Summary: Our faith is grounded in the historical person of Jesus Christ – He who united the divine and human, being truly God and truly man - And therefore the only one worthy of our allegiance and our worship


Each of the past several Novembers have set aside one Sunday where I was pastoring as a day of prayer for persecuted church. (Info on persecution around the world). This is a message to persecuted church. Situation to those to whom the “exhortation” originally addressed: second generation believers (won to Lord by those who had seen him).

Had been exposed to persecution:

public abuse


looting of property -

even though had not yet been called on to die for their faith.

They were becoming frightened. Scared stiff. Risk was great. Some had begun to avoid contact with outsiders. Some had even withdrawn from the worship meetings altogether. The author feared there might be those who, if arrested, would publicly deny Christ to escape prison or death.

Spiritual progress at a standstill - danger of slipping backwards.

These persecuted, frightened believers were asking some hard questions:

did God know what was going on?

Did he care?

Only God could protect them - but where was he?

Why wasn’t he answering their prayers?

Why was he silent?

The letter arrived. Word was sent out. They gathered. And the reader began, bringing them face to face with words that would bring them encouragement in the midst of their troubles. Read Verses 1-4

God has spoken

Swedish filmmaker Ingmar Bergman, while listening to Stravinksy, had a vision. It was of a 19th century cathedral. In the vision Bergman wandered through the building, and finally came before a picture of Christ. Realizing it’s importance, Bergman said, speak to me! I will not leave this cathedral until you speak to me!

But of course the picture did not speak. That year he produced The Silence - a film about characters who despair of ever finding God.

If God had remained silent, we would be in a terrible darkness, desperate and without hope! But God has spoken - he has given us words of life, bathing us in the light of the revelation of himself, his ways, his love, his care! Words of life!

Bergman’s problem was that he was looking at the wrong picture. He needed to look into the Scripture, for there we discover the massive eloquence of God.


God has spoken: In times past in a variety of ways:

More in view here than general revelation - through seeing the stars and considering the order of the universe. Talking about “special revelation.” Such things as:

Dreams and visions,

messengers human and messengers angelic,

thunder and lightning and a still small voice,

even through bushes that talked and donkeys that balked!

“Many times” = “many parts/portions.” OT = 39 books divided into various parts: law, history, poetry, prophecy.

In all of them, we see God is speaking! He is not silent, withdrawn, non-communicative. His desire and purpose is to communicate with us. He wants to connect with us!

God is not an idea to be thought about, or an experience to be sought - he is a person to be known. It is possible to know him, because he has spoken!

Isaiah 45:19 (LB) God says, “I publicly proclaim bold promises; I do not whisper obscurities in some dark corner so that no on e can know what I mean.”

NIV: “I have not spoken in secret . . . I have not said . . . ‘seek me in vain’.”

And he has spoken in many portions, in many ways. If God had only spoken in one portion, in one way, and we couldn’t get it - we’d be very frustrated. But God has spoken in so many ways!

So if you have trouble grasping God’s words in Deuteronomy, you may hear him clearly in Psalms. If you don’t see the point clearly in Micah, you may still be moved by the message of Jonah.

If you don’t get the strange visions in Ezekiel and Daniel, you may be sustained by reading about Job’s faith is spite of his sufferings.

If the history of Israel confuses you, the practical points of living in Proverbs may make a lot of sense.

A portion that leaves you cold one day may excite you and move you on another day - as your situation continually changes.

The point is this: God has provided a lot of possibilities in the Old Testament for you to hear him. He is not withdrawn. He is not silent. He has spoken.

And now, the “new and improved” version has arrived! The old way God spoke was through prophets - now he has spoken in his Son!

Now not just communication in words, through messenger, but in person!

E.g.: Connie and I recently separated – for four and a half weeks, then for another three weeks – during that time eagerly checked the mailboxes for cards and letters. Also talked frequently on the phone. GOOD – but SUPERIOR is when we were reunited, can talk in person!

In these last days - this is the age or epoch in which the words of the prophets will be fulfilled! God spoke “in Son.”

Jesus has arrived on the scene - not just telling us what God is like, but showing us what God is like!

Now that Jesus has come, he is God’s supreme and final word. What was said in the past prepared the way for the most important revelation of all.

The prophets pointed beyond themselves to one who would bring salvation to fallen people. Jesus is the subject of their prophesying. Jesus Himself is God’s message to people! As John writes in John 1:1 – he is the eternal logos, “the word.”

This is a superior message! Jesus is the supreme message.

The story of divine revelation is a story of progression right up to Christ - but there is no progression beyond him!

Not Mohammed.

Not Joseph Smith.

Not Sun Yung Moon.

II. Seven Confirmations of Christ Being the Supreme Revelation of God (verses 2-4).

In verses 2-4 the author goes on to state 7 facts which bring out Jesus’ supremacy, and why there will be no higher revelation.

In every realm: he is supreme! No matter who or what you care to compare him to - there is none like Jesus!

7 fold confirmation of his greatness:

1. (vs. 2) “whom he appointed heir of all things” - HEIR

The surest title on earth to property is to say, “I inherited it.” No other claim in final court will stand. Jesus is heir.

Of all - world that is, world to come, the universe that is, the universe that is yet to be. JESUS GETS IT ALL!

Millionaires and even billionaires - just get to enjoy their wealth for a few years. Jesus’ inheritance is eternal, and far greater! Immeasurably greater!

No one else can enter a competing claim – for Jesus is the monogenes, the “only begotten son,” i.e. the “one and only” or “one of a kind.” (True we are called heirs of God and joint heirs of Christ – but only participants by virtue of the relationship which we have entered into with the one and only Son of God.

