(1) But on that day, not only will I know some, I will be one

3. And it all happens in the twinkling of an eye.

a) In less than 1/1000th of a second.

b) When He comes.


Change is all around us. We all hate change, but it is here. Everything in this world changes. Decay, age, disease gets everything.

We have talked about some things that change here today, but let me share with you one that never changes:

• He is Jesus – the Savior.

o He never changes in His Love.

o He never changes in His Gospel.

o He never Changes in His Saving power.

o He is the changeless Christ for a changing world.

• He is able to change your life at this very moment.

o Will you let Him in?

o Will you let Him take possession?

o Will you come and share your decision with your new family?