Summary: God’s plan to save this world requires the fulfillment of His promise to believers.

Waiting for the Promise

Acts 1:1-8

Intro: Some people say that promises were made to be broken. That might be reality in some relationships, but with God, this is not the case. When He makes a promise, He keeps it! When people make promises to Him, He expects them to keep those promises, with His help. Jesus told his disciples about a promise that God the Father had made. This takes us back to the gospels, when Jesus said that the Father would give the HS to those who ask Him. Jesus told them He would be leaving them, but they would not be alone. The Father would send the HS to comfort them and help them live out their lives for Him, not for themselves. Acts 1 speaks about this promise.

As Luke begins to write the book of Acts, he is continuing where he left off at the end of the Gospel of Luke. Acts is really vol. 2 of the book of Luke. Incidentally, Luke is within 3% of the length of Acts. They both were about the maximum length of a standard scroll (between 32 & 35 feet long- abt. the same length as Matthew). So, as in vol. 1, Luke addresses Theophilus, a common Jewish name, meaning friend of God, or one who loves God. Theophilus was most likely a wealthy patron who sponsored Luke’s writing project. First century books (as well as books many today) would often open with a dedication to the sponsor of the book (kind of like a publishing company or financial backer). Luke’s goal in writing Luke was to create an accurate account of all that Jesus began to do and teach. As he continues with Acts, his goal seems to be to show how the life and teachings of Jesus impact the world, as the Holy Spirit works in and through the lives of those who follow Jesus. Acts tells us about a certain time and place, but the spiritual principles in it are still valid 19½ centuries after it was written. So as we look at the first 8 verses of Acts 1, we can see right away what God is up to. God’s mission is to save the world. Jesus came to set that plan in motion by His perfect life, death, and resurrection. Now, it is time for all believers to climb aboard and help carry out the mission of God to a lost world. We will see how that got started in Acts, but also how that should play out in our own lives. The main message for us today is this:

Prop: God’s plan to save this world requires the fulfillment of His promise to believers.

Interrogative: What is this promise, and how can it save the world?

TS: We are going to look at 3 truths as they relate to God’s plan and His promise.

I. The Promise of the Spirit Is to be Received by all Believers (Acts 1:4-5)

-Jesus told His disciples, "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. 5 For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit."

-In our text, Jesus is speaking of this promise in relation to His disciples. However, as we will see in Acts 2, when Peter quotes from the book of Joel, God’s promise of the Spirit is for all people. It was not just for the disciples, but for all who call on the name of the Lord.

-Before we go any farther, we must ask, “What is this gift of the baptism in the HS?” What did the disciples understand it to be? Well, most Jews were quite familiar with the OT prophecies that spoke about the outpouring of the Spirit. Those references were all in the context of the restoration of Israel and the final age or last days.

-So, when Jesus told His disciples to wait for this gift of the Spirit, they automatically thought that this must be the time for Israel to be restored. The last days of restoration, blessing, and prosperity for Israel must be very near. However, Jesus basically told them the nature of the promise. The promise of the Spirit did not signal the immediate rise of national Israel. Rather, it signaled the launch of powerful effective ministry that would bring many more people into right relationship with God. Jesus had a mission in store for them that would require this promise from the Father. That leads us to point 2.

II. The Power of the Spirit Is Needed More than Knowledge (Acts 1:6-8)

-It is not for you to know, but it is for you to be empowered by the HS. Knowing the timetable of the kingdom is not essential; however, doing the work of the kingdom in the power of the Spirit is of vital importance.

-We live in a knowledge-crazed world. People want to know what is going on. They want to be able to get the inside scoop on things. That is why news channels, weather channels, and the internet are so compelling. People feel empowered through information. The disciples thought it was important to know if it was time yet.

-Probably every parent who has had elementary age kids is familiar with 4 little words that are heard repeatedly in the car- especially on long trips. “Are we there yet?” I’ve taken enough trips with kids and teens to camps, conventions, and other events to have heard those words many times myself.

-Well, that is kind of what the disciples were asking. Jesus had been with them over a month now since His resurrection. As far as they knew, Jesus could bring everything to a close any moment now, and they would be with Him forever. However, they failed to see what God was really doing. There was still much to be accomplished on this earth. So Jesus told them not to worry about things beyond their control. They would need all of their focus on the task at hand. Jesus wanted them to go into all the world and tell every people group about Him and the gift of eternal life He wanted to give them. However, they would need some serious help doing this.

-Some scholars have identified 3 distinct functions of human beings: knowing, being, and doing. What you know is important. Jesus wasn’t condoning ignorance by saying it was not for them to know. Paul also writes, “I would not have you to be ignorant.” So knowing is important, but there are some things we will not know until they happen. One of those things is the time of Christ’s return and the end of this age. Jesus said there would be signs that the end was near, but our concern is not the timing. Our concern is with the task, and the power to do the task. So, Jesus elevates being and doing here. He said, “You will be My witnesses, after you receive power from the Holy Spirit.”

-What determines your identity? Who are you really? That is important, because who we are determines what we do. If I am a teacher, I teach. If I am a parent, I nurture and guide my children. If I am an athlete, I compete in sports. If I am one of Christ’s witnesses, what do I do? I tell about Him. I provide a living testimony of what His love and power can do.

-So Jesus told the disciples, “You don’t need to know; you need to be and do, by the power of the HS.”

