Summary: Resisting and Standing Firm in Spiritual Warfare means being clothed properly and being armed properly.


Scripture Text: Ephesians 6:10-17

Introduction: Do you see your daily struggles as spiritual struggles? When is an argument with your best friend…just an argument? Is it just an argument…. Or is it a test of your character? Is it a spiritual test?

Prepare you for when you are attacked, because it is not a matter of ‘if;’ but a matter of ‘when.’ Maybe you do not realize that you are under attack? In fact, the passage speaks to the “schemes of the devil.” It is first a reference to deceitfulness when the word “scheme” is used; and secondly, a reference to slander when the word “devil” is used. In fact, if you were to say…. “You don’t believe in the devil?” Then I dare say that you have fallen for his schemes already…you are deceived!

Propositional Statement: Resisting and Standing Firm in Spiritual Warfare means being clothed properly and being armed properly.

I. The Full Armor of God (v. 13) It’s a complete set! The armor is meant to symbolize putting on the virtues of Christian character. Not only that, but sufficed to say; the items of armor are meant to protect and provide for you in warfare. "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ," (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)

A. What is the armor of God?

1. The NASB says, “having girded your loins with truth;” which simply means tightening up your loose clothes or encircling a belt around yourself. The belt simply represents being girded, strengthened, or encircled in truth. Ephesians 4:14-15 says that we are no longer “tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine” …. “in deceitful scheming” …. “but by speaking the truth in love….”

2. Next we have put on the “breastplate of righteousness” which simply means doing the ‘right thing.’ 2 Corinthians 7:1 says, “" Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God."

This breastplate speaks to the protective values of righteousness and virtue. 1 Thessalonians 5:8 says, “But since we are of the day, let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, ….”

3. Finally, we also tie up our shoes. The passage reads, “and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;” which primarily means preparation. The shoes that Paul had in mind were like cleats…they had spikes on the bottom so that the wearer could be firm in stance….prepared to stand. Of what battle does Paul have in mind when he speaks of ‘shodding our feet with the gospel?’ Your faith can protect you from evil. 1 Peter 1:3-5 says this: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.”

Doubt sees the obstacles—Faith sees the way.

Doubt sees the darkest night—Faith sees the day.

Doubt dreads to take a step—Faith soars on high.

Doubt questions, “Who believes?”—Faith answers, “I.” —Unknown

Armies in ancient times were always clothed with belts, breastplates, and shoes. But they also had to take up arms when danger was imminent. Therefore, we are told to resist and stand firm by putting on, and taking up. But, what do we take up?

1. Ephesians first mentions the shield of faith; which more precisely is our trust in Jesus. The shield of trust does not reflect the power of the church; but your (the individual’s) ability to trust God completely. One commentator (Gibbon) relates how the “relaxation of discipline and the disuse of exercise rendered the soldiers less willing and less able to support the fatigues of the service. They complained of the weight of their armor, and successively obtained permission to lay aside their cuirasses and helmets (Marvin Richardson Vincent, Word Studies in the New Testament Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 2002), 3:i-407; ch. 27).

How spiritually dangerous is it to set aside your shield of trust in Christ when you are in the middle of a struggle? The fiery darts are the temptations of the evil one. In ancient times, they would wet down their shields to help extinquish the flames. Marvin Richardson Vincent says, “Temptation is thus represented as impelled from a distance. Satan attacks by indirection — through good things from which no evil is suspected. There is a hint of its propagating power: one sin draws another in its track: the flame of the fire-tipped dart spreads. Temptation acts on susceptible material. Self-confidence is combustible (Marvin Richardson Vincent, Word Studies in the New Testament (Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 2002), 3:i-410).

I ask you this: “How completely believable do you find Jesus?” Romans 15:13 says, “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

2. Next we take up the “helmet of salvation.” This passage is meant for Christians, not those that need to be saved by the gospel; so why a helmet of salvation? You see, this passage is meant for all those times when you are deceived and slandered to the point of doubting your salvation. Oh, how many verses in Scripture attempt to encourage us in our faith. But here is a favorite: Romans 8:37-39 reads, “But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." When it comes to having ‘preparation in a gospel of peace;’ knowing that Jesus stands in our stead is amazingly comforting.

3. Finally, we take up the “sword of the Spirit;” which essentially translates to having a sincerity of heart. The sword was something of 6-18 inches. Can you just imagine a big ol’ King Arthur sword being used in a precise surgery? Hebrews 4:12 says, "For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." The Spirit of God is working upon the hearts of men and women today! Ephesians 5:26 tells us that the word “sanctifies” or cleanses, and is so powerful that the Spirit of God present the church “in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless.” Does the sword of the Spirit reveal you as blameless in the thoughts and intentions of your heart?

Transition: All of these articles of protection and provision are here for us to put on and take up. In so doing, we will be able to resist and stand firm throughout the struggle. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 says; "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ," So let’s take a look at the next phrase of verse 13; “resistance in the evil day.”

II. Resistance in the Evil Day (v. 13)

A. Resisting involves submitting to God. James 4:7 says, "Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." What does James describe as submission? Look in the previous verses: “What is the source of quarrels and conflicts among you? Is not the source your pleasures that wage war in your members?.... God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” Most relationship problems are caused because the pleasure of one member is not the pleasure of the other. Putting another above and ahead of yourself is the key to humility. It also is the key to overcoming the struggle. But, resistance is described as needed “in the evil day.” What does that mean?

