Summary: Have you ever had a bad day at church? Jesus did. In fact, one day Jesus went to church and they tried to kill him.

Have you ever had a bad day at church? Jesus did. In fact, one day Jesus went to church and they tried to kill him.

We have all had a bad day at church at least once in our lives. Maybe it was that time when the food you prepared for the fellowship meal did not turn out the way you anticipated. Perhaps it was that day when you found yourself in conflict with another church member over some item of business. Possibly, it was a day when you really needed a good sermon and the pastor simply did not deliver. Maybe your bad day at church was the result of your effort to work hard at some project at church that seemed to go unnoticed by the vast majority of the congregation. You did not do it to get praise, but a simple thank you would have still been nice. It could be that your bad day at church had nothing to do when anything that happened at church. Maybe you arrived at worship in a bad mood after having a long fight with a family member.

Have you ever had a bad day at church?

One day in Charlotte, we returned home after worship at the church I pastured. We prepared our lunch and turned on the television to see what was happening in the world. The local channel was broadcasting a breaking news item from another congregation not to far from where we lived. Following worship that morning, the church had an intense business meeting. After the meeting, the topic of discussion proceeded from the sanctuary into the parking lot, where two elderly deacons ended up engaged in a fistfight. Rather than helping alleviate the conflict, the other deacons joined in. Eventually the police were called – as was the local media.

Think about it! These fellows went to the church that morning to worship God, and ended up participating in a no-holds-barred wrestling match. Now that is a bad day at church!

Have you ever had a bad day at church? I know I have! So far, I have been able to avoid a fistfight, but still there have been moments.

Have you ever had a bad day at church? Sure, you have! Yet as bad as any of your days (or mine) may have been, I am sure I would be right in saying that none of us have had a day as bad as Jesus did. One day Jesus went to church and they tried to kill him.

Let’s take a few moments and see how this all came about! It did not start out that badly. In fact, as the day started, it seemed like Jesus might have a very good day at church. Jesus was a hometown boy who was returning home to the community and church of his childhood. He was on the very cusp of the start of his preaching and teaching ministry, and everyone was excited to hear what Jesus had to say.

You can imagine what things must have been like at the home of Mary and Joseph leading up to this day. They always knew he was destined for greatness. How could they think otherwise after all the encounters with the Divine during the days of his nativity!

Jesus had recently been to the Jordon River to visit with His cousin John. There he had been baptized. Next Jesus vanished for a little more than a month. He told Mary and Joseph that he had been to the wilderness to prayer, do battle with Satan, and discern exactly what his heavenly Father had planned for him. Ever since then, Jesus had been traveling throughout Galilee, filled with the Spirit, and preaching in the Synagogues and teaching anyone who would listen.

So far, things had been moving along smoothly for Jesus. Then the invitation came from the elders in the Synagogue where Jesus had been raised.

“We are so proud of you and all your successes. Therefore, we cordially invited to preach a revival here at First Synagogue of Nazareth. Your hometown friends, family, and Sabbath school classmates look forward to greeting you when you arrive! We anticipate a great meeting and look forward to hearing about all that God is doing in your life!”

Of course, Jesus accepted their invitation. He headed for home, looking forward to a couple nights of rest in his old bed. He might have even been anticipating a nice home-cooked meal prepared lovingly by his mother, Mary.

I. The Sabbath Arrived and Jesus Went To The Synagogue.

1) The City had come out to hear him – like hearing a seminary student come home to preach.

2) Jesus was a preacher of great reputation.

3) Many people had questions about Jesus.

II. Jesus Leads in Worship reading from the scroll of the Prophet Isaiah

1) It was a hopeful message about a great future

2) It was a hopeful message about God’s gift of deliverance for the oppressed

3) After reading the scripture – Jesus sat down to preach (custom of the day)

III. Jesus Preaches His Sermon

1) People Initially Liked The Sermon

2) Whatever else he said – he claimed the scripture’s fulfillment in THEIR HEARING

3) The crowds hope and expectation: “Jesus was the Messiah, come to rescue them!” AMEN!

4) Then Jesus APPLIES the sermon – to folks outside their fellowship, and things turn ugly

A) He quotes a proverb

B) He i1lustrates with the prophets

5) The people riot and try to take him outside the town to throw him off a cliff

6) Jesus slips out of their grasp and escapes.

7) This Is NOT A Good Day At Church

IV. What Made This A Bad Day At Church? – No Prophet is welcome in his own home town!

1) Familiarity breeds contempt! Perhaps mad that this hometown boy thought he was better!

2) Maybe it was because he confronted their prejudice. Salvation not for them alone!

3) Perhaps MORE! Jesus pulled out THEIR MISSION FROM SCRIPTURE

V. Pastor friend comments: “People In The Church Are Just To Focused On Jesus!”

This is kind of a scandalous statement, but as he continued to speak, he started to make sense.

1) Jesus is NOT just talking about His mission here

2) The Isaiah passage is not just a prophecy about Jesus

3) Jesus is talking about the people’s mission – Isaiah is talking about Israel’s mission

4) This text was a challenge to the Synagogue to stop waiting for God to do something

5) This text (the one Jesus read to them) was a challenge to JOIN GOD in God’s work

6) On whom does the Spirit of God rest today? ON US!

7) The focus is on what God does THROUGH US not FOR US!

8) This was a challenge that people not hear the scripture – but READ and BE it

9) This is a radical way to live. It might even cause you to have a bad day at church.

VI. There is one more thing I want you to think about!

1) Jesus had a bad day at church – They tried to kill him

2) Where was Jesus the following week? Back at church!

3) Never grow weary in doing good. Never quit. Never submit, surrender, or give up!


Jesus is looking for some people to join him in becoming the kind of person described by the prophet Isaiah! It is not enough to sit here and receive. It is not enough to come here and praise Jesus. I hope this will not cause any of you to want to kill me, but if all you are doing is coming here to praise Jesus, then something is missing in your life.

The Spirit of God is upon YOU.

You have been anointed to bring good news to the poor.

You have been anointed to proclaim the freedom of grace to those held captive in their sin.

You have been anointed to proclaim sight to the blind and release to the oppressed.

Where are you in the text today? Are you up reading the scriptures like Jesus? Or, are you just bystanders listening? Are you one of those who are protesting — “We don’t want change” — or are you one of the others saying, “I want to be one of his disciples. I want what he has. I am willing to do whatever it takes. I want to be like him”? They were all there and we are all here. Where are you today? Will you be one to stand in the gap?

By accident, a fellow wandered into a Quaker meeting. No one was saying anything. It was quiet. Everyone was sitting there listening. Silence. He sat a while. He did not know what was happening. Finally, he gathered up the courage and he nudged the guy sitting near him and said, “Pardon me. When does the service begin?” And the man responded, “When we leave.”

In just a few minutes you will be leaving here and that’s when the service will begin.