Summary: This sermon calls for four areas of committment. 1. Commitment to FELLOWSHIP. (Membership) 2. Commitment to LEARNING. (Discipleship) 3. Commitment to MINISTRY. 4. Commitment to OUTREACH.

[Note: Our church has a discipleship program known as CLASS. Christian Life And Service Seminars. This is a four step process to help Christians grow. Here are the courses:

CLASS 101 - Discovering My Membership (Fellowship)

CLASS 201 - Discovering Maturity (Discipleship)

CLASS 301 - Discovering My Ministry (Ministry)

CLASS 401 - Discovering My Mission (Outreach)

This sermon is designed to get our people to sign up and get involved. This sermon can still be used even if you don’t have a "CLASS" program in your church.]

Called To Commitment

Today I want to talk about making commitments.

Are you aware that there is a huge difference between making a decision and making a commitment? Let me give you an example of making a decision. When I go out to a restaurant and I am handed a menu – I have to make a decision about what I am going to eat. Depending on the restaurant – I have dozen of items to choose from. Sometimes I have made a decision and that is the end of it. Other times I make a decision and change my mind at the last minute with no adverse outcome. There have even been a few rare occasions when the order had been sent to kitchen and I have asked to have the order changed. I changed my mind – I decided on something else – no problem the order can be adjusted.

Making a commitment is somewhat different. There is no such thing as partial commitment when it comes to flying a plane. When the pilot of a giant airliner is speeding down the runway, there is a certain point on the runway where he cannot decide to remain on the ground. When he crosses that line, he is committed to getting that plane in the air – or the plane will crash. That pilot cannot change his mind when the plane is two-thirds of the way down the runway. He MUST get the plane off the ground. At that point a total commitment is called for. A total commitment must be made.

Webster’s Dictionary defines commitment as: “a decision that can not be recalled”

Jesus understood this concept when he entered the garden the night before he was to be crucified. He knew what was before Him. He knew what the future was to hold. He was on the runway. Time was passing – not only must a decision be made – but a commitment had to be made as well. A commitment was made:

“Father, if You are willing, take this cup away from Me — nevertheless, not My will, but Yours, be done.” Luke 22:42 (HCSB)

Jesus made a 100% commitment that night to the Father. That commitment led Jesus to the cross. That commitment led Jesus to His crucifixion.

I will not kid you – here is a FACT:

Commitment Is COSTLY.

To the Boxer, it’s getting up off the mat one more time after you have been knocked down so many times you can’t even keep track of them. To the marathoner, it’s running another ten miles when you don’t think you can take another step. To the soldier, it’s going over the hill when you don’t know what’s waiting on the other side. To the missionary, it’s saying good-bye to your own comfort so that you can bring the good news to others. To the Christian, it’s putting Christ in charge of your life – even when you don’t know what He is going to expect from you or where He is going to lead you. Commitment may mean – getting up one more time – going ten miles more – or going over a hill into the unknown. Commitment is saying "yes" when you haven’t even heard the question. Jesus calls us to commitment. Look at our text for today:

“Then Jesus said to them, ‘Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.’ They immediately left their nets and followed Him.” Mark 1:17-18 (NKJV)

I believe that the call Jesus gave to his first disciples – He also gives to us. “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” A problem we have today in God’s church today is that some people have made a decision about Jesus...but have never made a commitment to Jesus. Today I want you to make a commitment to Jesus. Today I want you to say that in 2008 I am going to deepen my commitment to Jesus. I am going to follow Him 100%. I am going to commit to follow Him - wherever He leads.

I believe that in following Christ there are layers of commitment. The first layer is asking Jesus to be your Lord and Savior. It is asking Jesus to come into your heart for forgiveness. That commitment leads to salvation. That is the beginning of your Christian walk. I also believe that there are calls of commitment beyond the call to salvation. Today I want us to examine four clear calls of commitment that every believer must face.

1. Commitment to FAMILY.

The first thing that Jesus did when He started His ministry here on earth was to gather a group of followers around Him. “Then Jesus said to them, ‘Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.’ They immediately left their nets and followed Him.” Folks I can not over-emphasize the importance of that group. That group was the beginning of the Church. That group was to have such an impact on the world that it would turn the world upside down and inside out.

