Summary: The are many characters in the Bible whose name is not even mentioned, but they are there for a reason, and we can still learn from their lives.

Little Known Characters #2 – Samson’s Mum

2nd March 2008 am

Who can tell me who Samson’s mother was? There are many characters in the Bible whose name is not even mentioned. However, we have already seen that there are no mistakes in the Bible and even though their name is not mentioned, their lives are still a testimony and example to us.

Judges 13:1-25

Mothers have always faced difficulties and felt the pain of their children. They worry and panic, not only of what has happened, but also of what they imagine could possibly happen.

Have you ever wished that your children had come complete with instructions? When Jo was having Hannah, we spent weeks and weeks in Antenatal classes where they told you what to expect (liars) However when we got Hannah out of hospital, we were on our own, with this little baby as our responsibility – what do you do with them????

If they did come with an instruction book there would be a whole chapter just to deal with the things that they stick in their noses! Everyone thinks they know all about parenting, until they have children. Actually, though, in the case of Samson’s parents, he did come with instructions.

Much has happened in the lives of God’s people after their conquest of Canaan. They have been on a “roller coaster” in terms of their relationship with God. They do evil in the sight of the Lord, God punishes them by delivering them into the hands of an enemy, they beg for a deliverer, and God’s sends one in the form of a judge.

Samson was one of the last judges to appear in Israel, judging after Abdon. While gifted with extraordinary physical strength, Samson was morally and spiritually weak. His fight with the Philistines, who dominated the Israelites in his lifetime, was rooted in personal animosity rather than a passion to free his people. While Samson killed many Philistines during his lifetime, he never won freedom from oppression for his people.

You’ve heard the saying, “I blame the parents,” but it is clear from the story in Judges that Samson’s flaws were his own and cannot be traced back to worldly and godless living on his parents part. Both parents are portrayed as godly and good people who did their best to respond to God and give their son guidance.

I believe it’s Samson’s mother who was the more level headed and perhaps strongest, spiritually in the family. It is from her that I hope we can gain some important lessons.

Verses 1-2.

Manoah and family were Danites (from the tribe of Dan) living in Zorah—a city of Dan which was about 13 miles west of Jerusalem, on the border of Judah. Manoah’s wife was barren and had borne no children. We are not told if she couldn’t have children, or if they were just waiting. It wasn’t customary to put off child birth, hence I would suspect she couldn’t have children. She obviously has been selected by God to carry out His will.

There are many things that we can learn from the life of Samson’s mum:

I. Be Ready To Serve – Verse 3

Notice that the angel didn’t appear to Manoah, rather to his wife directly. Why? I believe Manoah’s wife was stronger spiritually than Manoah himself. Notice after telling her husband of her angelic encounter that he asks for the angel to come back and give them further instructions (vs. 8).

Honoring Manoah’s request, the angel is sent back, but to whom does it appear? The wife (vs. 9)!

What’s the point? I believe these brief Biblical facts teach us something of Manoah’s wife’s spiritual character. I believe she was a Godly, obedient, spiritual women who stood ready to serve God when ever the call came.

Would God have chosen a women with any less character to do His will in this situation? I don’t think so. Would God have chosen a women who was weak spiritually to raise this “deliverer” of Israel? I don’t think so.

What about us today? Should we stand ready to serve God? Most definitely! Of course, we shouldn’t expect a visit from an angel with a similar message, but we have opportunities daily to serve God in many ways. Paul told the Ephesians to, “redeem the time” Ephesians 5:16, that is make the most of every opportunity. How are some ways we stand ready to serve God?

a. We have to be strong spiritually!

Manoah and his wife were very different than most of the people they knew

This was a time of spiritual compromise, but these people were servants of God and took their relationship with Him seriously

Do you think God opens as many doors of opportunity for a spiritually weak person?

b. We have to put God first

We have to put God first in our lives! Jesus told us to "seek ye first the kingdom of God…" (Matt. 6:33); Paul admonishes us in that "whatever you do in word of deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus…" (Col 3:17). How many times have people missed opportunities to serve God by allowing other “worldly things” to get in the way?

c. We have to be well equipped!

