Summary: 90% of people become Christians because personal Evangelism. This series equips and challenges the church in sharing their faith with others.

Personal Evangelism II

“Practices for Effective Evangelism”

By: Pastor Donny Granberry

Good Morning. If you are our guest, allow me to welcome you to Central.

Let’s make our profession; This is my bible, God’s holy word…

This past Sunday we began challenging the church to refocus its efforts on the purpose of Christ.

The Bible informs us that Christ came, not to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be what Christians called “saved” but others identify this term as becoming a follower of Christ.

The bottom line is that we become followers of Christ by asking Jesus to be the Lord of their lives.

When we become followers of Christ we have a mandate to share what God has done for us and to lead others to the same life-changing power of Christ.

Last Sunday, I began to challenge our church concerning “Personal Evangelism,” and came to the conclusion that this is a mandate from God to every believer.

I shared how my family was affected and came to Christ as a direct result of personal evangelism.

May I remind you this morning, it has been said that a church that does not evangelize will fossilize.

I shared that most Christians want to be effective witnesses, but they feel inadequate, intimidated, or even fearful about sharing their faith, especially to someone who does not have a Christian background.

This week, we will visit another segment on personal Evangelism and open pathways on “How To Be Effective Witnesses.”

Colossians 4:2-6 The Message

2Pray diligently. Stay alert, with your eyes wide open in gratitude. 3Don’t forget to pray for us, that God will open doors for telling the mystery of Christ, even while I’m locked up in this jail. 4Pray that every time I open my mouth I’ll be able to make Christ plain as day to them.

5Use your heads as you live and work among outsiders. Don’t miss a trick. Make the most of every opportunity. 6Be gracious in your speech. The goal is to bring out the best in others in a conversation, not put them down, not cut them out.

How can I be an effective witness for Christ?


I. Pray for Open Doors

Verse 3 - … that God will open doors for telling the mystery of Christ.

Is is essential to realize that we must pray that God will open up opportunities to share our faith.

Unless God works in peoples hearts and lives, our works will not produce lasting results.

In the book of Acts we find a wonderful example of this.

(Acts 16:14)

Paul and his companions went to a riverbank to pray and sat down and began speaking to a group of women.

A woman named Lydia, a seller of fabrics and a worshiper of God was listening, and the Lord opened her heart to respond to the words spoken by Paul.

Paul spoke the message, but God opened Lydia’s heart.

We have the responsibility, and may I add privilege, to share the gospel, but only God can open a person’s heart.

We need to realize “God given opportunities.”

You cannot go through a closed door, only an open door.

At times people will decide, “If the door is not open, I will kick it in.”


I remember when our children were small, and Marlys and I would set them in a high chair and feed them. OK, Marlys more than me.

If they did not want to eat, you could put all the food in their mouth you wanted, but they would spit it out.

Also, if we tried to feed them something they did not want, they would spit it out.

Now, was there any nutritional value to them for what they spit out?

Some things that they would not eat then, they will eat and enjoy today.

At times, we attempt to force feed the lost with the gospel and we do not understand why they spit it out.

You will never get anywhere with someone by attempting to shove the gospel down their throat.

Why? The door is not open, and only God can open the door.

The world has more winnable people than ever before, but it is possible to come out of a ripe field empty handed.

Instead, it is much more effective to pray for our family and friends, to live a Godly example before them, and to love them into a relationship with Christ.

How can I be an effective witness for Christ? Pray for open doors, and then when the door is open, …

II. Make the Message Clear

Verse 4 – Every time I open my mouth I’ll be able to make Christ plain as day to them.


Gary Farmer was not open to the gospel. I would share little things with him, but most of all, Rick and I would just shower him with kindness and try to live Jesus to him

His mother got sick and passed away. She was a good Christian lady and Gary knew that there was only one way he would ever see her again.

He went to church with a neighbor a few months later on Easter Sunday.

He went with the intention to give his heart to the Lord.

The preacher spoke that morning on the subject of deer hunting and gave no opportunity for people to give their hearts to the Lord.

Our message must be clear.

Our message is not deer hunting or any other outdoor item.

Our message is not gardening.

Our message is not Macy’s Red Apple Sale.

Our message is not home décor.

Our message is not politics.

Those may open a door for conversation, but our message is Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.

You might say, I am not a strong authority on the word of God.

If you are a strong authority on receiving the love of God, you can open your mouth and He will speak for you.

The disciples were mostly common, uneducated men, yet after Christ’s ascension into Heaven, Peter, a fisherman, became one the most prominent voices in the New Testament Church.

His best known sermon was preached on the day of Pentecost, but Luke records four other messages of Simon Peter in the book of Acts. (Acts 3, Acts 4, Acts 5, Acts 10)

If we were to analyze each message we would find two basic truths.

A. Who Is Jesus?

This is important, especially today.

The secular media usually present Jesus as a fictional character, a historical person, a great teacher, or as a prophet – but only a man.

We must communicate to the lost that Jesus was more that a prophet and teacher.

• We must help them to know that He was God in human form.

• That He was conceived of the Holy Spirit.

• Born of a virgin.

• Lived a sinless life.

• Died on the cross for our sins.

• That He conquered death by rising again to offer us forgiveness of sin and the gift of eternal life.

John the Baptist saw Him and declared, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.”

John the beloved said, “Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.”

Simon Peter saw Him from the boat and declared, “My Lord and My God.”

He earlier declared to Him, “You are the Christ, the son of the Living God.”

The woman at the well declared His as “The Living Water.”

The woman caught in sin declared him to be the Restorer of the Soul.

Blind Bartamaus declared him to be “The Healer.”

Lazarus declared Him as “The Life Giver.”

The Roman Centurion said, “Truly, this was the Son of God.”

The first truth is, “Who is Jesus?”

The second truth is…

B. Why Did He Give His Life

Again I refer you to the words of John the Baptist, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.”

The sins of mankind are the reason for Jesus’ death on the cross.

The existence of the cross establishes two facts: All are sinners, and personally, we can do nothing about it.

We sing the song: O’ how He loves you and me, He gave His life, what more could He give, …

Greater love hath no man, than he would lay down his life for a friend, you are my friend.

We have a memorial in Washington DC called the tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

This monument is guarded 24/7 365.

It stands as a reminder to the unknown soldiers who gave their life for our freedom.

The price for freedom is great.

Can I remind you today of a hill far away, called Golgotha, where stood an old rugged cross, and emblem of the sins of mankind, where Christ suffered and died, that we might be forgiven and freed from the wages of sin.

How could it ever happen that we, who have been the recipients of so much, not share the good things that Christ has done for us?