Summary: I prepared this sermon for "Christ The King" Sunday - the Sunday after Thanksgiving and just prior to Advent (Christmas Season). What King is this? The King who laid down His life for His subjects!

What King Is This? Luke 23:33-43

Introduction (Adapted from

Today we celebrate to coming of Christ, our King. That is what the season of Advent – Christmas – is really all about. It is a time when we remember the time of His coming to earth in the form of a child.

During this season we will light a candle each Sunday of Advent as we celebrate the hope, peace, joy, and love that we have found in Christ. We will celebrate the coming of Christ in song and Scripture. We will look forward to the birth of our Saviour and King.

To my knowledge this will be the first time, perhaps ever, but certainly in many decades, that this Church will celebrate Christ the King Sunday – the first Sunday after Thanksgiving and also the last Sunday prior to the Season of Advent.

As such, it seems entirely appropriate to me to share just a bit about the history and meaning of this celebration; the celebration of Christ the King was originally instituted in 1925 Pope Pius XI in a declaration called the Quas Primas.

In the 21st century many Western Christians – Catholic and Protestant – celebrate Christ the King Sunday, including Anglicans, Lutherans, and many others. Because of its value, it has been adopted by many and we celebrate it here today.

At the time of its institution, secularism was on the rise, and many Christians doubted Christ’s authority and even His Christ’s existence.

1925 witnessed the rise of dictatorships in Europe, and saw many Christians taken in by these earthly leaders. The celebration of Christ the King was instituted during a time when respect for Christ.

Pius hoped that the annual celebration of Christ the King would work toward the accomplishment of the following:

(1) That nations would see that the Church has the right to freedom, and immunity from the state.

(2) That leaders and nations would see that they are bound to give respect to Christ.

(3) That the faithful would gain strength and courage from the celebration, as we are reminded that Christ must reign in our hearts, minds, wills, and bodies.

The goals of this celebration are still very much needed today, as these problems have not vanished, but instead have worsened. Unfortunately, in some churches, “king” language is not popular, and as a result few take the time considers what the Kingship of Christ means.

However, in a chaotic and unjust world that seems to scorn any kind of authority, many Christians proudly celebrate Christ the King Sunday, where the loving and merciful – and just – king of the universe is praised and glorified.

This morning I am going to pose a question which I will humbly seek to answer; “What kind of King is this?” What kind of King is Jesus?


Luke 23:33-43


What kind of king is this that we have gathered here this morning to celebrate? Is Christ a tyrannical King who forces obedience? Is Christ a weak king unable to rule His Kingdom?

This morning, let us consider just what kind of king He is…


The Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard once sought to describe the incarnation of God in Christ. He used this simple illustrative story:

A certain king was very rich. His power was known throughout the world. But he was most unhappy, for he desired a wife. Without a queen, the vast palace was empty.

One day, while riding through the streets of a small village, he saw a beautiful peasant girl. So lovely was she that the heart of the king was won. He wanted her more than anything he had ever desired. On succeeding days, he would ride by her house on the mere hope of seeing her for a moment in passing.

He wondered how he might win her love. He thought, I will draw up a royal decree and require her to be brought before me to become the queen of my land. But, as he considered, he realized that she was a subject and would be forced to obey. He could never be certain that he had won her love.

Then, he said to himself, “I shall call on her in person. I will dress in my finest royal garb; wear my diamond rings, my silver sword, my shiny black boots, and my most colorful tunic.

I will overwhelm her and sweep her off her feet to become my bride.” But, as he pondered the idea, he knew that he would always wonder whether she had married him for the riches and power he could give her.

Then, he decided to dress as a peasant, drive to the town, and have his carriage let him off. In disguise, he would approach her house. But, somehow the duplicity of this plan did not appeal to him.

At last, he knew what he must do. He would shed his royal robes. He would go to the village and become one of the peasants. He would work and suffer with them. He would actually become a peasant. This he did. And he won his wife.

So did God consider how He might win humankind. God in Christ became one of us. He took upon Him the form of human flesh to dwell among us. Paul says, “God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself.”


When the Romans would crucify a criminal it was common for one of the guards to carry a sign that announced the crime that the person was condemned for. In the case of Jesus, no actual crime had been determined, so His official crime was in claiming to be the King of the Jews, though He never directly made that claim.

He claimed to be one with God and it was because of that claim the Jewish religious authorities pressed the Romans to crucify Him. Jesus spoke of His Kingdom which is not of this world.

The Kingdom of Christ is not a kingdom of earthly treasures and palaces. Jesus said, “You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” (Mark 10:21 ESV)

The Kingdom of Christ is an upside down kingdom where the first are last and the King is a servant of His subjects. Referring to himself, Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45 ESV)

What King is this who lays down His life for His subjects?


In the Gospel of Matthew 18:1-4 is recorded, “At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’ And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, ‘Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” (ESV)


My two year old Son Sebastian has been really taking off with new words lately. He loves his 110 pound St. Bernard and walks around looking for his “pu-ppy” all day long. He is exploding every day with new words.

I think my favorite new word of his though has to be “wow!” Just this week, I offered him his sippy-cup. When I told him that it had water in it he said “wow!”

Sebastian is clearly easily wowed! His little heart is filled wonder at all that is around him. He is excited at every new opportunity and experience – because it is all new to him.

There is something so beautiful about the simple and sincere heart of a child. I am convinced that reflected in the eyes of a child is the clearest image of God.

“Finger-wagging” preachers have rather convincingly told us that God is someone to be feared much more than to be loved but this simply is not so. We do not serve a God who is primarily concerned with judgment – we serve a God who laughs and plays.

Can you imagine a God of judgment creating the heart of a child? Can you imagine a God of condemnation creating the wonder and mystery of the human expressions of hope, peace, joy, or love?

God’s primary attribute is love and the most natural expression of His love was to create reflective objects to love. Living objects which are capable of not only receiving that love but also of experiencing and expressing that love.

Faith is more of a dance than a science. In Christ we have been invited to participate in the love of our creator. Religion is dry. Theology is but rhetoric. Experiencing the love of the King; that is true faith.


In Mathew 18:1-4 Jesus called a child to come to him. He then tells his disciples, and us, that unless we turn and become like a little child we will not be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

To be citizens of the Kingdom of Christ, we need not be great or powerful people. The Kingdom of Christ is an upside down kingdom where the first shall be last.

To be citizens of Christ’s Kingdom, we must be like a child; honest, genuine, sincere. We serve a God who, very much like a child, is “wowed” by His creation!

While the legalists – the Neo-Pharisees – of our day are not likely to share my joy-filled perceptions of God and interpretations of His Word, the words of King Jesus need not be authenticated by self absorbed scholars to be valid.

What King is this you ask? He is King Jesus! And He announces and proclaims to us the very heart of God!

As we enter into this Advent Season, I invite you to join with me in celebrating so much more than simply another festive season. Let this Christmas Season be about even more than presents and cranberry sauce; though those are good things!

Let your heart be drawn into a deep worship of God as you celebrate the gift of grace which is found in Christ! Let your soul be drawn into a deep reverence of God as you celebrate the coming of Christ – Our King!