-What is this power He was talking about? Well, as we will see in Acts 2 and following, it was the power to speak. It was the power to be and do all that God wanted them to be and do. You will receive power after the HS comes upon you. What happened in Acts 2 after the HS came upon them? They spoke! They spoke in languages they had never learned, and many others from other language groups heard them. Then Peter stood up and boldly spoke the gospel to them. As a result, 3000 were saved that day.

-This power is what made them bold. This wasn’t a time for being timid or afraid, it was a time to declare truth in love. The truth is that people need the Lord, and without Him they will not make heaven. The love is God’s love that sent Jesus to be the sacrifice for the sins of mankind. If people never hear about this and are not brought to a place of response, then they will never make it to heaven, and they will never see their Creator.

-After facing some persecution, the believers gathered for prayer in Acts 4. They cried out to God and prayed for boldness to keep on sharing the gospel. As a result, it says in Acts 4:31, “After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.” Being filled with the Spirit produces boldness to speak God’s word!

-So, we don’t need to know the times; we just need to keep on being filled with the Spirit, and keep telling others about Jesus. This is the primary focus of the power we receive from the HS. However, when we are full of God’s Spirit, we can also know His power in other ways. We can lay hands on the sick and they will recover. We can take authority over the forces of darkness and evil that we come up against. We can see miracles, signs, and wonders. The Biblical pattern seems to be preaching and teaching God’s word (the gospel) with signs following. Our enemy would love for us to settle for some anemic variety of religion that keeps us from ever being a serious threat to him. However, the power of the HS has a way of making us effective in reaching the lost and seeing lives changed by the gospel of Jesus Christ.

-I sure need more of that power. How about you? Could you use a little help living out your faith and making a difference in those around you?

-TS: Well, we’ve already covered it in part, but power without an outlet does not help anybody. It is only potential energy. God has made the kinetic power of His Spirit available to us for a reason; and that reason is to fulfill His plan.

III. The Plan of the Spirit Is Empowered Believers Telling the World about Jesus (Acts 1:8)

-It takes all different kinds of people to spread the gospel! If everyone had been like the apostle Paul, many would have gone unreached. If all had been like Peter, many others would not have been reached. It even took people who failed at first, but who kept at it until God used them to effectively carry out His plan.

-The main thing is that we believe the promise of God that He will baptize us in the Holy Spirit, and that we receive it by faith. Then, when we receive the power that the HS brings, we can engage in His plan of taking the gospel to all who will hear.

-Now let me provide some clarification here. Many believers have been used by God in a number of ways, even though they have not claimed to be Spirit-filled. I cannot and will not argue with that point. So I am not suggesting that if you have not been baptized in the HS that you should not bother about sharing your faith, or that you will be ineffective. However, I have to agree with Scripture that speaks of a greater power that is available to us when we are filled with the Spirit. Our efforts will be much more effective when they are done in the power of the Spirit.

Conclusion: If you have not been baptized in the Holy Spirit, first of all, let me say that you are not less of a Christian than those who are Spirit-filled. However, let me also say that if you desire to be filled with the Spirit, then you need to be asking God to fill you and you will need to spend time in His presence. See, the baptism in the HS is not an impersonal gift. It is not something that you just take and say thank you and then get on with your life. Genuine baptism in the HS is only found through close relationship with God. As we draw near to God and are close to Him, He imparts His character and His power to us. This is a word to those who have been baptized in the HS. Don’t view it as a one-time event, but stay close to God, and keep on being filled with the Spirit, as Ephesians 5:18 tells us. The book of Acts shows us that the event of the baptism in the HS with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues is just the beginning. You might say it is part of your preparation for service. We can do nothing in our own power, which is why we need to receive power from the HS.

-So, my counsel to anyone who has not yet been filled with the HS, is 1. Start seeking. However, don’t just seek the gift, but seek the Giver. Seek the Father’s heart. He is already extending the gift to you, but seek Him through the person of Jesus His Son. Spend time worshipping Him and expressing your love for Him. Work on your relationship with Him. My second piece of advice is 2. Relax. Don’t try to force anything, or make something happen that isn’t really there. Jesus is the Baptizer; we are not. We cannot make it happen by ourselves, but as we seek God and are open to Him, He will give us the gifts He has promised. Acts 5:32 says that God gives His Holy Spirit to those who obey him.

-So, start seeking God every chance you get. Spend time at the altars, waiting on God, asking Him to do whatever He wants to do in your heart and life. Spend time at home worshipping and seeking God. Always keep it personal with God. Remember, He doesn’t give impersonal gifts. He wants to be up close and personal as He breathes new life and power into your spirit.

-Having said all this, let’s bow our heads and close our eyes for a few moments. Maybe there is someone here today who does not have a personal relationship with God. Perhaps you’ve never prayed a prayer of repentance, asking God to forgive all the bad things you’ve ever said or done. If you are ready to pray that prayer today, asking God to forgive you and to lead your life, would you slip up your hand? In the book of Acts, we read about some who were baptized in the HS right when they prayed this prayer, asking God to forgive them. Whether this happens to you today or not, would you be willing to commit your life to God, making your heart right with Him today? If so, please raise your hand as a way of saying, “God, I need You.”

-I also want to give opportunity for those who want to be baptized in the HS to come and seek God and be prayed for. In Acts, some were filled when people laid hands on them and prayed. Others were filled without that happening. If you want to seek God, asking Him to baptize you in His Holy Spirit, would you come and begin praying? This could be the day God does an awesome work in you that will help you become an effective witness for Him. [Sing: Holy Spirit, Rain Down]