Summary: I know that we all have heard that God rested on the 7th day and blessed the day He on which He rested. God rested and God blessed it.

Genesis 2:1 – 3

I know that we all have heard that God rested on the 7th day and blessed the day He on which He rested. God rested and God blessed it.

Exodus 31:12 – 17

God said that they must keep His Sabbath because it is a sign. Then the Bible says that God was refreshed.

Refreshed = Restored = Revived.

God said that the 7th day, which is the Sabbath day, shall be a sign. It will be holy unto the Lord. In 6 days you can work but on the 7th day, if you work you will be killed. So do not work on the 7th day. We have taken that according to the Levitical laws and we have an image of the 6 days of God’s work and how the children of Israel had to gather manna in the desert. We take the 7th day as the Sabbath day when they rested. We thought that this was God’s idea of a Sabbath rest – nobody touched anything. That was the Levitical law that was given to help the children of Israel to gain strength to come into the Promised Land. But God has a total different view of this. God blessed the 7th day; God was refreshed on the 7th day; God was revived on the 7th day, but 6 days of work……what does He mean, what is He trying to tell us?

Matthew 17:1 – 3

Remember 2 Corinthians 3:18 where it says that as we behold with an unveiled face, as in a mirror, we are transfigured from glory to glory. We are transfigured or transformed and now six days have passed and on the 7th day Jesus was transfigured. His face started to shine, He took on a whole different apparel and even His clothes started shining. And when He was transfigured, the voice from heaven spoke: “This is My Son………hear Him”.

Hebreërs 1:1 – 3

Jesus Christ, who is the brightness of the glory of God, was transfigured on the 7th day on a high mountain and declared the Son of God. Then God also said the he is the One that we must hear or that we must listen to.

Matthew 17:9

The vision must not be told before the resurrection. Why? Because the mystery that was hidden throughout the ages has only now (when He was resurrected) been revealed. Christ can now be in us – the Son of God and the Spirit. Romans 8 and Galatians 4 declare that God has poured out the Spirit of His Son in our hearts, crying: “Abba Father”. If this is true we are heirs; joint-heirs with Christ, heirs of the Most High God. So about this whole mystery, Jesus says to the disciples: “You have now seen it, but do not say anything about it. When I am resurrected, you can tell about this vision, but more than tell it – you can also live it”.

Christ was revealed on the 7th day.

Exodus 24:15 – 17

For 6 days the glory was there but on the 7th day God called out to Moses and say that for 6 days you were looking at the glory from the outside, now it is time to enter into this glory. The glory was there for 6 days, but now is the time to come into the glory – on the 7th day, on the Sabbath day which is called the day of rest. It is time to get a totally different idea of what God is calling rest.

We used to sing a song oh the glory of your presence. And then this song is saying so arise TO your rest and be blessed by our praise. It does not say that God must rise FROM His rest but that God must rise TO His rest. So this song is saying that it is time for God to stand up and come to His resting place. For 6 days there was glory. The 7th day is the Sabbath and God says that it is a holy day; a day on which God rested; a day which God blessed and on which God was refreshed. It was on the 7th day that God revived Himself. Jesus was transfigured on the 7th day and called the Son of God. For 6 days Moses saw the glory and on the 7th day went into the glory and God calls that the rest.

Luke 4:16 – 21

Jesus, on the 7th day (which was the Sabbath day) went into the synagogue and declared that He is the Anointed One. Anointed = Christ, so Jesus declared on the 7th day that He now is the Christ. Until this time He was called Jesus. Everybody called Him Jesus – His mother and father called Him Jesus. But now He has received the Holy Spirit when He was baptised and God said that He is His beloved Son in Whom He (God) was well pleased. He just came from the desert where He was tempted by the devil three times – “If you are the Son of God”. But now He is back and on the 7th day, not the 6th or 5th or 4th day but on the 7th day, the day called holy by God; the day God was refreshed and revived; the day that God blessed; on this 7th day He declared that He is now the Christ. Then Jesus goes on and say that He wants them to know what is going to happen on this the 7th day. On this 7th day the Scripture is fulfilled. On this day, the 7th day, He is going to set the captive free, bring healing to the sick, save the lost, bind the broken-hearted and looses them from the devil. This is what is now been fulfilled on the 7th day.

