Summary: This looks at the way God has tried to draw us to Himself throughou the ages and finally sends the ultimate gift of Himself.

The Christmas Story

Matt 21:33

- Pray

- I want to tell you a Christmas Story, but it’s probably not a Christmas story that you have heard at Christmas

- But it is truly the Christmas Story

- I want to first review the story…to make you aware of the story…it is a parable that Jesus told

- Parables are stories with a spiritual meaning, stories about real people and circumstances

- Stories that people can relate to and hopefully understand

- This particular parable is a story about a vineyard

- I want to take this story and apply it to you and me in what it means to us today

- Read Matt 21:33-34

- The owner had leased the land, made an agreement with the tenants, and now he is trying to collect what is due in rent

- Now verse 35 tells us that the tenants seized the servants; beat one, killed one, and stoned the third

- Now this vineyard owner is probably much more patient than you and I would be.

- Verse 36 said he sent another group of servants but they did the same thing to them.

- Then finally, in verse 37, he sent his son to them saying, "Surely they will respect my son."

- But verse 38-39 says (READ IT)

- So they didn’t respect the son either

- Look at verse 40

- Look what the audience says in verse 41 to the vineyard’s question.

- So here are the main things that are involved in the story

- You have an owner, it’s his land, and he chooses to build on his land a vineyard

- Then you have fruit…he expects as the owner to get a return…

- I will get to the application in just a minute but understand that…

- Land owners expect good stewardship and to get a return on their land

- That’s just the way it is…that’s the way good businessmen operate

- Then you have servants, they come and are mistreated and all they were there to do is collect for the owner

- Then you had the son…the land owner said they haven’t listened to my servants, surely they will listen to my son

- Even if they don’t love him…surely they will respect him because he is my son

- And certainly they won’t hurt him…so he sends his son…then they say that if they kill the son…the vineyard will be theirs

- So they drag him out and they kill him

- So now we see the miserable end…but the question is asked, ’What will the landowner do to the tenants for this travesty?

- The listener’s responded by saying, "these wretched men will be brought to a wretched end."

- Now this is going to be a short message so listen quick…cause I’m going to apply this…it’s Christmas and this is what Christmas is

- You see, God is the owner…

1. God owns you

- Go with me to Col 1:16 (DON’T READ YET)

- God is the owner…you are not an accident…you are His workmanship

- You are not your mother’s and father’s idea…you are God’s idea

- He created you…Ashley, it says in Jeremiah before you were ever formed God designed you and He wrote your members in His book

- And each and everyone of us is created by God, owned by God, and there for God

- Col 1:16 says, "For by him all things were created…"

- Paul then goes on to explain what all things encompass

- I would think all things is all things…but Paul wants you to understand how big all things is

- …things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible…

- All things that are large enough to see and even the things that are so tiny we can’t see.

- …whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities…all (say ALL) things were created by Him (but listen to these last words) and for Him

- Each of us was created by Him and For Him…He has ownership over us as the creator

- In Rev 4:11 Song we used to sing "Thou art worthy O Lord, because Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are created…

- So the first thing to understand, we are owned by God, WE are the vineyard

- We are His workmanship

- But then there is a day of stewardship and a day of accountability

- God desires fruit out of our lives…He doesn’t make junk

- There is not a one of us here that He didn’t make…with value and purpose

- Go with me to Eph 2:10 (Don’t READ YET)

- God made all of us and He expects, desires, looks for fruit

- He looks for us to produce something through Him in this life

- I don’t want to stand before God empty handed…I really don’t

- I want to stand before Him, not on my merit or worth, but upon the finished work of Christ

- But I will be held accountable for what I did with my life

- Eph 2:10 (Read)

- Amy was created by God…and when God planned Amy, He planned some good works that Amy was going to do

- 1 Per 4:10 says, Each of us has received a gift and it says we should minister that gift and serve that gift as good stewards

- As those who realize we are special and we have been given something and we are to minister that gift

- First point is then, We are all owned…we belong to Him

- The second point is…

2. He created us for Fruitfulness

- He created us to serve…to serve through Him, other people

- All that you see will pass away but the only thing that will enter eternity is people

- The bible says all this stuff will pass away…even the elements will melt

- If you are living your life for the stuff of this earth…you are really foolish!

