Summary: How do we develop in our lives so that we are effective "storytellers"? This message looks at the promise that we are not alone and that Jesus Himself is always in our corner.


A. Beginning of this series, I asked you to decide then to make the series count.

a. We can’t get something out of nothing – career, relationship, etc.

b. Several prayer cards were turned in – We’ve all been praying

B. Through the OneAnother Home Groups

I’ve learned a lot in the way I approach evangelism. Both course have used the approach of becoming contagious through your personality and NOT that of a presentation.

1. Why> Campaign – Bob Dilworth

a. Science vs. the Bible – how do we handle questions

b. Even amongst us, there were differences

c. A Conversation with one of these types of unbelievers could definitely prove to be tough and make you very uneasy.

2. Becoming A Contagious Christian – Scott Wells

a. How do You Tell Your Story without being considered pushy?

b. When do you; How do you; What method; What do you say: ETC.


1. BOTH CLASSES were discussing the different methods of sharing.

2. Let’s face it – the big “E” Word can make us quiet unnerved to say the least!


Norman Cates shared the humorous story of a guy who prayed this prayer every morning: "Lord, if you want me to witness to someone today, please give me a sign to show me who it is."

One day he found himself on a bus when a big, burly man sat next to him. The bus was nearly empty but this guy still sat next to our praying friend. The timid Christian anxiously waited for his stop so he could exit the bus. But before he could get very nervous about the man next to him, the big guy burst into tears and began to weep.

He then cried out with a loud voice, "I need to be saved. I’m a lost sinner and I need the Lord. Won’t somebody tell me how to be saved?" He turned to the Christian and pleaded, "Can you show me how to be saved?" The believer immediately bowed his head and prayed, "Lord, is this a sign?"

Are you looking for a "sign" to start sharing?

C. Today - #5: “Becoming A Contagious Storyteller”

In looking at the different personalities in the different HOME GROUPS & CHUFCH, I thought about how this challenge is different for everyone of us!

a. How I Tell My Story is not the same. We are different.

b. Our Relationships are Different.

c. Our Methods are Different.

I began praying early in the week over this message asking the Lord to help us become a Contagious Family asking for guidance in a message that would help to enable us!

Where the Lord brought me over the next several days was in two areas:

1. John 17 – Reminding me “Jesus Is Always Praying for You”

2. Mark 4 - The importance of “Practicing Faithfulness” –Parable of the Growing Seed


a. Jesus’ ministry was coming to a close! Told and Taught all there was!

b. While in comparing gospels, this is not the prayer of agony in “Garden of Gethsemane” but instead an open conversation with God on 3 parts.

A. Jesus Prayed for Himself

1. His Ministry Accomplished –VS. 3 - 5

a. Vs. 3 – His GIVING brought Eternal Life – Life through the Son

b. Vs. 4 – He Was Willing - His GIVING Brought Glory to the Father

c. Vs. 5 – He was Ready to Return – To His place of Glory!

PHIL. 2:9-13

B. Jesus Prayed for His Disciples – Vs. 6-19

1. Vs. 6 - God Brought them to The Son.

a. John 6:44 (NIV)

44 "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him…”

2. Vs. 8 - God Gave the Words!

a. Even Jesus depended on the Father to Share The Story!

b. He just had to give of Himself – “I GAVE them the word you gave…”

3. Vs. 9 - Jesus prayed for them.

4. Vs. 18-19 – The Baton is Passed!

C. Jesus Prayed for YOU – Vs. 20-26

1. Vs. 20-21 - We Be As One as They are One

- Jesus prayed that we be a family of one just as He and the Father are one!

- The Enablement of the Church!

2. Vs. 23 – Why does He want us as ONE?

a. To be Strong – Picture the Armor –

‘though as many now we come to worship you as one’!

b. “to let the world know”

- That He was Sent that Another Might Have Eternal Life

- That Eternal Life is Available just as it was for you!

3. Vs. 26- He’s Still Praying for You!

a. “I have made you known”

b. “and will continue to make you known”


We looked a few weeks ago at the surroundings of Jesus Giving the Call for the disciples and all who followed to become His witness.