You know something happens when you accept Christ as your Savior. Not only does Jesus forgive your sins but He also changes the relationships you have. When you accept Christ as your Savior – you get a new family. You have been born again into a new home. God becomes your Father – and other Christians become brothers and sisters. The church is to become your family.

The local church is the next level of commitment outside of our personal relationship with the Lord. Why shouldn’t it be? I should want to be around God’s people. I should want to be in God’s family.

Do you know what happened when I was born in 1953? My family took me home with them. Isn’t that amazing! Why? Because I couldn’t talk – I couldn’t walk – I couldn’t help around the house - I couldn’t even roll over - all I could do was lay there and make noise - yet they still took me home with them. My mother and father fed me. They held me. They changed me. They played with me. They taught me. They encouraged me. They put up with me. They loved me. We were family. That is what the church is to do with new Christians. We as Christian are to love other Christians – we are to become family. God calls us to be committed to His family.

Did you know that in the New Testament there are over thirty-five verses that tell us to do something for one another? (The one another’s are the church.) These verses tell us to do things like - build up one another, accept one another, admonish one another, greet one another, love one another and the list goes on and on. How are we to accomplish the "one anothers" unless we are connected with one another? Folks if you are born again we are in the same family. We have the same Savior – we have the same Lord – we have the same Father - we are in the same family – we are to be committed to one another. That is not an option.

The church with all its imperfections is still the Lord’s major avenue through which He accomplishes His work on earth – He wants us to be connected to His body – He wants us to be connected to one another - He wants us to be committed to His family.

I want to thank all of you for being here today. You took the time out of your day to come this morning to this worship service. You made a decision to being here today and that is GREAT. But I want to challenge you to make a commitment today. I want you to move to the next level. I want to challenge you to commitment to Christ family. I want to challenge you to get involved in Christ’s church. It may not be this church - follow God’s leading as you make that commitment - but you need to get involved with Christ’s body somewhere. If you really want to grow as a Christian you need get to get involved with Christ’s church. Get to know God’s family - get involved.

The difference between a MEMBER and an ATTENDER can be found in one word:


I want to encourage you today to commit to one another by getting involved. Take your commitment to the next level. Join a Bible Study group. Join a Fellowship group. Get involved with God’s people.

[We have a seminar called: Discovering My Membership - we also call it CLASS 101 - if you have not taken this seminar I want to encourage you today to sign up for it. Find out what it means to be a part of God’s family.]

The next level of commitment is a:

2. Commitment to LEARNING.

Look at our focal verse again:

“Then Jesus said to them, ‘Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.’ They immediately left their nets and followed Him.” Mark 1:17-18 (NKJV)

When Jesus called His followers – He called them to become learners. He said that He would turn them into – "fishers of men". He would transform them – He would change them - He would teach them - He would train them and in the process they would become "fishers of men." They needed to become learners. Did you know that the word "disciple" means – one who learns? The Bible tells us that we are to be learners too. Look at second Peter with me:

“Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 3:18 (HCSB)

Education is a process that never ends. We are called to commit ourselves to be learners. We should never reach a point in life where we think that we are not able to learn something. Even Paul said:

“[My goal] is to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, assuming that I will somehow reach the resurrection from among the dead.” Philippians 3:10-11 (HCSB)

The goal that Paul was speaking of is a learning process. It begins when one accepts Christ as their Savior and does not end until God takes them home to Heaven. We never reach a point in this life at which we have arrived. The truth is that most believers have never reached past the point that Paul says they have to be fed with milk when they should be ready for meat. (Heb 5:2, 1 Cor 3:2)

I challenge you to make a commitment to continue to grow spiritually. Take positive steps to study the Bible. Start a Bible reading plan. Set aside time each day to pray. Read good Christian literature. Set up a quiet time to be alone with God. Never give up on learning. Make it your goal in 2008 to know Jesus more. Commitment yourself to becoming a disciple - a learner of Jesus Christ.

