Summary: This message describes those prepared for Christ’s coming and those who were not. The religious crowd is indifferent. The leaders are worried. A widow is watching and an old man is waiting. Magi are wandering and worshipping. Which one describes you?

Don’t miss Christmas (portions of this sermon are borrowed from illustrations and sermons on Sermon Central)

Christmas time is a time filled with traditions. There is the time to get a Christmas tree and put it up along with the decorations. There are presents to buy, so there is shopping to do and more shopping. Then there are the holiday meals at church where there is much eating. Later, there will be more meals with family and friends where there will be more eating. Decorating, Eating and Shopping fill our schedules for the month of December to the point that one barely has time to catch his his breath. And finally when it is all over and the last person has left our home or we return home from a whirlwind of activity, we collapse and we ask ourselves again. “Where was Christ in Christmas?”

It reminds me of the little girl who misquoted John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only forgotten Son.” The music this morning has helped us remember that the baby who was born in Bethlehem is Jesus, the Son of God, who brings great joy today.

In December 1903, after many attempts, the Wright brothers were successful in getting their "flying machine" off the ground. Thrilled, they telegraphed this message to their sister Katherine: "We have actually flown 120 feet. Will be home for Christmas." Katherine hurried to the editor of the local newspaper and showed him the message. He glanced at it and said, "How nice. The boys will be home for Christmas." He totally missed the big news--man had flown!

I want to plead with you today not to miss the wonder of the birth of Christ. Do not allow familiarity to rob you of the joys God has for you. He is worthy of your praise today. His birth is the greatest news in the world! Everything about His birth ends in the glory of God. Come today and catch a glimpse of that glory!

You see, the incarnation of Christ, His birth in Bethlehem 2,000 years ago was only the first of two visits Christ will make to earth. On that first visit He came to purchase your salvation. He came to live and die and raise from the grave to pay for your sins. He came to offer to you and me eternal life. His invitation is for you to be reconciled to God by turning from yourself and trusting in the work that He did. God will forgive you of your sins and will look upon you as though you had never sinned and never again will sin when you place your faith in Jesus Christ.

Those Who Missed Christmas


NO ROOM-“the extent of space available for something.”

The tradition of the innkeeper-the word for inn is not like a Holiday Inn; rather

it may have been like; a rest stop; a tent city like we saw in Mississippi during Katrina

Instead of One angry, selfish innkeeper; there was a crowd of selfish folks.

They were probably late due to her condition.

You would think that upon seeing a woman near full term, some man would have had mercy and gave up his place.

Today, folks will not allow Christ into their lives because they are afraid they might have to sacrifice something in order to live for Him. They do not realize that it is “more blessed to give than receive.”

Christianity-the religion of sacrifice. The whole focus of Christianity is a cross, where Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice.

Now, he says to us, “Deny yourselves, take up your cross and follow me.”

If Christ be God and died for me, no sacrifice can be to great.- CT Studd

Only you can decide to give room for Christ-

Non Christian must surrender your life to Christ as Lord, and He will save you. Rm 10:9

As Christians, we’re commanded to lay our lives on the altar as living sacrifices. Rm 12:1

Christ, the gentleman does not force himself upon those who do not want him.


They are Afraid of Losing Their Position or Possessions for Christ. Matt. 2:1-3;

Why do 90% of people run for President do so? To make America better? No, Power!

King Herod-Wicked, Ruthless, Consumed with fear of losing power of king.

POWER-“the ability to control resources to insure one’s destiny”


“You were better off being one of his animals than his son.”

His fears was unfounded- a little baby-would not even be old enough to reign till Herod was dead.

Today, why won’t people call on Christ as Lord? Power! Control, they want to call the shots in their lives. Like one Charlie Daniel’s song. “If you don’t like the way I’m living, you just leave this long haired country boy alone.”

Like Warren said, “Surrender is the last word we really want to hear.” But if you will Surrender your rights, surrender your power, you will enjoy the peace of being kept by the power of God and the peace of God that surpasses all comprehension.


The Scribes-Caught up in their religion pride, the pleasures and status they enjoyed. It is best that I ignore him. They knew the Bible, but they didn’t know the Master.

They were not willing to travel seven miles to find him and worship Him.

In a large stone cathedral in Europe there was a very large, magnificent pipe organ. It was a Saturday afternoon, and the custodian was making one final check of the choir and organ loft high in the balcony at the back of the church. He was startled to hear footsteps echoing up the stone stairway, as he thought the doors were all locked and no one was around. He turned to see a man in slightly tattered traveling clothes coming toward him. "Excuse me, sir," the stranger said, "I have come from quite a distance to see the great organ in this cathedral, would you mind opening the console so that I might get a closer look at it?" The custodian at first refused, but the stranger seemed so eager and insistent that he finally gave in.

"May I sit on the bench?" That request of the stranger was met with absolute refusal by the cathedral custodian. "What if the organist came in and found you sitting there? I would probably lose my job!" But again the stranger was so persistent that the custodian gave in. "But only for a moment," he added.