- My dodge charger---an idol in my life---lost it---usually what we worship destroys us if it is not God

- Satan dangles the things of this world in front of us like bait on a hook

- That he can get our attention…our loyalty to things…and not God

- But God made you with a purpose to fulfill on this earth…but here’s what we do

- He sends His servants by…maybe it’s a pastor and he preaches ’your life is not your own…

- …Not only did He create you but He bought you and your life is not your own’

- And we rebel…we say bless God…we get stiff necked and we say ’I am going to do it my way’

- So now maybe a Sunday School teacher comes along next or a deacon or another brother or sister in Christ

- And they say, ’Dustin…we have been really praying for you…are you doing okay

- And Dustin replies, "I am doing okay but even if I ain’t, it’s none of your business bucko…I’ll take care of it"

- What happened was this, God sent prophets and you know what they did? They killed every one of them.

- The prophets came and they had the Word of God and they said God is the owner and you’re the vineyard…

- You’re supposed to be bringing forth fruit and your just consuming everything on yourself.

- You know how to tell if you’re a prophet? They kill you…you don’t believe me…let’s look at that.

- Turn to II Chron 36:16

- Has God sent someone to you that cares about you and all you did was spit in their face?

- Read verse

- Now listen, you can get away with that for a season, but the bible says God is not mocked and what you sew you are going to reap

- Whatever you choose to do will bring forth fruit…if we sew to the flesh…we will reap the destruction of the flesh

- But if we sew to the Spirit we will have a life of Spiritual things

- But they wouldn’t listen so the wrath of the Lord arose against His people until there was no remedy

- A punishment that could not be averted

- Over in Acts 7:52, Steven speaking to the Jewish court says, Which one of the prophets did your fathers not kill?

- Ooo! That’s kinda mean.

- So the point is, God sends people by with a message…we get stiff necked…we get haughty…and were gonna do it our way.

- So finally, He sends His Son

3. The Final Offer

- Go with me to Heb 1:1-2, and that’s what Christmas is (DON’T READ)

- God tried to send people…He sent creation…stars and wonders should of brought us to Him…with this marvelous creation is a creator

- But you know what we did…we worshipped the creature instead of the creator

- We worshipped the Sun, we worshipped the moon, we worshipped the seasons

- We made statues of all types of creation and worshipped them

- And then He sent His law…the ten commandments…and many rebelled against them…and others became religious…

- And turned His Ten Commandments into 3,000 + laws…then HE sent prophets…and we killed them

- So now, His last offer…. His highest best appearance…He sent Himself as a man…the man we call THE SON OF GOD.


- TELL A STORY: The Story of man and wife -- go to Christmas eve service man not for sure what he believes any more about this Christmas stuff (EXPOUND)

- The man finally understood

- Creation was sent…prophets…the commandments…but we did not understand…finally, God sent His highest messenger…Himself

- The bible says He shall be called "Emmanual" means God with Us

- He will literally be God’s nature itself clothed in a man’s suit, so we can touch it and understand it walking among us

- That’s what Hebrews says in chapter 1:1-2 (READ)

- He is the express Image of God’s nature

- EXAMPLE Ring imprint in clay

- It says Jesus is the highest messenger, but not only the highest…the FINAL one.

- So now the question is, What do you do with HIM?

- Well, they rejected Him…but He’s come now for your life…He came a was born in a manger that He might die to redeem you

- What will you do with Him?

- Close with this verse: John 3:17, 36

- God didn’t come to condemn you…you were already condemned…but He came that the world can be saved.

- Will we receive Him or will we push Him away? This is the true Christmas Story…He is waiting for you…Will you receive Him…Will you come?

- Pray