Author wants readers to dwell on the fact that the one we listen to, Jesus, the Son of God, can make good in the end all that he promises. Why? Because he is the heir of all things. In the end he will have at his disposal all things: all land, all water, all fire, all wind, a l energy, all natural resources, all nations, all military might, all buildings, all bacteria and viruses, all angels, all demons, all spiritual and material things!

He will make good on his promise of a Holy City in the new heaven and new earth, where “there will be no more mourning or crying or pain” (Rev. 21:4), because he will own life and death and rule unhindered over all that now causes pain and crying.

2. (vs. 2b) “and through whom he made the universe” - CREATOR

Of universe (aiones) - the universe of space and time. A space of time during which God is fulfilling some special phase of his purpose.

Jesus was the one through whom the entire universe of space and time was created.

Our galaxy is over 100,000 light years across (that’s about six hundred trillion actual miles). Our galaxy, wich is an average-sized one, is only one of some hundred thousand million galaxies, each with some hundred thousand stars. It is commonly held that the average distance between these hundred thousand million galaxies (each six trillion miles across and containing a hundred thousand suns) is three million light years!

On top of that, the work of Edwin Hubble, based on the Doppler effect, has shown that all red-spectrumed galaxies are moving away from us - and nearly all are red. Thus the universe is constantly expanding. Some estimates say that the most distant galaxy is 8 billion light years away - and racing away at two hundred million miles an hour.

Stupendous creative power of Christ! And he created ever speck of dust in the hundred thousand million galaxies of the universe. He created every atom - those sub-microscopic solar systems, with protons and neutrons and electrons and quarks and leptons. . .

Can’t be made any clearer than as stated in John 1:3 “Through him all things were made: without him nothing was made that has been made.”

Col. 1:16 elaborates: “For by him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.”

3. (vs. 3) “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory” - RADIANCE

Not reflection (like moon reflects sun’s rays), but the effulgence - radiance, the shining forth from the source of light. When we look at the sun - are actually seeing its rays. So we see God the Father by seeing Jesus.

Like the radiance of the sun reaches the earth, so in Christ the glorious light of God shines in our hearts, bringing light and life.

4. (vs. 3) “and the exact representation of his being” – EXACT IMAGE

Jesus is the very image of the essence of God. E.g.: image on coin and dye, or of seal and wax impression. What God is, is manifest in Christ. To see Christ = to see Father (cf. Conversation with Philip in Jn. 14).

John 1:1 - “with God and was God.” Distinct, and yet all God.

5. (vs. 3) “sustaining all things by his powerful word” SUSTAINER

Col. 1:17 “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”

No place for Deist’s view of God as a “watchmaker,” who, having made a watch, leaves it to run on its own mechanisms. God is active in the minutest areas of life - the subatomic.

He is infinitely powerful - his word holds together all the solar system, all the Milky Way, and all the other galaxies, as well as all the molecules and all the wood and brick of this building. He’s holding our flesh and hair and skin and lungs and heart and fingernails in being right now. If he were to stop thinking you into being you would cease to be - that’s how dependent you are on this person!

Rene Descarte (350 years ago) tried to build a certainty based on the statement, “I think, therefore I am.”

Here: “Christ speaks, therefore I am.”

6. (vs. 3b) “After he had provided purification for sins” - PURIFIER

From cosmic considerations to personal work he has done for us.

Deals with the sin problem. Sin is a reality. It is a power in the world, more than just deeds. It moves in the heart, it moves in the will. It moves in the world. It ‘s got a grip on every human being. It’s an awful thing. Every person in this room is infected with it. It’s like a disease - and it’s lethal.

How can we get rid of it? Age long religious quest is to find purification! Most systems begin with man and rely on strength of human will.

Jesus - a step beyond forgiveness - to provide purification - cleansing!

Nb. “has made.” Not “is making.” Not “will make.” It is a finished accomplishment. It’s over. On the cross, 2,000 years ago, he died for your sins. One offering. Once for all. For all sin. It is finished.

Incapable of achievement by any other person or means.

He bought our souls, and so we are his - we are a part of his inheritance!

How much sin can he purify? Not limited: I John 2:2 “He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.”

7. (vs. 3b) “He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven” - SUPREME RULER

When Jesus ascended he moved from the finite, visible world of space and time and matter to the invisible world of heaven. And there he sat down at the right hand of the Father. “Majesty in heaven” is a respectful way of speaking of God.

“Right hand” = “place of honor.” It means he is reigning, sharing in the glory of the Father as sovereign over all!

Priests never sat down - always more sacrifices to offer. Jesus said on cross: “It is finished.”

(vs. 4) “So he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs” - SUPERIOR TO ANGELS

Investigate more fully next week: superior name, superior honor, superior status, superior existence, and a superior vocation.

To summarize: Supremacy of Christ in his (1) PERSON (2) WORK

(1) PERSON = greater than all the servants and spokesmen of God who have come before him - not only human, but angels. He is the radiance and exact representation of God.

(2) WORK = as priest and ruler and creator and sustainer.

Comparative adjective “better” is used 13 times in Hebrews:

In this final message of God through his Son, we have

• a better hope

• a better covenant

• better promises

• a better sacrifice

• a better possession

• a better country

• a better resurrection

• better things!

Bottom line: Jesus Christ can’t be beat! You won’t find a better life than life in Christ! Don’t waste time examining all the other alternatives - Jesus is better. Jesus is supreme. Jesus is the best.

The whole New Testament, and Hebrews in particular, sets forth credible evidence that Jesus is who He says He is – the One and Only God become truly human.

Our faith is grounded in the historical person of Jesus Christ – He who united the divine and human, being truly God and truly man. And therefore the only one worthy of worship.

Have you acknowledged him as supreme in your life?