Manoah’s wife was equipped with the spiritual knowledge she needed to carry out her task. What do I mean by that? Notice vs. 5: "the boy shall be a Nazirite to God from the womb." The particular’s regarding this vow are outlined in Numbers 6:1-21. It’s important to note that this vow started from the womb, meaning that she had to live by it herself!

Had Manoah’s wife not been a spiritual woman, well versed in God’s law, she wouldn’t have had the knowledge to carry out this vow—she might not even know what it was. The word Nazarite comes from NAZAR “to separate.” Rules about how to raise him. God has certain instructions for us today- Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go:

Ephesians 6:4 Bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord

We can’t leave it to them to decide if they want to know about God, it is our duty, you don’t have to force it on them, but you model and encourage it- Walk that way yourself! If it seems distasteful to force religion on a child- Remember we force them to go to school, bathe

How can one carry out God’s will if they are not students of His word? We must be active students of God’s word, standing ready to serve!

II. Be Obedient to God’s Will – Verses 6-7

After reading vs. 6-7, I read no sense of disbelief on Manoah’s wife’s part. She didn’t seem to object in any way, rather appears to stand ready to obey. It was Manoah who needs further instruction (vs. 8).

Based upon the fact that the Lord blessed Samson after birth, we must assume that his mum did her part regarding the Nazirite vow. There are other’s in the Bible who questioned and often criticized God’s instructions:

Naaman — thought the man of God could simply wave his hand and make him whole, and besides, why not the water’s of the Damascus river, they are much cleaner?

Zechariah — questioned the angel regarding Elizabeth’s birth and was muted!

There are many people in religious circles who question, criticize, and even change God’s will. God’s teaching regarding acts of worship have been changed to suit man. God’s plan of salvation has been altered for man’s ease. What should we learn here from Manoah’s wife? Regardless of how trivial, silly, or un-important we might think of God’s will, we should stand ready to obey it to the letter!

III. Continue to be an Example - (14:1-3)

The text tells us that Samson’s parents tried to counsel him against seeking a wife among the Philistines when Samson saw the woman he desired. It is clear that the parents were in harmony in urging Samson to marry an Israelite.

Samson was now an adult who was guided by his passions, rather than wisdom or by respect for his parents. I believe Samson’s mother did her best to follow the instructions God gave her. Yet Samson made choices she advised against. Samson’s choices in women ultimately caused his downfall and death.

I think there is a hard lesson here, one that we often fail to realize or teach. Parents nurture their children in the Lord’s admonition; however, when they become adults they make and are responsible for their own decisions. They must decide whether they will heed their parents guidance.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not advocating any other course of action regarding the rearing of a child. I believe it is imperative to raise our children in strong Christian homes where Christian living and values are strongly taught and adhered to. The point I’m making is, just like the case here with Samson, even though at times, when we as parents have done our best, our kids may still make the wrong choice!

We can offer advice and pray for our children, but as young adults we cannot choose for them. Often we will need the strength to live with things we cannot change and to have faith in the God who works in all things for our good.

Psalm 127:3-4 Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. [4] As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man: so are children of the youth. Children need youthful guidance, much like a bowman making a shot. Without guidance, the arrow may miss the mark badly. However, even with proper guidance, once the arrow leaves the bow, there is no guarantee it will hit the target. We as parents, like the bowman, must do our best to aim the arrow in the right direction, ensure proper release and then the rest is in their hands!


Manoah’s wife was a special person from whom we can learn several valuable lessons. She was, without a doubt, a spiritually strong women who stood ready and well equipped to serve God.

Likewise, she was a very obedient women who carried out God’s will without doubt, questions, nor criticism. She certainly has godly characteristics which we all should model.

Yet, perhaps the most important lesson we can learn from her surrounds the disappointing choices our children often make. The Bible is full of son’s and daughter’s of godly men and women who made poor choices. The world we live in today is equally full of children raised by good, Christian parents who make poor choices regarding how they live their life. Should we blame ourselves? Not necessarily. Should we give up on them? By no means!

Samson, in the end, I believe made his mother proud. He humbled himself, and made one final request to God, one that God granted. Samson today is viewed as a Bible hero, not an unruly child. If our children make poor choices, we must remain strong in the faith and prayerful that God will grant us one final request!