Summary: Seeking something deeper with Jesus.

Questioning Jesus? - Nicodemus

John 2:23-3:21

February 17, 2008

Second Sunday of Lent

4 Saturdays ago our family was on a family adventure to Krispy Kreme donuts in Burlington. On Saturdays we try to do something fun as a family.

As we were driving through Burlington, we were stopped at a railroad crossing as a train was going by. With 3 small kids with 2 parents who enjoy trains, we began to admire the engine and the cars. And we quickly realized that this train was not headed in one direction but instead was going back and forth like it was hooking up or unhooking cars.

When the train had backed up far enough the crossing gates lifted and we drove over the tracks and then took a back road to find a better spot to watch. All 5 of us got out and stood watching as sure enough the two men working were forming a train. Going back and forth. Back and forth.

Deb, Luke, Ben, Emma and I were eating it up. I grew up with model trains. Grandpa grew up with trains. Luke, Ben and Emma, on each of their first Christmas received an electric train. Our family likes trains. We were in our glory.

Then I had an idea, let’s go to Krispy Kreme and buy not just 5 donuts, but a whole dozen. Let’s get a whole box of donuts and bring them back to the spot where we’ve been watching and let’s just see if we can get in on some of this action.

Let’s just see if we can bribe our way onto the engine.

Let’s just see if we can move from being admirers to becoming participants.

Let’s just see if we can get off the sidelines and into the engine.

Let’s just see if we can get in on this very cool thing going on in front of us.

Let’s just see.

We went to Krispy Kreme, bought a dozen donuts and headed back to the spot.

We unloaded the car, each of us with a sense of anticipation and hopefulness, carrying the box of donuts. I got the attention of the brakeman. He told us when it was safe to cross the tracks. We crossed over with the box of donuts, opened it up and said, "would you like a donut?"

Sure he said.

He took one, each of us took one and we ate between bites talking to him about what was going on.

All the while the engineer was going back and forth hooking and unhooking cars.

When we had finished one and I could get the engineers attention, I held up the box in a offering type gesture, seeing if he would like one.

He radioed down to his co-worker - No - He didn’t want one.

At that moment I thought my plan was finished. And my mind began to create the scenario.

He didn’t want one because he was a grumpy.

He didn’t want one because I was distracting his co-worker.

He didn’t want one because it would slow him down.

He didn’t want one because . . . .

But then he radioed the guy beside us and said, "Do they want to come up into the engine?"

We heard the question, looked at each other and with grinning faces said, "Sure." And so Luke, Ben and I, not Emma and Deb because Emma was scared, climbed up into the engine and for the next 45 minutes helped Gary make a train. Gary let Luke and Ben sit in the seat and push and pull the levers. I was in my glory.

What was happening.

What we were getting in on.

What we had been invited into was beyond what I ever thought possible.

We were not just driving an electric train in our living room.

We were not just sitting in our car and watching a train through our windows.

We were not admiring the sidelines

Being simply spectators.

We were in the engine, in the engineers seat, driving the engine.

This was a dream come true.

As a child and even as an adult, I had and have similar dreams.

Is it not true that when you and I get interested in something.

A doll

An actor or actress.

A singer or entertainer

A sports team.

A career like a fireman or policeman.

Part of the scenario we play in our minds is-

If I could ever meet them.

Or see them live.

Or see where they lived.

Where the show was produced.

Even though Walmart has every Disneyland character for sale on its shelves, to get to go to Disneyland, to get to there is different. Even though you have every country record possible to get to

Go to Nashville or Branson, Missouri to hear the performers

To get to go to a Seahawks game.

To get to go, see, participate is a dream come true.

We want to get in on the action.

We want to

Have a yearning.


Desire to enter in.

We ask ourselves

Will I ever get that opportunity?

We question ourselves

Will I ever get to go?

Will I ever be.

Could I ever get invited.

Or have enough money or time to experience it?

Because inside we long to participate in

Become involved with things we love.

Remember when that special guy or girl was attracting your attention.

You began to question yourself.

Does she like me.

Am I good enough.

Smart enough . . . For him?

We question ourselves and ultimately when we get the courage we poise the question to the person.

Do you want to go out sometime?

Do you want to go to a movie?

To the game?

Out to eat?

Questions have the potential go get us in on the action.

"Do you want some donuts?"

If we don’t ask the question, we may not become a participant.

This is true for each of us spiritually as well. In coming here today in sense - down deep I believe you and I have this yearning.



This desire to get in on God.

We’re curious.


Seeking about spiritual things.

Some of us got interested in trains, sports or a career, thinking that would satisfy and fulfill our needs only to realize that it didn’t, It doesn’t and so we come to church wondering.

Questioning from the sidelines, could I get in on this God thing?

Am I good enough?

Will he notice me, even pay attention to me.

Can I get in on God, like I hear others talking about?

For the next 5 weeks, we’re going to be answering that question.

For the next 5 weeks, we are going to be looking at texts that tell us about people, quite like you and me who come to Jesus with a question.

Questions like

Where were you when we needed you Jesus?

Questions like

Now that you know about my sinful past, will you still accept me?

Here’s another one.

Why is it that this boy was born blind.

Whose fault is it. Why did this terrible thing have to happen?

In our messages and in our small groups that you are all invited to, we will be asking these questions and seeing how Jesus responds.

And what we will see, no matter the question, no matter the person who asked it, is this, Jesus hears the question. He knows the true need behind the question. And invites the one who asks him into something deeper with him.

We see this in our test. John 2:23, Page 1649.

