Summary: Mark begins his book by revealing the start of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is about the transforming power of Jesus!

The Need for Spiritual Transformation

THE beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

As it is written in the Prophets:

"Behold, I send My messenger before Your face,

Who will prepare Your way before You."

"The voice of one crying in the wilderness:

’Prepare the way of the LORD;

Make His paths straight.’"

John came baptizing in the wilderness and preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins. Then all the land of Judea, and those from Jerusalem, went out to him and were all baptized by him in the Jordan River, confessing their sins. Now John was clothed with camel’s hair and with a leather belt around his waist, and he ate locusts and wild honey. And he preached, saying, "There comes One after me who is mightier than I, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to stoop down and loose. "I indeed baptized you with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit." Mark 1:1-8

Introduction - Transformation

When Steve Henning of Huntley, Illinois, was two years old, he contracted spinal meningitis. It was the winter of 1943, and because of World War II, doctors had a shortage of penicillin and could not provide Steve the treatment he needed. Sadly, he lost his hearing. For 57 years, Steve could not hear music, laughter, or human speech. Even though he lived a full life, he still longed to hear the voices of those he loved. In the winter of 2001, he learned of a surgical procedure that would allow sound waves to bypass the non-functioning part of his ear and travel directly to the auditory nerve. On January 30th he was operated on. Because the implanted device could not be activated until the swelling in the ear decreased, doctors and Steve didn’t know if the operation was successful for six weeks. The day of reckoning came on a blustery spring day. Steve nervously wondered if the procedure had been in vain. As the audiologist programmed the cochlear implant, he invited Steve’s wife to say something. Pat Henning leaned toward her husband and gently said, "I love you." Able to hear for the first time in six decades, Steve’s face broke into a smile. The first words he heard were of love.

When a person comes to know Christ, the Lord opens spiritual ears that have previously been unable to hear. Paul describes this transformation to the Corinthians this way: "Old things pass away, and all things become new." That includes the ability to hear God saying, "I love you!"

As we begin our study in Mark today, I want you to notice four things about the transforming nature of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We observe it in John’s arrival, audience, appearance and announcement.

First we…

Witness John’s ARRIVAL (1-4)

Without human fanfare, John arrives on the scene to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. John’s proclamation was that Jesus was no ordinary man. In this we see the Presentation of the Gospel. (1) Jesus was God in human flesh. The Book of Mark is all about Jesus and God’s plan of redemption for mankind. In this book we see the Preparation of the Gospel. (2-3) The scripture is given of John’s role in proclaiming this life-changing role. Malachi and Isaiah are the prophets quoted here. John is the one preparing a people for the King of kings! Then we see role of John’s Participation in the Gospel. (4) He didn’t go to the large metropolitan areas where the masses could gather. Rather he was in the hard to locate areas where word of mouth was the best advertisement. He proclaimed a message that was unpopular to the religious elite but was unpretentious to the immoral. They needed to hear a word from God!

Illustration – Unassuming

In 1884 a young man died, and after the funeral his grieving parents decided to establish a memorial to him. With that in mind they met with Charles Eliot, president of Harvard University. Eliot received the unpretentious couple into his office and asked what he could do. After they expressed their desire to fund a memorial, Eliot impatiently said, “Perhaps you have in mind a scholarship.”

“We were thinking of something more substantial than that… perhaps a building,” the woman replied.

In a patronizing tone, Eliot brushed aside the idea as being too expensive and the couple departed. The next year, Eliot learned that this plain pair had gone elsewhere and established a $26 million memorial named Leland Stanford Junior University, better known today as Stanford!

Many times God uses unassuming people to accomplish His work. Sometimes He uses “ordinary” people. But always He uses His people like John the Baptist who yield themselves to Him in obedience.

Second we…

Recognize John’s AUDIENCE (5)

This was a rough group. These people were sinners because they didn’t meet or conform to the religious standards of the day. Their nature was sinful! They did something about it by responding to John’s message. Notice too their nationality. They were the Jews from the region of Judea and Jerusalem. The chosen people of God were responding to the call of God to repentance. And then we see their need. It was a spiritual need as they confessed their sins openly, publicly and unashamedly.

Third we…

Examine John’s APPEARANCE (6)

Notice his dress. He was clothed in camel’s hair and a leather belt. This was the dress of a prophet. He was dedicated to the cause of God. But look also at his diet. He ate locusts and honey. This was not your “run of the mill” meal. Hoppers are something to eat. My eldest son was doing some military training where they were required to eat grasshoppers and ants as a requirement for survival. He said the ‘proper’ way to eat a grasshopper is to pull off their back legs and swallow them whole so they don’t scratch you as they go down. He commented that he thought they were ‘juicy’! Notice his dependence. He depended upon God for ALL his needs. From his dress to his diet, from his clothing to his ‘catch’, John depended upon God.

