Summary: Walking with Him can be hard

Sunday Sermon 05/08/2005

We will start with a prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I want to thank you for your inspiring Word. I love you and worship you Oh Lord. Please forgive me and my sins. I ask that you these words to show and inspire the readers to come to you and want to know you as I know you. You are the one and true God. I ask you to shed your blessing to everyone on the earth. I especially bring up Mothers for they have hard work. I ask that you help them and guide them in there teachings to Yours and there children. This I ask in the name of Jesus Christ


Matthew 9:5

"For which is easier to say, Your sins are forgiven or to say Arise and Walk."

Those who ask for forgiveness and receive it because the Word says those who accept the Lord Jesus Christ will be forgive and have a spot in the Kingdom of Heaven thing that is all that they have to do. But I say that it is wrong. It is not the end of your journey. You are at the beginning. The easy part was to get forgiven. Now comes the hard part here is where you need to Arise and Walk.

What makes this the hard part is because Satan loves new born Christians. He hates when God won more souls. You thought Satan was hard before he will pull out all the stops as he goes after you with greed and temptation. A large example is spelled out in the book of Job. This is where Job was a very dedicated servant of God. So Satan did a number on Job and he had many times to just quit and walk away. But did he? NO!!! He prayed and believed and continued his walk with the Lord.

When you continue to walk in Christ and let the Lord’s Spirit flow through you and His light shine through you. You will find your walk is not easier but better. You will find you can accomplish more in His name than before. Yes you will be tempted and tried and pushed in the wrong direction. This is where you grab on to Jesus and rebuke Satan. You do this by studying in the Word and learning your verses. It is your Armor of God (Eph 6:10-20) which I will go into more on next weeks sermon.

You cannot go anywhere on your Spiritual path without Following Jesus.

(Matthew 9:9) As Jesus passed by from there, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax collection office. He said to him, "Follow me." He got up and followed him.

That is a good example of not going anywhere. You must ‘Follow Him’ for He will guide you down the right path. And that path is to Heaven. This walk will be far from easy (Palms 23:4 ‘Yea, Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…’) the valley of the shadow of death is your earthly life as Satan uses his demons to make you stray. You don’t have to be afraid our intimidated by it because the Word says you shouldn’t. (…I will fear NO evil. For YOU ARE WITH ME…) Jesus is right next to you and will protect you. (…Your rod and Your staff they comfort me) that is the word of God’s weapon against the evils of the world. He gives this to us for protection.

When you walk you walk with Faith in God. (2 Corinthians 5:7 for we walk by faith, not by sight.) Trust in the Word and He through the word will guide it. Our eyes tend to deceive us when we look for ourselves. Let Jesus look for us and we just follow in his foot steps.

When you walk with God be proud and let others see His light shine through you. Nothing better than when people see God shine through you. You should also be humble in His presents. (Micah 6:8 ‘He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what the Lord requires of you but to justify, to love mercy and to WALK HUMBLY with your God.) Be proud of Jesus but also humble yourself so he can work through you.

You walk with him and he walks with you. He will NEVER leave your side. Many people use the excuse that God left me. He let me slide. I say NO that is not it. YOU walked away from him. YOU strayed down another path. But I say to you that if you stop and look around you will see Jesus is right there where you started to stray waiting for you with open arms ready to receive you again. Now it is up to you to walk. No way RUN to him into his open arms for he is ready to receive you.

Ask for forgiveness and he will forgive you. (John 5:14 Afterward Jesus found him in the temple, and said to him, "Behold, you are made well. Sin no more, so that nothing worse happens to you.") He forgives you and says sin no more. This is why the walk is so hard but it is worth it. Do not be tempted by Satan for he will surly tempt you. Have faith in Christ and rebuke Satan through the Word.

Now I ask you if anyone hearing this sermon can here the knocking from Jesus on the door. I ask you to open the door and let Christ into your life. Let him guide you and you start your wonderful walk with Him. He says many times ‘Follow Me’

If you want to Follow him and start your walk with him. I ask that you pray with me.

[Dear God, I am a sinner and need forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ is your son and he walked the earth and was crucified. His blood was shad for me and died on that cross for me. I am willing and want to turn from sin. I now invite Christ to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior so I may follow him and have him shine through me. Amen]

If you have prayed this prayer with me. I want to talk to you please email me so we can talk. And if you want to learn more about Christ and how to stay with him in your walk. I want to help you. Please email me anytime.

Go in Christ. And may the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and your life. Amen