Summary: What has God called you to be? What special gift do you have that sets you apart for the Gospel of God?

Romans: The Line in the Sand

Message Title: The Serving Line, Part Ib

Scripture: Romans 1:1

Romans 1:1

Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God-

I. Introduction

When I was in high school, every year, about two weeks before school started, we would begin football practice. We would have two practices per day, from 7-9 am, and then from 7-9 pm. During that time, it was, of course, summertime in Texas. Temperatures were always in the high 90’s and 100’s (around 40 degrees Celsius ). Because the school was so small, those that had started and played the year before, usually only had to return to their previous positions, unless someone new walked onto the field. Freshmen were not new to the game, they had played in middle school, and the coaches coached both middle and high school, so they knew everyone’s capabilities and potential. They knew what people were suited for which position. Unless a graduating senior left a vacant spot or there was someone new and better than last year’s regular player, players pretty much knew where they were going to play.

Every player had different abilities that enabled them to play a certain position. Speed, agility and small size ensured you would not be on the front line, but you might end up running with the ball.

If you listened to the coach long enough you’d hear him make various comments about the inability of certain players to perform certain tasks. Those players that spent a large portion of their time on the ground would often hear him say something similar to: “you missed your calling…you should have been a farmer, since you like the dirt so much!”

Paul didn’t miss his calling.

II. called to be an apostle

Paul had led a very special life, or so he believed, up until the time he was met by Jesus on that road to Damascus. But, after that, it became a very extraordinary life. A life that seemingly never had a dull moment.

Paul was a called apostle. What is an apostle? An apostle, in the Gospel sense, is one that participated in Jesus’ earthly ministry and witnessed His resurrection. Paul definitely met these qualifications, but we’ll elaborate on that a little later.

Let’s look at the basic meaning of those words before ‘apostle.’ The NIV says that he was called ‘to be an’ apostle, yet it should read a called apostle, an appointed apostle.

The ‘to be an’ was inserted by translators to help, yet it only serves to confuse maturing readers. The difference is subtle and seems to indicate a possible incompleteness, meaning its left up to the person that is being called to accept the calling.

The other, ‘a called apostle,’ has the sense of completeness, as well as acceptance of the one that is called by the one doing the calling.

Let’s look at another that was called. Jeremiah 1:4,5

4 The word of the LORD came to me, saying, 5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

Jeremiah was called by God. There is a very distinct difference between those that are sent and those that just went.

Jeremiah 23:21, 22

21 I did not send these prophets, yet they have run with their message; I did not speak to them, yet they have prophesied. 22 But if they had stood in my council, they would have proclaimed my words to my people and would have turned them from their evil ways and from their evil deeds.

There are those that go under their own power and direction, and those that go under the power and direction of the Spirit of God.

Paul, a called apostle.

A called messenger of God has no say in the matter. Jonah was a messenger called to go to Nineveh, but he balked at that and tried to go somewhere else.

Sent – A messenger [apostle] of God has been sent from God. And, being sent from God, has the power and wisdom of God. Where God guides, God provides. If you ain’t been sent, then you’d better not went.

=Under Command –

The ‘sent’ messenger is under command from God. He or she doesn’t have the luxury of turning aside or deciding that they’ll do it later. Take care when you’re under command, if you continue to refuse, you may be refuse. Put on a shelf somewhere and seldom seen or heard.

=Under Authority –

A messenger has no authority of his or her own.

(John 13:16) I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.

A messenger assumes the authority of the one sending him. If you reject the messenger, you reject the sending authority. The prophets of God were under authority of God and time and again, the Israelites rejected the messenger and the message. They rejected God. And, because of this they were punished.

Paul’s Calling –

Paul’s calling addresses three areas that are found in all that have been called by God: Messenger, Missionary, and Minister. Again, all that have been called by God are sent, under command, and under authority. Because of this they receive special abilities, gifts, and instructions in these areas.


Paul was a messenger. He was called by God, and immediately called away to the deserts of Arabia. There he met with Jesus and received special instructions and revelations concerning the message that he was to carry to the Gentile world. That was the evidence of his apostleship.

During his training he was given a message to carry to the people. He was to carry a message of hope, a message of promise, and a message of redemption for a sin-sick world.

Paul was a messenger first. There is ample evidence throughout the epistles of Paul of that fact.

A messenger is concerned with two things. Those two things are Protecting the Content of the Message and Ensuring the Message is delivered.

==Protecting the Content of the Message:

Scattered throughout Paul’s epistle you’ll read of him making references to maintaining a sound message, a sound doctrine, or the same message, the message you heard from me, etc.

Paul was adamant about protecting the message that was given to him. Not only that, but he was adamant that the same message be passed along to others as well.

==Ensuring the Message is Delivered

Also evident in Paul’s epistles is the longing that he has to take the message to this people or that people, or a group located here or there.

