Summary: this two part series looks at Johns life and relates how we can begin to live as God intended thru the transforming power of the Holy Spirit


John is the brother of James… the son of Zebedee and also known to Jesus as a son of Thunder… refers to himself as the disciple whom Jesus loved…

We learned from the life of James his brother a lot of lessons from James’ consequences and yet just as we found in James a willing mentor for us today…

we find in his brother John a willing mentor for us to grab ahold of and learn how to walk in our relationship with Jesus…

John 13:1-30 = read and pray

the first thing we can learn about John is that…


the upper room that hosted the last supper with Jesus and His disciples was filled with various kinds of emotions that night; love, joy, sadness, confusion and suspicion.

Jesus washed Peters feet; that was a sight that no one in the room would soon forget. He exposed the one who would betray Him, and He instituted a new understanding of the bread and wine.

the entire ceremony took only hours to accomplish, but the evening seemed like a lifetime.

Some of the twelve were vying for positions of greatness in the Kingdom (including Johns brother James) toher just strained to grasp an understanding of what was really happening, but John just drew closer to the chest of Jesus…

The disciple whom Jesus loved was reclining on Jesus’ bosom. John 13:23

the apostle whom Jesus loved leaned on His chest and felt His Heart… He knew he was in the right place at the right time and he took advantage of what Jesus had to offer and he drew so close that he could hear His heart… He wanted to know the heart of Jesus

John knew so well the heart of his Master and when it came time to commission the care of Mary His mother, to someone; Jesus called on John.

When Jesus saw His mother standing there beside the disciple whom He loved, He said to her, “Woman here is your son.” John 19:26

Every day that John cared for Mary until she died must have been a reminder of the trust that Jesus had shown in this disciples love.

John didn’t seek glory IN HIS KINGDOM he rather wanted to feel the glory of the presents of the King… in Jesus’ life John tried to draw close to Him…

he was there during the intimate times of the Masters ministry not just the famous times… in His life and even in Jesus’ death John was determined to know His heart… to vie for the right position…

She ran and found Peter and the disciple whom Jesus loved, and said, “I don’t know where they have taken His body.” Peter and the other disciple ran to the tomb to see. John 20:2-3

it was love that drew John to the tomb that first resurrection day, and it was love that caused him to cling to the Master on the seashore after He had risen from the dead.

John 21:7, 20 = Peter looks over and there is John right behind him… did he follow Peter into the water? we are not too sure but he was right there to the surprise of Peter…

John ad dedicated his life to one thing, knowing the heartbeat of Jesus. He leaned on his breast during His earthly ministry, and now he could still feel the pulse of the Lamb of God, as he served Him daily.

Every Christian has the opportunity, daily, to feel the heartbeat of Jesus, as they yield to the Spirit within them and experience the pulse of His love.

This process takes time and effort, and a commitment to love and to be found leaning on His chest so close that you hear his heartbeat……

Do you feel His heartbeat today? Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find. His pulse is only a prayer away…


In fact, James, Peter, and John, who were known as pillars of the church…Galatians 2:9

The apostle John, among others in the early church, was known as a pillar in the Christian community. One definition for the word pillar is: “one who is a main support of an institution or movement.”

This clearly defines the life and ministry of John, from his call on the shores of Galilee to the visions of the book of Revelation. He was a mainstay of the infant church, giving direction and leadership to the young Bride of Christ, helping Her to grow into Her destiny.

A pillar is also defined as a structure or support that bears weight in a building. Just as Solomon built two bronze pillars to support the temple, so there are human pillars that support the Church of Jesus Christ.

He erected the pillars at the portico of the temple. The pillar to the south he named Jakin, and the one to the north Boaz…and so the work on the pillars was completed. 1Kings7:21-22

Solomon named his pillars, Jachin, which means, He establishes, and Boaz which means In Him is strength. The pillar and the support of truth is the Church, and He who established the Church is Christ… The Church & Christ.

John penned in the book of Revelation that the promise for the overcomer was that God would make him a pillar in His temple.

Revelation 3:12

This promise is not just for the Apostle John or Peter but for every Christian who desires to be an over-comer. Over-coming in the Kingdom is a daily submitting of one’s spirit, mind and body to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

1Timothy 3:14-15

The kind of pillar that God is talking about is not made of stone and bronze, but of a human heart given wholly to discipleship, growing into the maturity of the Head who is Christ.

To be a pillar in the house of God is to relinquish citizenship of this present world, and to become a resident of Heaven, embracing Jesus as absolute King.

Do you see yourself as a pillar? if not make whatever adjustments are necessary in your life tonight to become the pillar that you are called to become.


Acts 4:1-19

a miracle had taken place; this fact they could not contest, but they could administer damage control measures. The Sanhedrin summoned Peter and John to appear before them. What an intimidating group of men they were.

This ruling body of Jewish leaders consisted of 70 men revered in the community and possessing sovereign control over the affairs of the Hebrew community in Israel.

To appear before this body was to stand in a semi-circle with 35 men on either side of you, the scribe and the president of the Sanhedrin in front of you, and countless students of the law behind you. It was in this setting that John and his companion were publicly charged not to speak any more in the name of Jesus.

It would be easier not to breathe or eat, but to be forbidden to preach the Gospel, that was impossible. John would not be silenced. They may scourge him; they may even put him to death, but as long as he had breath in his body he would preach the good news of Jesus Christ.

Yet when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, for I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel. If I preach voluntarily, I have a reward; if not voluntarily, I am simply discharging the trust committed to me. 1 Corinthians 9:16-17

The Master had entrusted him with the stewardship of the solution to man’s greatest need, salvation. To refuse to share that key was to let thousands perish, never hearing the message of the cross. May it never be.

They may plunge a sword into his heart, but with his dying breath his executors would be given the opportunity to accept Jesus.

But if I say, “I will not mention him or speak anymore of his name,” his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up by my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot. Jeremiah 20:9

John, like Jeremiah, had the fire of God pent up in his bones and like Paul he said, “Woe to me if I preach not the Gospel of Christ.” Are Christians today as committed to sharing the good news of Jesus as these men were…

Or have we just eased into a philosophy that says that we live in a democracy and everyone has the right to believe as they wish?

God holds us accountable for the stewardship of the Gospel. Is the gospel like fore in your bones? Ask God for this condition…