[We have a seminar in this church that will give you the tools on how to become a learner - a disciple. We call this seminar CLASS 201 - Discovering Maturity. I want to encourage you to sign up for that seminar and become a student of Christ.]

The third area of commitment we need to look at is:

3. Commitment to MINISTRY.

Commitment to Christ means becoming part of God’s family. It means deciding on a church “home” and moving in for a permanent stay. Commitment to Christ means becoming a student of Jesus and learning as much as you can about Him. It means setting aside a quiet time each day for prayer and Bible study. Commitment to Christ also means actively using the talents and gifts that God has given you to serve others – this is known as ministry. The Bible tells us that we are given gifts for the benefit for all:

“There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all.” 1 Corinthians 12:4-7 (NKJV)

We are told that God has placed individuals with the various gifts in each of His churches. We need each other. We need to use our gifts and talents for the good of others. One of the ways that the Church - Christ’s body - is made stronger is that each of us helps one another. We are to use our gifts and talents for the benefit of others - that called ministry.

[If you don’t know what gifts you have - I would encourage you to take our seminar - Discovering My Ministry - CLASS 301. That seminar will help you discover your "SHAPE" for ministry. You will learn how God can use you to stregthen His body.]

We must commit ourselves to the ministry of the local church and use the spiritual gifts that God has given us to stregthen one another.

The fourth layer of commitment is:

4. Commitment to OUTREACH.

God has called not just to be inward focused – but to be outward focused as well. We are to be “salt and light” to the world around us. We are to have an impact and influence on those around us. We are to be committed to reaching out to those who don’t know Christ. Why should we be committed to outreach? Let me give you three reasons:


”For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 (NKJV)

God loves people and He wants to see everyone saved. God loves us and does not want us die. He loves your neighbors – He loves your family – He loves your friends – He loves you and He does not want to see you or anyone else die. People need to hear the good news and He has left His church on earth to share the good news.

B. Because Jesus commands us to REACH OUT

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20 (NKJV)

The Great Commission is not a suggestion – it is commandment. Jesus tells us that we are to reach out – if we don’t reach out we are disobedient.

The third reason we need to be committed to outreach is:

C. Because church growth is GOD’S WILL

Jesus said,

“I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18 (NKJV)

Our mission field is right here – where we are. You and I need to be committed to outreach. God wants His church to grow. He has given us a mission. It is the same mission that Jesus had while He was here on earth. We are to help people come closer to God. Commit yourself to God’s mission.

[We will in the near future have a seminar entitled Discovering My Mission - also called CLASS 401. This will be open to you later this year. Come and take this seminar with us.]

Today I want to encourage you to make a commitment. Will you make a commitment today? If you have not committed yourself to Jesus for salvation, then you need to begin there! Once you have committed yourself to the Lord will you commit yourself to God’s family? If you have already made a commitment to God’s family, then will commitment yourself to a life of learning more about Christ - becoming a disciple of Christ. Being a student of Christ is a life long process. If you have already become a disciple, then will you commit yourself to using your gifts and talents to minister to others and to telling those around the good news? Will you commit today?

Do you know what I have found? I have found that the commitments I have made - made me. In 1972 I made a commitment to Cathy - we became husband and wife - that commitment changed my life. In 1974 I made a commitment to Christ be became my Savior - that commitment changed my life. In 1976 He called me to the ministry and I gave my life to that calling - that commitment changed my life. In 1984 I entered the Army as a chaplain and I am still in the Army Reserve today - that commitment changed my life. In 1999 God called me - you called me - to be your pastor and I committed to that - that commitment has changed my life. Someone has rightly said, "Our lives are not made on the dreams that we dream but by the commitments we make." You see the commitments we make - make us.

Life is a process. Following Christ is a process. Commitment is a foundation for successful Christian living. Will you make a commitment to Christ today?

Jesus is saying to us:

‘Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.’ Let us respond just as the disciples did, for “They immediately left their nets and followed Him.” Mark 1:17-18 (NKJV)

Make a commitment for Christ today.