He was ensuring that the message was delivered to all that the Spirit of God had deemed should receive it. He was ensuring that everyone had the opportunity to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What was his message? Paul’s message was simple, Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.

Paul was a messenger first, next He was a missionary.


Secondly, Paul was a missionary. What’s the difference between a messenger and a missionary? A messenger brings a message, while the missionary ensures that message is received and understood, and then helps develop the people so that they can teach and equip others. But, that’s not all. The missionary reaches out to the people with the hand of fellowship and helps the people in their homes, families, and jobs.


Paul was a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He brought the message as a messenger, reached out to the people through that message as a missionary, and explained the message as a minister. He reached out to the people in their homes and synagogues and explained the doctrine of the gospel. He reasoned with the people and the people responded by taking on themselves the mantle of messenger, missionary and minister.

Our Calling –

We mentioned sending, under command, and under authority. Every child of God, like Jeremiah, has been separated unto Him since infinite past. We, too, like Paul, are, in our own ‘called’ commissioning, are messengers, missionaries, and ministers.


Every born-again Christian is a called messenger of the Creator of the universe. The scriptures tell us of our mission, our commissioning, our authority, and power. We are under orders. There isn’t any way around it. Are you answering your calling as a called messenger of God?


In this fast-paced and technologically advanced world, only those remote areas are the areas where ‘true’ missionaries can undertake a missionary calling. Do you believe that? I don’t believe it. Populations are growing and shrinking around the world, both Christian populations and human populations. What used to be is not any more; what used to be a Christian country, region, county, or city, has instead followed the way of Nineveh and needs those Jonahs to go in and proclaim ‘the message from the Lord.’

Remember what we mentioned earlier about missionaries. They reach out to the community. They reach out, not only with the Bible, but with the arm of fellowship. Sometimes it’s better to show them the “Christ in You!” than simply pointing Him out in the Bible. Sometimes it’s better to do rather than to talk. Christ, Himself, did a lot of that. A lot of doing that is. What about you?


We can’t stop there however, as we that are chosen by God are all called ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s our obligation as messengers and missionaries to take the Word of God to the people, but we need to minister to the people. We don’t throw a bunch of spiritual jargon or Christianese at them and expect them to understand the sovereignty of God through osmosis. They need mentoring and maturing, and growth, or they’ll be like the seed that fell on shallow ground. They’ll be like the fireworks they call the ‘roman candle.’ Once they are on fire, they’ll flame up for a time, then they’ll fizzle out. They need ministers to guide them, to mentor them, and to help them hold themselves accountable.

Romans 1:1

Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God-

III. set apart for the gospel of God

The King James Version says, separated unto the gospel of God. The Holman Christian Standard Bible says, singled out for God’s good news. Young’s Literal Translation says, having been separated to the good news of God.

It doesn’t matter how you slice it or dice, Paul, like you that have put your faith in Jesus Christ, have been set apart for the good news. What does that mean to be separated to? Well, it means that you leave behind something to go to something.

When you are separated from a place, you must be either in another place, or on your way there. When you are separated from a crowd, you’re standing alone, while the crowd is in another place. A child can ‘become separated’ from its mother in a big department store.

Now, all of these examples give us a general idea of what it means to be separated unto the gospel of God, yet, they still miss the mark a little. You see, when you’re on this earth and you’re separated from your mother, you’re still somewhere. If you’re separated from New York City, you’re not in Alaska until you get there.

As we said before, Paul was a zealous Jew that went around looking for Christians so that he could persecute them. When he met Jesus on the road to Damascus, he was separated to Jesus. He went from the old nature, straightway into the new nature, separated unto the gospel of God.

Many times we’ll see people that call themselves Christians that have separated from the old life, but not unto Christ. They have a life bleak, barren, and desolate life because they have not allowed themselves to be separated unto the gospel.

The word in scripture for separate or set apart is the Greek word, aphorize, from which we get our word ‘horizon.’ When you are separated to Christ, you are not separated into a narrow, constraining life. On the contrary, it’s like looking at the horizon as you go up into an airplane, it gets wider and wider.

Paul was separated unto the gospel of God. It’s interesting that he should say this, since most Romans were all about honor, power and control. Because of its crime, population [over a million], and politics, Rome was considered by many to be the so-called armpit of the modern world during Paul’s time. Additionally, the book of Romans teaches the depravity of man, so why did Paul say unto the gospel of God? He wanted them to know upfront where he was coming from, from the mouth of God and not a mere man trying to make an impression on a people he had never met.

What about you can you fill these blanks in with your name?

-------, a servant of Christ Jesus,

-------, called to be an apostle [messenger, missionary, minister]

-------, set apart for the gospel of God


Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, a special envoy, a special agent, a special messenger, a special minister, a special missionary, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God.

What has God called you to be? What special gift do you have that sets you apart for the Gospel of God?

What are you set apart for?

The gospel of God,

Or, the gospel according to you?