B. Resistance involves actively opposing evil. Evil is described as many things: It may simply be immorality. Guilt tells us that we have done something wrong; but when it is used by the enemy….it is devastating. In fact, some people experience guilt when they are not guilty of anything. The Bible also describes evil; among the many ways; as sickness or disease. And Luke 11:34 says,“The eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is clear, your whole body also is full of light; but when it is bad, your body also is full of darkness."

-An earlier passage has a great reference to explain what is meant by an ‘evil day.’ 1 Thessalonians 5:8 says, “But since we are of the day, let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, ….” The distinction is made in Scripture of the light of day and the darkness of night. The darkness of night represents evil and the light of day represents righteousness. So since we are of righteousness, let us be sober! You can’t never tell me that you have not had a day of darkness… evil day!

Transition: In verse 13, Not only are we told to resist; but “having done everything, to stand firm.” What do the phrases, “having done everything” and “stand firm” mean?

III. Having Done Everything Stand Firm (v. 13)

A. It means: Being prepared and making the most of your time. Ephesians 5:15-16 tells us, “be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil.”

1. Standing firm speaks to an ‘upright’ stance as opposed to lying down. Although a stance of standing represents life in Scripture, most passages allude not to the stance, but to the position. In other words, where have you positioned yourself? Where are you established? What have you selected or chosen? Be prepared, because what you are grounded in will determine how well you do in a struggle. Literally, this phrase means “to guide the feet properly” ….to direct behavior in an appropriate manner…and comprehensively addresses everything. Luke 1:17 uses the phrase, “make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”

Personally, I have seen another application to this phrase. In mixing trite little sayings, I would say; ‘count the cost before you open up a can of worms.’ “Having done everything” means that you are prepared for what you are about to encounter. Standing firm demands preparation!

If I could emphasize one of the most important things today…it would be preparation. (Read Danny Lovett..Rod of the Spirit.. Page 132 and bottom Paragraph of 135//This is simply an account of a tenacious struggle in life. In this case, the author’s wife died in his arms. What a testimony of spiritual warfare in his life as he was tempted to be mad at God.)

B. It means: Not making any provision for evil. Romans 13:14 says, “put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts.” You have no business messing with evil. Sometimes in my struggles, I find that I am in trouble because what seemingly was a harmless thing; was in reality a deception that God has revealed to me in my struggle. Not only that, your failings will be foisted upon you in a struggle. How will you carry them?

Transition: I told you that resisting and standing firm in Spiritual Warfare means being clothed properly and being armed properly.

Conclusion: Resistance means submitting to God and actively opposing evil. Standing firm means that we prepare ourselves and are in a proper stance. We do this by putting on ‘or’ clothing ourselves with truth, righteousness, and the gospel of peace. This is the meaning of ‘Put on’ in verse 11. Having encircled ourselves with the belt of truth; having put on the breastplate of righteousness; and having tied down our spiked shoes that prepare us in the gospel of peace; we must take up trust in God; security of salvation; and sincerity of heart and mind. This is the meaning of ‘take up’ in verse 13. When a struggle begins, we are already clothed in truth and righteousness; but when the danger is imminent the helmet, shield, and sword need to be employed. The helmet protects your head, the shield ….your body, and the sword ….your spirit.

Job was one person in Scripture that had a particularly difficult bout of spiritual warfare. “Through all his suffering, his physical ailments, his wife and close friends turning against him, and his bewilderment as to why all this was happening to him, Job never lost his trust in God and thus showed his godliness. His attitude is best summed up in his words in Job 13:15: “Though He slay me, I will hope in Him.”(John MacArthur, 1 Timothy (Chicago: Moody Press, 1995), 48.)

• James 1:12 says, “Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.”

TRANSITION: In everything that I have covered today….I failed to reveal one decisive element of intelligence that is revealed in a careful reading of these passages.

All of the Christian virtues that we are to practice in spiritual warfare are reflected in Jesus.

•Verse 10 tells us, “Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might”

•Verse 11 tells us to “put on the full armor of WHO? God.

•He has not fallen for any scheme or deception of Satan. Even though Jesus has been slandered by Satan, all of the “rulers, powers, world forces of darkness and spiritual forces of wickedness” have been defeated by Him. Colossians 2:15 says, “When he had disarmed the rulers and authorities, He made a public display of them, having triumphed over them through Him.” 1 Peter 3:22 tells us that Jesus, “who is at the right hand of God, having gone into heaven, after angels and authorities and powers had been subjected to Him.”

•The battle is won! 2 Corinthians 1:20-22 says, "For as many as are the promises of God, in Him they are yes; therefore also through Him is our Amen to the glory of God through us. Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and anointed us is God, who also sealed us and gave us the Spirit in our hearts as a pledge."

Because the enemy is defeated; may we not lose heart. May we be clothed like Jesus:

•When the coming of Jesus was announced it was said that “righteousness will be the belt about His loins, and faithfulness the belt about His waist.”

•in the middle of the lampstands, John saw one “like the son of man, clothed in a robe reaching to his feet, and girded across his chest with a golden sash.” Speaking of Jesus, ….“he put on righteousness like a breastplate, and a helmet of salvation on His head; And he put on garments of vengeance for clothing….”

•Concerning the gospel of peace; upon His coming it was pronounced… “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.”

•As for God, “His way is blameless; the word of the Lord is tested; He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him.”