The custodian noticed that the stranger seemed to be very much at home on the organ bench, so he was not completely surprised when he was asked by the stranger to be allowed to play the organ. "NO! Definitely not!" said the custodian. "No one is allowed to play it except the cathedral organist,"

The man’s face fell, and his deep disappointment was obvious. He reminded the custodian how far he had come, and assured him that no damage would be done. Finally the sexton relented and told the stranger he could play the instrument, but only a few notes and then he would have to leave.

Overjoyed, the stranger pulled out some stops and began to play. Suddenly the cathedral was filled with the most beautiful music the custodian had ever heard in all his years in that place. The music seemed to transport him heavenward. In what seemed all too short a time, the dowdy stranger stopped playing and slid off the organ bench and started down the stairway. "Wait!" cried the custodian. "That was the most beautiful music I have ever heard in the cathedral. Who are you?"

The stranger turned for just a moment as he replied, "Mendelssohn." The man was none other than Felix Mendelssohn, one of the greatest organists and composers of the 19th century!

The custodian was alone now in that great stone edifice, the beautiful organ music still ringing in his ears. "Just think," he said softly, "I almost kept the master from playing his music in my cathedral!"

Each one of us has the opportunity to have a personal relationship with the Master of the universe, Jesus Christ. Let’s not keep Him from "playing His music" and letting Him be Master of our lives!

Jesus challenged the status quo. He did supercede everyone. He must. HE IS LORD!

There is nothing you give up worth your soul. There is nothing that you give up that He will not replace with blessings in this life and in heaven.

I met a guy in Mississippi who was wealthy by most of our standards. He flew planes for Berkshire Hathaway. He carried famous people places in his small private jet. He had his own large boat that he used to fish in the Gulf each month. But he suffered great loss in Hurricane Katrina. He told me, he never really thought about God much until then. He wasn’t a bad person, a thief or an abusive person. He was just indifferent to God, until he lost it all.

The more you have, the further you fall. Do you hold them loosely? Or do they hold you? Sadly, most men have to be knocked out of their life of ease before they will see a need for God.

These all missed Christmas. No room for him, troubled by him, indifferent to him. Note: they do not have faith, and as a result are lost without hope.

Those Who Celebrate Christmas

Those Who Watch for His Coming. Lk 2:25-32 Simeon

He was living for God.

He was looking for God.

He was listening to God

He was Led by God.

Those Who Wait upon Him Continually-2:36-38

Anna-did not retire from God’s service. No longer able to serve God physically, she did what she was able. ( A greater work). She waited upon God, continually.

How we need that today.

Those Who Wander Far to Worship the Christ Mt. 2:1-3

Seniors will tell you about walking miles to go to church.

Wise Men-Magi-Traveled Weeks or Months to Worship Him.

How many? 3 is tradition, possibly the gifts, I suppose more.

This was more than curiosity. These were people moved by a desire to know God, to love Him, to worship Him.

Illustration: Finding God’s Resources

The Amazon River is the largest river in the world. The mouth is 90 miles across. There is enough water to exceed the combined flow of the Yangtze, Mississippi, and Nile Rivers. So much water comes from the Amazon that they can detect its currents 200 miles out in the Atlantic Ocean. One irony of ancient navigation is that sailors in ancient times died for lack of water--caught in windless waters of the South Atlantic. They were adrift, helpless, dying of thirst. Sometimes other ships from South America who knew the area would come alongside and call out, "What is your problem?" And they would exclaim, "Can you spare us some water? Our sailors are dying of thirst!" And from the other ship would come the cry, "just lower your buckets. You are in the mouth of the mighty Amazon River." The irony of ancient Israel and the tragedy around us today is that God, the fountain of living water, is right here and people don’t recognize Him! (Earl Palmer. James S. Hewett, Illustrations Unlimited (Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc, 1988) p. 242.)

Illustration: Finding God’s Resources

The Amazon River is the largest river in the world. The mouth is 90 miles across. There is enough water to exceed the combined flow of the Yangtze, Mississippi, and Nile Rivers. So much water comes from the Amazon that they can detect its currents 200 miles out in the Atlantic Ocean. One irony of ancient navigation is that sailors in ancient times died for lack of water--caught in windless waters of the South Atlantic. They were adrift, helpless, dying of thirst. Sometimes other ships from South America who knew the area would come alongside and call out, "What is your problem?" And they would exclaim, "Can you spare us some water? Our sailors are dying of thirst!" And from the other ship would come the cry, "just lower your buckets. You are in the mouth of the mighty Amazon River." The irony of ancient Israel and the tragedy around us today is that God, the fountain of living water, is right here and people don’t recognize Him! (Earl Palmer. James S. Hewett, Illustrations Unlimited (Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc, 1988) p. 242.)

Two contrast:

Those who are crowded by Christ ( do not want to sacrifice)

Those who are troubled by Christ( afraid losing power, position or possession)

Those who are indifferent. They are just too busy, so they ignore him.

These who have no room for him on earth, will have no Room in HEAVEN.

Those who are troubled by him on earth, will be troubled for all eternity

Those who ignore him on earth, will not find Him in hell.

Those who Watch for His Coming. Will see Him and be like Him.

Those who are Waiting on Him Continually-will rule over angels.

Those who are willing to wander far to worship Him.

Will bow before In His Presence-and enjoy pleasures at His right hand forever and forever.

Which one describes you this morning? It is not too late.