Luke 6:1 – 2

Remember Exodus said that they were not allowed to do anything on the Sabbath day. Jesus was there and He knew the law. Why would He allow them to do something that Moses would not have allowed? Although the Levitical law will not allow them to do anything it was not God’s original plan and purpose and intention with the 7th day of rest. That is why Jesus allowed them to pick the grains on the 7th day because Jesus understood the real meaning and intent of God for the Sabbath day.

Luke 6:3 – 4

David was the 7th son.

Luke 6:5 – 10

This man’s hand was RESTORED on the 7th day. Why on the 7th day? Because on the 7th day Jesus declared that this Scripture is now fulfilled that He is the Christ, the Son of God. On the 7th day He will set them free, and heal them for it is fulfilled.

Luke 13:10 – 16

The people said that there were 6 days in which they can work and it is during this 6 days that people must be healed and not on the Sabbath. But Jesus said that they will loose their animals on the Sabbath but not people. But the Scripture has been fulfilled on the 7th day that those who were bound by the devil can now be free because of the 7th day.

Luke 14:1 – 6

It seems that God’s idea of the 7th day, the Sabbath day, the day of rest, is totally different from the ideas that the Jews had. Their idea was one of doing nothing and sitting still and looking as dead as possible. The Jesus came on the scene and said: “Do you know what the 7th day was made for?”

This is the rest: on the 7th day Moses entered into the glory of God; on the 7th day Jesus was transfigured; so the 7th day is the day of glory; it is a day of signs (the 7th day is a sign); it is a day of wonders; it is a day of miracles; it is the day of God’s power.

In John 12 the Greeks wanted to see Christ, but He told them that He was not showing and that a grain of corn must first fall into the ground and die in order to bear fruit. Jesus will bring forth sons and He will only be showing on the 7th day.

Jesus did most of His miracles on the Sabbath day. Not so much to irritate the Pharisees – that was just a by-product – but to bring into realization and fulfilment God’s idea of the 7th day.

Joshua 6:1 – 4

According to their believe they were not allowed to walk on the 7th day. But God said that they must walk on the 7th day 7 times so that someone somewhere in the future will get hold of this revelation that the 7th day is the day of God’s power and God’s glory. And that is the real rest God wants us to enter in.

Joshua 6:5

The city shall fall flat – but they were not supposed to do anything on the 7th day.

Joshua 6:15 – 16

Joshua 6:27

Listen also to David.

Psalm 92

This song was written fir the 7th day.

On which day will the enemies be scattered? The 7th day. On which day will he be anointed? The 7th day. On the 7th day they will still bring forth fruit even when they are old. They will keep on bearing fruit.

In Galatians 5 we read about the difference between the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit. It is never the work of the Spirit but the fruit of the Spirit.

In John 15 Jesus is saying that He is the true vine and His Father the vinedresser. Then He goes on to say that if we abide in Him and He abides in us, we shall bear much fruit. It is thus not working for fruit but abiding for fruit. Abide means rest. So it is not the work of the Spirit but the fruit of the Spirit and in the same way it is not the fruit of the flesh but the works of the flesh.

We are now entering into the 7th day.

Psalm 95:8 – 11

God said that they will not enter into His rest but they were on their way to Canaan, the Promised Land. They were heading to take over another land and God said they will not enter into His rest.

Hebrews 4:1 – 7

We all have heard about the term “limited edition’ which means that only a few of that particular product has been made and because of that it has much more value that something similar. God also limited a certain day and on that day His rest will start; on that day we will be anointed; on that day the sons of God will come forth; on that day people will be set free; on that day signs and wonders and miracles will be seen; on that day God’s power will be revealed; on that day we will enter into His glory.

Six days have passed and it is now the start of the 7th day, the day to enter into His glory.

Revelation 13 John 4:38 & Hebrews 12:1

For 6 days all these people have laboured and now it is time to enter into the rest. Entering into the rest means that we accept our sonship. It means that we are not prepared to labour as children anymore – we are prepared to rest as a son.