Jesus is in Jerusalem and while he was there one of the things he does is to perform miraculous signs. As you study this Gospel, this book, John tells us of 7 specific signs Jesus did, these were



God actions that demonstrated and gave evidence to the people that there was something unique in Jesus.

That not only was Jesus able to teach and inspire, he had the power, the ability to do miracles and this got peoples attention.

Verse 23 says, "many people saw the miraculous signs he was doing and believed in his name."


A man named Nicodemus, who was a Pharisee, a member of the Jewish ruling council approached Jesus.

This man because he was a Pharisee and because he was on the Jewish ruling Council was one of 70 men who ran, who was in charge of the religious affairs of the nation. He had religious authority over Jews everywhere in the world.

To be in this role was to live a religiously fanatical life. To be in this group was devote your entire life, each and every day to the observance of the 10 Commandments and the hundreds of other laws the scribes added in an attempt to live a pure and righteous life.

Nicodemus had the right behaviours.

The right actions

He looked holy

Spoke holy

Thought holy

He had religion down, he was an expert but he didn’t know who this Jesus was.

And so he comes at night, so others wouldn’t see his interest in Jesus.

So that others wouldn’t know of his curiosity.

He comes out of the darkness, being drawn in by the Light of the World and says, "Rabbi - Teacher, we know that we and my other Pharisees, we’ve been watching and discussing who you are and what you do and it is clear, you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you do if God were not with him."

Nicodemus has this desire.

This yearning

This craving to know about

To get in on this Jesus.

I think he’s tired of acting holy.

Tired of overseeing religion.

He wants in.

He wants to participate.

He brings not donuts to Jesus but an observation, "we know you are a teacher who has come from God."

Jesus’ response - verse 3

So you want to get in on this?

You want to know the truth, do you want to see really see who I am and what I am about. Then you must be born again or born from above.

Nicodemus’ response - verse 4

Had I been Nicodemus, I would have asked the same question. Are you telling me that I need to crawl into my mothers’ womb again even as an adult?

It doesn’t make sense.

Verse 5 - Jesus answers Nicodemus 3-8.

What’s Jesus saying? A few things.

1st - To enter into

To become a participant in

To get off the sidelines and get in on.

Get into this Kingdom/Jesus life is a work of water and Spirit.

Water being, representing baptism,

an action we chose to enter into,

a action that surrenders us to the Grace of God.

To get in on, to become a participant, Nicodemus you must be born anew.

Born from above, not in the womb.

But in the waters, touched by the Holy Spirit.

Verse 6 makes a 2nd point.

Human life comes from human life.

Buth the spiritual life comes from the Spirit.

Nicodemus, you’ve been doing

Trying and triumphing in your religious role.

You are a very righteous person.

But what you are hungering for.

Yearning to have.

What you are missing is a gift you receive.

A gift you receive from above.

And it’s like the wind, you can’t control it.

Manipulate it.

Legislate it.

The way God works is not controllable, you have to surrender and trust.

You can’t make it happen on your own.

It is a gift you receive and enter into.

Jesus seems to be saying that to be a true Jesus follower is more about

Trusting than Trying

More about

Faith than Fulfilling a list of do’s and don’ts.

Nicodemus had his mind focused on trying to be good.

Nicodemus was absorbed in fulfilling all the thousands of laws.

And Jesus says that isn’t the way of faith.

Faith comes by trusting and surrendering to me, not to a method or plan.

Not to a step 10 program.

Or a devotional guide, Those are important.

Those can be helpful.

But 1st Nicodemus, you must realize being a follower of me is just that,

Me and not a method.

Me and not a routine.


And I will lead you like the wind.

Here and there.

Taking you places and causing you to do things that break the mold. Are you willing?

And if we read John 7:50, John 19:39, we will see that Nicodemus got involved in Jesus become a participant in the life of Jesus, out in the open.

And if you asked him how he got there.

What got him to do it.

What brought this change.

He might say, I don’t really know. I didn’t have a plan. I’ve just been following Jesus.

Kind of like the night you took training wheels off your bike for the first time. (Story)

Scary - excited.

Yesterday, Ben took his training wheels off.

A few crashes.

Ed and John remembered.

No going back.

Nicodemus was living a religious life with training wheels. Little risk - little faith. He was held upright, tall, his religious robes covering the wheels.

And yet he yearns to really ride, really live, so he comes at night - I’m discontent.

Not happy with my spirituality. I’ve seen and heard what you’re doing. Can I get in on it?

Yes, but you have to surrender those wheels and be willing to go to where I take you, blown/lead, guided by the Spirit.

For a church this week it meant, (Story)

Valentines, cider and tulips.

Principal - this takes the edge off.

Steve - husband of 14 years celebration with his girl friend.

Joan - my son really like you. I’m happy God can use you in his live.

Bob - I look forward to seeing you.

At home - training wheels - safe - secure - what have you felt led to do?

- If you were to come out of the dark?

- Praying at a meal time.

- Reading the Bible.

- Putting the computer in a high traffic area.

At work - Been prompted to serve, be kind to a co-worker.

In neighborhood - bless that neighbor.

No training wheel’s - surrender then and be swept away.

Me - Chicago homeless.

Friends, when I hear these stories and when I live these stories.

When I allow my faith to cause me to follow the Spirits leading, I become a participant in what God is doing.

And our lives, our faith becomes alive.

The routiness is gone.

We become sensitive to God.

We become God guided.

God prompted.

And God does great work with lives that are surrendered and willing to be swept away.