Ill – Transformation in a woman

On a certain isolated Pacific island, when a young man proposed marriage, it was customary to announce it to the entire village. Then he and the whole community would go to the young woman’s home. Her father would come outside and then – in front of the community – the father and suitor would barter. Obviously, they didn’t view themselves as doing anything chauvinistic, even though we might view it that way somewhat. The main item of value on this island was the cow. Therefore, the suitor would offer the father a certain number of cows for his daughter. The average bride was worth two cows, perhaps three if she was unusually bright or attractive. The all-time record was four cows. The most eligible bachelor on the island was Johnny Lingo. He was handsome and wealthy. Imagine all of the excitement among the women of the island when Johnny announced one day that he had selected a wife. But then he shocked everyone by announcing that his choice was a girl named Lisa. Lisa was not even in the top ten. She was regarded as rather plain and frightfully shy. Some of the jokers in the crowd even suggested that Lisa’s father might pay Johnny a cow or two. The community gathered at Lisa’s house for the bartering. Then came and even greater shock. Johnny’s opening bid for Lisa was eight cows Her father almost fainted, but he managed to say yes. That very evening Johnny and Lisa were married. They departed for their home on an adjacent island. For a full year no one saw Johnny or Lisa. Then on their first anniversary they returned to visit their parents. From the moment they arrived at the dock, the grapevine went ballistic with gossip. Everybody said, “Come and see Johnny and Lisa You won’t believe it” Everybody came, but nobody noticed Johnny. All eyes were on Lisa. She had been transformed She was a vision of loveliness. She was poised, warm, friendly, and confident. At the end of the day as Johnny and Lisa were preparing to return to their home, one of Johnny’s long-time friends pulled him aside and said, “I want to know the secret of this amazing transformation in Lisa. How did it happen?” Johnny said, “I will tell you. From the time Lisa was born, she had been treated as though she was not worthy very much. She had begun to believe that about herself. But I announced to the community that she was an 8-cow wife, and I have treated her just that way. She has become that vision of herself that she sees every day in my eyes.”

God sees in us a worth beyond our possessions. He sees a soul in need of a Savior! What we are now will be nothing in what we will be then for His glory!

Fourth and last we…

Listen to John’s ANNOUNCEMENT (7-8)

John states three great announcements here! He says there is One mightier than I! John describes the Messiah as a warrior! He will fight a great battle! Then he says there is One greater than I! John was stating that he was not even worthy to bow down and loosen His sandals. And finally, John declared that there is One holier than I! Whereas John would baptize with water, this Coming One would baptize with the Holy Spirit. Only the Son of God can do all this!

Ill – Total Transformation

Dennis E. Mannering was teaching a class for adults, when he did the "unpardonable." He gave the class homework! The assignment was to "go to someone you love within the next week and tell them you love them. It had to be someone you have never said those words to before or at least haven’t shared those words with for a long time."

Now that doesn’t sound like a very tough assignment, until you stop to

realize that most of the men in that group were over 35 and were raised

in the generation of men that were taught that expressing emotions is not

"macho." Showing feelings or crying (heaven forbid!) was just not done.

So this was a very threatening assignment for some.

At the beginning of our next class, Mannering asked if someone wanted to share what happened when they told someone they loved them. He fully expected one of the women to volunteer, as was usually the case, but on this

evening one of the men raised his hand. He appeared quite moved and a

bit shaken.

As he unfolded out of his chair (all 6’2" of him), he began by saying, "Dennis, I was quite angry with you last week when you gave us this assignment. I didn’t feel that I had anyone to say those words to- I had told everyone who needed to know that I loved them, and besides, who were you to tell me to do something that personal? But as I began driving home my conscience started talking to me. It was telling me that I knew exactly who I needed to say ’I love you’ to. You see, five years ago, my father and I had a vicious disagreement and really never resolved it since that time. We avoided seeing each other unless we absolutely had to at Christmas or other family gatherings. But even then, we hardly spoke to each other. So, last Tuesday by the time I got home I had convinced myself I was going to tell my father I loved him.

"It’s weird, but just making that decision seemed to lift a heavy load off my chest.

"When I got home, I rushed into the house to tell my wife what I was going to do. She was already in bed, but I woke her up anyway. When I told her, she didn’t just get out of bed, she catapulted out and hugged me, and for the first time in our married life she saw me cry. We stayed up half the night drinking coffee and talking. It was great!

"The next morning I was up bright and early. I was so excited I could hardly sleep. I got to the office early and accomplished more in two hours than I had the whole day before.

"At 9:00 I called my dad to see if I could come over after work. When he

answered the phone, I just said, ’Dad, can I come over after work tonight? I have something to tell you.’ My dad responded with a grumpy, ’Now what?’ I assured him it wouldn’t take long, so he finally agreed.

"At 5:30, I was at my parents’ house ringing the doorbell, praying that Dad would answer the door. I was afraid if Mom answered that I would chicken out and tell her instead. But as luck would have it, Dad did answer the door.

"I didn’t waste any time - I took one step in the door and said, ’Dad, I just came over to tell you that I love you.’

"It was as if a transformation came over my dad. Before my eyes his face

softened, the wrinkles seemed to disappear and he began to cry. He reached out and hugged me and said, ’I love you too, son, but I’ve never been able to say it.’

"It was such a precious moment I didn’t want to move. Mom walked by with

tears in her eyes. I just waved and blew her a kiss. Dad and I hugged for a moment longer and then I left. I hadn’t felt that great in a long time.

"But that’s wasn’t his point or even my point. Two days after the visit, his dad, who had heart problems and didn’t tell him, had an attack and ended up in the

hospital, unconscious. And the gentlemen didn’t know if his father would see tomorrow. But he had a peace just knowing that his dad knew he really loved him.

God is in the transforming business! He doesn’t take bad men and women and make them better! He takes DEAD men and women and make them ALIVE! He radically changes the heart of people to worship and serve Him!