Acts 1:8 (NIV)

8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

ILLUSTRATION: Randy Valimont

“Finding Significance in am Insignificant Place” says this regarding that call:

“Imagine what might have happened if the Early Church had forgotten either Jesus’ promise OR His mandate in Acts 1:8. The Lord GUARANTEED His followers divine power through the baptism in the Holy Spirit. He commanded them to be His witnesses, using that power to reach Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth.

IF those early believers had forgotten Jesus’ promise of the Spirit and had rushed out into the world, they would have failed miserably. BUT what IF they had joyfully received the Spirit and then REMAINED in Jerusalem? They would have stagnated.

Too many Pentecostal churches are plenty excited about the Baptism, but forgot its purpose. They preach the anointing and gifts of the Spirit within the walls of their sanctuaries, and then fail to live out that message in a hurting world beyond their walls.

Brothers & Sisters, You and I, have received a gift worth sharing. And to help in that gift, Jesus has empowered us by anointing us with His power AND He has placed us within BODY so that we could help, encourage, and prepare each other. BUT WE MUST GET OUT OF THE HOUSE and BEGIN TO SHARE THE STORY – WE MUST PRACTICE FAITHFULNESS!


We’ve looked at the prayer of Jesus. He is at the point of passing the baton to His disciples. Can you imagine how they are going to feel as He leaves this task. As we’ve been looking at the Parables of Jesus on Wednesday night, we briefly touched on one Wednesday night.

Parable of the Growing Seed – Mark 4:26-29

If you look at where this parable was in time, the disciples had just been taught about the seeds falling on a lot of what could be described as unproductive soils. This could easily discourage the disciples (just as our lack of growth has become so discouraging to us at times)


A. Growth is Up To God & Our Availability!

1. Vs. 26 - A Seed is Planted

a. By Jesus, His Disciples, By Us – the Baton!

2. Vs. 27-28 – The Seed grows!

a. Would take a lot of faith to be a farmer! Hard work – but you can’t control the growth of the seed. We water, take care of it and work – hard work – BUT STILL, the actual growth is not up to us but GOD!


3. The Seed grows in Stages – stalk, head, full kernel

a. Our growth comes in stages based on our practicing AND perseverance!

4. “How” is God’s Responsibility but OUR AVAILABILITY

a. God determines the Harvest

b. He Uses His People – But He doesn’t force that!

c. We must not give up – but continue to “Be Contagious”

The disciples, wondering about the difficult mission ahead of them, were being told by Jesus that they need not worry about how the Kingdom would grow. That part was up to God.



1. Farmer allows the seed to grow

2. As soon as ‘the grain is ripe’ he comes with a sickle (curved blade mounted in a short handle)

3. Likewise God is coming again!



1. Know Jesus Has Not only Empowered You but is Praying for You!

- He’s rooting for you! Cheering you on!

- And – he is so appreciative – of our loving Him so much because of what He means to us and what He’s done for us!

2. We Must Practice Faithfulness

- Look for Opportunities to Share Your Story!

- Practicing Faithfulness, we plant seeds trusting God to bring the Harvest!

- But we must get out of the house!

So much of the New Testament shows the importance of our Being Contagious Workers in God’s Field. Always working the field!


ILLUSTRATION: “Outragious Claims” by Lee Stroble

A Story from Maggie

“Do you understand that you represent Jesus to me? Do you know, do you understand that when you treat me with gentleness, it raises the question in my mind that maybe He is gentle, too. Maybe He isn’t someone who laughs when I am hurt.

Do you know, do you understand that when you listen to my questions and you don’t laugh, I think, "What if Jesus is interested in me, too?" Do you know, do you understand that when I hear you talk about arguments and conflict and scars from your past, I think, "Maybe I am just a regular person instead of a bad, no-good little girl who deserves abuse."

If you care, I think maybe He cares- and then there’s this flame of hope that burns inside of me and for a while I am afraid to breathe because it might go out. Do you know, do you understand that your words are His words? Your face, His face to someone like me?

Please, be who you say you are. Please, God, don’t let this be another trick. Please let this be real. Please. Do you know, do you understand that you represent Jesus to me?”